60 day suspension for being a repeat wellness policier.Fine, WrestleMania 2000 gets a C-.
60 day suspension for being a repeat wellness policier.Fine, WrestleMania 2000 gets a C-.
MAKE STEPH LOOK STRONGI know what shirt I'll be wearing:
please ladies, not all at once.
Fine, WrestleMania 2000 gets a C-.
Obviously it's Ric FlairIs that... is that Cody R in the Impact Zone?
.Obviously it'sRicDavid Flair
Charlotte vs Natalya.When's the last time we had a submission match?
Obviously it's Ric Flair
I enjoyed my 20 hours with NMS, but god damn they've given players absolutely zero reason to keep playing. It's a 60 dollar coaster for me at the moment.What's up with No Man's Sky?
I enjoyed No Man's Sky but man this game had no business being a full priced release
I wonder if there's someone out there who's a No Man's Sky, Cleveland Browns, DCCU, and Monday Night Raw fan. I'm just trying to picture the maximum Ls one person can take in a single year
You'd think we'd learn from all the way back in the PS2 era being worked with bullshit E3 cg demos but...NOPE
silent hill shaking head.gif
Yeah, I went into No Man's Sky with lowered expectations because all I really wanted was some "explore strange new worlds" shit. Instead I got the same world in different color pallets in a game that revolves around dumbed down Minecraft mechanics
Even without any real deep gameplay, NMS is a game I could've enjoyed for hundreds of hours if only there was more to actually see. Felt like I'd run through all the planet permutations after a dozen or so jumps. Sad.
You'd think we'd learn from all the way back in the PS2 era being worked with bullshit E3 cg demos but...NOPE
silent hill shaking head.gif
I mean the demos showed what was in the game. Problem was is that what was on the surface was almost the entire game.You'd think we'd learn from all the way back in the PS2 era being worked with bullshit E3 cg demos but...NOPE
silent hill shaking head.gif
Data get out of gaming side, its not safe over there
I wonder if there's someone out there who's a No Man's Sky, Cleveland Browns, DCCU, and Monday Night Raw fan. I'm just trying to picture the maximum Ls one person can take in a single year
Is that... is that Cody R in the Impact Zone?
marks, "ALL FOOTAGE IS RUNNING IN GAME" is the new CG trailer.
It's all fucking bullshit until launch day. All of it. At worst, it's No Man's Sky where they're straight up showing you shit that isn't going to be in the game, at best they're running it on a fucking monster PC.
never believe an E3 in game demo presentation.
In 20 years will you remember where you were when you heard that SmackDown beat raw in the ratings for the first time in forever today?
Think he's a Bears fan?
In 20 years will you remember where you were when you heard that SmackDown beat raw in the ratings for the first time in forever today?
2002 all over againIn 20 years will you remember where you were when you heard that SmackDown beat raw in the ratings for the first time in forever today?
Give a hour to Russo and let him go crazy.