Dolph's most recent Insta post is books he's reading
The Libertarian Mind, and Ann Coulter's new Trump book
Remember how excited this thread was when Dolph won the belt
Interwebs say Dolphs contract runs out next month.
Good. Fail at comedy clubs and away from TV
So he's going to Raw, brother?Interwebs say Dolphs contract runs out next month.
Maybe just need some comedy bits?
Interwebs say Dolphs contract runs out next month.
Ziggler might be leaving?Interwebs say Dolphs contract runs out next month.
Nah, Gedo will offer him millions and put the title on him instantly so he cna hot shot it back and forth with Okada.
Okada will be a 16 time world champion before Cena
BewareTheBatsie, you stole my heat in the other thread, brother.
I don't hate him like most, but the Lana storyline was brutal.When did Ziggler start losing it for you guys?
I made your words a meme! Now we can all use it in the future to appear like intellectuals and not boring old marks.
I'm guessing I'll be missing out on the Power Rankings next time, huh?
Shootember: I can't think of many things that would make me not only stop watching, but also actively avoid, New Japan. But picking up Dolph fucking Ziggler is absolutely at the top
I don't hate him like most, but the Lana storyline was brutal.
Is it clean if LIJ make multiple run-ins to help Naito?Picking him up and having him beat Naito clean would have me on the record calling them WWE-tier bad and having them ranked under TNA: Asylum Years
When did Ziggler start losing it for you guys?
What about that classic last month at Summerslam?!Ziggler died for me when I noticed that he wasn't going to stop his trend of zany overselling. I can't remember a single good match that he's ever had.
Netflix definitely, the original programming is too good, Luke Cage is going to kill.Two things:
1. What did you guys think of the Flapjack Norton promo?
2. I only have $ for one subscription service: Network or Netflix. I can't decide.
Is it clean if LIJ make multiple run-ins to help Naito?
Two things:
1. What did you guys think of the Flapjack Norton promo?
2. I only have $ for one subscription service: Network or Netflix. I can't decide.
Ziggler died for me when I noticed that he wasn't going to stop his trend of zany overselling. I can't remember a single good match that he's ever had.
What about that classic last month at Summerslam?!
Not without Sunday Night Heatbut guys, i thought the wwe network was "like netflix, but better"
Thought so, good ppvSurvivor serous 02
Ziggler died for me when I noticed that he wasn't going to stop his trend of zany overselling. I can't remember a single good match that he's ever had.
It's time to go to bed buddy.He died for you doing the only thing that kept him barely alive in my eyes.
It's almost poetic, well if poetry were on calibre with his promo "skills".
Speaking of which I present to you "the ballad of Dog Ziggles"
Hi I'm Dolph Ziggler
my promos are about throwing a quibbler
I've had to scratch and claw
but that's because my character is a bore
I really shouldn't brag
because my finisher is called the Fuckin' Zig Zag
My WHC reign was such a fraud
That i'm more remembered for the Spirit Squad