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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin' 2016 |OT2| Sometimes You Just Need to Shoot for a Double



Should have pinned 'em both at the same time after that.


Everything I'm hearing about the PROGRESS show makes it feel really special, which is impressive given the card is all homegrown guys, zero imports. They are definitely building something really important, if they can make the yearly Brixton show that cliched "Wrestlemania of X" it could be a unique event on the indie calendar.

And I will 100% be going to it, to see Haskins defend his belt against whoever after a year long reign, right?


yes but just like Jeffery Jarrett-kun he just the other guy in the match, a solid hand, a good base for the other real star, like that Hiroki Goto!
Alvarez is reporting that two minutes before the time hit 11, a decision got made to add another ten minutes to the match. I can buy it, makes sense given the Jericho thing did drag on a little.

Also they aired a YouTube exclusive that shows HHH picking Steph up and she's all happy, so I guess the two are working together?
If Charlotte was just gonna win anyway they should have done it with that double pin moonsault, damn, let her pin them both, looked cool as. And that's coming from someone sick of seeing Charlotte win.

Instead they do a stupid 'mixed up' spot we've seen a million times already.


Story of the night.

I don't understand New Day, so stupid, why are they the good guys? Why do the comentators rip Owens to shreds for having outside help etc but just giggle and jive along to the New Day's shit? :| So confusing. So boring.

What exactly is f**king stupid Reigns gonna do with a US Title run? Rusev has so much more personality and fun to watch, why couldn't he be related to Dwayne? :( RIP the 7 year title reign. :( :( :( Again, I don't get why he wasn't booked as the face in the feud, everything he did was just to get revenge for Reigns being a dick at his wedding celebration and insulting Rusev and his bride. :|

Cesaro don't kill yourself for this shit, please, it is not worth it, please just stop! Awesome match you just knew the WWE was thinking oh no this is going over too well we better add a screwy finish!





It's good to see that they are doing a 2016 remix of 2004 Raw, it's always important to respect your own history like that. All Hail.
I'll be honest. I'm a huge Rusev fan but his US title run was pretty awful. Roman's firmly in the midcard now, he can have a good feud with a few people now. It's the best thing they could do with him. They won't get rid of him entirely and this way he isn't going to be main-eventing for the big title.


A review of CoC said:
This was a trainwreck that felt plucked right out of a Jeff Jarrett NWA title run. Over the last three years WWE has established a universe where the wrestlers don’t matter. Wrestlers don’t dictate the fate of the World title – authority figures do. Be it Seth Rollins, Sheamus, Randy Orton or now Kevin Owens – the champion is handpicked by HHH or Stephanie McMahon. So in that universe the only characters that truly matter are those two. Even if a HHH or Stephanie run in doesn’t happen, the spectre of it hangs over each and every title match. The crowd are waiting for the people that matter, the real stars to show up. The audience doesn’t care about Seth Rollins or Kevin Owens as characters. They don’t support Rollins in his quest to regain what he feels is rightfully his or root for Owens to get his comeuppance. Hell, they don’t even believe the characters. They chanted “You deserve it” at top heel Kevin Owens after he had the World title handed to him on a silver platter by the gracious and all powerful HHH. No, Rollins and Owens and everybody that came before (and likely everybody that will come after for the foreseeable future) are simply empty ciphers for authority figure strife. They are pawns in somebody else’s game. A means to an end.

And when characters are repeatedly treated like that you get responses like you got here. The crowd were apathetic at best, barely even rising for an announce table spot. One of the largest reactions came from a crotch chop – a relic from the 1990’s associated with the real star of the show. The closing sequence was a messy overbooked trainwreck that only served to further weaken Owens’ credibility as champion (if that was even possible). The work was bland. The crowd didn’t care. The finish sucked. The booking sucked. There are no compelling stories coming out of this match. Just the same old McMahon family drama story we’ve had for the last 20 years. In perpetuity. Until the end of time.

I'm pretty sure you could copy paste this for every main event for the last 3 years and be somewhat close.

Jarrett isn't the first to wear glasses or bring a prop to the ring. The reaching here is insane dude

When I started referring to Jarrett as a secret weeaboo, I thought people might have assumed I was joking.
Apparently it was a botch. Sheamus landed on his neck and told the ref he couldn't continue. Likely a stinger. That's why Cesaro looked so pissed.

Really? Where did you hear this? I just assumed it was a work.

If true, that sucks, especially for Sheamus and Cesaro. I guess that would explain why Cesaro said FUCK when they got separated. That was a hell of a match. Would have been lit if Sheamus actually ran back to the ring to finish the match.


I hope they keep the Cesaro/Sheamus thing going to mock the 50/50 criticism. Double count-out, double DQ, simultaneous pin, do it all. And then finally give someone the win at the next PPV.


I hope they keep the Cesaro/Sheamus thing going to mock the 50/50 criticism. Double count-out, double DQ, simultaneous pin, do it all. And then finally give someone the win at the next PPV.

wrestling is at its best when commenting on real complaints about the product. one might even say its the future of wrestling storytelling.


If Miz and Maryse were on Raw, Miz would be laid out by Hunter and Maryse would be yelled at and slapped by Steph

All fucking hail.
Apparently last night was Seth's 15th straight PPV title match in a row since 'Mania 31. At this rate I'm getting more sick of him then Roman. Doesn't help that this face turn is laughably bad.
Watched the TJ Perkins entrance and realized you can barely hear the music. So much announcer is piped in over everything else. Maybe I'm miss remembering but I feel like you used to hear the themes really kicking.
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