I kind of enjoyed the Neese vs TJP match last night. The tag match (as with all the cruiserweight tag matches they threw out during the tournament) felt pointless.
What I think we're seeing here is proof that you can't make a champion with a limited audience like a Network only show gets and expect the WWE universe at large to suddenly respect them as such.
They're really doing the CW a disservice with how they're introducing them. Their in ring action came off as something special within the confines of the CW Classic, but on Monday Night Raw, they're nobodies. They are wrestlers the majority of fans have never seen or heard of and they're coming in just putting on matches. It's almost like filler. Might as well name the CW division the FFF division. Flippy Filler Funtime.
What I think we're seeing here is proof that you can't make a champion with a limited audience like a Network only show gets and expect the WWE universe at large to suddenly respect them as such.
They're really doing the CW a disservice with how they're introducing them. Their in ring action came off as something special within the confines of the CW Classic, but on Monday Night Raw, they're nobodies. They are wrestlers the majority of fans have never seen or heard of and they're coming in just putting on matches. It's almost like filler. Might as well name the CW division the FFF division. Flippy Filler Funtime.