block tower
The hell is an anime game.
What constitutes an anime game?
game w/anime, or game w/anime feel
Is anime a genre of games now?
I sure as hell do!I think gaf takes Persona 4 pretty seriously.
Is Ni No Kuni evidence that more original and deeper anime games have a market on consoles?
So Titanfall?
What constitutes an anime game?
Depends on how much they pander. Ni no Kuni doesn't feel like pandering while Senran Kagura feels different
Nah, it's just way too disgusting and sexually offensive.NoFunAllowed.jpeg
debatable. It has the feel of anime, but it doesn't have actual anime in it.
Yea I don't think he means based on anything. Just something that has an japenese/anime feel. Or even art design.Also Ni no Kuni wasn't based on an anime, it was a new IP made through collaboration with Ghibli and Level 5.
Come on OP
Same with any other form of media. You don't take Barny the Purple dinosaur seriously, but you take a BBC documentary seriously. Anime have age ranges. I can't stand Shonen "boy" shit nowadays. Seinen "Adult" is what I usually enjoy. So yeah, Adult anime with dark themes should be taken seriously. However, Japan is obsessed with Kawaii these days. It is sad to look back at gems like Cowboy Bebop, Blue Gender, Votom, wondering to myself why those disappeared.
I'm not sure majority of GAF have played a wide enough breadth of 'game with a Japanese visual design' to make that kind of judgement.
Myself included.
What constitutes an anime game?
When games with anime style visuals are good, they are praised. Persona 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Ni No Kuni.
Problem is, like anime shows, there is a lot of dreck out there made to appeal to fringe fans who will just lap up anything that looks vaguely anime, and that shit is hard to take seriously.
All I know is that I never took any of the Naruto games seriously.
Then I tried one of the demos for a Naruto game from last year and it's one of the most gorgeous graphical games I've ever seen. I honestly feel like the visuals destroy NNK. It just literally looked like the cartoon. As faithful of a translation as South Park, but more impressive graphically.
I don't know anyone who respects those games though, and I didn't either until I saw that.
GAF would be so much better if everyone played Atelier games.
When games with anime style visuals are good, they are praised. Persona 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Ni No Kuni.
Problem is, like anime shows, there is a lot of dreck out there made to appeal to fringe fans who will just lap up anything that looks vaguely anime, and that shit is hard to take seriously.
Ask FGW.
GAF would be so much better if everyone played Atelier games.
With Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on PS3 and Ni No Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn on DS (Japan only) going on to sell a combined 1.4 million units worldwide; does that make a case for anime based games to be taken more seriously? It seems like many anime games are usually just bare-bones fighters or phoned in beat-em-ups or hack and slash games. Is Ni No Kuni evidence that more original and deeper anime games have a market on consoles?
EDIT: for clarification i will use this wiki definition as to what I'm referring to when i say "anime".
What do you mean by taken seriously?