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Silent Hill Downpour |OT| Rain, Rain, Go Away


Playing through this now. Having played a bit of the game pre-release, I'll admit my hopes weren't that high. Playing it now, I'm liking it more than I expected I would. Part of that, however, has come from finally accepting the fact that what I loved about Silent Hill is, and probably forever will be, gone.

Two things bother me though, and it's not just this game, but the current era of Silent Hill. First, combat is terrible in this. Not directly in relation to hitting a button and what comes from that, but the very concepts of combat Breakable weapons. Enemies that look too individual, and thus you feel like you're fighting clones over and over. Things like that.

Also, I really, really don't get the obsession with making the player run away from things in a panic while trying to figure out where to go next. It wasn't fun in Shattered Memories, it isn't fun here either. Ergh.


Neo Member
Well, I've had the game since Wednesday but haven't really had the chance to play it until tonight. I just got to the part where
you lose all of your gear after the bridge collapses underneath you
and I've got to say that I'm REALLY diggin' the game so far. I'm playing on Easy combat/Hard puzzles, and I hacked my way through
the two women right before the bridge
with ease. I guess I'm blessed at the fact that the technical issues aren't really hindering my experience at all. The whole atmosphere of
the diner, especially the Otherworld sequence
has been top notch and had me on the edge of my seat. Enjoying not having the prompts pop up, too, except for
the portion where you need to change outfits to get the key and police badge. The wheelchair tracks also had me on edge the entire time I was following them.

Oh right, and the
hand that pops up and runs down the window when you use the binoculars to look into the swinging tram? That got me pretty good as I was just lookin' at the scenery when I heard the smack and saw it.
I find this game is at its scariest when you're wandering around the town and find a random building to enter, and in that building is a stairway leading down into pitch blackness... eek! Not sure if this was a big thing for anyone else, but the game got me good and proper when you enter
that basement early on with the sound of a weeping girl behind the locked gate. Sure enough, the gate is unlocked when I walk past it again after returning from the nearby stairs. In I go and, well...
I wasted all my pistol ammo in a fit of panic :(

I love this game, when it isn't running like shit. It offers something that no other game this gen has done, I think; like Shenmue gone survival-horror. Both games feel big in design and scope, yet pay extra special attention to intricate details in the environment.

Also, did anyone
change into the thief's clothes after finishing the stolen goods side-quest? I thought I'd check his hanging body one last time and it was gone, with only his clothes remaining. Now Murphy's wearing something that looks a tad more dapper than that green shirt and jeans combo.


Eusis has it backwards. You CANNOT invert the first person controls. :)
No, YOU have it backwards. I distinctly remember how my camera kept drifting while exploring because of the lack of inverting, and I always invert. Shooting you can invert, but that wasn't a big part if the game's combat anyway.

For the record, I'm referring to the 360 version. If they screwed it up in the other direction for other platforms I would be amazed.
I just arrived at
St. Maria's
and called it a night last night at about 1am.

Since it's been noted by some that there's "nothing specific" being lauded about the game, I'll go ahead and throw my opinion in the mix (get ready for the WALL OF TEXT!)

The game just feels comfortable to me as an old school Silent Hill fan. I would agree that the opening is slow and a bit different than fans have come to expect from the series (prison shanking, Alan Wake-ish mountain trek, etc.) but then that's part of what I'm enjoying about Downpour. It doesn't feel like me-to Silent Hill. That's exactly what Homecoming and Origins were. Copy cat games that spent more time trying to imitate the formula (poorly) than try to create their own identity. I feel like Downpour has thus far succeeded in that while maintaining some of the key tropes that define the series.

Honestly, once I reached the town proper I really fell in love with the game. The exploration elements available in Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2 are front and center here while adding more locations to interact with and actual story/world building side quests. You can't go into every last building in this iteration of the town, which has a nice distinguishable look, but there's more to see and more reason to explore every nook and cranny. I really like how this ties into the weather mechanic as well. When the rain starts pouring, it's in your best interest to seek shelter as the enemies are out in force. Coming across an empty apartment building or basement as you hear the rain crashing outside gives a strange sense of safety (and creep factor) despite the fact that you have no idea what you'll end up finding as you move further into the building. The atmosphere from the moment you enter Silent Hill is spot on and well conceived.

I've completed about 6 of the side quests at the moment (my favorite being
the gramophone and rewinding to watch a husband axe murder his wife to death
) and while some are less interesting than others, they are worthwhile diversions. Some tie into the main story while others help to build smaller stories that reinforce the occult nature of the town or reward you with new items such as special hand guns or stashes of valuable health kits. When you add up the exploration, weather mechanics and the various side quests available they all serve to give the town a sense of place that's been lacking since the early entries in the series, IMO.

Once you move into the primary levels that deal with progressing Murphy's story, these are the most "traditional" Silent Hill locales from a design standpoint. The Centennial building reminded me a great deal of exploring Blue Creek Apartments in Silent Hill 2. Enemies around every corner, checking the map to make sure you've entered every door, and finding mystery documents that tell a story of what happened to the building occupants and the town are elements we've come to know and love. (plenty of fan service too with books on Metatron, Samael and paintings of
Shepherds Glenn and the Shepherd house from Homecoming tying it into series canon for better or worse.
) I struggle to see how fans of the series don't walk out of that building grinning ear to ear.

I can only hope
St. Maria's
is just as good and that Murphy's story continues to unravel in interesting ways (it's obvious his
son was kidnapped and/or sexually assaulted by Napier but I'm sure there's a twist waiting for me somewhere along the line.
The town inhabitants all have that prerequisite "off" feeling that you get from interacting with Silent Hill characters. The Mailman in particular has a connection to the town that's fairly obvious. Be curious to see how it plays out.

On the subject of the Otherworld, I'm back and forth on the chase sequences. They are better than they were in Shattered Memories but I could do with more exploring and less running when the transition happens. That having been said, I'm a fan of the design and look of the environments. Once again Vatra chose to not imitate what has come before and create their own interpretation of Silent Hill's otherworld. I appreciate the Escher inspired designs and the stronger color palette works well. The
train ride in the caverns was so well executed. The miner/mannequin hallucination and the environment changing around you as you progressed brought to mind Jacob's Ladder and Jacob's descent into hell while not outright cribbing it like Homecoming did.
. Once again, I feel like Vatra nailed the atmosphere here which to me is the key element to what makes a good Silent Hill game.

As positive as I am on Downpour, it has plenty of warts that mar the experience. Combat and enemy encounters are poorly designed. Clunky isn't a strong enough word to describe the implementation. You get used to it but it never feels good or satisfying. In fact, you'll actively avoid it to save yourself the headache. Enemy designs themselves are also uninspired which is a missed opportunity.

Along with that, the technical issues in the game are the most unforgivable. Fluctuating framerate, outright freezes as new content is loaded in and just an overall choppy feel will test your patience. Not to mention simple bugs that should have been caught in QA. I've had sound drop outs during conversations and a crash bug that required me to move my saves to a USB stick to even progress because the game was corrupting my save file! There's one thing separates the top quality titles on the market from the rest and its polish. This game lacks that in a major way. Given that the game was delayed, I can only imagine what we might have gotten if the game released as intended last year.

The real travesty is that if the games technical problems would have been resolved, we would have been left with a pretty solid visual presentation to support a GOOD Silent Hill game. It wouldn't have blown us away like Silent Hill 3 did on the PS2, but it would have been a fairly nice looking game. Thankfully, no such issues on the audio side. Daniel Licht hit out of the park with his soundtrack. It goes a long way towards setting the previously mentioned atmosphere. He had some big shoes to fill with Yamaoka departing but he's done so admirably and I feel like the series is in good hands from a music perspective moving forward.

I'll have more after I complete the game but right now there's my view on Downpour. I hope the story ends up delivering on the potential I've seen thus far. It's another one of those key elements Vatra needs to get right for me. As a longtime fan of the series who despises Origins and finds Homecoming to be utterly forgettable after my intial playthrough, I'm pleased with Downpour in a way I haven't been with this series in a long time. Take that for what you will.
Awesome impressions. I haven't played it much in the last few days because I feel like there's a part of me that kind of won't let me keep playing because I know how long it's going to be before we get another Silent Hill game and I just want it to last. The wait for this game was excruciating.


Well I finished it last night. Sadly there is no continuation to do side quests after the ending :(

So make sure you finish your quests and exploration before you go to the last area. Now I have to start over :((

Oh, and Did I get the bad ending??

I chased lady cop playing as the bogeyman, she killed me and then she ended up in a jail cell with MURPHY as the cop.


Well I finished it last night. Sadly there is no continuation to do side quests after the ending :(

So make sure you finish your quests and exploration before you go to the last area. Now I have to start over :((

Oh, and Did I get the bad ending??

I chased lady cop playing as the bogeyman, she killed me and then she ended up in a jail cell with MURPHY as the cop.

That's one of the endings, but you'll probably want to reload your last save and not die in order to see a "proper" one.


Does the game auto-save or something after the ending preventing you from just reloading a prior state before the end?

You can replay the final sequence and do the other decision for that path's alternate ending. The only exception is if you do the quest to unlock the UFO ending, since that's the only ending you'll get.

Funny enough, my favorite ending thus far has been the good path's bad ending.



I just arrived at
St. Maria's
and called it a night last night at about 1am.

I can only hope
St. Maria's
is just as good and that Murphy's story continues to unravel in interesting ways (it's obvious his
son was kidnapped and/or sexually assaulted by Napier but I'm sure there's a twist waiting for me somewhere along the line.
The town inhabitants all have that prerequisite "off" feeling that you get from interacting with Silent Hill characters. The Mailman in particular has a connection to the town that's fairly obvious. Be curious to see how it plays out.


If you thought the
Centennial building
was good, you'll be blown away by
St. Maria's
some really good scares and playing with your mind in there.


I'm almost starting to think that I liked Homecoming more than Downpour. With Homecoming, it was what it was, and I just accepted that. With Downpour, like, I am loving a huge chunk of it, and then that 15%~20% that I don't like crops back up. I'd almost rather have the game that I know is only so-so than the game that frustrates the hell out of me knowing how much awesome it could have been. *laughs*

Okay, not really. But man—this game honestly gives me hope for this franchise again, if only. That's my entire experience so far: "if only".


Ok, i just reached the final area and here are some of my impressions so far.

First things first though, before starting the game, i did some mental preparation. Since this is not a direct sequel, I WILL NOT COMPARE THIS TO FIRST 3 GAMES BECAUSE DOWNPOUR HAS ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM! And Team Silent did not handle this so of course it's going to be different. If it was supposed to be identical to 1-3, all people would say is " Waaah!! It's not the same!! Waahhh!! Team Silent did it better!! Waah fucking wahhh!! " Not that there is not enough of that going around anyways....

Vatra had their own take on Silent hill, and i feel they did a pretty good job with. Yes it's different, because it's a different studio. Deal with it.

I'm not knocking anyone down here on Gaf, not at all, everyone has their own opinion and most of the time i like reading others thoughts on games if they have thought out, and explained their views on why they feel that way. I don't like "i don't like this game because it's not SH2. " Wow! You should write a book!

Man up.

I'm not saying that my opinion is better, or the right one, (or well written) because it certainly is not. But i will attempt to explain my thoughts as well as i can. Back to my impressions.

Atmosphere. I think they did a pretty good job. Interiors of houses, apartments are well done. A nice mix of well lit rooms and dark, dirty basements. An example of such being, you crawl in through a window find yourself in a kitchen, with good enough lighting to not use your flashlight. Looking around, finding notes on what to do next if anything. Searching around just to find that the few doors in the place are locked, but wait, i can go down the stairs to the basement! As you go down, it gets much darker, using the flashlight is a must. Some areas are completely dark, only a circle of light in front of you. black every other direction. Combined with strange sounds and the like, it can very creepy because sometimes you can not tell where sounds are coming from. Most of these type of areas succeed at being at least a little creepy, and a select few being down right unnerving.

Main story location interiors are also well done, for the most part. Just on a bigger scale. A couple spots are a little bland, but just like every other game, or even real life locations are not always perfect. I like to think of it as variety. If every single area was super creepy with scares and such in every location, i would be a little desensitised halfway through the game. In my opinion, well lit outside, and dark, cramped, creepy areas are evenly spaced out.

I had great time exploring the town as well, its big enough to add extra game time doing side quests, and exploring alleys and other out of the way areas. It's gloomy and hazy, doing a great job of potraying a town such as Silent hill. As it starts to rain and the storm gradually increases, enemies appear at a higher frequency, encouraging you to find your way indoors. But not always a safer place to be.

I won't go into sidequests to much, but i will say that some are very well done and are genuinely unsettling. Others provide a small distraction from the story just for a little something different to do.

Sound. From what i can tell, as i am only playing through my TV speakers, sounds such as things moving, wails, cries, whispers, and other unworldly sounds really work with the visual atmosphere to create a excellent experience. i will also mention Murphys voice acting is by far the most realistic i have heard. Not only in the SH series, but videogames in general. He is the 1/100 characters that actually screams "fuck!" when a enemy drops from nowhere, and screams and panics when being chased by something that we are not quite sure what it is. it's these little things that make this game just a little bit better. And the soundtrack is perfect! Daniel Licht did an outstanding job.

And my last little part, the "other" world. I like it. So it's not always dirty, and gory and consistently scary, but has it's moments of panic and some nice effects and fast paced as well. Locations change drastically and never look the same. Some cool effects such as erratic field of view changes, and some crazy acid trip inducing visuals make it unigue to the series. Different minds, different design. I'm all for it.

So thats all for now, and i'd like to say again, that i'm not by any means trying to assault anyones opinion on this game. these are mine, and i feel that this version of Silent Hill is perfectly acceptable. Decent story, great atmosphere, there is more than enough to do, and it's DIFFERENT. Good different. Plus there is enough nods and easter eggs scattered around for a little touch of nostalgia for those who have played all the other entries. I myself give it a solid 8. Technical issues aside, the SH basics are all here, but done in a way to make it their own.

Bravo Vatra, Bravo.


Honestly, once I reached the town proper I really fell in love with the game. The exploration elements available in Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2 are front and center here while adding more locations to interact with and actual story/world building side quests.

I'm right where you are, and have had very similar reactions. It's a mixed bag, for sure, but one I can get behind because of what it does right. Especially once I reached Silent Hill and started exploring, taking shelter from the rain in unknown buildings that lead to their own side-missions. It's really starting to click with me. I play these games for the atmosphere they create, the mood they put me in, and to find out more about the tragic circumstances that have led the protagonist down into their own particular version of hell. And on those counts Murphy and Downpour have really won me over. Really looking forward to where it goes next.



Bravo Vatra, Bravo.

Excellent write-up, pretty much sums up my impressions spot on. I really hope Vatra gets another shot at the series after this, they clearly understand how to make a good SH game. With a bit more time and budget I think they can make a universally great game without the caveats of having to look past technical issues and lack of monster variety.
I'm right where you are, and have had very similar reactions. It's a mixed bag, for sure, but one I can get behind because of what it does right. Especially once I reached Silent Hill and started exploring, taking shelter from the rain in unknown buildings that lead to their own side-missions. It's really starting to click with me. I play these games for the atmosphere they create, the mood they put me in, and to find out more about the tragic circumstances that have led the protagonist down into their own particular version of hell. And on those counts Murphy and Downpour have really won me over. Really looking forward to where it goes next.

Honestly I think that is the most telling part about the game, and will cause some issues with most people. The slow beginning seems dragged out, but the game improves incredibly once you get to SH proper. Push through it, and you'll be rewarded.


Excellent write-up, pretty much sums up my impressions spot on. I really hope Vatra gets another shot at the series after this, they clearly understand how to make a good SH game. With a bit more time and budget I think they can make a universally great game without the caveats of having to look past technical issues and lack of monster variety.

Thank you! I agree with you 100%, i would definately support another SH done by Vatra. As you said, they have the understanding and i also feel that with a bigger budget they have the potential to make a another excellent Silent Hill game.
Most people seem to be saying that once you get to SH proper the game picks up and as I haven't reached that part of the game yet, I have to reserve judgement. But as far as the beginning goes, the opening of this Silent Hill title goes, it is lackluster and empty. I am willing to give the game a chance, I have to reserve final judgement until I complete it, but I cannot find a single aspect in the first few hours of this game that motivate me to continue. Better yet, I cannot find (yet apparently) anything that shows me this game is worth being titled a SH.

Maybe it gets better, I certainly hope so, but with such a disappointing start, how is a fan to know this?

i will also mention Murphys voice acting is by far the most realistic i have heard. Not only in the SH series, but videogames in general.

I don't...wait, I...what?
The slow beginning seems dragged out
The cave segments are the biggest issue, IMO. Not so much that the look and feel of the levels is a problem but cave spelunking just doesn't fit Silent Hill. I appreciate the want to introduce some variety but I'll say that the opening itself up to the tram ride is excellent. They could have maintained the tourist center at the top of the ravine with some light exploration, introduced a short side quest to familiarize the players with the concept and moved into the train ride into the Otherworld but have it start outside and move into the caves. The ride itself would then culminate at same location bypassing the cave segments entirely and the game would have been all the better for it.

TheChillyAcademic said:
the opening of this Silent Hill title goes, it is lackluster and empty.
The gas station, diner and Otherworld segment was lackluster and empty? Certainly your entitled to that opinion but I'll disagree. I can understand disliking the cave section as mentioned above but those early segments are right in line with James slow walk into Silent Hill (and being introduced to Angela) and/or Harry's initial nightmare sequence in the town. They are cut from the same cloth and are each effective.


I thought the otherworld was visually interesting but it just wasn't scary. In the originals you wanted out as quickly as possible. It's like your holding your breath and when the siren goes off again you just let it all out and relax. I still remember how great it felt to finally be out of the otherworld Hospital in SH1 the first time I played it. I've never felt that relieved in my life. Downpour just doesn't have that effect. If anything it's less threatening than the rest of the game.


Most people seem to be saying that once you get to SH proper the game picks up and as I haven't reached that part of the game yet, I have to reserve judgement. But as far as the beginning goes, the opening of this Silent Hill title goes, it is lackluster and empty. I am willing to give the game a chance, I have to reserve final judgement until I complete it, but I cannot find a single aspect in the first few hours of this game that motivate me to continue. Better yet, I cannot find (yet apparently) anything that shows me this game is worth being titled a SH.

Maybe it gets better, I certainly hope so, but with such a disappointing start, how is a fan to know this?

I don't...wait, I...what?
It really does get better. Once you crawl you ass out of the woods and get into the town, It's all uphill(downhill) from there.


Most people seem to be saying that once you get to SH proper the game picks up and as I haven't reached that part of the game yet, I have to reserve judgement. But as far as the beginning goes, the opening of this Silent Hill title goes, it is lackluster and empty. I am willing to give the game a chance, I have to reserve final judgement until I complete it, but I cannot find a single aspect in the first few hours of this game that motivate me to continue. Better yet, I cannot find (yet apparently) anything that shows me this game is worth being titled a SH.

Maybe it gets better, I certainly hope so, but with such a disappointing start, how is a fan to know this?


This isn't SH 1-3 man, nothing is ever going to be again. If you honestly can't find one good thing to say about going through the Diner, the atmosphere, music...the general Silent Hill vibe that you get from that place then maybe you should just stop playing. If you want a good survival horror game with great atmosphere and good implementation of Silent Hill tropes then this is the game for you. If you want Silent Hill 1-3 you aren't going to get it here.
I thought the otherworld was visually interesting but it just wasn't scary. In the originals you wanted out as quickly as possible. It's like your holding your breath and when the siren goes off again you just let it all out and relax. I still remember how great it felt to finally be out of the otherworld Hospital in SH1 the first time I played it. I've never felt that relieved in my life. Downpour just doesn't have that effect. If anything it's less threatening than the rest of the game.

Being forced to run away is no where near as scary as choosing to run away out of abject terror.


Doesn't help that it takes the vortex so incredibly long to actually kill you.

It'd be much more effective if it was some sort of monster chasing you, or maybe not even a monster but something more terrifying than a red orb of light. It becomes more running because you have to, to not die, when you should be running in fear of what's behind you.
This isn't SH 1-3 man, nothing is ever going to be again. If you honestly can't find one good thing to say about going through the Diner, the atmosphere, music...the general Silent Hill vibe that you get from that place then maybe you should just stop playing. If you want a good survival horror game with great atmosphere and good implementation of Silent Hill tropes then this is the game for you. If you want Silent Hill 1-3 you aren't going to get it here.

I am not of the opinion that any Silent Hill game HAS TO BE EXACTLY THE SAME AS EVERY (POPULAR) SILENT HILL BEFORE IT.

However I hold SH up to a higher standard than your "average" horror game. Yes of course the diner and the tram lift and the motel were "atmospheric" and "creepy", so what? That is not a difficult thing to do. Obstruct light, blanket an area in fog, remove any obtrusive soundtrack, blast natural sounds and add out of place noises and BAM you have an area that is genuinely creepy and tense to walk through.

AGAIN, this is just based off of what I played, for all I know I'll get to Silent Hill proper and fall to my knees in forgiveness, who knows. But let us not confuse ourselves, this games issues have NOTHING to do with it not being SH 1-3.
TheChillyAcademic said:
Yes of course the diner and the tram lift and the motel were "atmospheric" and "creepy", so what? That is not a difficult thing to do.
You might want to call Climax and Double Helix. They failed more often than not at achieving what you call "easy to do". They were so bereft of ideas on how to accomplish the right atmosphere that all they could do was to try and crib everything they thought Silent Hill did right and would make fans happy - and then proceeded to get it wrong anyway and their games felt like cheap knockoffs in the process.

Oh and don't get me started on Shattered Memories. A game I enjoyed greatly for its story but it proof positive that "atmosphere" and "creepy" are not as easy to do you as you make it sound.


I am not of the opinion that any Silent Hill game HAS TO BE EXACTLY THE SAME AS EVERY (POPULAR) SILENT HILL BEFORE IT.

However I hold SH up to a higher standard than your "average" horror game. Yes of course the diner and the tram lift and the motel were "atmospheric" and "creepy", so what? That is not a difficult thing to do. Obstruct light, blanket an area in fog, remove any obtrusive soundtrack, blast natural sounds and add out of place noises and BAM you have an area that is genuinely creepy and tense to walk through.

AGAIN, this is just based off of what I played, for all I know I'll get to Silent Hill proper and fall to my knees in forgiveness, who knows. But let us not confuse ourselves, this games issues have NOTHING to do with it not being SH 1-3.

It IS hard to do genuinely good and creepy atmosphere though. Look at Homecoming, it has the same things you mention, dark, fog, creepy sound effects. But that game doesn't even have half of the same effect as this game, it feels faked. Where as in this game the horror feels genuine.

From your posts so far it just seems like you're viewing this game through the SH 1-3 fan filter and not letting it stand on it's own for what it is. Sure there are problems with it, it's nowhere near perfect. But it's the best Silent Hill game to come a long in a very long time and the closest thing to matching the atmosphere of the original games. For all you say otherwise I just don't think you're actually willing to give this game a chance.
From your posts so far it just seems like you're viewing this game through the SH 1-3 fan filter and not letting it stand on it's own for what it is. Sure there are problems with it, it's nowhere near perfect. But it's the best Silent Hill game to come a long in a very long time and the closest thing to matching the atmosphere of the original games.

I assure you, my experience with Silent Hill goes well beyond a SH 1-3 fan filter lol :D

Are you saying then that we should be happy with the mediocrity that we get simply because it isn't "as bad" as the worst the series has to offer?

And I was massively disappointed with Homecoming, that is no secret. But for it's faults, it started about 13x stronger than Downpour has so far.


I assure you, my experience with Silent Hill goes well beyond a SH 1-3 fan filter lol :D

Are you saying then that we should be happy with the mediocrity that we get simply because it isn't "as bad" as the worst the series has to offer?

And I was massively disappointed with Homecoming, that is no secret. But for it's faults, it started about 13x stronger than Downpour has so far.

No, I'm saying that I think it's a genuinely great game. At least, I'm thrilled that we got a survival horror game like this in 2012, especially since I had nearly given up hope for this franchise. It's such a drastic leap in quality for me from anything else that has came in this franchise in well...since 3. I'm interested to see how you feel after getting to the town and exploring a bit. I honestly just feel like as a Silent Hill fan this game should give you hope for the future of the franchise which has long been on the brink of being completely without it.
Lulz. Let's rip off Jacob's Ladder scene for scene and call it Silent Hill and that's "13x stronger".

Don't forget to make the first stage of the game a dream, but ruin the surprise by having the damn save games called "nightmare". Oh yeah and have Pyramid Head stab someone in the first 2 seconds you actually got some kind of control over Alex.


I don't...wait, I...what?

Sorry, i should have went into that a little more. I meant realistic reaction wise to all the crazy shit going on around him. Not in terms of voice actor skill. Monsters pop out from no where and Murphy is like " AHHH!! Oh fuck!!!" Not everytime, but other moments he's screaming and whimpering like a little bitch. Like most people would do in a situation like his.

Most games go like this.

Environment changes drastically

Main character: (In monotone dialog) Whats going on? huh.

weird, disusting baddies appear while all sorts of messed up shit happening

Main character: (Smooth as fuck, like pouring a cup of coffee) "..........."

"well i suppose i better hit them back....they might kill me. Huh."

I like how he is terrified in realtime, not just in cutscenes and actually potrays it.
TheChillyAcademic said:
You're talking about the (and there are some minor spoilers here about how the story progresses)
the murder of Napier in the prison showers which ties directly into the story and actually well....isn't a dream at all. Especially since officer Sewell (the guy who allows it to happen), the subsequent investigation into his actions at the prison actually plays a role as well

i.e. you might want to actually play the game.;)
I can't believe someone described Downpour as "empty." What utter utter bobbins.

Anyway, I did
'The Bank'.
I hope there's better side-quests to come.
Lulz. Let's rip off Jacob's Ladder scene for scene and call it Silent Hill and that's "13x stronger".

I wanted to say this the last time the argument was made regarding Homecoming...

I can't believe someone described Downpour as "empty." What utter utter bobbins.

Anyway, I did 'The Bank'. I hope there's better side-quests to come.

There are. A few sidequests in there are minor, but there's also a few that are pretty lengthy and really add some great backstory and atmosphere.

Wow careful with those spoilers/quotes.
There are. A few sidequests in there are minor, but there's also a few that are pretty lengthy and really add some great backstory and atmosphere.

The Bank is the only one like that, although you sure can't argue against the rewards for that one.

Glad to hear it, thanks guys. And yeah, I really did reap the rewards after completing it! I must have enough
to last me the rest of the game.
I hate how talking about this game to friends IRL results in responses like "LOL, that game got like 1/10".

When did people stop thinking for themselves? I've been playing through this and Mass Effect 3, and I'm amazed at how it manages to call me back at least once a day to explore more of the town and progress further through the story.

Vatra did a good job, and with more funding and support I think they could take this franchise in an interesting direction.
The Bank is the only one like that, although you sure can't argue against the rewards for that one.

There's one later on in the similar vein but is 5x better and fucking intense. It was for me.

See, Silent Hill is all about building and maintaining tension with all of the elements co-dependent. Subtlety, the nuances of things like sound, environment; I think the opening was strong in that it did provide that tension, and left you shackled to it. Fear is inherent but people have different levels of tolerance. I get spooked very easily when things don't seem right, even in a video game. That's when I know it's effective. I appreciate the effort as well because it's different from the other games, but still feels like SH. Homecoming especially shoe-horned in all of these elements that didn't provide any sort of cohesion. Seemed like the antithesis of a SH game because it's all about the details.

I do agree Downpour's opening hours seem to drag on, but I think they did some things differently that worked well. I also saw an obvious connection to James' walk in the beginning of SH2. Just a different vision. If you can't find anything at all to be excited about then, well, that sucks because VATRA really seemed to understand the franchise and what it was missing more than any of the other post-Team Silent devs.


When did people stop thinking for themselves?

When every major review site/mag made COD/fps or any other game that makes billions of $$$ the bar for a "great game". If if doesn't meet that criteria, is automatically sucks.

At least thats what seems to be the norm now. If i wanted to read a review, oh, lets just say a review for...oh i don't know...Silent Hill Downpour. i would look for a site that deals with mostly horror games.

Although, i do sometimes watch the IGN reviews just because they can be painfully funny at times, and always good for a laugh. My toilet paper roll can come up with better reviews than IGN.


Gonna mop up the sidequest trophies on this playthrough as well as some of the combat ones I missed the first time around. Then it should be one more play through on Hard/Hard to get my plat.

For what it's worth, I really did enjoy the intro to this game. The "walk" down the prison hallway, with the inmates shouting at you and the Intro Perp Walk track playing in the background was probably one of the most "Silent Hill" moments in the whole game, I loved it, and it set the mood perfectly.

I just wish I wasn't so disappointed with the Otherworld and the Story. Those 2 are the main culprits against the game for me. When I got to the
prison otherworld where you had to do that spotlight mini game thing, I literally laughed and couldn't believe I was doing such a thing in a SH game. Absurd. I also hated how each otherworld was a linear sequence of events instead of full locations onto themselves. But what can ya do.
I do agree Downpour's opening hours seem to drag on, but I think they did some things differently that worked well. I also saw an obvious connection to James' walk in the beginning of SH2. Just a different vision. If you can't find anything at all to be excited about then, well, that sucks because VATRA really seemed to understand the franchise and what it was missing more than any of the other post-Team Silent devs.

I have hope that the soundtrack will continue to impress, albeit subtlety for the time being.
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