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Silicon Valley - Season 3 of the hilarious Mike Judge comedy series - HBO Sundays

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Subete no aware
The joke with the Chinese tenant was one of those bad Family Guy type jokes that was way too long.

And I guess it's another season of the team eating shit before winning at the end only to eat some more shit for the cliffhanger.


So I had read the thread and the part of there being a horse scene and... I still wasn't expecting that at all. Lmao.

- THR: 'Silicon Valley's' Mike Judge Explains That Horse Sex Scene: "It's Real"
So, the horses were really going at it?

Yep, it's real horse porn.

How did the idea originate?

Originally we had them at a vintage race track, but we just weren't finding anything funny about it. I think it was Dick Costello, the ex-Twitter CEO who was in the writers room part-time this season, who told us about a guy who had just blown a ton of money on race horses. So we started talking about race horses and looked on YouTube. That's where we saw these videos of them having sex and it was just making us laugh. That's how it started.

And then what did the next steps look like?

Well, we had to do a lot of horse research. We kind of had our hopes dashed at one point because someone was saying, "Oh no, it's all done artificially. They would never do that." But then we looked into it further and found out that most species of thoroughbreds will only inseminate naturally. So we just looked for a place where it was actually going to happen.

Are places like that fairly easy to find?

Well actually the first place we went to shoot it, if our camera crew had gotten there about 15 minutes later, they would have gotten arrested. The whole place was some kind of front for selling pot down in Temecula somewhere. The FBI raided it and there were all these cop cars there saying, "Turn around!" So we had to reschedule it for a couple weeks later.

Wow, so where did you actually end up filming?

Up in one of the canyons between West Lake and Malibu. We just had to look for places where this was going to happen already and just shoot it since it's all real.

How long did it take to get the money shot?

Oh, less than a minute. That's the only thing that's fake is, well, the horses actually go very quickly. So we had to repeat the footage some — not too much, but if you cut it all together, the horse just finishes really fast. It would not go on as long as that conversation Richard and Jack are having in the scene.

Do the horses need any sort of… encouraging?

Nope, the minute the male sees the mare in heat, no coaxing has to be done [Laughs.] I mean, they go crazy. There's a bunch of videos on YouTube…

Did you have to do multiple takes?

No, just that one shot. We had lined up some other opportunities in case that other one didn't work. But after the first one, we were good. We just set up those cameras and they went at it.

Did you shoot the scene with the actors in front of the action or did you work some magic in post?

We did a little bit of combining. We shot the horses getting it on, got that out of the way and then did the dialogue. It wasn't happening entirely when they were talking — that would have been very difficult to coordinate, but they were definitely at the horse place.

How did everyone on set react?

There was lots of laughing and lots of, "Oh my god, this is crazy. I can't believe we're doing this." It was funny, you would see one person after another just [lose it.] I think their reaction was basically similar to what Thomas' character is doing in the show.

And you didn't have to cycle through multiple horses or anything?

No, just those two onscreen. They're hard to find, but we got very lucky that it all worked. I mean, I would have kept trying if we hadn't gotten those two. Like I said, the only thing that threw us off was the FBI raid, which is just insane.

What about the people onscreen who are holding the horses?

Those are the wranglers. Their job is to breed the horses. They're there because you have to be careful — the studs get so excited that they sometimes injure the mare. So they are there specifically to keep the horses from getting hurt during the process because the horses are obviously really valuable as is their sperm [Laughs.] I didn't really know much at all about horses before this, so we had to get some horse experts involved.

I'm assuming the American Humane Association was also there to monitor things, yes?

Yeah, we had the American Humane Society reps who oversee things any time there's an animal. HBO is really good about that. One thing I learned about this is that in the artificial insemination process — which is not the method we used but is the more standard way to do it — there are these male horses who start having sex with the female horses but are then pulled off before they ejaculate. So basically, this horse's entire life is having sex not to completion and being blue balled. I think the Humane Society ought to get involved in that one because that's really cruel [Laughs.]

Is that why you chose to go the natural route?

It's just more clear what's going on. And the artificial way just doesn't look as fun [Laughs.] If you look closely on camera, you can see that the horse definitely finished.

What notes did HBO have?

It's funny, I actually have an email from [senior vp of comedy programming] Amy Gravitt where she said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but can we have more screen time with the horses having sex?" She actually asked for more sex [Laughs.] She was right though, so we put it behind some more shots than we originally had. You might as well go all the way, right?

Given that HBO has a questionable history of working with horses on Luck, what was their reaction when you pitched them a horse sex scene?

They were just very sensitive and wanted to make sure that we did everything right. They're very good about that. Obviously, none of us wanted any damage to be done to the horses. But this is something they do all the time since, well, the evolution of horses so there was never any risk.

Are you happy with how the scene turned out?

I have to say, I was a little worried about it, but I've seen it in front of an audience and it got huge laughs. It came off better than I had hoped. It's funny, in the writers room, we were like, "Has anybody done this before? It seems like someone would have done this before." But I guess no one has had the poor taste.
More via the link.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I haven't laughed harder at a horse ejaculate scene since Freddy Got Fingered.


The episode was definitely funny but it's becoming a chore watching the show. I just get very frustrated while watching it.


Bighead's constant failing upward does a lot to mitigate my frustration with the show. The business side of things is consistently illogical and driven by petty or shortsighted motives, so it's nice to see the system being basically broken all over. Rewarding innocent bystanders by random chance just as much as it punishes them, etc. I'm kind of hoping Bighead somehow ends up funding the ex-Nucleus developers compression system, and Richard can ultimately end up fulfilling his compression dreams at a company that's neither Hooli nor Pied Piper.

Jack revealing himself to be the anti-Peter Gregory is kind of interesting and I wonder if the show will ever directly call out the contrast.


there is joy in sucking dick
As if the horse sex scene wasn't enough off a fuck you, the ending product slide was the cherry on top. Literally the exact opposite product lmao


It's crazy scary how accurate everything is, down to the microkitchens and that exact brand of coconut water. Goddamn.

Oh shit, I figured it was just something they mocked up as a joke because it seemed to hit all the right beats for that sort of product.

Didn't realize it was real.
And I guess it's another season of the team eating shit before winning at the end only to eat some more shit for the cliffhanger.

The show compromises the product so that they can win and get the product working so it can be compromised again. This is show business sir.


Oh shit, I figured it was just something they mocked up as a joke because it seemed to hit all the right beats for that sort of product.

Didn't realize it was real.

Real as can be.


My microkitchen:


there is joy in sucking dick
I was hoping there was a silver lining to the CEO but gotdamn he's ruthless without being a typical dick. The turmoil definitely allows for funnier scenarios than 'everything is coming up pied piper' though.


The end truly slayed me, showing it as a privatized non-cloud business only solution, that's just a rack mounted box.


Rodent Whores
I was hoping there was a silver lining to the CEO but gotdamn he's ruthless without being a typical dick.

Yeah. There's probably more to his character in the future as well. I like how it's not the typical crazy asshole capitalist archetype, but actually something much more multi-dimensional and reflective of real life.


The bait-and-switch on Jack was neat, made him seem like a good guy when he's probably even worse than Gavin in terms of actually caring about his products.


I loved the sales people. Them constantly repeating their names. Loved the guys getting all the crazy tech. Jared's whole storyline was great too. That horse scene was too much though.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh god as someone who works at a mid sized tech firm... I fucking hate sales people. All they do is sell customers on stuff they don't want which we also don't provide and don't want to provide. So infuriating. Glad the show captured that aspect perfectly.
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