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Singer Officially Goneburgers from X3

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"Both good news and bad news. Variety has just confirmed that "X-Men" series director Bryan Singer signed a deal Friday to develop and direct Warner Bros.' Superman. The bad? He will not be doing X-Men 3. Here are highlights from the article, we'll link to the full article if/when it becomes available...

-Singer, who helmed "The X-Men" comicbook adaptations for Fox, is expected to work with "X-2" scribes Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris to draft a tentpole that starts production late this year in Australia.

-A tug-of-war over Singer's next project had been going on for weeks, with Fox's third "X-Men" installment competing with Warner's remake of "Logan's Run" to land the helmer. It now looks likely that Singer will not do the third "X-Men," even though he has an overall deal with Fox."





no wait, that would fuck up Spidey 3.


no, that would suck.


that would be awe--aww fuck.



nomoment said:
I'm not being sarcastic...

I'll give you X1, although I still thought it was pretty decent, but X2? It had everything! The characters were all great and how can you not love Nightcrawler? Sure, it wasn't the greatest film ever by any stretch of the imagination but I still thought it was a damn fine and faithful X-Men movie. It's second only to Spider-Man 2 for me in terms of the best comic movies out so far. But I guess this is why they're called opinions. :p



Besides the recent exit of helmer McG from the project, producers Neal Moritz and Gilbert Adler have apparently disappeared from the scene as well. The fate of producer Jon Peters also is up in the air.

The studio apparently scrapped a J.J. Abrams script that WB once was high on, and has tapped Australia as a reasonably priced shooting location, with a budget said to be around $200 million.

Singer also is said to have a new take on the film. Before his involvement, it was to revolve around Superman's battle with Lex Luthor and a mysterious figure from Krypton who has come to hunt down the Man of Steel.

"My interest in Superman dates back many, many years," Singer said. "In fact, it was the Richard Donner classic film that was my day-to-day inspiration in shaping the X-Men universe for the screen. I feel that Superman has been late in his return and it is time for him to fly again."



"with a budget said to be around $200 million."

holy shit, hopefully [for them] there's still a lot of Supes fans out there...


effzee said:
wtf? was he leaving X3 in the dust? FINISH UR WORK ATLEAST.

Well sadly Fox aren't going to put the X-men franchise on ice for 2 or more years, waiting for Singer to get his shit together on Superbland, so it makes more sense for them to drop him and get the project moving again.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This is such a win-lose situation for fans. X-Men was pretty solid and X2 was absolutely superb but now the rest of that franchise is questionable unless a good director is signed, and hopefully one who maintains some semblance of continuity both in story and visuals with the previous ones.

Of course, as far as I'm concerned X2 is a far greater film visually than Spider-Man 2, and with a significantly lesser budget, so seeing Singer get his hands on all that cash, I really expect Superman to be a stunner. I hope he really has his heart in it though, and it wasn't simply about being offered more money than Fox did.
Man, X-2 was a good flick and all, and I like the X-Men comic more than Spiderman, but the movie wasn't as amazing as most people on this forum make it out to be in my mind. It's not the fault of anyone involved in the movies either (well, maybe Halle Berry), as when you have a fucking dozen main characters, it gets tough to fit all of them into an hour and a half. X2 was a good movie, but it can't touch the Spider-man movies when it comes to development and overall quality in my mind.
I'm glad. I'd rather have a new, good Superman film than yet another XMen flick. For people who aren't big comic book fans, two films are enough for a series. It just all starts feeling like more of the same after awhile.


Fuck him for filming the clffhanger of all cliffhangers and then bailing out without the reveal (probably because he doesn't know what to do next!).

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Alucard said:
I'll give you X1, although I still thought it was pretty decent, but X2? It had everything! The characters were all great and how can you not love Nightcrawler? Sure, it wasn't the greatest film ever by any stretch of the imagination but I still thought it was a damn fine and faithful X-Men movie. It's second only to Spider-Man 2 for me in terms of the best comic movies out so far. But I guess this is why they're called opinions. :p

Dude, it's nomoment. The guy LIKES ROB LIEFELD....you can't actually take any opinions he has seriously. ;)


X-men 2 was one of the most boring movies I have watched all year, there seemed to happen very little in a lot of time. There were also too many characters I think, they couldn't be fleshed out and I really didn't like Nightcrawler. It's been a while since I've seen X1, but I know I liked it a lot more than part 2.

A change of director could be good, just look at the third Harry Potter movie.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.

i have nothing to add to this thread except for the fact every single time i've glimpsed at the title of it I keep seeing steve guttenburg

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Singer is replacable. I'd like to see him finish his trilogy because I think he did an okay job on the first two films but if he leaves I don't think it will be the end of the world. There is definitely some room for improvement as far as the Xmen movies are concerned. X2 crapped all over X1 but there was still something missing.


Hugh Jackman as Superman!

Liefield did ok on the Avengers after that whole Onslaught fiasco. Heroes reborn I believe.


Online Ho Champ
Alucard said:
I'll give you X1, although I still thought it was pretty decent, but X2? It had everything! The characters were all great and how can you not love Nightcrawler? Sure, it wasn't the greatest film ever by any stretch of the imagination but I still thought it was a damn fine and faithful X-Men movie. It's second only to Spider-Man 2 for me in terms of the best comic movies out so far. But I guess this is why they're called opinions. :p

I dunno man the xmen movies still lack that vaunted teamwork the xmen are known for its still alot of one on one starring either magneto, mytique or wolverine. I wont even mention the first movie cause imo it was trash but a nice stab in the dark. I mean what did they do to half those characters, they changed rogue but to what end? All she does is cry why couldnt they have a jubilee like that? they seem interchangeable but atleast that wouldnt be messing with the comic book character jubilee as much. Why change ice man? for the relationship with rogue? It still hasnt had any impact on the movies and it raped one of the most memorable xmen of all time, change is fine but you atleast gotta meet or beat the comicbook character your changing. It was a good action movie i liked it but i dont like what they did with the comic book.

Mystique... wow she became uber thats all I have to say about that. Magneto, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Storm, and nightcrawler all standing outside a millitary complex and who do we send mystique...ok not only that but she Bruce Lee's half of em and suddenly has skin that must excret some type of fluid that enables her to slide 12 feet while flipping the bird.

Storm ...maybe its cause its halle berry playing her and she has absolutely no imagination but to me it seems all she does is walk around with her mouth open and stare at stuff all day while summoning sever thunderstorms. Wheres the windrider wheres the SECOND in command storm she acts like a place holder in the movie.

Cyclops... wow ok does this guy have one line without the word Jean in it? JEAN are you ok, JEAN?, JEAN WHERES JEAN? what the hell he isnt his own man in thismovie.

Wolverine is 1009393939 - 1 against humans and 0 - 838309483 against mutants...ANY mutant i cant remember when lady deathstrike could kick his ass like that. Its funny because wolverine got knocked out by a 9mm and he is down for 5 min, lady deathstrike gets hit point blank by an optic blast and still gets up and owns cyclops what the hell. This is of course all after wolverine tells the invulnerable collosus to run away and proceeds to own a group of Special Forces soilders that are armed to the TEETH. I

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
X-3: Fuck Dark Pheonix Saga - It's The Age Of Apocalypse
Starring Jenna Jameson as Blink and Directed by......SPIKE JONEZ! *dum dum DUUuuuum*


Hollywood Square
I think the X-Men films are fun and somewhat faithful to the overall themes of the comic book, but they're nothing like the comics after that. Singer's X-Men films are like Burton's Batman films, they're good, but they're almost an Elseworlds (alternate version) take on the basic storyline. So it kind of bugs me, moreso than Burton's comic book inconsistencies, because the X-Men is what got me into comics in the first place.

I mean, regardless of anybody's qualms with Sam Raimi's tweaking of the Spidey mythos (or complete removal of), he's totally nailed the colorful, surreal world of Spider-Man. It truly does feel like watching the Marvel Universe on celluoid for two hours.

I can't say the same for X-Men, the original or the sequel.


DonasaurusRex said:
I dunno man the xmen movies still lack that vaunted teamwork the xmen are known for its still alot of one on one starring either magneto, mytique or wolverine. I wont even mention the first movie cause imo it was trash but a nice stab in the dark. I mean what did they do to half those characters, they changed rogue but to what end? All she does is cry why couldnt they have a jubilee like that? they seem interchangeable but atleast that wouldnt be messing with the comic book character jubilee as much. Why change ice man? for the relationship with rogue? It still hasnt had any impact on the movies and it raped one of the most memorable xmen of all time, change is fine but you atleast gotta meet or beat the comicbook character your changing. It was a good action movie i liked it but i dont like what they did with the comic book.
This argument again? You can't expect 40 years of X-History to be condensed into a 2hr movie and everything remains the same. It's a movie, it's an adaptation, not a translation panel-for-panel.

Mystique... wow she became uber thats all I have to say about that. Magneto, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Storm, and nightcrawler all standing outside a millitary complex and who do we send mystique...ok not only that but she Bruce Lee's half of em and suddenly has skin that must excret some type of fluid that enables her to slide 12 feet while flipping the bird.
The point wasn't to blast the place to all hell...the point was infiltration, hence Mystique going in as Wolverine, since Stryker already mindfucked him earlier regarding his origin. She's a very formidable character...even Kitty Pryde could have done what she did.

Storm ...maybe its cause its halle berry playing her and she has absolutely no imagination but to me it seems all she does is walk around with her mouth open and stare at stuff all day while summoning sever thunderstorms. Wheres the windrider wheres the SECOND in command storm she acts like a place holder in the movie.
Cyclops... wow ok does this guy have one line without the word Jean in it? JEAN are you ok, JEAN?, JEAN WHERES JEAN? what the hell he isnt his own man in thismovie.
Yeah, but personally speaking i'd prefer that a hell of a lot more than the supreme rape that was the 90s FOX animated series where it was always Jean crying out for Scott.
Wolverine is 1009393939 - 1 against humans and 0 - 838309483 against mutants...ANY mutant i cant remember when lady deathstrike could kick his ass like that. Its funny because wolverine got knocked out by a 9mm and he is down for 5 min, lady deathstrike gets hit point blank by an optic blast and still gets up and owns cyclops what the hell. This is of course all after wolverine tells the invulnerable collosus to run away and proceeds to own a group of Special Forces soilders that are armed to the TEETH. I

They were armed with tranquilizers...his healing factor can counter that, plus as he said, Colossus obviously being an older student as well as his physical abilities, he was better off helping the younger students, especially if they had somehow had that escape route surrounded as well. The wolverine headshot thing was dumb and was obviously for shock-value to the audience...but as for Cyclops/deathstrike, his optic blast isn't a one-setting thing...he can vary the intensity...you can't say for sure that he was using lethal force. Plus, he probably saw her as a human woman...not knowing she has both a healing factor and is also laced with adamantium...she he didn't fire at her as such.


Online Ho Champ
...But the younger students wouldnt have to run if Colossus owned them you cant reason that youd send away the solution to the problem just to make sure the kids get away safe. Why run when they cant even take over your position.

So your telling me they were armed with tranqs and gernades....why gernades if they arent even bothering to use live rounds I dont remember anyone saying they werent using live rounds in those HK's. Something tells me if Stryker had clearance he wouldnt have had a problem using live rounds on anyone that resisted during the op. What kind of villan uses tranqs? he only needed 2 things Prof X and the Cerebro print outs anyway.

As far as 40 years of history well I was talking about the fighting , the xmen fight like a well oiled machine in the books and even the cartoon got this theme down. Obviously you cant pack all the 40 years of story in there you gotta pick a storyline and go with it. Thats not a problem but they still dont even LOOK or ACT like the TEAM everyones used to seeing/reading about in the comics during the action sequences. Kinda like how spiderman has those little touches when he swings he makes classic posses, when he fights he jumps on someones head to avoid an attack like in the books or when he sneaks up on someone he slides upside down in that classic spiderman pose. It had the feel of the comic books.


DonasaurusRex said:
...But the younger students wouldnt have to run if Colossus owned them you cant reason that youd send away the solution to the problem just to make sure the kids get away safe. Why run when they cant even take over your position.

So your telling me they were armed with tranqs and gernades....why gernades if they arent even bothering to use live rounds I dont remember anyone saying they werent using live rounds in those HK's. Something tells me if Stryker had clearance he wouldnt have had a problem using live rounds on anyone that resisted during the op. What kind of villan uses tranqs? he only needed 2 things Prof X and the Cerebro print outs anyway.

As far as 40 years of history well I was talking about the fighting , the xmen fight like a well oiled machine in the books and even the cartoon got this theme down. Obviously you cant pack all the 40 years of story in there you gotta pick a storyline and go with it. Thats not a problem but they still dont even LOOK or ACT like the TEAM everyones used to seeing/reading about in the comics during the action sequences. Kinda like how spiderman has those little touches when he swings he makes classic posses, when he fights he jumps on someones head to avoid an attack like in the books or when he sneaks up on someone he slides upside down in that classic spiderman pose. It had the feel of the comic books.

He used tranqs because he wanted to capture them...to paraphrase him later on in the movie "I'm a scientist...when i build something, i want to make sure it works". Capturing a handful of his own mutant guinea pigs would allow him to test his Hypnotized Prof X.+Anti-Cerebro plan.

I'll concede that there really isn't much teamwork...but it's not like in the cartoon when they're usually up against a team of baddies, or the sentinels, or Juggernaut or something that allows them to go nuts. In X2, the enemy were mainly humans, cops, stryker and his swat guys, the air force, etc, and they have to be careful not to appear the way they're often portrayed. X2 was more of a social conflict than an all out super powered slug fest.

Also, why would you have a standoff in the mansion like that...Colossus, regardless of his power, is still a teenager and is not battle-honed. It doesn't make sense for Wolverine to tell him, "Ok kid, armor up and let's kick ass!"...I don't see the logic in saying that he wouldn't have been better off with the other children. Plus, if he(wolverine) is alone, he only has to worry about himself, and not worry that Colossus could get subdued in some way and used as a hostage. That wasn't a time for "COLOSSUS SMASH!'


Feeeww, and I thought I were the only one who didnt think x2 was all that. I'm a bigger fan of x-men than spiderman(didnt even watch the first spiderman movie, didnt look anything special), but when it comes to the movies, spiderman2 is a much better movie, its really is like watching spiderman comes to life, but the x movies, that's just not x-men to me, and they could have been so much better.


Online Ho Champ
how the hell were they gonna "subdue" collosus with tranqs? they werent theres no way to reason that part of the movie made no sense you dont retreat if you cant lose. Collosus was one guy how was it smart to tell him ok go find some 30 plus kids that are scattered all over the compound in the middle of this attack? That was just saving money and not having to pay for his CG being on screen for more than 7 seconds. THey had nothing that could've stopped him not collosus come on now.

I thought stryker already had lots of mutants , were some of the kids from the mansion even at the compound in the end?

and yes they are fighting pretty lame villans but in the movie they give them a run for their money so I dont buy that excuse. I mean the xmen train to become a team so of course in any situation they would use their trainning when needed, if the villans dont warrant that then why bother making them the villans.


DonasaurusRex said:
how the hell were they gonna "subdue" collosus with tranqs? they werent theres no way to reason that part of the movie made no sense you dont retreat if you cant lose. Collosus was one guy how was it smart to tell him ok go find some 30 plus kids that are scattered all over the compound in the middle of this attack? That was just saving money and not having to pay for his CG being on screen for more than 7 seconds. THey had nothing that could've stopped him not collosus come on now.

...the kids already knew what to do, they headed to the escape passages, he didn't need to run all over the mansion and find them. Second, just because he can armor up doesn't mean he can't be subdued...he's still a teen and he's still an amateur. He still has to see with his eyes doesn't he? Flash grenade, now he's blind and disoriented, which causes him to revert back to human form...bam, tranqed and captured. Clearly, channel-changing kid, Siryn, Kitty and Colossus weren't battled trained. They were just students.


DonasaurusRex said:
how the hell were they gonna "subdue" collosus with tranqs? they werent theres no way to reason that part of the movie made no sense you dont retreat if you cant lose. Collosus was one guy how was it smart to tell him ok go find some 30 plus kids that are scattered all over the compound in the middle of this attack? That was just saving money and not having to pay for his CG being on screen for more than 7 seconds. THey had nothing that could've stopped him not collosus come on now.

I thought stryker already had lots of mutants , were some of the kids from the mansion even at the compound in the end?

and yes they are fighting pretty lame villans but in the movie they give them a run for their money so I dont buy that excuse. I mean the xmen train to become a team so of course in any situation they would use their trainning when needed, if the villans dont warrant that then why bother making them the villans.

Um, yes they were...you need to rewatch the movie...Storm and Nightcrawler found them, and Nightcrawler 'ported down to rescue them...and you see Wolverine carrying the lizard-tongued kid towards the end of the movie.

As for the villians, as i said, it wasn't made to be a super hero/super villian brawl fest.


I'll say it once again: Superman sucks. He's such a boring character. Go to hell Bryan Singer, I hope your movie turns out to be a big piece of bombed shit.
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