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Sketchy twitter rumor- Halo no longer considered a top flagship at Xbox, next Halo game has half the budget of Infinite, will determine fate of series

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- Internally, Halo is officially no longer considered flagship. This decision was made somewhere in the past 5 months - The next Halo game will be the last Halo game if it doesn't meet expectations - The next Halo game does not have even half the budget that Halo Infinite did - The Master Chief Collection is dead. Official end of dev cycle announcement will be made, but there's no date on this Halo is now in the worst place it's ever been, and with the Microsoft-Activision deal, it is less important than ever. If 343 Industries' next Halo game is a flop like their past ones, Microsoft is likely to ice the Halo IP, temporarily anyway. I'm sharing this because no one else on the inside can or will. I can tell you that this information is accurate. I've mentioned inside information in the past that proved to be true. I even reported that Joe Staten quit Microsoft before anyone else. So trust me, this information is correct. I believe that even if 343's next game releases content-complete and functions properly, it still won't do great because 343 just can't design a good and solid Halo game and want to keep changing it from the classics so they can make it their own thing and be different from Bungie. 343's overall vision, aspirations, culture, work ethic, and attitude toward Halo and its core fanbase are appalling and those are just some of the many reasons why the Halo franchise has massively declined and lost almost all relevancy. Some of their employees (especially their community team) are also responsible for encouraging division and hate in the fanbase. I am aware people from Microsoft and Xbox read my posts. I and so many others believe the best path forward is to hand Halo over to
. Please consider this.
is the only one qualified who truly understands Halo. He's the genius who designed Halo 2's multiplayer, revolutionized matchmaking and online gaming, invented social systems, created iconic maps, and so much more. He was the multiplayer, online, and UX design lead for Halo 2 and Halo 3. If there is anyone who can turn Halo around and bring the franchise back to the top, it’s Max and his team, but certainly not 343. Don’t let Halo die, there’s so much put into it, it just needs the right people to bring out its potential.

I don't know this person and if they've had good intel before, and I won't say believe it or not. I did fear something like this being true though, the mismanagement of Halo leading to low interest and having it put on the backburner with no satisfying ending to the Master Chief story or any of the many things they've set up over the years, the Precursors, if the Timeless had any relation to them, etc etc. Infinite was yet another game that ditched the last one's plot for something new, but the end of it was imo an interesting enough launching point for more content. Wonder if we'll even ever get more Infinite content, or if it's all on a next game now and any "10 year game" plans are canned as well.


I think they would give it to one of their other studios before completely shelving it.
Its def 343's last shot at it though, unless they completely blow everyone away with the next one.
Great strategy, not putting money into it but letting it "determine the fate of the franchise". EA did that numerous times.
If the rumor of Halo Infinite being a $500 million project are even remotely true, then halving the budget for the next entry as this new Twitter rumor suggests, would bring it along the lines of other massive games of the past few years like TLoU Part II and Horizon: Forbidden West. A $200 - $250 million Halo game is still a massive amount of money to work with.

Anyway, I think the best thing for this new 343 team under new leadership is to create a fantastic campaign and get the core multiplayer mechanics perfect (although I did think Halo Infinite had great core mechanics already) and with a substantial amount of maps ready at launch. No more GAAS piecemealing of content.


Gold Member
I definitely believe they’ll get less money to work with and that the franchise is in a bad position.

I don’t believe the next Halo will be the last one though, even if that’s a major screw up as well.


Gold Member
How is this even a rumor? It's just obvious objective fact. It's not a top franchise, MS wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on Shitfinite, and they need to scale back and stop throwing good money after bad.


Gold Member
Lets be honest Halo has been running on fumes since like what 2014?
Halo Reach was for many people the pinnacle of the Halo experience. That was 2011. It's been a steady decline in player base and souring of attitude towards the franchise ever since then. Some of it justified but some of it is also blind hate for Bungie no longer being involved and an irrational hatred for any gameplay changes that are not simply emulating the Halo 1-3 experience.


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I doubt it.

If true this is really not how you manage IPs, and the fact they dug its own hole, they should be the ones digging it back out.


MCC dead, after just receiving a big update this week... sure. And even if this was the last big update, the game is fucking old by now.

Yeah, Halo needs work, but Xbox = Halo, no way they're going to kill it.


Cant say I blame them after the massive amount of time halo infinte spent in development hell, and the enormous amount of money it cost them. It’s really not that hard tbh, make a fun arena style mp game with a 7-10 hour campaign. It doesn’t need to be filled with trend chasing gaas bullshit. Also, scope appropriatley from the start. Don’t advertise your game a massive fauna filled open world like they did with infinite just to fail to deliver on any of that. From the start, focus on making a shorter, linear (with some open levels) campaign
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People expect a lot less from Nintendo franchises IMO. Just look at all the mainline Zelda titles, it's been re-telling the same story for decades.
I assume this is sarcasm from the other thread. If not, that’s a simply ridiculous take. The game has reinvented itself multiple times and all have been great.

I’d day Nintendo games have some of the highest expectations of any company.
I assume this is sarcasm from the other thread. If not, that’s a simply ridiculous take. The game has reinvented itself multiple times and all have been great.

I’d day Nintendo games have some of the highest expectations of any company.
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