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Skullgirls |OT| New age of Heroines


So impressions:

Online seems good as long as you have a decent ping. Played with Q last night and the lag was noticable but fine (80 ping). Played another guy at 120 ping, and it was a bit more rough.

I was initially going to play Parasoul just from her design, but I don't like her moveset at all. Her walk speed is like a reallllly exaggerated makoto walk, it's so awkward. Picked up Cerebella, and Valentine instead which so far I'm liking a lot. The combo system feels very different than anything I've ever used before. Not complex by any means, but it seems so flexible that it's overwhelming. Add in the custom assists and it gets nuts.

edit: Hah, Cerebella's Shoryuken Wiki Entry

Advanced Tactics
Stop staring at boobs and play the game right.

That's what I was doing wrong!


That sounds great! Any more impressions of the learning processes/tutorial.
If its worth it if your not into fighting games already?
It helped that I already understand the concepts presented. I mashed through some of the explanations. But I wish SF4 had this kind of tutorial. Would've saved me a lot of time.

It teaches you about high-low mixups and how to defend and use them. Explains block stun and recovery and when/how to punish people for using "unsafe" moves. How to hit-confirm (which I fully understand but seldom can implement on reaction). How to tech throws(kinda tough in this game). More that I'm sure is escaping me.

Anyway, it doesn't presume you're a hardening fighting game fan. It really does a good job explaining the basics. It's kinda hard I guess. But if you understand the basics you understand why you're getting beat.


Triple dipping if only because this victory animation of Filia's gets me every time.

Fix the xbox online!!!! :)

Also, this is a small visual nitpick, but I hate that the "unlock full game" option is on the main menu, shaded out. It shouldn't be there, heh.


No online on XBLA is literally breaking my heart in two.
It is as if the game was not even released.... -.-

Please, call whoever you should, rile it up, and get it fixed soon. This has been going on for 8+ hours... : (


Where are you guys who have this error based? Hope it's okay when I get home...

My coworker got it on the office game room 360 earlier when he thought he'd give online a try. We're in the UK.


I like how there's actually timing involved in otgs and such instead of mashing your way through it all.

Hopefully the online stuff is sorted out in the next few hours.

Tech throws are tough :( so used to doing it on reaction instead of anticipating it.

For now I may just stick with Cera and Filia.
Downloaded it on XBL this morning, and I can't play online. Trying to connect to quick match, or join a room, or do anything really, gets a notification "validating online play" on the screen. But nothing else happens.

That notification bar then stays on the screen in all game modes, including training, until I quit the game o_O

I'm having the exact same problem :/

Shit is bumming me out, I wanna join in all the day one fun!


As there is no release date for the EU version, are there any drawbacks to getting this from US PSN (with my US PSN account) for my EU PSN account?


That sounds great! Any more impressions of the learning processes/tutorial.
If its worth it if your not into fighting games already?

As someone who has been playing fighting games at a scrub level for a long time, the tutorial mode opened my eyes on a few things. For example, I've known what mix-ups are and that they're important, but I didn't really didn't understand how important until I went into the tutorial. The defense tutorial is good for that too. They're basic fighting game fundamentals, so you can take them to pretty much every other fighting game.

As far as the game goes, I've been reading up on it and I can't wait to jump back in. There's so much homework for me to do right now though :(

Fellow PSN scrubs feel free to add me: Malajax
I'll be looking to fight some gaffers later so that we can get some more impressions of the online gameplay. I'm looking to fight Q in particular since we had some matches in MvC3 that were kinda laggy. I want to see how this game stacks up.
I honestly don't understand complaints about the difficulty of the AI. I've ran through story mode once so far as solo-Peacock on normal and had to retry all of one time.

Edit : Eh, new post.
I'm gonna make another run through arcade/story on ridiculous just to see what all the hubbub is about. I'm pretty sure I played it on ridiculous difficulty and I beat her the first time(barely). She just required some patience.
I think much of the hard for experienced players is the fact they don't have any old character to fall back on. I noticed this- new IPs tend to get viewed as harder then old IPs. This is a big reason many folks consider VF a hard game- they don't have Kazuya, Paul, Jin, or Law to fall back on, and all those "new" characters seem alien. That makes things seem harder then they are.
Sometimes people get so comfortable that even new mechanics completely throw them off. SRK had a pretty big thread full of complaints about tech rolls in SFxT. I guess a bunch of SFIV players had never experienced it at all. That shit was cracking me up seeing as most of the greats have had tech rolls in some form or another.

People need to step outside their comfort zones every once in a while. It's like having a balanced diet. You gotta have that KOF, BB and Skullgirls lest you become soft(doesn't apply as much for tourney players). Giving the old school a good look(VSav, ST, 3S, MvC2) certainly helps round someone out further.
So in terms of how I play fighting games, "difficulty" is a completely valid metric. You can argue that it's "complexity" but for me, it's a matter of how easy it is to execute what I have in my mind and how frustrating/cheap the AI is. BlazBlue is the perfect example of how, for me, "complexity" and "difficulty" are totally different things.
This is a pretty good post. I feel the same way when it comes to BB. I think it would have been recieved muuuuch better than it has been if the anime designs didn't put people off so much. A Capcom coat of paint might be a little duller, but there is no doubt in my mind that people would be eating it up in the states if that were the case.
GGPO or not that's stretching it to a pretty large degree. Any sort of fighting game in those conditions would be suffering from a lot of lag. If the majority of the people you're playing against are getting those kinds of numbers where do you live?
Yeah, anything past 150 ping is going to be uncertain no matter how fantastic the netcode is. Having customization settings in this case should be a Godsend. Geography/distance will always win out in this case for now...
Downloaded it on XBL this morning, and I can't play online. Trying to connect to quick match, or join a room, or do anything really, gets a notification "validating online play" on the screen. But nothing else happens.

That notification bar then stays on the screen in all game modes, including training, until I quit the game o_O
I hope they fix this. I've actually been looking forward to reading Sixfortyfive's impressions when it comes to the online gameplay. He is one of the few gaffers besides me who has the game right now and actually has experience with PC GGPO. I want to see his take on the online... and I also want to play him.
Played a bunch of matches online with the "Any Region" setting, and I'm mostly getting 50-150 ping. Even at slightly over 100 it wasn't that bad, and I was able to pull off combos well. Someone I played killed themselves with Peacock's bomb super haha. If anyone wants to play on PSN feel free to add Beats00.
You are making sure to use recommended delay settings right? I ask because it's something I want everyone to be aware of....

"Big Band is going to play like Q, but not crappy." -Mike Z

I'm going to main this motherfucker so hard:
I hope he wasn't joking with us. That would be pretty awesome if true.
I read that as Q-bee from Vampire Savior, I assure you the imagery was hilarious.
Hilarious and horrifying. I wouldn't want to fight a giant iron long with a tracking air dash. c(@_@c)
What if anything interesting can you do with Filia's air dash cancels other than scoring a couple hits after jMK?
She has a bunch of nasty shit. I'm not good with inputs though. You can check the streams since Filia is really well known as an early cast member and lots of people know more about her than the other characters. She is being studied pretty fast and her combos are becoming very elaborate.
So PS3 is the superior version? My friend said so.
I'd say yeah, but it's not a huuuge difference. The 360 version isn't missing hitboxes or characters like some other games.
Anyway, it doesn't presume you're a hardening fighting game fan. It really does a good job explaining the basics. It's kinda hard I guess. But if you understand the basics you understand why you're getting beat.
Nice post

I want to do the rest of the tutorial, but I'm still sleepy as hell. I'm looking forward to the teching tutorial in particular. Any game that actually teaches you how to tech throws that work like 3rd Strike throws is a fucking legit game in my book.
Are lobbies like, a thing that's coming?
from the op said:
Free content and patches will also be added to the game: Spectator Mode, Internal move lists, Online Training Mode, 8 man lobbies and Youtube Uploads couldn't make it for launch but may(move list for sure) be added to the game in the near future. You'd be doing yourself a favor by checking this gem out.
Mike Z has some pretty elaborate ideas for the lobby setup that go beyond just 8 man lobbies with long periods between matches. Their one network guy will need more time to make this happen though. It's not the easiest thing in the world to implement compared to the barebones spectator options in most fighters.


Where the hell is it on the Euro PSN store? I was so stoked and ready to try it too! Guess I'm going to wait for the PC version instead (please please please use Steamworks)!


Hey, everybody.

The XBLA online multiplayer issue should be resolved now.

Restart your game and you should be good to go!

Where the hell is it on the Euro PSN store? I was so stoked and ready to try it too! Guess I'm going to wait for the PC version instead (please please please use Steamworks)!

The game isn't out on European PSN yet, and we don't have an estimate when it will be.

Unfortunately this is entirely out of our hands - SCEE works differently, and the timing of the Easter holiday really threw a wrench into the approval process there.


Played for an hour before coming to work. Hit the training mode, finished the tutorial and beat the story mode with Cerebella on normal.

The tutorial mode is fantastic. It really teaches you when to block and attack. I wish it's expanded more in future updates because there were some mechanics left out like push block for example.

Also, thank you thank you thank you Mike Z for making instant air dashes easier to do. For the life of me I can't do it with a stick in GG and BB but it's so easy now.


Hey, everybody.

The XBLA online multiplayer issue should be resolved now.

Restart your game and you should be good to go!

The game isn't out on European PSN yet, and we don't have an estimate when it will be.

Unfortunately this is entirely out of our hands - SCEE works differently, and the timing of the Easter holiday really threw a wrench into the approval process there.

Thanks, I'm downloading the demo from PSN US so I can still try it out. It's just the OP weakened my resolve for one moment and I had my wallet ready... :p


No cross-ups in this game! Surprising.

Can we get a stage without a boundary? It's slightly annoying having to throw the dummy backwards to continue training.
Ravidrath, are you at liberty to say what this first patch is going to contain?

Either way, I have a personal list of what I'd like to see:

Training mode:
Dummy record/playback option, preferably as long as possible
Dummy blocking options (no block, auto block after one hit, block high, block low, block all, random block, option to counter attack with specific move on earliest frame with fastest move selected by default, option to pushblock early, late, or not at all)
Dummy tech options (none, forward, backward, random)
Dummy state options (stand, crouch, forward/vertical/backward jump/super jump, repeat specific attack, cpu)
Dummy walk forward/jump buttons (like marvel 3)

Save states (kinda like emulators/3soe)
Defense drills (queue up several mixup strings by dummy, then play them back randomly and attempt to block, with counter for attempts made vs successful blocks like vf4 evo)
Offense drills (dummy goes into cpu mode, but doesn't attack, and instead tries to block all of your mixups; end with safe moves on block and combos on hit to successfully complete a set)

Online and offline replays
Replay training mode (pause game and pick a character to take control of while other character continues playing back replay button inputs)

Trials that demonstrate bread and butter combos

I'm pretty sure most of that won't get put into the patch, but the soul still burns.


You are making sure to use recommended delay settings right? I ask because it's something I want everyone to be aware of....


Yep. I've gotten a couple past 150, and they usually give me a 4 or 5 frame delay so I just use that.


So with Filia you can do at least four st. HK in the corner during a combo. I'm not really sure what else I can do here, or if I can do more than that. I think I exhausted all the moves I can do on the ground without triggering the IPS: link


A friend was very amused when he completed a tutorial and it said "Impossible to gauge!"

That is a Final Fantasy XI reference I basically put in for him and myself. :p


Hm, really? Which attack is Cerebella's crossup?

I don't think there are attacks that are "crossups". Since a crossup is a tactic that makes it difficult for your opponent to know which way to guard unless I'm missing something here.

A cross-up is simply a jumping attack (or any attack, really, but you see it most often with jumping attacks) that has a hitbox that extends behind your character, so you essentially hit them from the other side. It doesn't necessarily have to be an ambiguous cross-up.

I'm a novice at fighting games, so I could be incredibly wrong here, but maybe he's asking about moves that sometimes help with crossing up opponents? For example, Nova in UMvC3 has his j. H kick that looks like it could hit in front but at the same time could also hit behind.

Right. Yeah that makes sense. >.<

Cerebella's j. LK might do that.


Santa May Claus
I don't think there are attacks that are "crossups". Since a crossup is a tactic that makes it difficult for your opponent to know which way to guard unless I'm missing something here.

A cross-up is simply a jumping attack (or any attack, really, but you see it most often with jumping attacks) that has a hitbox that extends behind your character, so you essentially hit them from the other side. It doesn't necessarily have to be an ambiguous cross-up.


I don't think there are attacks that are "crossups". Since a crossup is a tactic that makes it difficult for your opponent to know which way to guard unless I'm missing something here.

I'm a novice at fighting games, so I could be incredibly wrong here, but maybe he's asking about moves that sometimes help with crossing up opponents? For example, Nova in UMvC3 has his j. H kick that looks like it could hit in front but at the same time could also hit behind.

Anyways, I'll be getting the game in about 6 hours so if anyone wants to add me on XBL, my GT is CAPCPOM. Looking forward to getting destroyed.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Not only do openly admit to that on GAF, but you do it in the thread where the devs not only read, but post in too. Nice.

Yeah guess I feel morally obligated to buy the game now. Its just I've been listening to the two released tracks forever now and want to listen to the rest on loop.


Yeah guess I feel morally obligated to buy the game now. Its just I've been listening to the two released tracks forever now and want to listen to the rest on loop.
They're going to officially release the soundtrack for sale in a couple of weeks.
Game is fucking glorious. Fanservice may rival Brawl and UMVC3 and I've only played a few minutes. Music, feel...everything is great. I could also easily see this rivaling KOF13 as the game I wish people would try instead of constantly complaining about Capcom games.


I'm no expert, but I think that Cerebella just isn't really much of a cross-up-oriented character.

She's already basically the most versatile grappler in any game - how much more does she need?


A friend was very amused when he completed a tutorial and it said "Impossible to gauge!"

That is a Final Fantasy XI reference I basically put in for him and myself. :p

I posted about that earlier; made me grin way more than it had any right to. :]

EDIT: I was briefly tinkering with Cerebella's 'elbow drop' command-normal (in-air: down+MP..?). I might have been imagining it (or flat-out mistaken), but I remember thinking "neat for ambiguous cross-ups".


Oh my God this game is so SICK!

When I got to the Skullgirl I nearly fell out of my chair when she said
"Rise from your grave!" in tribute to Altered Beast! xD

So many awesome quotes. Played Peacock and loved every second of it. That zoning game is incredible. I haven't played more than one vs the world since I dont want to mess with teams till I learn the cast some more. Holy crap so much to gush about with this.

Air dash canceling with normals is awesome. Its soooooo much fun to bop around in the air and then kill the dash playing air footsies and come in hot with an attack. Love the air shotgun with Peacock because I like the whole pop in pop out aspect it lends her even when jumping at someone trying to get in. No matter what she zones like a GOD! Put the game on ridiculous and take on army of one Peacock and see what I mean. She is INSANE! *literally*

Plus, I am really diggin the versatility of Valentine's air hyper for combos. Heck even her regular standing version of that knife throw hyper point blank in a combo leaves them high enough to keep it going. Soooo good.

I think I need to redo my TE stick art for this game. 8 characters and every one destroys any character in any other fighter I've played. Its just that good. Nothing feels unfair in this game and it really teaches you how to play smarter. So happy right now. I hope you guys blow the doors off of the digital market with this.
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