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Skullgirls |OT| New age of Heroines


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I've rarely played a fighting game (not for the point of trying) but probably because I couldn't justify paying out for a stick. Anyway, this game looks pretty fun so my question is, is it worth buying to use with only a pad and which pad is recommended to play it on (360 or PS3)
If the choice is between Dualshock and the official 360 controller, I'd go with the Dualshock, no question. Specialty pads like the Madcatz Fightpad are decent if you want a 6-face button controller (as it's a more natural layout for a 6-attack game), but the Madcatz pad in question is rather prone to breaking down, in my experience.


The physical form of blasphemy
Random Valentine question. I'm still working on my bnb (or will be when I leave work). Think it's possible to mimic Dio's famous Rock N Rolla combo, after he uses Time Stop, if you use the hitstun poison needle. Obviously you can't do the same shit, but yea,


Whatever -> Hitstun Poison -> whatever -> TK Scalpel Blockbuster (really low to the ground) -> Scalpel Blockbuster -> Cardiogram Blockbuster

Only for styling purposes of course. lol. Pretty sure I connected the three supers/hypers/blockbusters together in a corner.


Need more net code impressions please. :O Does the demo let you do online matches to test it?

I'd love too but my online isn't exactly working on the 360 side for some reason. Can't remember the error but it's like, online activation or verification...


Need more net code impressions please. :O Does the demo let you do online matches to test it?
Absolutely amazing. I played my friend in Florida with a really crappy connection and had no problems with lag or anything.

I've rarely played a fighting game (not for the point of trying) but probably because I couldn't justify paying out for a stick. Anyway, this game looks pretty fun so my question is, is it worth buying to use with only a pad and which pad is recommended to play it on (360 or PS3)
I use the regular PS3 controller :lol I'm probably weird when it comes to that but it's the controller that's the most comfortable for me personally. Any type of Madcatz Pad or whatever would do though.


I'm still playing the demo and I have played the 4th tutorial (the final one available in the trial version) and I simply can't chain the six moves together. I can 100% do the first two. Then in 2/3 of the cases I fail with regards to chaining the third. In 1/3 of the cases I can get up the fourth (c. HP --> j. LP --> j. HK --> c. LK), but fail with regard to timing the s. MK to the c. LK...

Is it
a) because I simply suck at games
b) I am using the xbox 360 pad
c) my monitor has ~39ms delay (haven't had any troubles with that yet, but then again I usually do not play fast-paced games on it)
I've rarely played a fighting game (not for the point of trying) but probably because I couldn't justify paying out for a stick. Anyway, this game looks pretty fun so my question is, is it worth buying to use with only a pad and which pad is recommended to play it on (360 or PS3)

You can play with a pad. I play with one. Plus it not like the motions in game are hard. Hardest thing is a DP motion.


I'm still playing the demo and I have played the 4th tutorial (the final one available in the trial version) and I simply can't chain the six moves together. I can 100% do the first two. Then in 2/3 of the cases I fail with regards to chaining the third. In 1/3 of the cases I can get up the fourth (c. HP --> j. LP --> j. HK --> c. LK), but fail with regard to timing the s. MK to the c. LK...

Is it
a) because I simply suck at games
b) I am using the xbox 360 pad
c) my monitor has ~39ms delay (haven't had any troubles with that yet, but then again I usually do not play fast-paced games on it)

mostly A with a little of C, I can't remember having trouble with this, but i play a bunch of fighters and have a fairly low MS monitor


I think much of the hard for experienced players is the fact they don't have any old character to fall back on. I noticed this- new IPs tend to get viewed as harder then old IPs. This is a big reason many folks consider VF a hard game- they don't have Kazuya, Paul, Jin, or Law to fall back on, and all those "new" characters seem alien. That makes things seem harder then they are.

In some sense, vets finding it hard means they have less of an advantage coming in.

You can turn yourself into becoming a decent player- that's pretty how much 99% of your pot monsters start.

If anything , making the game too hard would kill the game- games succeed or fail commercially not on the tourney winners, but the scrubs. This game has plenty to offer if you're not a good player.

Personally, if this game didn't have all that stuff, I probably wouldn't have bought it, because I knew coming into this game, I am going way, way, way out of my element for the style I'm best at.

Played a twenty match set this morning and went from laughing at the silly stuff to rage over being unable to do anything due to rushdown. Didn't know about Alpha Counters.
I'm trying to learn this game via solo characters first before going into teams though.
That makes sense. I don't have any characters in any game I'm particularly attached to. I'm just a casual fan of fighting games. I'll definitely check out the demo to see how I feel about it. I downloaded it last night but didn't have time to actually try it.

See, this entire line of thinking seems to be rooted in a false assumption, and it bothers me no matter how many times it comes up. It's impossible for a fighting game to be "easy" or "difficult" based on the mechanics alone. The aspects of the game itself determine how "simple" or "complex" it can be, but difficulty is decided by the human competition. If you're playing against someone who is really good and experienced at the game in question, then you're going to have a hard time whether you're playing Skullgirls or Smash Bros. Conversely, Major League Baseball and little league may be playing the same "game," but it should be obvious why the former is exponentially more difficult.

So, you'd probably enjoy Skullgirls (and any fighter) against competition on your level, whether it be local players, GAF scrubs, or whomever. If I had to guess, I'd say the ratio of "hardcore" online players are going to be higher in this game than usual due to its relative niche and the nature of its development/promotion, but you never know.
I don't come to fighting games for competitive play. I know I'm in a minority here. I play fighting games for the single player content. So it's totally possible for a fighting game to be difficult for me.
So when people say the AI, even on easy, is destroying them or that the boss is "SNK cheap", it's a massive turn off.

Beyond AI, there's also timing and the required motions. A game with looser timing like Soul Calibur is infinitely easier to play than Street Fighter. I have problems doing weird circles and zig-zag patterns on a controller. Like, one reason I can play BlazBlue despite it's complex systems is that the combo timings are very loose and the move lists are easy to execute. I can pull off decent combo strings without having insane dexterity.

So in terms of how I play fighting games, "difficulty" is a completely valid metric. You can argue that it's "complexity" but for me, it's a matter of how easy it is to execute what I have in my mind and how frustrating/cheap the AI is. BlazBlue is the perfect example of how, for me, "complexity" and "difficulty" are totally different things.


I'm still playing the demo and I have played the 4th tutorial (the final one available in the trial version) and I simply can't chain the six moves together. I can 100% do the first two. Then in 2/3 of the cases I fail with regards to chaining the third. In 1/3 of the cases I can get up the fourth (c. HP --> j. LP --> j. HK --> c. LK), but fail with regard to timing the s. MK to the c. LK...

Is it
a) because I simply suck at games
b) I am using the xbox 360 pad
c) my monitor has ~39ms delay (haven't had any troubles with that yet, but then again I usually do not play fast-paced games on it)
All of the above. 360 pad plus laggy screen is a shittastic combo.


So when people say the AI, even on easy, is destroying them or that the boss is "SNK cheap", it's a massive turn off.
The problem is you can't cheese the AI with sweep kicks or rushes or whatever, it has a somewhat realistic fighting style that feels like playing a slightly robotic person, which is why I imagine a lot of players who don't play these games in multiplayer are having a lot of trouble. If anything I think this is really, really fair AI. Much less cheap then input reading motherfuckers you see in other games.

The boss is cheap as hell though god damn
I'm still playing the demo and I have played the 4th tutorial (the final one available in the trial version) and I simply can't chain the six moves together. I can 100% do the first two. Then in 2/3 of the cases I fail with regards to chaining the third. In 1/3 of the cases I can get up the fourth (c. HP --> j. LP --> j. HK --> c. LK), but fail with regard to timing the s. MK to the c. LK...

Is it
a) because I simply suck at games
b) I am using the xbox 360 pad
c) my monitor has ~39ms delay (haven't had any troubles with that yet, but then again I usually do not play fast-paced games on it)

The way chains are in this game you should be able to hit the sMK upon the crLK connecting. Are you mashing? Rapid fire input isn't really necessary.

Also, remember that you're canceling into the fHP

I did it with a pad btw
Gonna try changing it. But the ping of most people I see is 200+.

GGPO or not that's stretching it to a pretty large degree. Any sort of fighting game in those conditions would be suffering from a lot of lag. If the majority of the people you're playing against are getting those kinds of numbers where do you live?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
The problem is you can't cheese the AI with sweep kicks or rushes or whatever, it has a somewhat realistic fighting style that feels like playing a slightly robotic person, which is why I imagine a lot of players who don't play these games in multiplayer are having a lot of trouble. If anything I think this is really, really fair AI. Much less cheap then input reading motherfuckers you see in other games.

The boss is cheap as hell though god damn
Yeah, I agree with all of this.

The AI will hit you with some decent combos and block fairly well on the hardest difficulty, but it's not that hard to break their defense if you play it safe. It's a lot better than other games I've played where the AI will just have perfect psychic blocking and punish everything you do no matter how improbable.

The boss can be dumb, though. Definitely one of those "check Youtube for cheap and easy flowchart strats" kind of things, I think.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Downloaded it on XBL this morning, and I can't play online. Trying to connect to quick match, or join a room, or do anything really, gets a notification "validating online play" on the screen. But nothing else happens.

That notification bar then stays on the screen in all game modes, including training, until I quit the game o_O


GGPO or not that's stretching it to a pretty large degree. Any sort of fighting game in those conditions would be suffering from a lot of lag. If the majority of the people you're playing against are getting those kinds of numbers where do you live?

In the middle east. That's why I blame my location more than the game.
discoshark said:
I honestly don't understand complaints about the difficulty of the AI. I've ran through story mode once so far as solo-Peacock on normal and had to retry all of one time.
they are most certainly valid. usually when i first start arcade on normal settings, i expect a walk in the park and just test my buttons and moves, but with skullgirls i actually had to try. i then went to the hardest settings to see if it would give me trouble if i tried, and nope it didn't--it was roughly the same as normal settings. then i went to the easiest settings and kinda just walked around and let me them hit me and see what they would do, and they actually did some combos. while its not "harder" persay, the progression is most certainly is.

capcom difficulty:
6 year old gamer -> beginner fg gamer -> experienced fg gamer

skullgirls difficulty:
beginner fg gamer -> experienced fg gamer -> experienced fg gamer

tl;dr if you're new to fighting games or just a casual, don't play on the default normal difficulty settings.
Regarding online on the 360 version of the game :
MikeZ said:
Update about the 360-online problem:
Thank you whoever wrote out the error message - looks like there's a file missing on MS's server which the game needs to check. Details have been sent to the relevant people who can put it there, whenever they wake up. :^P (I may be wrong, but that's what the problem appears to be.)


Played a bunch of matches online with the "Any Region" setting, and I'm mostly getting 50-150 ping. Even at slightly over 100 it wasn't that bad, and I was able to pull off combos well. Someone I played killed themselves with Peacock's bomb super haha. If anyone wants to play on PSN feel free to add Beats00.

how many base buttons does this game use? 4 or 6?

can't play until I get home tonight from work.


edit: Got another combo down in the corner with Filia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYkAjxKBNTI
I'm still playing the demo and I have played the 4th tutorial (the final one available in the trial version) and I simply can't chain the six moves together. I can 100% do the first two. Then in 2/3 of the cases I fail with regards to chaining the third. In 1/3 of the cases I can get up the fourth (c. HP --> j. LP --> j. HK --> c. LK), but fail with regard to timing the s. MK to the c. LK...

Is it
a) because I simply suck at games
b) I am using the xbox 360 pad
c) my monitor has ~39ms delay (haven't had any troubles with that yet, but then again I usually do not play fast-paced games on it)
i noticed this game is a lot slower and a lot less lenient than mvc3. in mvc3, you can almost piano abc and expect it to chain, in skullgirls you actually have to time it somewhat properly. if you're used to mvc3, basically slow down your button presses and you should get it.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Need more net code impressions please. :O Does the demo let you do online matches to test it?

Had one match with a ping of 30 or so, no lag.

You can believe the games UI was way out of memory when you see the credits and theyre LAGGING.

A UI overhaul is necessary anyways, that pause screen is ... not so great (hey lets look at these keyframes *pauses game* *screen goes black*)

Game is awesome though. Spent a good hour yesterday finding my animations :D


...I need to try Arcade mode on Easy and see if this game is as hard as people say it is.

Here's hoping the game gets a lot of sales this week ;D

mr. puppy

"Big Band is going to play like Q, but not crappy." -Mike Z

I'm going to main this motherfucker so hard:



"Big Band is going to play like Q, but not crappy." -Mike Z

I'm going to main this motherfucker so hard:


That's some bad ass news. Aside from Urien, I only enjoyed Q in SF3. Sean is cool too, but it's hard to enjoy him at all since he's so bottom of the barrel in tier lol.

Liking what peeps are saying about the net code. Just have to convince some buddies to pick it up too so I'm not running the game solo.


This game is just beautiful, I kind of agree that I want to be able to pause the screen...maybe some mode to look at the sprite animations is even worthy...or even just to be able to pan and zoom in some sort of training mode might be interesting (not just to look at bouncing things, the details of each of the character attacks are amazing)

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
This game is just beautiful, I kind of agree that I want to be able to pause the screen...maybe some mode to look at the sprite animations is even worthy...or even just to be able to pan and zoom in some sort of training mode might be interesting (not just to look at bouncing things, the details of each of the character attacks are amazing)

IF they find the time and resources, when you pause the game add an option that says "view screen", from there you can save a screenshot to your HDD.

I think thats an "easy" solution


I don't come to fighting games for competitive play. I know I'm in a minority here. I play fighting games for the single player content. So it's totally possible for a fighting game to be difficult for me.
So when people say the AI, even on easy, is destroying them or that the boss is "SNK cheap", it's a massive turn off.

If you're playing fighters for single-player content: these would be my recs:

Blazblue- those games have the best story modes.

Guilty Gear might possibly be something you keep an eye on as well.

I'd give VF a shot if you wanted to learn the competitive side when it comes out in a couple months. Best game to learn from, and you can learn in a largely self-directed fashion, since learning anything makes you better. You also get some real nice customization (though it will be DLC)


So does online on 360 work for anybody at the minute? Is there some sort of correlation between those who get the "validating online play" message and those for whom it works fine?


Been watching this game since the beginning but never found a character that I interests me. Hopefully the demo will change my mind.


If you're playing fighters for single-player content: these would be my recs:

Blazblue- those games have the best story modes.

Guilty Gear might possibly be something you keep an eye on as well.

I'd give VF a shot if you wanted to learn the competitive side when it comes out in a couple months. Best game to learn from, and you can learn in a largely self-directed fashion, since learning anything makes you better. You also get some real nice customization (though it will be DLC)

The BlazBlue series is my favourite for fighting games. I really enjoyed MK9. SC used to be great too. The last one was poor for single player though.
Tekken is alright for single player content too.
Thanks for the suggestion on VF. I'll definitely give that a look, assuming the new one actually comes out now that Sega is where it is.

I know this is a $15 game, so I'm not expecting BlazBlue levels of content here. But people are saying the story stuff is really short. So I'll definitely keep an eye on this for when the canon story stuff gets added. It's a very attractive game, but it just seems like the focus is on the multiplayer (as it should be right now).


Played the demo yesterday. Loved what I played of it so far and I'm looking forward to digging in. Still really want to try out Parasoul but Fillia and Cerebella felt really good.(

Try the tutorials.

Downloaded it on XBL this morning, and I can't play online. Trying to connect to quick match, or join a room, or do anything really, gets a notification "validating online play" on the screen. But nothing else happens.

That notification bar then stays on the screen in all game modes, including training, until I quit the game o_O

Whoa, whoa...

Going to call people and see what's up with this and keep you updated on it.
So has anyone played enough to know:

How is the training mode/tutorial is it really different?
Does it really teach you how to play and why to play?

If so I really want to check it out, if its the same as all those other fighting games than not.


Been watching this game since the beginning but never found a character that I interests me. Hopefully the demo will change my mind.
Cerabella was the character I was the least interested in and i can't stop playing her. So much fun. Only dabbled in Valentine and and Parasoul.

Honestly I was apprehensive about the overall art style but it's grown on me. After seeing it on my own screen I'm a believer. Love the presentation and the music. My god the music.

Only got to play a little last night before having to work, but looking forward to actually trying some more characters tonight. I really want to learn Double.

So has anyone played enough to know:

How is the training mode/tutorial is it really different?
Does it really teach you how to play and why to play?

If so I really want to check it out, if its the same as all those other fighting games than not.
While it does show some game specific stuff, it's really a primer for fighting games in general. A lot of the concepts I didn't grasp for almost a year of watching streams and playing. I'm still a better theory fighter than I can execute. But fighting games are so much more fun to watch and play when you understand the fundamentals.

It's not just showing you a movelist and some combos to crutch on. Once you're done with the tutorial your left to experiment on your own. And I think it's brilliant.
While it does show some game specific stuff, it's really a primer for fighting games in general. A lot of the concepts I didn't grasp for almost a year of watching streams and playing. I'm still a better theory fighter than I can execute. But fighting games are so much more fun to watch and play when you understand the fundamentals.

It's not just showing you a movelist and some combos to crutch on. Once you're done with the tutorial your left to experiment on your own. And I think it's brilliant.
That sounds great! Any more impressions of the learning processes/tutorial.
If its worth it if your not into fighting games already?
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