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Slim PS3 ...good fake or...

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JayDub said:
I'm finding this hard to believe:

1. Has Sony even turned a profit on the PS3, hardware-wise, yet?
2. If not, and if the 45nm RSX and Cell chip (is it going to be on the same chip?) is supposed to make the PS3 cheaper to manufacture (therefore, more profit), wouldn't you think Sony would rest on the extra profits for a little while before jumping with a new design? Especially with how much they've already lost, plus their less then favorable position amongst Microsoft and Nintendo.

Smart business would tell Sony to let the new chips turn a little more profit for them before redesigning the PS3. However, there's another side. Some people (me included) would find the new, redesign PS3 attractive, and buy it. Redesign = more people buying it = recover financially?

But you're forgetting the main benefits of a redesign;

Smaller, lighter hardware means you can ship more units for less money.
You can streamline the manufacturing process. There are a lot of now-unnecessary parts on the PS3 casing.
You can remove features but giving consumers the redesign as a trade-off.
You're effectively introducing a new product which means free, easy promotion that you wouldn't get by just keeping the existing model around. See: Nintendo's multi-coloured handhelds.


caliblue15 said:

Ok guys, tell me where the TM is on that box for the PS3 slim like the PS2 above???

Surprised no one jumped on this.
Uh, that's because it's there, but it's just hard to see because of the poor image quality.


JayDub said:
I'm finding this hard to believe:

1. Has Sony even turned a profit on the PS3, hardware-wise, yet?
2. If not, and if the 45nm RSX and Cell chip (is it going to be on the same chip?) is supposed to make the PS3 cheaper to manufacture (therefore, more profit), wouldn't you think Sony would rest on the extra profits for a little while before jumping with a new design? Especially with how much they've already lost, plus their less then favorable position amongst Microsoft and Nintendo.

Smart business would tell Sony to let the new chips turn a little more profit for them before redesigning the PS3. However, there's another side. Some people (me included) would find the new, redesign PS3 attractive, and buy it. Redesign = more people buying it = recover financially?

I think slimmer model tend to be cheaper to produce andship


GAF's Bob Woodward
Yeah...I'd reckon the savings each redesigned unit would reap over millions of sales would far outweigh the upfront cost of redesigning the system.

They've been constantly revising the internals up to now also..taking the opportunity to revise the system inside-and-out is probably more affordable when you have a team already there who've been doing this all along. The new motherboard in this unit is probably a fairly direct evolution of the last revision of the motherboard in the 'fat' case, just now housed in a (cheaper) and more neatly fitting case.



IGN just wrote another article trying to find more reasons to either believe these are real or fake photos. They're calling it a PS3 Mini now. Here are 2 of the more ridiculous reasons they believe these photos might be fake:


Six years, four and a half years and three years:
That's the Sony redesign timeline, assuming that the PS3 is being redesigned. Strangely short-term, isn't it? It seems that the PS3's barely been on sale – and it just strikes us as odd timing for a redesign this soon into its lifespan.

This redesign is butt-ugly:
Sure, these photos show a PS3 console that's essentially very reverent to the original design, but we'll be damned if it isn't really ugly. Matte black, weird curves and a general lack of quality finishes seems to go against Sony's ultra-slick aesthetics. There's a strangely 'cheap' look to this design – and maybe that's a sign that it's a fake.

Butt-ugly? LOL, more OPINIONS written as if it's fact. What looks good or ugly is in the eye of the beholder, IGN (and certain other GAF posters). I personally like the stealth-like, slim look of this redesign. Then there's the fact that these are only images of the faceplate and backplate in unfinished, unpainted (if there will be paint at all), unassembled form. There's no 360º photos of the completely assembled product, so how do we know what the actual thing (if real) would look like? There are just too many factors we still don't know to come to a consensus OPINION of whether or not this redesign looks ugly or not.

Oh, and like I said, these are probably photos of a PROTOTYPE design, if it's even real. Nothing is set in stone until we see proof that there's an entire assembly line pumping these models out, one after another.


needs 2 extra inches
whoa whoa, hold on a second. I haven't been following this thread closely but there are people thinking that these aren't fake?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Jinfash said:
whoa whoa, hold on a second. I haven't been following this thread closely but there are people thinking that these aren't fake?

No one's poked a hole in it yet.

Usually fakes are 'caught out' on something pretty quickly. Still waiting for that here.

The detail of the leak is also..impressive. If it's a fake. From the realistic manufacturing backgrounds, the fact that they're actual plastic moulds and boxes, to the fact that it's a fairly reasonable shrink (not over-eager) and that all the bits 'fit'..to the fact that the board that posted these apparently got a cease-and-desist over them.. nothing about this smells in the way a fake usually does.

And I'm usually pretty facking sceptical! :p


JayDub said:
I'm finding this hard to believe:

1. Has Sony even turned a profit on the PS3, hardware-wise, yet?
2. If not, and if the 45nm RSX and Cell chip (is it going to be on the same chip?) is supposed to make the PS3 cheaper to manufacture (therefore, more profit), wouldn't you think Sony would rest on the extra profits for a little while before jumping with a new design? Especially with how much they've already lost, plus their less then favorable position amongst Microsoft and Nintendo.

Smart business would tell Sony to let the new chips turn a little more profit for them before redesigning the PS3. However, there's another side. Some people (me included) would find the new, redesign PS3 attractive, and buy it. Redesign = more people buying it = recover financially?

they broke even over 6 months ago, i'm willing to bet they are making some profit.

That being said, less parts, smaller size = cheaper


Will drop pants for Sony.
I wonder why so many want this to be fake? Is it too soon for a slim model PS3? Why is it easy to believe a new psp is coming but not a new ps3?

Dead Man

gofreak said:
No one's poked a hole in it yet.

Usually fakes are 'caught out' on something pretty quickly. Still waiting for that here.

The detail of the leak is also..impressive. If it's a fake. From the realistic manufacturing backgrounds, the fact that they're actual plastic moulds and boxes, to the fact that it's a fairly reasonable shrink (not over-eager) and that all the bits 'fit'..to the fact that the board that posted these apparently got a cease-and-desist over them.. nothing about this smells in the way a fake usually does.

And I'm usually pretty facking sceptical! :p
(neutral) gofreak
GAF's Bob Woodward
(Today, 10:08 PM)
Reply | Quote

Hey man, good enough for me!


On the issue of "PLAYSTATION" vs. "PlayStation", it's interesting to see that both PSN and PS Store were branded with all-caps "PLAYSTATION" up until they launched the two services on the PSP, after which they were branded the old fashioned "PlayStation" way on all platforms.

This explains why some earlier PS3 boxart had "PLAYSTATION Network" on the box, while the newer ones have "PlayStation Network" instead.

Is any of this relevant to this redesigned PS3 anymore? Not really. I still believe Sony will continue to mandate "PLAYSTATION 3" in all caps. At least up until this redesign comes out and I get banned for 3 months. But interesting.


Will drop pants for Sony.
If this is true I sort of think this leak could deflat the announcement effect at E3 if it is announced there at all. E3 is such a poker game with everyone holding their cards to their chest not revealing anything. Management at Sony are probably pissed off about this leak. Oh well at least we know something is in the works if this is indeed legit.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It raises the question if they're going to rebrand their retail presence globally.

Well, I dunno what it's like everywhere, but local game stores here have the whole "PLAYSTATION 3" logo all over the ps3 sections of their stores etc.

neojubei said:
If this is true I sort of think this leak could deflat the announcement effect at E3 if it is announced there at all.

It's the way of things now. So much stuff gets leaked. If they were planning it for E3 I'm sure they're pissed..it would be a good unexpected 'miniton' if it hadn't been leaked. Not that it really matters..the material impact of the announcement down the road when (if?) the system is released will be the same whether we know about it now or know about it in a month.

I kind of get the feeling it won't be announced at E3 though. Not if it's not coming til September-ish.


neojubei said:
If this is true I sort of think this leak could deflat the announcement effect at E3 if it is announced there at all. E3 is such a poker game with everyone holding their cards to their chest not revealing anything. Management at Sony are probably pissed off about this leak. Oh well at least we know something is in the works if this is indeed legit.
That's why they're denying it. :p


gcubed said:
they broke even over 6 months ago, i'm willing to bet they are making some profit.

That being said, less parts, smaller size = cheaper

yeah, except that we already know they are predicting loss for this FY as welll... so yeah, price cut coming, new console coming....


Authorized Fister
gofreak said:
It raises the question if they're going to rebrand their retail presence globally.

Well, I dunno what it's like everywhere, but local game stores here have the whole "PLAYSTATION 3" logo all over the ps3 sections of their stores etc.

When the PSone was out, the boards still said PlayStation. It's about the system branding, not the games.

Anyways, the only thing I pray for is BC. So many of my friends tell me, why would I buy a PS3 instead of a X360, since both don't play PS2 games.
JeFfRey said:
Anyways, the only thing I pray for is BC. So many of my friends tell me, why would I buy a PS3 instead of a X360, since both don't play PS2 games.
Sounds to me like you need some new friends! Or at least say "Why would you talk when only shit comes out your mouth" ;)


Authorized Fister
Dirtyshubb said:
Sounds to me like you need some new friends! Or at least say "Why would you talk when only shit comes out your mouth" ;)

Well I totally agree with them, except I got a first gen PS3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
JeFfRey said:
When the PSone was out, the boards still said PlayStation. It's about the system branding, not the games.

They didn't drop the "PlayStation" logo though. It wasn't on the PSone box (at least the front of it, I don't think), but they didn't drop or replace it with a new version of that logo.

Whereas here they do seem to be replacing the spiderman-font PLAYSTATION 3 with a more original-style PlayStation 3.

Maybe they won't care so much, but for consistency's sake it'd be nice if they did replace it everywhere. Some branding folks at Sony would no doubt be freaking out at the thought of two different version of both the long-form and short-form logos coexisting :p

JeFfRey said:
Anyways, the only thing I pray for is BC. So many of my friends tell me, why would I buy a PS3 instead of a X360, since both don't play PS2 games.

I wouldn't hold my breath..but it's not like a 360 will play your PS2 games either :)


DieH@rd said:
Does Sony still loses money on each PS3 sold? Are they even? Do they earn few bucks?

as posted above, reports were they broke even late last year, so i would be willing to bet they are making a few dollars per console sold... but that was before the yen/dollar exchange rate jump, which could be killing them in the NA now, well, that is, if they actually sold some consoles in NA...


Authorized Fister
gofreak said:
I wouldn't hold my breath..but it's not like a 360 will play your PS2 games either :)

I think you guys are downplaying this. Why would you pay for a system at twice the cost for a couple of exclusives?

The BC 80GB sold more than the 40GB non BC when they were both available. That alone says a lot.
JeFfRey said:
I think you guys are downplaying this. Why would you pay for a system at twice the cost for a couple of exclusives?

The BC 80GB sold more than the 40GB non BC when they were both available. That alone says a lot.
Well luckily for me i got a 60gig so im not affected but as for the question about why would you buy it well why buy the 360 in the first place, if its just for the fact its cheaper than to me it sounds like you play games for the wrong reasons.

And its not like the only difference between the 2 is a 'couple of exclusives' since its well established how different the 2 consoles are and what the PS3 can do that the 360 cant (blu-ray,wireless out the box ect).


Authorized Fister
Dirtyshubb said:
Well luckily for me i got a 60gig so im not affected but as for the question about why would you buy it well why buy the 360 in the first place, if its just for the fact its cheaper than to me it sounds like you play games for the wrong reasons.

And its not like the only difference between the 2 is a 'couple of exclusives' since its well established how different the 2 consoles are and what the PS3 can do that the 360 cant (blu-ray,wireless out the box ect).

I think that you forget that people want to play games, gadgets are nice, but that stops there. The BC permits to only have one console attached, unlimited memory cards, and upscaling, all things that the PS2 can't do. I own a PS3 to play games, so the more I can play, the best value for me it is.
Looks convincing to me. It's hard to tell from these pictures, but I think it has a good chance of looking slick.

I never liked the PS2 slim, and I'm not sure, but I think I will still prefer my phat BC PS2 over this design. I like feeling like I'm getting more for my money when I buy electronics with some heft. :lol

The cool thing about this slim (it appears VERY slim) would be that it would not be difficult to wall mount the thing.

Rolf NB

gofreak said:
it's not like a 360 will play your PS2 games either :)
He's still right though that it presents a problem. The absence of PS2 BC opens people's options up. If they still hold dear their PS2 library, a PS3 that could play the games would automatically lock them in. As long as that's a priority, no other system can be a viable option. Their other potential merits don't even matter.
If there's no clear upgrade path though, it's back to square one, free-for-all, and tons of other factors suddenly enter the equation, most importantly price.


GAF's Bob Woodward
JeFfRey said:
I think you guys are downplaying this. Why would you pay for a system at twice the cost for a couple of exclusives?

The BC 80GB sold more than the 40GB non BC when they were both available. That alone says a lot.

Price is a different issue.

But I don't see how BC would in and of itself sway someone from one system without it to another system without it :)

Maybe BC can help make a more expensive purchase more worthwhile, if that's what you mean, sure I see that point. But just saying "don't get a PS3 because it won't play your PS2 games, get this system instead" is strange to me when taken on its own since no other system, except a PS2, will solve that problem either.

Anyway, this is sort of OT. I'm still not sure why people pin BC hopes on what ought to be a cheaper model, which if anything you might think would have further tradeoffs.

edit - those are fair points bcn. Personally speaking I wouldn't let a past library 'control' what library or system I buy into for the future, but I can see how for some it's important.


I love all the stealth in this thread.

"LOL 299? They need to go lower, include backwards compatibility, bundle Killzone 2, LBP, God of War 3 and Gran Tourismo, have Kutaragi fly over to my house, apologize, dance, and tell me I'm awesome."

But seriously, the thing is missing one or two little "sparks" of beauty. It could really use a glossy finish.


Probably it has been mentioned already but since this thread is moving so fast, I'll re-post this:


You can see it yourself here at the end of the video.
The matte finish is probably due to it being a prototype or what have you. I don't see whats so bad, as sexy as my PS3 is, I think the new one is fine. Its just different, not any more ugly. It looks so similar anyway.


DarkUSS said:
Probably it has been mentioned already but since this thread is moving so fast, I'll re-post this:


You can see it yourself here at the end of the video.

Maybe my eyes are still fuzzy and I am tired today but what is this supposed to be? Yes the circled logo seems to be the one that has been used already for various PS3 ads. Or was the PSLS article saying that this is supposed to be the new PS3 Slim logo?
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