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Slovakia ready to receive Syrian refugees – but only if they are non-muslim.

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I've personally worked with a Muslim woman who said what ISIS was doing is great.
Scary shit man.

Some Muslims in Europe are just very conservative, it colors perception of the general populace.

In a lot of Europe they still glorify their empires who plundered and raped the planet.

You better be damn well joking right now.
Europe isn't some backwater part of the world, and most of us don't take any dumb pride living in the country we were merely born in.

It's like me trying to paint the republicans as "all of America"

Man, this thread went to shit

Yes, diet racism from Europeans and grandeur from Americans looking down on us lowly Europeans.

Where are all the European gaffers that get on their high horse about america's race issues.

Our Cops bring in their arrestees alive.
Lol, you think this is indicative of Islam? It's a huge portion of the global populace full stop. With or without religion, there are always going to be people who have questionable beliefs on all manner of things, including the above. It's why the Republican party in the US is so prominent, despite so many of their policies and beliefs being objectionable. And that's in a Western, democratic, educated, wealthy nation. Add in war, civil war, mass poverty, destruction, constant destabilisation, a break down of infrastructure and all the rest, the kind of things that routinely occur in some of these other nations (mostly as a result of earlier actions of the wealthier and more powerful nations) and then imagine the possibilities.

It certainly still is an issue in western nations. So why would they want to add to that?

Saudi Arabia & Iran have very different laws on religious and cultural things. I'm sure you realize that their laws did not get that way by random accident.


Western countries have worked hard to be very permissive and let people find their own level of religiosity. It can be Amish to Satanist. There is a pretty strong separation between church & state in Europe (even if there is some vestigial state church, it is not a significant thing.) And they are understandably a bit wary about having a lot of people have a much more up-tight view of religiosity AND are fine with the state enforcing that religiosity. And when the state doesn't enforce it, some extremists decide to freelance by killing cartoonists, novel writers, harassing women, etc.

The society of Europe is significantly different than the society in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc. Now there is (thankfully) no war of the cultures. Everyone can get along. But are Europeans asking for too much if they asking for people to accept their society as is if they wish to move there?


I understand where the governments are coming from.

Muslim communities seem to have increased integration challenges with incumbent societies, compared to other migrants.
I've personally worked with a Muslim woman who said what ISIS was doing is great.
Scary shit man.

Some Muslims just are very conservative in Europe, it colors perception of the general populace.

You better be damn well joking right now.
Europe isn't some backwater part of the world, and most of us don't take any dumb pride living in the country we were merely born in.

It's like me trying to paint the republicans as "all of America"

Yes, diet racism from Europeans and grandeur from Americans looking down on us lowly Europeans.

Our Cops bring in their arrestees alive.

"In a lot of Europe" is not the same as "all of America". I tried my best to be specific in who I was talking about (the far-right).
You know I heard a lot of people say to me in discussions in threads we like Muslims just not Islam but then I see the circular logic failure which shows their view they view most Muslims as unwelcome that they flat out lied, they dislike and distrust Muslims as much as the religion . We are talking of refugees fleeing fighting not those fighting and then I see some embarrassing views. For shame
I dunno man the Koran is pretty vague on the subject of unbelievers...

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority"

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion should be only for Allah"

Dozens more, plus plenty of lines from the Hadith, including direct quotes from Mohammed:

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"
Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992: - "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah."

It's quite shameful that you are openly copying and pasting from religionofpeace website which is anti Islamic which you know yourself purposely lies about what the verses refer to and what you are trying to portray , I have sent you the explaination in multiple threads in front of a lot of posters that all verses above are only against those fighting Muslims physically and this is a defensive measure where if you read the verses before and after it talks of stopping war when peace is offered but yet you repeat it again and again and mislead and lie again and again


Muslims are truly the official boogeymen of the world.

It's quite shameful that you are openly copying and pasting from religionofpeace website which is anti Islamic which you know yourself purposely lies about what the verses refer to and what you are trying to portray , I have sent you the explaination in multiple threads in front of a lot of posters that all verses above are only against those fighting Muslims physically and this is a defensive measure where if you read the verses before and after it talks of stopping war when peace is offered but yet you repeat it again and again and mislead and lie again and again

His bigotry is pretty obvious. He hasn't added anything useful to this thread, and I am pretty sure he is just trying to bait people.
Muslims are truly the official boogeymen of the world.

His bigotry is pretty obvious. He hasn't added anything useful to this thread, and I am pretty sure he is just trying to bait people.

That this view is tolerated a few days later and expanded is disturbing


Muslims are truly the official boogeymen of the world.

His bigotry is pretty obvious. He hasn't added anything useful to this thread, and I am pretty sure he is just trying to bait people.

Australia threads also bring out the best in him.


Well, he mentioned Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait. He did not mention Lebanon or Jordan.

Saudi Arabia Accepted refugees plus providing them with free and immediate education and health care, also Saudi Arabia is responsible for funding and taking care of refugees in most Arab countries, those camps are usually funded by Saudi Arabia.


The should absolutely not bar migrants just because they are Muslim.

However . . . I can see them not wanting to accept migrants that:
-Don't accept women as full equal members of society
-Don't believe that homosexuals should have full & equal rights
-Don't accept freedom of speech that allows citizens to criticize all politics, religions, ideas, etc.

And therein lies the rub.

There's a difference between belief and action. Picking and choosing beliefs is nonsense.


I think governments should have a right to deny people with odious opinions, even if those opinions aren't illegal. Neo-Naziism may be legal in the United States, but that doesn't mean we should have to accept Russian fascist immigrants.

Good question. Western intervention in the region has traditionally caused more problems than it's solved. I think the best option might just be significant support given to Iran and the Kurds (through embedded troops and monetary aid) to destroy the Islamic State and create borders based on cultural and religion rather than arbitrary nationalism.

I disagree. The purpose of democracy is an exchange of ideas. Preventing people from entering a country essentially supresses diversity of opinion.
I see no problem with this. Christians and other minor religions are persecuted by Muslims and Slovakia is providing them asylum. Christians will integrate much better into Slovakian society than Muslims and there is no shortage of Muslim countries who can accept Muslim refugees.


Persecution Complex
Saudi Arabia Accepted refugees plus providing them with free and immediate education and health care, also Saudi Arabia is responsible for funding and taking care of refugees in most Arab countries, those camps are usually funded by Saudi Arabia.

Did Saudi Arabia accept Shia or Christian refugees? What about Kuwait for that matter? Highly, highly doubtful.

Slovakia is an Eastern European Slavic country. It still has plenty of its own issues to deal with in terms of history and religion in the region. It's probably more progressive than say Croatia or Slovenia but Slovakia still has a lot more work to do in terms of progress in its own society. No way in hell this would work.


I'm constantly bombarded with messages like this in media. Reality is though that I never see these problems and that the kids that cause the most issues are generally quite adapted to western society. They do tend to be poor and stuck between the conservative world of their parents and the liberal western society which has caused issues with crime. But they're rarely devout muslims.

The they won't assimilate line is just prejudice dribble that is used by Europe to hide their bigotry. It's blaming the victim type garbage.


I see no problem with this. Christians and other minor religions are persecuted by Muslims and Slovakia is providing them asylum. Christians will integrate much better into Slovakian society than Muslims and there is no shortage of Muslim countries who can accept Muslim refugees.

You don't see a problem with religious discrimination
I see no problem with this. Christians and other minor religions are persecuted by Muslims and Slovakia is providing them asylum. Christians will integrate much better into Slovakian society than Muslims and there is no shortage of Muslim countries who can accept Muslim refugees.

This is religious discrimination.

Also how the hell will they even know who's a Muslim or a Christian?


Adding to what people are saying in this thread, Europeans are afraid of terrorism. Unfortunately, the Charlie Hebdo case, ISIS and other stuff make people irrational towards this situation.

Your Canada in other hand is a country that can receive well immigrants, it's rich, big with a small population, formed by immigrants, it doesn't have any trauma related to religious tension. The vast majority of your recent immigrants are east asians, though, so that also helps.

Are they afraid of white people too? After all that Norwegian guy killed more people than what happen at Charlie Hebdo.
Thread about Muslims in some capacity? Oh, the usual hatemongers are here to warn us about the evil evil Muslims. Thank you for your work and keeping vigilant.


Sad that it even happens in a thread about refugees. I know Turkey is supporting about 2 million refugees with daily allowances for groceries and things. I saw a video on it once and found it intriguing, but painfully sad.

The fact that humans would deny asylum to fellow humans like this is sad.


A little bit of "clarification"

If Muslim asylum-seekers chose Slovakia, they would not be discriminated against, he [spokesman Ivan Netik] said. But Slovakia would not take in refugees who did not want to stay in the country but intended to move on.

"We do not discriminate against any religion, but it would be a false, insincere solidarity if we took people...who don´t want to live in Slovakia," he said.

If this is true then understandable to a point. Although refugees generally want to live in their own country.


This thread is horrifying.

Never knew there were so many people on GAF who despised Muslims.

Damn it people - these are refugees fleeing a war torn situation. Who knows what their beliefs are and it shouldn't matter. It's a fucking humanitarian matter.


Serious question:

Muslims and "scholars" of Islam frequently like to tell us that Islam is a global religion stretching from Europe and West Africa right through to Indonesia and beyond in South East Asia. There is no single Muslim race, ethnicity or people. Its followers are just as varied in their racial makeup as its geographic landscapes. West African Muslims are completely different to North Africans to East Africans to those in the Balkans, to those in the Caucasus, to those on the Middle East, to those on the subcontinent, to those in Indonesia etc.

Therefore, by definition and by no means of exaggeration the only unifying and defining characteristics of Muslims is a belief in the prophet Muhammed and the direcrion of the Quran. These are mere beliefs, and if we can't judge people on their beliefs, then what can we judge them on?

Many people (myself included) find many of the passages in the Quaran and Hadith and remarks and beliefs held by Muslim scholars to be very unpleasant, unpalatable downright barbaric. Primary evidence of this has already been prvided of this earlier in the thread.

So my question is why is it considered racist / xenophobic to either point out these flaws or judge people based upon these parameters, when all we can really hope to do in life is to treat people fairly and judge them accordingly based upon the values they hold / espouse, overlayed on to our sense of morality and right and wrong?

To the people in this thread who feel like some of the posters here are "attacking" Muslims and Islam, given the above, how is this any different to attacking Republicans (for example) in a polical discussion of sincerely held beliefs, or for that matter any other discussion where one's beliefs are sincerely held?


Serious question:

Muslims and "scholars" of Islam frequently like to tell us that Islam is a global religion stretching from Europe and West Africa right through to Indonesia and beyond in South East Asia. There is no single Muslim race, ethnicity or people. Its followers are just as varied in their racial makeup as its geographic landscapes. West African Muslims are completely different to North Africans to East Africans to those in the Balkans, to those in the Caucasus, to those on the Middle East, to those on the subcontinent, to those in Indonesia etc.

Therefore, by definition and by no means of exaggeration the only unifying and defining characteristics of Muslims is a belief in the prophet Muhammed and the direcrion of the Quran. These are mere beliefs, and if we can't judge people on their beliefs, then what can we judge them on?

Many people (myself included) find many of the passages in the Quaran and Hadith and remarks and beliefs held by Muslim scholars to be very unpleasant, unpalatable downright barbaric. Primary evidence of this has already been prvided of this earlier in the thread.

So my question is why is it considered racist / xenophobic to either point out these flaws or judge people based upon these parameters, when all we can really hope to do in life is to treat people fairly and judge them accordingly based upon the values they hold / espouse, overlayed on to our sense of morality and right and wrong?

To the people in this thread who feel like some of the posters here are "attacking" Muslims and Islam, given the above, how is this any different to attacking Republicans (for example) in a polical discussion of sincerely held beliefs, or for that matter any other discussion where one's beliefs are sincerely held?
Their actions.


Serious question:

Muslims and "scholars" of Islam frequently like to tell us that Islam is a global religion stretching from Europe and West Africa right through to Indonesia and beyond in South East Asia. There is no single Muslim race, ethnicity or people. Its followers are just as varied in their racial makeup as its geographic landscapes. West African Muslims are completely different to North Africans to East Africans to those in the Balkans, to those in the Caucasus, to those on the Middle East, to those on the subcontinent, to those in Indonesia etc.

Therefore, by definition and by no means of exaggeration the only unifying and defining characteristics of Muslims is a belief in the prophet Muhammed and the direcrion of the Quran. These are mere beliefs, and if we can't judge people on their beliefs, then what can we judge them on?

Many people (myself included) find many of the passages in the Quaran and Hadith and remarks and beliefs held by Muslim scholars to be very unpleasant, unpalatable downright barbaric. Primary evidence of this has already been prvided of this earlier in the thread.

So my question is why is it considered racist / xenophobic to either point out these flaws or judge people based upon these parameters, when all we can really hope to do in life is to treat people fairly and judge them accordingly based upon the values they hold / espouse, overlayed on to our sense of morality and right and wrong?

To the people in this thread who feel like some of the posters here are "attacking" Muslims and Islam, given the above, how is this any different to attacking Republicans (for example) in a polical discussion of sincerely held beliefs, or for that matter any other discussion where one's beliefs are sincerely held?

Serious answer:

If you were trying to escape a terrible war and keep your wife and kids alive, I wouldn't find some bullshit in the bible as the reason to keep you out. Or do you feel like you have to answer for all of christianity?
This is religious discrimination.

Also how the hell will they even know who's a Muslim or a Christian?

Ask them? People are generally not ashamed of their faith.

It's discrimination but like I said there are plenty of Muslim countries for Muslim refugees to go to. Christians in the ME don't have those options since they are persecuted for their religion.
Are they afraid of white people too? After all that Norwegian guy killed more people than what happen at Charlie Hebdo.
That guy was a psycho and an isolated case, besides, he was already a Norwegian citizen. But be sure that if some Norwegians starts to organize terrorist attacks throughout Europe, all countries will fear Norwegian immigrants.


Americans are more honest about their history and the problems they have or had. In a lot of Europe they still glorify their empires who plundered and raped the planet.

When UKIP says "Let's make Britain, 'Great Britain' again!" we all know they mean. Same for Front National, they're even worse.

Not really. Especially UKIP is not representative for Europe. They're not even a real political power in the UK. I feel like the U.S. is much more conservative about their past than Europe tbh. Just look at this confederate flag controversy.

Also lmao at these "I don't hate muslims, I hate the violent ones" dudes here. This thread is absolutely disgusting! These muslims fleeing from there are being killed by the terorrists just like the Christians and Atheists because they're not the "right" muslims or because they're just the moderate kind of muslims.

And this whole "muslims don't assimilate themselves in Europe" shit has to stop. You know why they don't assimilate and rather be with their fellow muslims than talking to others? Because they get shit similar to this thread on a daily basis.


It's almost funny.

We have water and food for people who are starving and dying of thirst, but only if they are not Muslim. Pretty sure some of GAF would condone that viewpoint too. It would be interesting to see how far you could stretch it before they actually felt some sympathy.

You would think people could control their bigotry (however they want to rationalize it) for refugees but nope. Fuck off people we don't like. Better you die than live with us.
Serious question:

Muslims and "scholars" of Islam frequently like to tell us that Islam is a global religion stretching from Europe and West Africa right through to Indonesia and beyond in South East Asia. There is no single Muslim race, ethnicity or people. Its followers are just as varied in their racial makeup as its geographic landscapes. West African Muslims are completely different to North Africans to East Africans to those in the Balkans, to those in the Caucasus, to those on the Middle East, to those on the subcontinent, to those in Indonesia etc.

Therefore, by definition and by no means of exaggeration the only unifying and defining characteristics of Muslims is a belief in the prophet Muhammed and the direcrion of the Quran. These are mere beliefs, and if we can't judge people on their beliefs, then what can we judge them on?

Many people (myself included) find many of the passages in the Quaran and Hadith and remarks and beliefs held by Muslim scholars to be very unpleasant, unpalatable downright barbaric. Primary evidence of this has already been prvided of this earlier in the thread.

So my question is why is it considered racist / xenophobic to either point out these flaws or judge people based upon these parameters, when all we can really hope to do in life is to treat people fairly and judge them accordingly based upon the values they hold / espouse, overlayed on to our sense of morality and right and wrong?

To the people in this thread who feel like some of the posters here are "attacking" Muslims and Islam, given the above, how is this any different to attacking Republicans (for example) in a polical discussion of sincerely held beliefs, or for that matter any other discussion where one's beliefs are sincerely held?

Because it's been shown again and again repeatedly in many threads that if you think something is barbaric, you have either picked and chosen a verse taking it out of context the clear verses or you have applied a negative view accepting perverted interpretation of ambiguous verses.

Now there are always some conservative to moderate ideas which are not liberal ideas but that is a difference in how to approach life without being barbaric, and often those moderate and conservative ideas would be partaken as well by the Christians they are requesting instead of Muslims as well


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Therefore, by definition and by no means of exaggeration the only unifying and defining characteristics of Muslims is a belief in the prophet Muhammed and the direcrion of the Quran. These are mere beliefs, and if we can't judge people on their beliefs, then what can we judge them on?

There is a difference between religious affiliation, professed belief in orthodox doctrine, professed belief in basic doctrine, and implemented belief.

Most Muslims are just like Christians in the sense that they don't read their holy books and consequently only give as much shit about religious doctrine as societal norms and upbringing force them to. The number of Muslims that can be categorized as Islamists—that is, as people how want to enforce literal islamic law politically—is much lower than the number of people who just carry the religious label; that number is still uncomfortably high, but nevertheless low in comparison to the total number of Muslims.

So how can a nation be justified to make a policy that categorizes people based on the religious label that most of them happen to carry by accident of their birth, when the actual impact of that label on their ability to live peacefully in a heterogeneous society is not as drastic as the literal doctrines of Islam suggest? In practice, most of these people integrate well enough that their ability to integrate does not offset their humanitarian needs as refugees. Some people here make it look like every Muslim is a conservative Islamist who wants to destroy western societies.

As I said, it is important to not conflate a muslim Syrian refugee with a conservative, islamist immigrant who wants to immigrate into a western country voluntarily to promote Islamism. Some people here do that silently.


Not really. Especially UKIP is not representative for Europe. They're not even a real political power in the UK. I feel like the U.S. is much more conservative about their past than Europe tbh. Just look at this confederate flag controversy.

Also lmao at these "I don't hate muslims, I hate the violent ones" dudes here. This thread is absolutely disgusting! These muslims fleeing from there are being killed by the terorrists just like the Christians and Atheists because they're not the "right" muslims or because they're just the moderate kind of muslims.

And this whole "muslims don't assimilate themselves in Europe" shit has to stop. You know why they don't assimilate and rather be with their fellow muslims than talking to others? Because they get shit similar to this thread on a daily basis.

I'd love to see hard data behind this 'they don't assimilate' bullshit. Methinks this is just people projecting their internal prejudice. For a forum that's supposed to be left leaning, there are a lot of bigots here.

It's almost funny.

We have water and food for people who are starving and dying of thirst, but only if they are not Muslim. Pretty sure some of GAF would condone that viewpoint too. It would be interesting to see how far you could stretch it before they actually felt some sympathy.

You would think people could control their bigotry (however they want to rationalize it) for refugees but nope. Fuck off people we don't like. Better you die than live with us.


Can't believe there's an actual debate on here.


Authorized Fister
I just don't get it. We get lots of immigrants in Canada and don't have these problems. Canada's culture is derived from Europeans so I don't understand what is different. As far as I know there isn't much "integration" here. I've seen plenty of people just show up and start looking for work.

There are plenty of Muslim immigrants in my city and throughout the country. I'm sure there are plenty in the U.S. as well. I haven't heard of these problems in North America. I feel like this "integration" thing is a problem Europe has created for itself
We get it, you hate Muslims. Now, could you stop trying to derail the thread?
Really? The charter of values in Quebec, the blatant islamophobia? I'm a quarter Lebanese and I don't even look that much arabic and I get yelled at.


Really? The charter of values in Quebec, the blatant islamophobia? I'm a quarter Lebanese and I don't even look that much arabic and I get yelled at.

I've heard some parts of Canada at quite inviting to immigrants. Any idea why someone would suggest that?
It's almost funny.

We have water and food for people who are starving and dying of thirst, but only if they are not Muslim. Pretty sure some of GAF would condone that viewpoint too. It would be interesting to see how far you could stretch it before they actually felt some sympathy.

You would think people could control their bigotry (however they want to rationalize it) for refugees but nope. Fuck off people we don't like. Better you die than live with us.

Bunch of wastemen tbh. It's embarrassing to see how open this prejudice and lack of sympathy goes around here for certain people


That's messed up but with all the race issues in Europe right I'm not surprised. US should accept more of these refugees though especially on account that a lot of the issues in the middle east has been their fault (CIA's been fucking shit up there for at least 30 years now). I feel like they haven't been accepting enough. For example, per capita, Sweden has accepted way more Iraqi refugees than the US..


Why would you be afraid of the Muslims running away from the fighting

There are other examples but here is one from just last month:
Federal prosecutors say refugee hoped to be terrorist
BOISE, Idaho – Federal prosecutors told jurors Tuesday that an Uzbek refugee living in Boise, Idaho, was walking a "pathway to terror" when he was arrested two years ago.

Fazliddin Kurbanov, 32, has pleaded not guilty to five felony charges, including attempting to support a terrorist organization.

His trial began Monday.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Aaron Lucoff told jurors during opening statements that Kurbanov talked regularly with an overseas terrorist organization, bought bags of fertilizer and other bomb-making materials and discussed attacking a military base or mass transit in a suicide bombing.

Defense attorney Charles Peterson said Kurbanov was curious after a friend shared his fireworks-building hobby and that confidential informants for the FBI encouraged Kurbanov to view videos and other content on a terrorist organization's website. He said Kurbanov did nothing illegal.

Here is one from April:
Ohio Man Indicted on Terror Charges
American accused of training with al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, planning attack in U.S

Born in Somalia, came to the US via African refugee camps, became a US citizen...

In Europe (from June):
UN quota refugees had terror links
Several refugees sent to Norway under the UN’s quota system turned out to have close links to the terror groups Islamic State (IS) and the al-Nusra Front, Norway’s Police Security Service (PST) has revealed.


I'd love to see hard data behind this 'they don't assimilate' bullshit. Methinks this is just people projecting their internal prejudice. For a forum that's supposed to be left leaning, there are a lot of bigots here.


Can't believe there's an actual debate on here.

Lol at the assimilation bullshit. I walk into starbucks in texas, right outside of a military base. The manager is wearing a muslim head dress on top of her starbucks uniform. No one even bats an eye.

In europe, political parties are actually trying to ban their head wear.

I like how the christian refugees don't have to justify all the terrible bullshit in the bible either.

If you replaced every instance of muslim in this thread with black, half these posters would get banned.


Can we just delete faith already? It serves no purpose in this day and age and is the source of most human problems around the world.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Can we just delete faith already? It serves no purpose in this day and age and is the source of most human problems around the world.

I don't disagree. But I have the strong suspicion that the bigots in question would quickly find another cultural property for their bullshit excuse.
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