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Smackdown 6-24-04 Spoilers!

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- No pyro, Cena walks out to yet another huge pop. Talks about how Undertaker owes him an apology from last week and wants to meet him face to face. Out comes Angle. Angle rapped to Cena which was pretty funny. Both included T-Mac and the Magic. Angle made Cena vs Taker the main event!

- 10 Man Cruiserweight Battle Royal for No. 1 Contender and shot at Great American Bash
Participants: Kidman, Paul London, Shannon Moore, Sho Funaki, Nunzio, Akio, Scotty 2 Hotty, Jaime Noble, Spike Dudley, and Chavo Guerrero.
Order out: Spike, Nunzio, London, Moore, Akio, Cotty, Funaki, Noble, Kidman.
Winner Chavo with Gory Bomb toss out. Afterwards, Chavo jawed with Rey Rey who was doing color for the match.

- JBL with Angle backstage saying Angle needs to give Eddy a match tonight. Angle makes Luther vs Eddy.

- During this promo, a brawl breaks out between Hardcore Holly and Mordecai which spills out to the arena. Broken up. Heyman tells Angle he has Taker under control.

- Billy Gunn d Kenzo Suzuki via DQ.
Billy got another huge pop.(FL boy). Kenzo's wife threw the ceremonial salt into Gunn's eyes after the famouser. There goes Kenzo's push. Rematch at G.A.B.

- Holly vs Mordecai at the Bash. Gunn vs Sakoda at the Bash.

- Sable and Torrie mix it up backstage. Insults such as "Fat" and "Easy" were used. Catfight.

- Eddy/JBL PPV Promo aired.

- Rene Dupree d RVD. Rollup tight pull after hitting RVD with SnakeEyes on exposed buckle. Booker on commentary. Average match. Sets up 4 way.

- Undertaker PPV Hype.

- Eddy Guerrero d Luther Reigns by DQ after JBL run in. Eddy pulled a decent match out of Reigns who isn't half bad. Eddy hit the frog splash then here came the sneak attack. Eddy did the belt spot again, knocking out Reigns. Eddie OVER HUuuuuge!! Hope he keeps the belt.

- Undertaker d John Cena. Really good match live. Dragged in the middle with Undy doing the usual beatdown when he's playing a heel. Crowd was split and popped for both guys. Ref Bump, F-U. No count. Chokeslam. No count. Undertaker hits Chain Necklace punch and Tombstone for the win. Heyman comes out after and Taker worships the urn.

Good Show. I want to see the PPV now!!!


It sounds like a decent show.

And unlike, Judgment Day, the thrown together matches atleast have some sort of purpose on the PPV.

I do wonder why they are going with Chavo vs Rey again. I mean they have good matches, but they should give other crusierweights the chance. Or if they really wanted to spice it up, hold the battle royale on the PPV or the pre-Heat.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
In the span of a few months Cena has went from being my favorite wrestler to making me want to vomit. Then again the same thing could be said about the whole smackdown show.....

Oh and Rey vs Chavo again.......whoopeeeeee.


Brian Fellows said:
In the span of a few months Cena has went from being my favorite wrestler to making me want to vomit.


You can't see me.


First tragedy, then farce.
I have never liked Cena much.. I hate formula wrestlers... thats why I allways liked guys like Sting and Savage much more than UW or Hogan... Cena allways pulls the exact same shit to end a match... 5 knuckle shuffle, pump up, FU, pin. Honestly, as soon as he hits the 5 knuckle shuffle, I can walk into the kitchen make myself a sandwich, come back and the bullshit endings to his matches are still going on.. I dont mind long matches, but not when everyone watching knows exactly what is about to happen, and in what order.

He really isnt a very good performer, and I dont think he is capable of carrying a match for more than about 15 minutes, top. he is horribly boring to watch, and the only things he ever gets pops for are his formulaic rap for cheep pops, then there is 10 minutes of shitty wrestling, and 5 minutes of him doing the same stupid end to every single match.

Also, if he goes for an FU before doing the 5 knuckle shuffle, it probably means its going to be reversed and/or no sell. For some reason the human body only reacts to an FU after a five knuckle shuffle and some sneakers getting air put into them.

If they are smart (they are not) they will give the belt to Dupree... and then have him feud with RVD... those could be some very good matches. Although, I would prefer if RVD wound up feuding with Rey.. and give booker to Dupree (or give booker to Eddie). At least there you have some very good performers in ring that could make for some very entertaining wreslting... I hope they feed Cena to taker... that way the taker can just no sell all of cenas bullshit and I can check on baseball scores during their matches.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I liked him back when he was a bad guy and his raps had some edge to them. He also seemed very aggresive with his ground and pound style back the. He's pick a body part and go to work on it. He's prolly never gonna be a great technical wrestler so he needs that viciousness to work as a brawler. And yes I liked him before this 5 nuckle shuffle crap. Its almost as annoying as the stinkface, the worm, and that stupid little dance Road Dogg used to do before he punched someone.


Chavo Classic was REALLY entertaining. I couldn't stop laughing the first time all the women came into the ring the first time.
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