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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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In the 3DS version? It'll definitely happen. The character page buttons already exist.
It's not even close to being usable in Smash's CSS format. Ryu and Wolf just chilling on the second page is going to be awful. How are you going to drag your token to page two? Drag your token down to the arrow and then drag it back up to the character? That sounds borderline unusable.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
There's no more room on the 3DS for more tiles, so they have to either make them tiny or completely destroy all usability and sanity by adding a second page.

I'm thinking they'll just badly rescale the tiles. Sakurai's not insane enough to add a second page to a Smash Bros character select screen.
They could just make the CSS in the 3DS version scrollable.


By pushing the alt color button? By doing what?
Alt color button? What? There's a second page for DLC stages. You drag your token over to the arrow, press A, and then drag the token to the stage you want. It's not complicated.

Explain to me how a CPU token gets to page two
When you're done picking your DLC character, you move the hand cursor down to the arrow, press A, and you're back to the first page with the CPU token. Again, not complicated.
Alt color button? What? There's a second page for DLC stages. You drag your token over to the arrow, press A, and then drag the token to the stage you want. It's not complicated.
There's no L or R or X or Y to swap pages. So you'd have to tap the button. The stage select is fine because it's one person and you can't swap around the stage selection token after you've committed.

It's complicated with one human and three CPUs. Extremely cumbersome and absolutely disgusting usability.

The order of the CSS is one thing, but outright making it slow and tedious to use is a whole other thing.


There's no L or R or X or Y to swap pages. So you'd have to tap the button. The stage select is fine because it's one person and you can't swap around the stage selection token after you've committed.

It's complicated with one human and three CPUs. Extremely cumbersome and absolutely disgusting usability.

The order of the CSS is one thing, but outright making it slow and tedious to use is a whole other thing.
It literally takes three seconds to manually shift between pages. It's not a big deal.


It took you awhile to realize that even they already pointed it out in the trailer! :p

I'm hyped for the stage if it's just only one thing that we are going to get from tomorrow update!

I haven't watched the trailer in a while. It was only when I was thinking about purchasing it tonight that I realized "wait, is this on both systems?"

But looking forward to it more now that it's on both. I used the Wii U version more for local play, but the 3DS version more for online.


It's tedious, especially for people who browse at the CSS, rather than have a character in mind.
Tediousness hasn't stopped Sakurai before. The UI and menu layout are already cumbersome -- it takes forever just to access basic modes. We know that character page icons exist exclusively on the 3DS version, and I'm sure they're going to get used.

I think a scrollable CSS is the answer. That or shrink them, but that isn't a great option if they plan on adding too many more characters
The character select screen is practically unseeable on the original 3DS model. There's no way the icons are getting any smaller.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
the 3ds is fine with scrollable characters because the players don't share the same select screen

the wii u however isn't
the 3ds is fine with scrollable characters because the players don't share the same select screen

the wii u however isn't
Haven't they already resized the icons slightly for the Wii U version post-DLC? Seems like given the huge 1080 resolution it's more viable to resize character icons there then it is for the 3DS.


Junior Member
We're debating wildly about the CSS.

We really do need news soon.
I have a bad feeling that nothing will come of this update besides the Super Mario Maker stage. Perhaps they planned for more but had to delay the rest. That being said, it's weird that we haven't even heard about any Mii Costumes.


I have a bad feeling that nothing will come of this update besides the Super Mario Maker stage. Perhaps they planned for more but had to delay the rest. That being said, it's weird that we haven't even heard about any Mii Costumes.
But you said we were definitely getting a second stage!

Neoxon, you lied to me.


I have a bad feeling that nothing will come of this update besides the Super Mario Maker stage. Perhaps they planned for more but had to delay the rest. That being said, it's weird that we haven't even heard about any Mii Costumes.

You'd think they'd include them even with just one stage. They're just models, often of meh quality, slapped onto a pre-existing fighters. It's damn near free money.


What gets me is the silence. I've seen the argument that sales on the last DLC pack were lackluster, hence trying different approaches for this one. But that doesn't make sense to me; do they expect great sales for a stage uploaded on its own, announced three weeks in advance, and not mentioned even slightly since?


What gets me is the silence. I've seen the argument that sales on the last DLC pack were lackluster, hence they're trying with different approaches for this one. But that doesn't make sense to me; do they expect great sales for a stage uploaded on its own, announced three weeks in advance, and not being mentioned even slightly since?

The next step would be to add actual character alts instead of "useless" mii costumes. Sakurai plz.


The next step would be to add actual character alts instead of "useless" mii costumes. Sakurai plz.

There's only so long before Smash 4 gets mods on the level Brawl did. They should take advantage of being able to sell things like that while they can.


As in "Heathcliff"
But you said we were definitely getting a second stage!

Neoxon, you lied to me.

Did he? (checked his post history)

We're definitely getting another stage.

There's a ton of evidence supporting it, mainly the mystery stage_4 & the weird stage placement in the Super Mario Maker stage trailer.

Damn, I didn't even remember those posts. Well, the update isn't out yet, so there is a chance that he could be right. I wouldn't bet on that tho.
Don't give up hope! But seriously, if they're going to unceremoniously plunk the stage onto the store without any kind of forewarning on Twitter, they're just setting this DLC up to fail. What a train wreck.
What gets me is the silence. I've seen the argument that sales on the last DLC pack were lackluster, hence trying different approaches for this one. But that doesn't make sense to me; do they expect great sales for a stage uploaded on its own, announced three weeks in advance, and not mentioned even slightly since?
Pretty sure the lackluster sales have nothing to do with the complete lack of momentum in marketing. That can't possibly be it.


This thread needs more insanity.

If I didn't have work early in the morning, this'd be where I'd rant about flooding the Ballot with Daisy votes and how everyone should vote for her, making you all rally up against me but realizing I brought you all together at this time of hopelessness and hype before maintenance kicks off, but I can't. So I won't.

But seriously. I would be totally happy with Daisy, and think she's a legitimately good pick for a newcomer.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Final Round before the apocalypse, how many characters do you think we will end up getting before the team disbands and who do you think they will be?

Shovel Knight
K. Rool
Final Round before the apocalypse, how many characters do you think we will end up getting before the team disbands and who do you think they will be?

Shovel Knight
K. Rool

My list is identical to yours. I never thought Shovel Knight stood a chance, but my gut tells me that the rumor is true. If they want to throw a bone to the indie community, then fine. The other three characters are popular in Japan.
Final Round before the apocalypse, how many characters do you think we will end up getting before the team disbands and who do you think they will be?

Shovel Knight
K. Rool

Oooh I'll try

Ice Climber(s) (together by a miracle or solo)
Chorus Kids
5th mystery character out of left field

[It'd be cool if we could post lists and not tear others' down]
This thread needs more insanity.



Final Round before the apocalypse, how many characters do you think we will end up getting before the team disbands and who do you think they will be?

I think we're getting Wolf, K. Rool, Shovel Knight, and Bandanna Dee, with Layton (I'm still curious about his voice actor's tweets) and/or Pichu as a parting gift in the Summer of 2016 before disbanding. Maybe swap Layton and Bandanna Dee in terms of priority, seeing how one's the series' generic enemy with a hat and weapon, while the other's a suspiciously-hinted-at, popular 3rd Party rep.

... Then, after they disband, the NX team will assemble, and the cycle will begin anew.
I mean

Foxes live for only five years though so

Also I wanted to comment but I got banned, but

I knew that the Shovel Knight leak was fake immediately, but I wanted it to be real. Kumatora wig, Runbow stage, it would have been wondrous.

EDIT: And the question posed by Tera...

Shovel Knight
Professor Layton
Rhythm Heaven rep
King K. Rool


(maybe Isaac too)

Non-pragmatic five tho:

Tap Girl
Curly Brace
Captain Syrup
King Hippo


I think we're getting Wolf and Shovel Knight. I'm not crazy about the idea of the latter, but apparently the SmashBoards moderator backroom circlejerk group who got a hold of the Duck Hunt/Bowser Jr. info last Summer has a source with footage as well that they're holding onto tightly. That combined with the other reports is enough for me to think he's pretty likely at this point.

I think a couple other characters are possible, namely Dixie. It's been said before that there's almost never a fighting game with character DLC that doesn't have a female character, and at this point there aren't very many others to add (within Nintendo's own roster that is). Dixie is easily the most iconic female character left and we know Sakurai had at least considered her for some role in the past, so it's kind of surprising to me she wasn't in the base game to begin with.

I want Snake more than anything else and I don't think it's impossible but I'm not holding my breath at this point. I'd be cool with them taking the least effort possible and keeping everything just about identical to his Brawl appearance right down to the voice clips. Fingers crossed I guess.


By the end, I predict:
Shovel Knight (god please no...at least not until Smash 6 jesus)
Dixie Kong

King K. Rool (due to the Mii costume scare and possibly because of Dixie)
Krystal (due to Wolf although Star Fox Zero delay could actually be beneficial)

There is no way in hell Smash will get away with not including 1 or 2 female DLC characters that aren't avatars. I'm pretty sure a lot of fans have been vocal about wanting more female characters.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I think we're getting Wolf and Shovel Knight. I'm not crazy about the idea of the latter, but apparently the SmashBoards moderator backroom circlejerk group who got a hold of the Duck Hunt/Bowser Jr. info last Summer has a source with footage as well that they're holding onto tightly. That combined with the other reports is enough for me to think he's pretty likely at this point.
This is the first time I'm hearing about this. Link to whatever discussion this was revealed at?
I could see Dixie Kong and King K. Rool being added in the same game, but only if Sakurai went into DLC with the intention of adding her to the roster before the ballot and K. Rool wins the ballot.
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