Well, I have to keep in mind where I'm posting...
Wrong gif, but close enough.
Well, I have to keep in mind where I'm posting...
Wrong gif, but close enough.
Maintenance begins in approximately seven hours.What time is the update?
Well, I have to keep in mind where I'm posting...
So wait, is ThisIsNeoGAF.GIF banned, or not? I found the thread asking about its origin and as of last year, it was.
Anyway, I'm firmly on #TeamIAlreadyPostedTheStyxSongOnceWhyPostItAgainGuysPleaseDontDoThisToYours elvesYourUncleZubzLovesYou .
We're definitely getting a character soon. Just give it a month or so.
Really now? I've heard nothing about it. I won't chance it then and remove that if that's the case.
Yeah, we're definitely getting more content in a few months at the most.
Dunce hat for Mii!
I'm curious as well. I guess we'll find out in a few hours.This thread have been entertaining so I wonder which team would be right.
This thread have been entertaining so I wonder which team would be right.
Team please for the love of God give us K.Rool and end the suspense :d
Probably, but Nintendo have been weirder than usual since Iwata's death, so who knows.Wouldn't they had revealed something by now if we would get something else?
Wouldn't they had revealed something by now if we would get something else?
They haven't even mentioned there's an update tonight, besides the announcement three weeks ago.
If we didn't have the down time tracker we'd have no idea if it got delayed or something. Apparently it hasn't been.
From 2:30 pm TO 4 pm Japan TimeSpeaking of which, when is maintenance scheduled to go live?
Maybe if we are lucky Sakurai and company will have forgotten to double check the files and we find something corresponding to a future update.
They ended the suspense a while ago.
Nintendo of Japan started uploading new videos to their YouTube channel 30 minutes ago, so if there's any kind of announcement from them it's going to come soon.
Nintendo of Japan started uploading new videos to their YouTube channel 30 minutes ago, so if there's any kind of announcement from them it's going to come soon.
Chibi Robo DLC for Smash! Not really...Nintendo of Japan started uploading new videos to their YouTube channel 30 minutes ago, so if there's any kind of announcement from them it's going to come soon. I ask you how do you see that?
Yeah, their work day has started and they're becoming active on social media, so if they have anything to say about Smash Bros. we'll probably hear about it soon.Oh, you mean public ones.
If only.Chibi Robo DLC for Smash! Not really...
Sakurai really is the 'Queen Bitch'.
I like Mean Girls.
Maybe we'll find out how badly they plan on ruining the 3DS CSS tonight.
More than they already have? My aesthetic sense can't take any more!
In the 3DS version? It'll definitely happen. The character page buttons already exist.Sakurai's not insane enough to add a second page to a Smash Bros character select screen.