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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Kojima retweeted a couple of tweets about Snake being DLC.

Konami should pay attention. It's an easy advertisement for MGS5 and pretty much every single Smash player who played Brawl wants Snake back and would pay good money to have him back.


Kojima retweeted a couple of tweets about Snake being DLC.

Konami should pay attention. It's an easy advertisement for MGS5 and pretty much every single Smash player who played Brawl wants Snake back and would pay good money to have him back.
Speaking of which, did Kojima or somebody ever say something about Snake not being in?


Junior Member
Kojima retweeted a couple of tweets about Snake being DLC.

Konami should pay attention. It's an easy advertisement for MGS5 and pretty much every single Smash player who played Brawl wants Snake back and would pay good money to have him back.
Just curious, how's the Konami-Kojima situation right now. Last I heard they were at each other's throats.
No and actually I misread

It wasn't Kojima that retweeted, it was Konami themselves. These people and their names need to not be one or two letters apart :/

So that's a bit better of an account to retweet.


Junior Member
No and actually I misread

It wasn't Kojima that retweeted, it was Konami themselves. These people and their names need to not be one or two letters apart :/

So that's a bit better of an account to retweet.
Maybe that's a little better, but Konami & Nintendo aren't exactly best friends at the moment. It's not impossible, sure, but I personally am not gonna use my vote on this given the circumstances.


If anyone is voting for Takamaru, why not try and do a campaign for him, get some artistic talent, make a microsite, do things none of the other guys are doing. I hardly have the time anymore to get into this hardcore, but I got a handful of my friends to vote for him, wife also did one for me.
Anecdotal, but I did find it odd how in Brawl the only Daisy trophy that existed was specifically Striker Daisy. Either they wanted to differentiate her from Peach even among the trophies, or they had plans to add her to the game at some point but probaly prioritized other characters like Diddy and Wario, who should have been in Melee but I digress.

I also find it suspicious how detailed Waluigi's model is compared to most other Assist Trophies.


As in "Heathcliff"
To be fair, the poll went up first & the post was added a day later.


Says "which Nintendo character"

But I think that's just a mistake or something on the facebook's page side since the actual ballot page https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ says "video game" character.

I think I'm more likely to believe ballot website more than facebook's because it's probably left to Social Media worker to interpreting the ballots.

Also I encourage third party characters voted because they are more likely to borrow the stats from ballots for next gen smash.


Thank you.

Azure J

If anyone is voting for Takamaru, why not try and do a campaign for him, get some artistic talent, make a microsite, do things none of the other guys are doing. I hardly have the time anymore to get into this hardcore, but I got a handful of my friends to vote for him, wife also did one for me.

I wish if I had the proper connections or any artistic ability of note. I'd love to put together something like that Daisy image or the #UniteVote campaign banner to pass around.


Unconfirmed Member
The more I think about Shantae in Smash the more I like it, but Strikers Charged Daisy is a close second. Still keeping my primary vote K Rool though, because I think this is the first time in Smash he has a shot.

Hnnnngh I can't decide! And there's only the vain hope that it might turn into a DLC character for Smash one day, maybe next year.


Sucks that the voting lasts for so long though..
It's a survey that lasts until October 3, not a poll that ends on October 3. I wonder how many of you guys have the wrong idea about this. Sakurai and his team will be looking at the results from now until the survey closes. There isn't going to be a big tally on October 3. It's not a contest in that sense.


Voting for Banjo Kazooie, no doubt about it.

Sucks that the voting lasts for so long though..

They'll probably re-evaluate it after announcing new characters. Like, when they announce Ridley, they'll see who every Ridley supporter's second choice was and add K Rool.


It's a survey that lasts until October 3, not a poll that ends on October 3. I wonder how many of you guys have the wrong idea about this. Sakurai and his team will be looking at the results from now until the survey closes. There isn't going to be a big tally on October 3. It's not a contest in that sense.
Between now and June, they're going to be finishing up Lucas. We don't know what they're doing between June and October, but my guess is that they'll work on bringing Wolf back to promote Star Fox U. I don't think they're actually going to start on the ballot DLC until then.


Junior Member
Between now and June, they're going to be finishing up Lucas. We don't know what they're doing between June and October, but my guess is that they'll work on bringing Wolf back to promote Star Fox U. I don't think they're actually going to start on the ballot DLC until then.
The most likely scenario is that they'll pick out a character or two from the poll in October, but if the results are strongly in one character's favor & everything works out for said character, we may get them earlier.

But in all likelihood, don't expect characters from the poll until next year.


Between now and June, they're going to be finishing up Lucas. We don't know what they're doing between June and October, but my guess is that they'll work on bringing Wolf back to promote Star Fox U. I don't think they're actually going to start on the ballot DLC until then.
I suppose I was just trying to say that it's more of a suggestion box than a popularity contest. All it takes is one vote to catch Sakurai's eye. It's fun to root for a particular character (Chorus Kids!), but I don't think the ballot initiative is as democratic as people want to believe. I'm not looking forward to the meltdowns when Ridley and K. Rool aren't DLC.


I wish if I had the proper connections or any artistic ability of note. I'd love to put together something like that Daisy image or the #UniteVote campaign banner to pass around.

Actually, I had something like that in the form of a book that my friend took to Japan to try and give Sakurai in person. When he went there I think it was right after Uprising was all finished and that small sora division had just dissolved, so the agents that were directing him didn't have updated info on trying to reach Sakurai in person.

Its a shame too because my friend actually was directed to Namco Bandai for some other personal business, but I think it was before Sakurai was probably working in the building.

Unfortunately, my files for that Takamaru booklet is probably gone. But I think I'd be okay with trying to do something like that Daisy thing. If you have detailed ideas for attacks (I mean right down to throws and grabs and victory poses) send them to me via PM and I'll find some time to get it done at least by mid summer. My friend I mentioned is a really good artist too so I could ask him to help since he has the better art tools.

All I can really do now is just create the art, not sure how to spread it or promote it or anything. May need some others for that.


Even though it lasts until October, the results will be clear much earlier.

I think by June it they will already know the characters that are going to win

Maybe they will choose/start working in those characters earlier than we think :p


Between now and June, they're going to be finishing up Lucas. We don't know what they're doing between June and October, but my guess is that they'll work on bringing Wolf back to promote Star Fox U. I don't think they're actually going to start on the ballot DLC until then.

Lucas looks done. They have in-game footage of him already playable.

I would bet on other characters intended for the game to show up in the months there's no amiibo. April is Mewtwo (no amiibo released this month), May we're getting Wave 4, June is Lucas, July we're getting Wave 5 amiibo, August is a character(s), September is Wave 6, etc. etc.

As for the poll, and whether a character actually has a chance? I doubt it. It's not hard to go on forums and find who people want in Smash- but this is probably to make sure a vocal minority isn't just drowning out people who keep yelling Ridley or Wonder Red or Geno back before Brawl came out.


I'm guessing they'll give preference to axed returning characters like Mewtwo and Lucas because they don't have to design their whole moveset from scratch.


I'm guessing they'll give preference to axed returning characters like Mewtwo and Lucas because they don't have to design their whole moveset from scratch.

That and there's a good chance they were already being worked on before they missed the cutoff. Wolf seems pretty likely for the same reasons.


Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't mind Ivysaur coming back along with Wolf, Lucas, and Mewtwo. We need a grass type to complete the Starter Element Trifecta. Charizard is Fire, Greninja is Water (Sorry Squirtle), and Ivysaur for Grass. Either that or Sceptile for Gen 3 representation. But Ivysaur at least has vet status and a unique moveset to boot.

At the very least it will give President Ivysaur is main back.
I voted for Banjo. It was a toss-up between him and K. Rool, as I've wanted K. Rool in Smash for years, but in light of Phil Spencer's comments and Nintendo managing to strike a deal with Microsoft to get DK64 on Virtual Console complete with Jetpac, I think it's actually possible. And given the choice, Banjo would be so much cooler.

I don't know why so many people are voting for Wonder Red. The whole point of Wonderful 101 is that all members unite to become incredibly powerful. Individually, they're weak. The parts where you play as just Wonder Red in Wonderful 101 give you just a basic punch combo, and nothing else. Teaming up with others wouldn't work, as he couldn't fight alongside huge amounts of characters on the screen at once (outside of a Final Smash), and while they made Olimar work, that's because Pikmin are still used individually. All of the attacks in Wonderful 101 call for many members at once. Having a fist/weapon just appear in front of Wonder Red, or made up of only 1 or 2 members would not only look wrong (they're supposed to be many times the size of Wonder Red), but it would undermine the whole premise of Wonderful 101.

Wonder Red brings sizing issues that make Ridley seem trivial by comparison.


I loved using Ivysaur in Brawl, but it would be such a strange standalone character. It made sense thematically when it was attached to the Pokémon Trainer (first stage Squirtle, middle stage Ivysaur, final stage Charizard), but it's the least popular Pokémon in its evolutionary line. Bulbasaur and Venusaur are much more iconic.
I loved using Ivysaur in Brawl, but it would be such a strange standalone character. It made sense thematically when it was attached to the Pokémon Trainer (first stage Squirtle, middle stage Ivysaur, final stage Charizard), but it's the least popular Pokémon in its evolutionary line. Bulbasaur and Venusaur are much more iconic.

Pretty much. It's the same reason why I never liked the Sceptile idea.


Bulbasaur and Venusaur are much more iconic.

If he had to come back, I suggest bringing him back as Venusaur. Might as well bring Blastoise along for the ride too.

Realistically, that's waaaay too many Pokemon reps. Gen 1 especially.
All of you third-party voters can join Wonder Red. ;)

Wonderful 101 was developed by Platinum Games, but it was developed as a Nintendo IP. The original plan was for it to be full of Nintendo characters, but they decided against it and made a new IP instead.

If Wonder Red were to appear in Smash or any other Nintendo game, he wouldn't be a third-party character.
It really sucks that transformations might not ever return, cause that means Squirtle and Ivysaur are lost to the ages. I think PT was a really cool Pokemon character, they just needed to scrap the stamina thing.

I do feel the OCD need to have one of each type for the fully evolved starters though. Sceptile, while a kind of odd standalone choice, would fit in well alongside Charizard and Greninja I feel. Not likely to happen, but I like the idea if for no other reason than it would introduce another Pokemon play style.


This is the version everyone is asking for as no one wants a peach clone.

Edit: Someone' idea for Daisy


I had a few ideas myself to what her move set could be. With her natural abilities and a lot of what the spin-off Mario titles had to offer, there's a lot that could be used. But this fan concept is impressive and looks very well made too as a nice bonus.

I like the idea of Daisy being a brawler since she's always been competitive, tomboyish, a bit aggressive and depicted as being physically much stronger than she looks. I would love for them to include her Mario Party 3 slap in there in some way though. That was the moment that made me a fan of her.

I've already voted for her quite some times, along with a few other characters I'm rooting for.


Pretty much. It's the same reason why I never liked the Sceptile idea.
Yeah, Sceptile is an awful idea. If Charizard and Greninja weren’t in the game then nobody would be asking for it. A character shouldn’t be included only because it looks nice next to two other characters. That’s a waste. Blastoise, Venusaur, and Blaziken are the only other starters that strike me as notable enough to warrant being standalone characters.


I wouldn't mind Ivysaur coming back along with Wolf, Lucas, and Mewtwo. We need a grass type to complete the Starter Element Trifecta. Charizard is Fire, Greninja is Water (Sorry Squirtle), and Ivysaur for Grass. Either that or Sceptile for Gen 3 representation. But Ivysaur at least has vet status and a unique moveset to boot.

At the very least it will give President Ivysaur is main back.

If we were to get a second DLC Pokémon character, my choice is Grovyle. Specifically, the one that's a main character in Mystery Dungeon: Explorers. Smash has exactly zero representation of the Pokémon spinoffs, which as a shame as some of them (Mystery Dungeon included) are actually quite good. But mostly because I want the awesome final boss music from the game.

I actually really want a second Xenoblade character. One of Fiora, Riki, or Melia (in that preference order). We don't have a proper dual wielder yet (Pit and Greninja use dual swords/daggers in some of their attacks - more of that please), Riki would make a fun close-range magic user, while Melia seems to be the popular vote and could have a fun playstyle with Olimar-like elemental summons.

Xenoblade spoilers:
shame the best character is also massively spoilery, though her trophy already spoils that?
Yeah, Sceptile is an awful idea. If Charizard and Greninja weren’t in the game then nobody would be asking for it. A character shouldn’t be included only because it looks nice next to two other characters. That’s a waste. Blastoise, Venusaur, and Blaziken are the only other starters that strike me as notable enough to warrant being standalone characters.

Yeah but at the same time throwing a bunch of Pokémon in the game just for the sake of recognition is kinda a bad thing too. That's a waste as well.

I say, if there's a Pokémon with at least decent star power which could introduce something new, then go for it.

Also, Sakurai didnt pick Greninja just cause he knew it would be popular, he picked it because he knew it could have an interesting play style. In this way I think Greninja owes at least some of its current popularity to Smash.
Wonderful 101 was developed by Platinum Games, but it was developed as a Nintendo IP. The original plan was for it to be full of Nintendo characters, but they decided against it and made a new IP instead.

If Wonder Red were to appear in Smash or any other Nintendo game, he wouldn't be a third-party character.

Yes, I know this.

I meant it more of, all the those votes can go to Wonder Red now.
I was curious who Miiverse seemed to want. Eliminating the joke answers like Goku:

Zero (in fact the #1 highest rated thread on Miiverse over the last couple days)
Roy (Basically right behind Zero in activity and yeas)
Shovel Knight (a lot actually)
Chorus Kids

Seem to be the most popular on Miiverse. A surprising amount of Pichu support as well. And of course the usual suspects like Ridley, K. Rool, Snake and Wolf pop up from time to time in threads.

But I'm actually a little surprised at just how little support Wolf seems to be getting compared to Roy across a bunch of different places, but that might be because Wolf DLC is just so obvious at this point there'd be no reason to vote for him. But yea... seeing Roy more popular than Wolf on Miiverse is not what I expected at all (I just assume the majority of Miiverse are kids who never played anything older than a generation or so ago)

I'm seriously underestimating Shovel Knight. I have yet to find a community where he isn't a top choice. And I think a couple communities (like GAF) are underestimating Roy and Pichu, because they seem to be getting attention on a lot of places. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
Wonder Red is a lamer version of Viewtiful Joe. You third party voters can go to K Rool and give him the character slot he deserves.

He's a villain

Heavy Weight Character

Would have an interesting moveset

DK would have another character from his franchise

Is an anthropomorphic crocodile pirate captain

Sure you could get your midget power ranger, or you could go awesome and cruel with K Rool.


I was curious who Miiverse seemed to want. Eliminating the joke answers like Goku:

Zero (in fact the #1 highest rated thread on Miiverse over the last couple days)
Roy (Basically right behind Zero in activity and yeas)
Shovel Knight (a lot actually)
Chorus Kids

Seem to be the most popular on Miiverse. A surprising amount of Pichu support as well. And of course the usual suspects like Ridley, K. Rool, Snake and Wolf pop up from time to time in threads.

But I'm actually a little surprised at just how little support Wolf seems to be getting compared to Roy across a bunch of different places, but that might be because Wolf DLC is just so obvious at this point there'd be no reason to vote for him. But yea... seeing Roy more popular than Wolf on Miiverse is not what I expected at all (I just assume the majority of Miiverse are kids who never played anything older than a generation or so ago)

I'm seriously underestimating Shovel Knight. I have yet to find a community where he isn't a top choice. And I think a couple communities (like GAF) are underestimating Roy and Pichu, because they seem to be getting attention on a lot of places. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

Zero?! Seriously? Third-party side characters have about the same chance of happening as his name.


Yeah but at the same time throwing a bunch of Pokémon in the game just for the sake of recognition is kinda a bad thing too. That's a waste as well.
Don't get me wrong — I don't think Blastoise, Venusaur, or Blaziken should be playable, it's just that they're the only starters who would at least make sense to me. I think the Pokémon representation is great as it is. You've got Greninja from the most recent generation; Pikachu and Jigglypuff from the original Smash Bros.; and the incredibly popular Mewtwo, Charizard, and Lucario.
Don't get me wrong — I don't think Blastoise, Venusaur, or Blaziken should be playable, it's just that they're the only starters who would at least make sense to me. I think the Pokémon representation is great as it is. You've got Greninja from the most recent generation; Pikachu and Jigglypuff from the original Smash Bros.; and the incredibly popular Mewtwo, Charizard, and Lucario.

There's a huge hole between the first and fourth gen for Pokemon though.

That's where a Pichu with Plusle and Minun alts would be perfect to fill that hole.


I'm super surprised by the universal support for Shovel Knight. On GAF? Sure, I buy that. But reddit and Miiverse and Twitter and all that? He's head-and-shoulders above most other characters. Kinda crazy how much traction a character can get after a single game.
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