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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

This has got to be the most bloated kit of any god ever. Wow.

It is quite bloated yeah but looks like so much fun. Ajax is kind of channeling Drybear with this bloat but the man can design great kits, got to hand it to him.

Why does Aphro keep getting good skins?

Where are the dope Awilix skins?


why didn't anyone mention the skadi skin that shit is actually kind of amazing

Awilix may only have one good skin (renegade) but to be fair it is one of the best skins in the game.

There is no pic up for the Skadi skin yet or I would have posted it, it is quite nice though.


The new god seems dope. I'm down with a dwarf Shyvana.

Yo, I bought that vikings pass thing for that dope Kali skin, so lets get some games in.


i say dope a lot in this thread


Fafnir kit a bit bloated but looked really fun to play. That passive is going to make him really strong if he can get watchers and travelers shoes though. The ult sounds crazy though. I didn't see any numbers yet but that shit sounded op to me. I guess we will see when the numbers come out.

Need the Aphro and Skadi skins in my life like right now.
It is quite bloated yeah but looks like so much fun. Ajax is kind of channeling Drybear with this bloat but the man can design great kits, got to hand it to him.
Haha, I was thinking the same. I really love his work. He's definitely right there at Drybear's level of awesome ideas and design.

And don't get me wrong. Fafnir is bloated, but as you all have said he looks like a blast to play, literally. It's about time we finally got a support that EVERYONE is going to run to.


Is is usual for Smite and other games like it to get new characters in such quick succession?

Have to say I'd personally would prefer them taking more time balancing the current pool of (already numerable) characters and for example release a new character every 2-3 months compared to the current schedule.


All the other Mobas release characters at a similar rate except for Dota which is on like a 6-9 month schedule right now.

The thing is though, mobas make money off their new characters. So its pretty understandable why they try to release as many as they do. In terms of the number of characters, Smite is still like 60 behind League.


Sketchbook Picasso
I don't mind Fafnir, especially as a Guardian, being bloated. Varying degrees of a lot of abilities is a nice thing to see. I'd prefer they go back and re-bloat some of the other old gods, actually. Why not make Ra's Shiny light lock people who stay during the entire duration, or make Ameterasu's silence have a D.O.T after hit?

*ahem* Anywho, I'm also fine with their constant release schedules. They have multiple people working on gods to make it happen. While I wouldn't mind some past-god rebalances, I don't think it'd be more likely to happen just because a new one didn't come out. They do a nice job of having a bit of something for old and new each patch, which is commendable.

If anything, what surprises me is that they have a new pantheon (Japanese), and yet still are releasing gods consistently for old ones. I'd have thought they'd want to fill up the new queue with a god for each category first, before going back to Norse or Greek, etc.

One thing I WOULD like to see is for them to go back and add value to characters with few costumes, or no more than 1 voice pack (like Vulcan). I wonder if it's a problem with their actors or something...
Is is usual for Smite and other games like it to get new characters in such quick succession?

Have to say I'd personally would prefer them taking more time balancing the current pool of (already numerable) characters and for example release a new character every 2-3 months compared to the current schedule.

For relatively newer ones, 1 a month is pretty normal. DOTA2 and League have both slowed down, though a lot of that has to do with how many heroes they already have (over 100). DOTA2 after beta was averaging about 2-3 months in between releases but the last one released in December and was 10 months after the previous. League's been more consistent with anywhere between 1-3 months in between releases. I'm pretty sure Heroes right now gets 1 and sometimes 2 a month. During the earlier days of Smite's beta it wasn't unusual to get a new God every other week.

Thank you both for the tips, incredibly helpful. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of the basics, I just don't want to feel like I'm doing something wrong and hurting my team. It's pretty much why I haven't invested much time in Conquest, Siege and even Joust. I just feel a bit lost and I don't want to screw my team over.

Anyway, thank you both again. Happy to have some guidance for when I jump in.


Is is usual for Smite and other games like it to get new characters in such quick succession?

Have to say I'd personally would prefer them taking more time balancing the current pool of (already numerable) characters and for example release a new character every 2-3 months compared to the current schedule.

Well that's how most mobas work and Smite is no different.
All interesting gods with unique mechanics. Actually all of those are some fun ass gods.

When you compare those gods kits to Ra's or Ymir's (basically any early god) they do come off as very bloated but I wonder if that isn't actually a good thing.

Maybe the game should be moving away from these very simple kits to ones where there are a lot of options in what you want to do, a lot of different reasons to use an ability. It will allow a lot of players who know a god really well to use them in ways that astound lower level players (or players who've never used that god). It could also make pro play more exciting when you see just how powerful these gods can be.

Take Jing Wei, thought of as op when shown off on the twitch but everyone said she was weak when they actually got their hands on her (I actually still on't like her and wuld much rather play as any other hunter). However she is now one of the top hunter picks in the spl and can dominate a game if the player knows what they're doing (Zap, Ataraxia).

If it does go this way it will be a rough transition but Ajax is probably the designer they shown to do it. Comes off as kind of nerdy but also someone who loves what they do. It's hard to dislike the guy.
Had a few games with Fafnir on the PTS.

He is not OP, he actually feels kind of lacking for some reason. His damage is low and he doesn't feel that tanky (even with his passive).

His one is his wave clear. It's a good ability, not too hard but not too easy to hit.

His 2 actually does little for him imo. The attack speed buff is great for adcs to allow them to shred a tower but the heal is quite small, don't think you'll see the heal make too much of a difference.

His leap is okay I guess. You can juke it by going under him if you want to avoid the disarm but overall he feels like his has low mobility which is strange considering he essentially has 2 leaps.

His ult is kind of lackluster. The immunity when you activate it can get you out of some stick situations, if timed well you can avoid a lot of damage. However the damage from it is so hard to hit it might as well not be there. Thing Xing ult but arguably worse.
The extra stun while in dragon form is nice but outside of that there seems to be little reason to go into dragon form.
His autos in dragon form look really good but it feels like enemies that are at max range of the visual indicator don't actually take damage.
Leaving dragon form can screw you over quite a lot. You're stuck in place for so long that you can easily be killed. Timing it so you leap away, then leave dragon form, then leap again (cds reset on change) will get you out of danger but you've basically left your teammates behind to die at that point. Not the best support play there.

He does get a lot more useful late game but he's just not that much fun tbh...


Have yet to download the PTS after getting the new PC up and going. Doesn't really matter I guess since I've only been playing on PS4 lately. Fafnir definitely looks cool.


Is it me or does Fafnir's numbers look kinda low for a guardian? If his scaling is going to be bad, his base damage needs to be high to compensate but it doesn't feel like its that high going off of the numbers they put out for his abilities. And I saw a video of some of his abilities and I have no idea how you would catch anyone in that ult. They have to be locked down by a chang'e ult or something to get the damage off. The dragon form seems cool but how do you apply his damage since its all tick damage? Ares has the chains that you can't get out of that allows the tick damage to apply but Fafnir doesn't have a cripple like Ares chains. So yeah he has a stun but people will just beads or sanctuary and run away or someone will pop a sprint for them. Just seems like he's going to have a hard time confirming damage.
Would it be worth burning my 100k favor on all the recolor skins for Norse codes in anticipation of the upcoming Viking event (I play on console)? It would take pretty much all my favor to buy them all but I'm not sure if it's worth it for a better chance at exclusives.
Would it be worth burning my 100k favor on all the recolor skins for Norse codes in anticipation of the upcoming Viking event (I play on console)? It would take pretty much all my favor to buy them all but I'm not sure if it's worth it for a better chance at exclusives.

Just so you know you have to buy into the Viking event and it costs 900 gems. So if you don't have 900 gems/aren't going to buy any than it's not worth spending your favour.

The final reward bundle for this quest chain contains a chest which gives you a chance at any non-limited Norse skin, only one though. Buying all the recolours beforehand does remove them from the loot table.

Whether it's worth it is up to you I guess. Do you have all the gods yet? If not, personally, I'd say spend the favour on new gods as that is probably a better use. If you have them all then there is little sue for favour so go crazy.
Did anyone in here not have Bellona and got her via the #20MILLION code? The missus entered it and she got Bellona's alt skin... but not Bellona herself, hilariously.
Did anyone in here not have Bellona and got her via the #20MILLION code? The missus entered it and she got Bellona's alt skin... but not Bellona herself, hilariously.

It's probably a bug, you could send in a support ticket. They're usually pretty quick about these things and will most likely just give her the favour needed to buy Bellona outright.


Only took me 3 matches to get the 50 gems for today.

I bet tomorrow it's gonna take me 15.
Clash was unkind to me today... think it took 8 or so matches before I finally found a win.

On the bright side it made me change up my Awilix build to a much more attack speed orientated style and found I enjoyed that more than the half and half protection/penetration build I was using.


Clash is a fun game mode. Because the gold spooling is so high, I can experiment with weird builds and it only takes like 20 minutes. I would try arena but a never get to full build in arena unless I'm far ahead of everyone or build some cheap items. Never have to worry about that in Clash. Maybe they should increase the gold spooling in arena? I mean clash is supposed to be a mixed between Arena and Conquest. I just find myself playing clash more often if I want to play a quick match to see if a build is any good. Only like playing arena when its like a 2x worshippers or something like that since the matches are faster in Arena generally.
34 was like "three hunters? nah I'll show you how to be a hunter"

I either go crazy on Xbal or go even, there is no middle ground for me. I started that game off badly though.

I did notice I was the only one building anti heal items. You'd think the tank might grab one or two of those...:p


I had Curse from the get-go, what are you talking about?

Is Nemesis still considered weak after her buffs or is she in a good spot right now?

Just so you know you have to buy into the Viking event and it costs 900 gems. So if you don't have 900 gems/aren't going to buy any than it's not worth spending your favour.

The final reward bundle for this quest chain contains a chest which gives you a chance at any non-limited Norse skin, only one though. Buying all the recolours beforehand does remove them from the loot table.

Whether it's worth it is up to you I guess. Do you have all the gods yet? If not, personally, I'd say spend the favour on new gods as that is probably a better use. If you have them all then there is little sue for favour so go crazy.

Thanks for the response. I do plan on buying gems for the event and I already own the god pack. The only thing I'd really want to spend favor on would be mastery skins for a handful of gods. They're pretty expensive though so I might just hold on to my favor and hope luck smiles on me with the Viking chests.


I feel like there's always stronger junglers than Nemesis if you're talking about conquest. I don't think she'll ever be a top pick. Only in pro games can she be solid and that's because you have a team that will back you up.

If you're just pugging it with randoms in conquest and go nemesis and you receive no help in the jungle from your mid then you will have a very hard time due to her garbage clear.

I do think she's better in other modes though, she's pretty tanky with her shield and if built more like a warrior, with full CDR.

She'll always be one of my favorite gods but it would take a lot to make her a top pick over some of the other amazing junglers that can carry a game by themselves.
Is Nemesis still considered weak after her buffs or is she in a good spot right now?

As Drota said if you've got the team with you she can get to lategame where she can hold her own against almost anyone. Early game will be a problem though if people don't take into account your weak clear.

Thanks for the response. I do plan on buying gems for the event and I already own the god pack. The only thing I'd really want to spend favor on would be mastery skins for a handful of gods. They're pretty expensive though so I might just hold on to my favor and hope luck smiles on me with the Viking chests.

If you have the god pack then I wouldn't worry about spending favour, you'll be rolling in it in no time. Outside of buying gods there is little use for favour as the best skins are gem ones.
I'd say buy the favour skins of the norse gods and increase your chances.

I had Curse from the get-go, what are you talking about?


You can't be mad at me, I got you a quadra!
The Bellona and her skin giveaway (which is definitely bugged btw) may seem like a small giveaway for the 20mil mark but Hi-Rez have come out and said they've got something big planned for the 25mil mark.

Shouldn't be too far away actually.
Getting in some valuable time with Ratatoskr before he changes tomorrow. I'm really going to miss dashing through people and shooting lightning bolts all over the place. I hope the new version is just as fun.
Double everything (not fp it seems) this weekend: http://www.smitegame.com/free-gods-2x-everything/
All gods unlocked too.

Getting in some valuable time with Ratatoskr before he changes tomorrow. I'm really going to miss dashing through people and shooting lightning bolts all over the place. I hope the new version is just as fun.

I don't think console has the nerfed version that PC has now so he certainly won't be fun to play against.


Played an arena game with Rat after messing around with him a little in jungle practice. He is kind of dumb now. He does so much damage and has so much cc. How would you even do bad with Rat? I guess it could happen, like if Susano is on the other team but other than that, I now see how you wouldn't do at least decent with him now. They need to tone down his numbers if he's going to have this much cc.
Depends on the chest but it's usually a few of months. Some skins are in a number of chests so if you're after a particular one it may come around soon.


Really want to get Ragnatoskr, I think that's only Cutsey Chest? Think they had it for sale a couple months ago, not sure. Hopefully will be back soon then.
Used the event to get Geb and Xbal to diamond, gonna need another hunter and guardian to take there place.

That said I kind of don't want to touch the hunter playstyle for a while now, think I've had my fill of it...
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