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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

No boots build are legit on hunters. I've been running no boots on different modes with Artemis and it totally works. I go GB for the power and ms. Then Fatalis for the attack speed, ms, and the passive. Then either asi or devo gloves for lifesteal depending on whether I want to stack or not. I think devo gloves is better once fully stacked but you have to stack which is annoying and devo is more expensive than Asi and you do get some pen in Asi so I still tend to go Asi. Then I go into crits. If I'm ahead deathbringer, malice, and wind demon. If I'm behind, wind demon, malice, and a titans bane. If you get ahead, its probably gg because your going to crit like every other attack on Artemis and you have great boxing potential with the fatalis even if you don't crit. Only issue is no pen for tanks and objectives but you will two or three shot the mages or hunters on the other team. So you could get a titans last item even if your ahead but I'd rather get more crit. I haven't tried it on other hunters yet but I think this would work on Apollo and Rama and probably Amc since they have really high as steroids. I would probably still do the trans build on Neith, Medusa, and Ullr though.

No idea why Snoopy would want to leave the hunter role, his understanding of the role is really high as shown by this build.

Also it is really good on Xbal. The extra movement speed plus the slow he has on his 2 means you can never get away from him and he hits really hard late game.


3.8 went live on PS4 earlier today, Susano sure is a pain to deal with... feels like he has way too much in terms of movement abilities (dash, teleport and basically a sprint at the end of using his set of abilities to just out run you) so it's hard to punish him for diving into your team.

Also out of the characters I picked up last time I'm struggling with the below:

- Ares, feel neither as durable as other guardians or powerful enough to be able to deter enemy players. His ultimate is potent if your team can follow up but if not it can also lead to your own very quick death. (Current build: Shoes of the Magi / Sovereignty / Heartward Amulet / Void Stone / Mystical Mail / Mantle of Discord)

- Awilix, finiding it too hard to get into damage range without being put to low health and her ultimate attack just requires too much set up to be used effectively without offering much extra compared to other character ultimates which are much easier to use. (Current build: Warrior Tabi / Jotunn's Wrath / Hydra's Lament / Shifter's Shield / Titan's Bane / Deathbringer)

- Fenrir, to a much lesser extent than the other two. Just feel like I'm a bit useless outside of when I use my abilities as I'm finding it hard to make a difference with basic attacks. Wonder if this is normal for Fenrir or should change to a more attack speed + Hastened Fatalis build? (Current build: Warrior Tabi / Jotunn's Wrath / Breastplate of Valor / Shifter's Shield / Bulwark of Hope / Titan's Bane)
Also out of the characters I picked up last time I'm struggling with the below:

- Ares, feel neither as durable as other guardians or powerful enough to be able to deter enemy players. His ultimate is potent if your team can follow up but if not it can also lead to your own very quick death. (Current build: Shoes of the Magi / Sovereignty / Heartward Amulet / Void Stone / Mystical Mail / Mantle of Discord)

- Awilix, finiding it too hard to get into damage range without being put to low health and her ultimate attack just requires too much set up to be used effectively without offering much extra compared to other character ultimates which are much easier to use. (Current build: Warrior Tabi / Jotunn's Wrath / Hydra's Lament / Shifter's Shield / Titan's Bane / Deathbringer)

- Fenrir, to a much lesser extent than the other two. Just feel like I'm a bit useless outside of when I use my abilities as I'm finding it hard to make a difference with basic attacks. Wonder if this is normal for Fenrir or should change to a more attack speed + Hastened Fatalis build? (Current build: Warrior Tabi / Jotunn's Wrath / Breastplate of Valor / Shifter's Shield / Bulwark of Hope / Titan's Bane)

Ares - Keep in mind his passive is that building aura items gives you 10 power per aura item. You are building aura items so you're obviously aware but because of this extra power for building tanky you don't really need shoes of the magi, get the cd boots.
Also his 2 makes him (and teammates) very tanky. Rank it p early, either 1st or 2nd along with his 1. The little bit of cd that boots will give you mean more of these so you're harder to take down.
If you feel like you're being killed quickly while your ult is going off use your 2 before you ult. It will give you those extra protections to survive any burst. You can even use your 2 without causing blink to go on cd.

Awilix - On Awilix I personally build boots, jotunns, BoV, bulwark, titans, situational item. This will give her a bit more tank to survive due to the health and the shield that bulwark can provide. Also you will get max cd so you can setup your ult more often.
If someone on your team picks a god with knockup (Bacchus, Jing Wei, Sobek, geb etc) then it is a good time to pick Awilix as you won't even need to setup your own ults.
Also if the enemy has someone with a jump you need to be the bane of their existence. If your ult is up keep a close eye on them. You can stay in relative safety and just wait to pull them out of position rather than go out of position yourself.

Fenrir - Your build is fine, you might consider getting hide of the urchin over shifters shield but that's personal choice.
However what you're feeling is expected with that build. You're going the bruiser build, very good early, you will be rolling the damage/kills. Mid to late game you transition to more of a frontliner for your team. using the stun on your 1 and the ult to setup for your dmg dealers. While not quite as a good frontliner as a bruiser warrior it works very well.
You're going to need a different build if you want to do auto attack dmg.
Boots into some lifesteal. Devos is great if you can get the stacks, asi if not. Then executioners into some crit, best probably being deathbringer and wind demon.
The final item would be situational, some defense wouldn't hurt, frostbound to help stick to the target, fatalis would be fine or even a titans bane if the enemy team is really tanky.


No idea why Snoopy would want to leave the hunter role, his understanding of the role is really high as shown by this build.

Also it is really good on Xbal. The extra movement speed plus the slow he has on his 2 means you can never get away from him and he hits really hard late game.

Totally forgot about Xbal. He would destroy with this build since this eliminates his poor early game clear though I like to get more as on him since he doesn't have an as steroid. So I might get an obow on him with deathbringer and malice or wind demon. I think with asi that should make his as decent enough to do really well. Hou Yi would be really strong with this too considering he has pen build into his kit.

I would say mantle is probably too expensive especially if your behind. Try Spirit Robe. Its cheaper and gives you 15% damage mitigation if your hit by cc and has cd and has 40 magical defense and 40 physical defense. So you could try cd boots, sov, heartward, void stone, spirit robe, e staff. So you got some defense, your over 3k health, and you do a ton of damage if you can land your chains.

With Awilix you want to be looking to pull people with your ult and not set it up yourself. You just have to know the range of the ult and once you figure that out, you'll be good to go. Build wise you have a couple of options. One is to just build everything in the mace tree and grab a defense item. So warrior tabi, jutonns, BoV, Titans, brawlers, Crusher. Your abilities should hit pretty damn hard. Another is the one I prefer and its warrior tabi, jutons, BoV, titans, Bulwark, Crusher. Your abilities hit hard and your a bit tanky so that you can get your combo off without getting blown up. You can always trade out crusher for something else like a brawlers, winged blade, more defense etc.

Well with Fen your building bruiser for the late game because your abilities aren't as effective in the late game as they are in the early game. Fen can be a very good initiator since he has two ways of doing it. So I don't think there's anything wrong build wise(maybe take out shifters for urchin. I think shifters is more a niche pick up honestly). You just have to learn when someone is out of position and when to take advantage of it and that just comes with playing the game and playing Fenrir in the bruiser role.


Thanks for the feedback, think I need to readjust my play-style when picking Awilix to be honest... I'm too used to either being able to deal some damage from range or being able to get into peoples faces with the regular melee characters who are able to take more punishment than Awilix.

Right now I try to use the Panther Jump to get into combat, but even then I feel I need to run away just as I have done a featherstep due to the damage I take, I guess I could go defensive with Breastplate of Valor and Bulwark of Hope but won't that simply mean the damage I do will fall off a cliff?

I get what you guys are saying about her ultimate but it still feels like one of the more tricky situational ultimates in the game without providing the extra reward for pulling it off compared to other ultimates.

For Ares I have generally been leveling my Chains and Flame first and second, guess I should go for Bolster Defenses instead of Flames going forward... the items on him overall aren't too expensive which is why I have Mantle of Discord at the end. I did go back and switch out Mystical Mail for Witchblade as I found the former to be quite underwhelming.

I'm surprised at Shifter's Shield being so underused to be honest, think it's great for providing quite a bit of offence and defence. Think I have it used on a fair few of my warrior characters as well, think I'm going to stick with this slightly less damage Fenrir build for now as I would hate to be even less survivable than I currently am when I jump in on someone. Will keep Urchin as a backup in case I want to mix it up going forward.

Unrelated to the above, Hide of the Nemean Lion is something I've started to look at how good/bad would that be as a replacement for Breastplate of Valor on warriors? Would be losing the cooldown but that passive sounds great coupled with the huge defence... Anyone using it and seeing good results in practice with it?


Thanks for the feedback, think I need to readjust my play-style when picking Awilix to be honest... I'm too used to either being able to deal some damage from range or being able to get into peoples faces with the regular melee characters who are able to take more punishment than Awilix.

Right now I try to use the Panther Jump to get into combat, but even then I feel I need to run away just as I have done a featherstep due to the damage I take, I guess I could go defensive with Breastplate of Valor and Bulwark of Hope but won't that simply mean the damage I do will fall off a cliff?

I get what you guys are saying about her ultimate but it still feels like one of the more tricky situational ultimates in the game without providing the extra reward for pulling it off compared to other ultimates.

For Ares I have generally been leveling my Chains and Flame first and second, guess I should go for Bolster Defenses instead of Flames going forward... the items on him overall aren't too expensive which is why I have Mantle of Discord at the end. I did go back and switch out Mystical Mail for Witchblade as I found the former to be quite underwhelming.

I'm surprised at Shifter's Shield being so underused to be honest, think it's great for providing quite a bit of offence and defence. Think I have it used on a fair few of my warrior characters as well, think I'm going to stick with this slightly less damage Fenrir build for now as I would hate to be even less survivable than I currently am when I jump in on someone. Will keep Urchin as a backup in case I want to mix it up going forward.

Unrelated to the above, Hide of the Nemean Lion is something I've started to look at how good/bad would that be as a replacement for Breastplate of Valor on warriors? Would be losing the cooldown but that passive sounds great coupled with the huge defence... Anyone using it and seeing good results in practice with it?

Its still 3100 gold which is alot for any item especially a support. I was just giving you an alternative you can use though because there will be times where you have to be honest with yourself and say "I'm not going to be able to get mantle what else can I get that's comparable to mantle". And if your supporting, your builds will generally need to be cheaper in order to keep up with the rest of your team or you will fall way behind. Mystical is only good on Ares because of his passive or else I would tell you not to pick it up.

Well no doubt Awilix ult is tricky but its amazing in a teamfight and they are trying to get away or aren't pay attention to you. You ult or you 3 then ult and pull them then hit your 2 for a lot of damage. Its really really strong but not the easiest combo to pull off. Always save Suku for escaping. You can cancel it once you get to where you need to be and you'll dismount and it won't go on cooldown. Only jump in with Suku if your sure your going to get the kill. Your damage won't fall off if you build pen. Her abilities do a ton of damage so if you build pen items( ie jotunns, titans, brawlers, crusher) you should be fine.

You get BoV for the cd mostly. Hide is a good item but the passive is only good if there are alot of aa gods on the enemy team where as BoV is always going to benefit you. So let's say they have a hunter, an aa assassin (like Kali) and an aa warrior(like Bellona) then it would be a good pick up or else Breastplate would probably be better. Most warriors do better when they build some cooldown. Even aa warriors like Bellona and Osiris can benefit from cd but its not essential on them as it would be on a Guan Yu.

Shifters is good, its just a bit niche to me. You could get it on a warrior or maybe even a assassin and turn them into a bruiser but I'd rather build other items. Of course, if it works for you then use it but I'd personally would build other items before it.


After playing Susano for a few games on PS4, I take back what I said about him. He's amazing, probably my favorite god in the game at the moment. One of the most busted as well.


I was just giving you an alternative you can use though because there will be times where you have to be honest with yourself and say "I'm not going to be able to get mantle what else can I get that's comparable to mantle".

Oh, I definitely appreciate the suggestion... you brought a item which I had not really given any thought to previously to my attention, I've stuck it in among my custom build items so that I can switch it up if I need to. I just need leave my comfort zone and turn off auto purchase from time to time. :D

Your damage won't fall off if you build pen. Her abilities do a ton of damage so if you build pen items( ie jotunns, titans, brawlers, crusher) you should be fine.

Ah, that's good to hear, guess I'll give (Warrior Tabi / Jotunn's Wrath / Breastplate of Valor / Bulwark's Hope / Titan's Bane / Deathbringer) a go and see how that goes.

You get BoV for the cd mostly. Hide is a good item but the passive is only good if there are alot of aa gods on the enemy team where as BoV is always going to benefit you.

Good point about the more ability heavy warriors needing the coolddown, I'll give it a go on Bellona, Amaterasu and Hercules and see how it goes?
Thanks for the help as always.


Incase anyone is wondering what happened and what a few of us are talking about here's the match - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO2ah9HYoZM

The match is less than 3 minutes long. Shortest and lamest match in Smite SPL History.

I love what has happened to Envy. Ever since they booted Incon and Weak3n, I lost all respect for them. I gained a little bit when they picked up MLC and then lost it all again (but I believe I said a while ago in this thread that I was glad MLC was off the team). ALG (which now have Incon and Weak3n) 2-0ing Envy last week was hilarious, I loved every second of it.

I view the new Envy similar to how I view Luminosity. I just don't like the way they handled their team kicking and reforming.


All those guys on Envy should be embarrassed and ashamed. Best part about the broadcast was when Hinduman just went in their asses. It was glorious when he did that. Props to Hinduman. Guess this is karma for what they did to Incon, Weaken, and MLCstealth. I don't think any of those guys were treated fairly.


Here's your typical Siege match on PS4 in a nutshell. These 2 are in a party, have 2200 casual ELO, level 30, and have both played nearly 24 hours of in game time on Siege.


In over 2000 matches of Siege, on smurfs, mains, ps4, xb1, I've never seen that happen. People will always amaze me in this game on consoles.

I honestly should expect it though. They 4 manned grouped at attack speed, they didn't kill red. They never rotated, they sat in their lane the whole game no matter what, they never played aggressive (even though they were both built tanky), the list really goes on. I could write a dang report on the awfulness of that match.


Here's your typical Siege match on PS4 in a nutshell. These 2 are in a party, have 2200 casual ELO, level 30, and have both played nearly 24 hours of in game time on Siege.


In over 2000 matches of Siege, on smurfs, mains, ps4, xb1, I've never seen that happen. People will always amaze me in this game on consoles.

I honestly should expect it though. They 4 manned grouped at attack speed, they didn't kill red. They never rotated, they sat in their lane the whole game no matter what, they never played aggressive (even though they were both built tanky), the list really goes on. I could write a dang report on the awfulness of that match.

after almost 100 hours I can confirm this
Some Fafnir concepts:




I hope Fafnir is really strong when he gets released. The game needs more good guardians to pick from. Just seems like people just play the same 4 guardians( Athena, Geb, Khepri, and Ymir) and the rest get ignored. I hope he's strong enough to break into this foursome.
I hope Fafnir is really strong when he gets released. The game needs more good guardians to pick from. Just seems like people just play the same 4 guardians( Athena, Geb, Khepri, and Ymir) and the rest get ignored. I hope he's strong enough to break into this foursome.

Ymir isn't really considered that strong just really easy to get a handle on (I love playing him though).

Fafnir's passive from the datamining will be gp5 based, extra gold for him and his allies.


Bought some gems for the Viking event next week.

Had some extra so I decided to open some Fortune chests. Already had Ares and I really wanted Ra and Xbalanque. Opened two chests and I got both of them.

I needed that good feeling. Arena has been brutal today. Probably because people are teaming up for that double everything event.


Ymir isn't really considered that strong just really easy to get a handle on (I love playing him though).

Fafnir's passive from the datamining will be gp5 based, extra gold for him and his allies.

Well yeah Ymir isn't that strong but he is played alot so that's who I see in my games more even though Kumba and Bacchus are better than him.

Wow gp5 sounds nice. Could be pretty good with travelers shoes early game.
Well yeah Ymir isn't that strong but he is played alot so that's who I see in my games more even though Kumba and Bacchus are better than him.

Wow gp5 sounds nice. Could be pretty good with travelers shoes early game.

I think the Ymir popularity is mainly due to the fact that everyone gets him for free and that he is probably their first taste of guardian play.

I didn't even think about that, a guardian who is rarely behind in items sounds quite strong.

I can't seem to find it now but i remember seeing a datamine of his abilities, he sounds like a very supporty guardian like Geb where most of his abilities buff his allies.


Ymir isn't really considered that strong just really easy to get a handle on (I love playing him though).
Ymir is amazing for his Frost Breath alone (both fort defence and more importantly offence)... 2 seconds of being frozen on a easy to hit ability with low cooldown just means you are enabling your team to do so much damage, doesn't matter if you are on comms or not either as almost everyone understands what needs to happen when you freeze a enemy. In comparison the other guardians (that I have experience with) have skills that don't translate as well in terms of visual cues, Athena's Confound can get you in trouble if no one follows you up / Kumbhakarna's Mighty Yawn is sometimes too subtle for people to catch on in order to make the most of it / Khepri's Abduct & Solar Flare aren't great.

Have to say I do enjoy playing as Ymir, so much fun to simply walk down a lane as if you own it and see 2-3 people on the enemy team simply back right off because they know how much damage they can take in a very short amount of time, Kumbhakarna is probably the 2nd in terms of providing that feeling in terms of the guardians I have. And lets not even talk about if you/your team gets ahead, at which point you basically become a bully which can walk into entire enemy teams, throw them about for a bit and walk out again...
Ymir is amazing for his Frost Breath alone (both fort defence and more importantly offence)... 2 seconds of being frozen on a easy to hit ability with low cooldown just means you are enabling your team to do so much damage, doesn't matter if you are on comms or not either as almost everyone understands what needs to happen when you freeze a enemy. In comparison the other guardians (that I have experience with) have skills that don't translate as well in terms of visual cues, Athena's Confound can get you in trouble if no one follows you up / Kumbhakarna's Mighty Yawn is sometimes too subtle for people to catch on in order to make the most of it / Khepri's Abduct & Solar Flare aren't great.

Have to say I do enjoy playing as Ymir, so much fun to simply walk down a lane as if you own it and see 2-3 people on the enemy team simply back right off because they know how much damage they can take in a very short amount of time, Kumbhakarna is probably the 2nd in terms of providing that feeling in terms of the guardians I have. And lets not even talk about if you/your team gets ahead, at which point you basically become a bully which can walk into entire enemy teams, throw them about for a bit and walk out again...

I have a mastery 10 Ymir and he's probably my favourite guardian but I can't say he's amazing.

His freeze is a terrible initiation. It is really telegraphed because he has no dash or jump to surprise the enemy with, he just wanders up very slowly. You can counter this by getting blink but then he is at a disadvantage compared to other guardians with an initiation because they can get 2 of either weakening, sprint or shell whereas blink Ymir can only get 1.

Without blink he is really immobile, it is probably his biggest flaw. If he gets caught even slightly out of position in the jungle he is dead because there is little he can do to get away.

His 3 2 combo leaves him open to the enemy for quite some time, any who were not caught in the freeze can drop everything on you and God help you if you missed your freeze completely.

His wall is what most people have trouble using, it is what separates a bad Ymir from a good Ymir and a good Ymir from a great Ymir.

Also his ult is mostly useless...


I have a mastery 10 Ymir and he's probably my favourite guardian but I can't say he's amazing.

His freeze is a terrible initiation. It is really telegraphed because he has no dash or jump to surprise the enemy with, he just wanders up very slowly. You can counter this by getting blink but then he is at a disadvantage compared to other guardians with an initiation because they can get 2 of either weakening, sprint or shell whereas blink Ymir can only get 1.

Without blink he is really immobile, it is probably his biggest flaw. If he gets caught even slightly out of position in the jungle he is dead because there is little he can do to get away.

His 3 2 combo leaves him open to the enemy for quite some time, any who were not caught in the freeze can drop everything on you and God help you if you missed your freeze completely.

His wall is what most people have trouble using, it is what separates a bad Ymir from a good Ymir and a good Ymir from a great Ymir.

Also his ult is mostly useless...
Ah, I don't play Conquest much, I mostly stick to Clash as I feel it gets into the fun (team-fights) quicker without being completely death-match orientated like Arena... so I guess that explains some of our differences in opinion.

But then again I don't mind wandering up very slowly to my opponents as they either back off under their tower and allow my team to get lane dominance or they get frozen if they stand their ground. However I can see how other guardians (Athena/Kumbhakarna) are considered as being better late game due to their movement abilities, especially if your team is behind.

Also I'm terrible with the ice wall, because of that it's the last ability that I put points into... Have to agree on his ultimate as well, unless you are happy to start it and set it off quickly it usually causes you more trouble than good.
Ah, I don't play Conquest much, I mostly stick to Clash as I feel it gets into the fun (team-fights) quicker without being completely death-match orientated like Arena... so I guess that explains some of our differences in opinion.

But then again I don't mind wandering up very slowly to my opponents as they either back off under their tower and allow my team to get lane dominance or they get frozen if they stand their ground. However I can see how other guardians (Athena/Kumbhakarna) are considered as being better late game due to their movement abilities, especially if your team is behind.

Also I'm terrible with the ice wall, because of that it's the last ability that I put points into... Have to agree on his ultimate as well, unless you are happy to start it and set it off quickly it usually causes you more trouble than good.

You are right it is highly dependent on the mode. I actually find Ymir is really good in Arena but in modes with a jungle he isn't as good. I would never pick Ymir in Joust for example, Bacchus is superior there.

You should generally be leveling up the wall second after his freeze but I rarely do this personally, I go 3, 2, 1, 4 usually.

I haven't played Clash enough to say who I think is the best there but I will say that Guan works really well. Doesn't really have any peel but his heal can make all the difference. Pair him with an aggressive warrior or even a tanky assassin (Fenrir works well) and he can shine.


Had a close escape as Bastet (one of my favorite assassins) in a Clash match earlier today... the Susano on the enemy team really wanted me dead, think he plucked me out from the clutches of that Nu Wa at the end. Used a fair few of my 9 lives there I think. :D

Haven't played as him but have played against him a bit. He is certainly really strong and I would be really surprised to not see nerf for him in the patch notes tomorrow.

Some say that he falls off lategame (which is true) so he isn't that bad but the problem is that he so strong early game that he hits lategame long before you do so he is still able to kill you with a full rotation of his kit.

The huge amount of cc that he has means that if you have no escape you're in a lot of trouble and even with an escape a rat who uses the cd lowering on his dash and the slow/stun can stay with you very easily.

In any mode where farming and denying farm is a thing (conquest, siege, joust, clash) he is very strong. In arena he isn't so bad as you can't really fall behind in levels/gold there so as long as you play cautiously early you can still win.

Personally I've found I can handle the rat really well with Susanoo but he could easily see a nerf in the patch notes tomorrow as well (I don't really feel like he needs one though).
Anyone have any general tips for Clash? I know it's supposed to be a fairly easy/straightforward mode but I've mostly been an arena player and I've found myself longing for something a little meatier. I just don't want to feel like I'm screwing over my team by not knowing my role.

And for what it's worth, I've played a fair bit of assault as well but not sure how much of that translates.


Anyone have any general tips for Clash? I know it's supposed to be a fairly easy/straightforward mode but I've mostly been an arena player and I've found myself longing for something a little meatier. I just don't want to feel like I'm screwing over my team by not knowing my role.
Think it's much more relaxed than Conquest in terms of 'knowing/playing your role'... Just a few general points from me (I'm sure others here can give you better pointers).

- Understand what the playstyle of your team-mates is, if they are aggressive go in with them and if they are happy to clear the waves and just poke at the enemy it's best to not jump in on your own as they could possible be a bit unwilling/slow to react to the engagement.

- Make note of the characters on the enemy side, know who you can be effective against and who is a threat (for example: try to always know where the enemy assassin is or if the other team has a area damage dealing mage try to focus on him first if a team fight starts).

- Further to the above and a much more personal point of view, I find it's great to usually make the other respect the damage you can do to them early (especially if you are building into a defencive warrior/guardian role later in game). I usually pick a hunter/mage that is clearing the wave relatively alone and just walk straight up to them from the go and try to hit them with everything I have available just to make them more cautious.

- It's a 2 lane map but not much of a jungle to separate the lanes so make sure to rotate when needed if you see one side under pressure or the enemy team starting to rotate (especially if you are a warrior/guardian character that can jump in the middle of off a fight). Equally if you are on your own and you have lane pressure on your opponent be mindful that the enemy team can quickly rotate up behind you if you sit too long on the edge of their tower.

- As for team set-up again I find it much more relaxed than something like Joust/Conquest as you can have multiples of the same characters classes and it can work out fine. I do usually find I have more success with more a more damage dealing team than defencive ones. Having 2 characters that can clear the minions quick + a character that can deal high area damage is great. Then you have your assassin and warrior/guardian.

- Also if you are going to be overly aggressive and jump in and potentially die it's best to do so early rather than later in the game when the respawn timer is low and the other team can't punish you for it.

EDIT: Also attack the towers/phoenix when a opportunity presents itself, too many times I've seen our team with 2-3 man advantage and people are still more interested in fighting rather than going to the objectives and making the most of the advantage. If you are a defencive character (later in the game) go in first if there is no minion wave if necessary (and hope your team follows).


So I was playing Arena yesterday as Poseidon and I had just gotten my ult... I see Scylla doing her thing and I immediately go for the combo... whirlpool/Kraken/wave... it's a kill - first blood.

Seconds later, I get a message.. "You're gonna regret doing that"... seconds later: "xx.xx.xx.xx gonna boot you how does 168 hours offline sound bud"

Now, I have heard of people doing this to opponents in Destiny... it messes up their routers or whatever.

So for the rest of the game I don't mess with Scylla too much... until the very end when I see her stationary next to another guy... went for the kill.

Anyways... I didn't get booted. I reported him on Smite for Harrassment and then reported the message on PSN as a threat. Then I noticed that the IP he gave me wasn't even my IP.

How infantile do you have to be to get that upset that you go around making threats?
Jing Wei mastery card:

Anyone have any general tips for Clash? I know it's supposed to be a fairly easy/straightforward mode but I've mostly been an arena player and I've found myself longing for something a little meatier. I just don't want to feel like I'm screwing over my team by not knowing my role.

And for what it's worth, I've played a fair bit of assault as well but not sure how much of that translates.

Farming is important in Clash. In Arena it is very hard to fall behind the enemy team no matter how many times you die because of the usually quick respawn times and the fact that xp and gold is shared among everyone.

In Clash (and other modes e.g. Conquest, Joust, Siege) not farming well or dying a lot will cause you to be behind the enemy which will in turn allow them to kill you even more and eventually snowball that into an easy win.

In Clash there are not many buff/xp camps so killing those on respawn, to increase the amount you have, is important. However splitting them with teammates is always a good idea. For example if you're at your back harpies and see a teammate leaving base, hold off on killing the harpies until they are in range so that they get xp and gold too. If you're in lane and you see someone killing the blue buff, go over and help even if you have no intention of picking the buff up.
At some point you will destroy an enemy tower. This gives you extra pressure on that side of the map so you can now invade their buff camps. Taking their xp and gold is a great way to further increase your lead. In this case sharing isn't as important because you don't want to be caught stealing their buffs, get in, kill them get out.

Red buff is, ofc, a point of contention. There are a few different ways to start a game of clash in terms of which buffs to go for. Personally I like the team to group up and take challenge for the red buff. If you get lucky you may get a pick. Don't die for this buff though, it's not worth it. Also if most of your team has gone for back harpies or blue buff don't try to fight while outnumbered, and early death can screw you over.

So I was playing Arena yesterday as Poseidon and I had just gotten my ult... I see Scylla doing her thing and I immediately go for the combo... whirlpool/Kraken/wave... it's a kill - first blood.

Seconds later, I get a message.. "You're gonna regret doing that"... seconds later: "xx.xx.xx.xx gonna boot you how does 168 hours offline sound bud"

Now, I have heard of people doing this to opponents in Destiny... it messes up their routers or whatever.

So for the rest of the game I don't mess with Scylla too much... until the very end when I see her stationary next to another guy... went for the kill.

Anyways... I didn't get booted. I reported him on Smite for Harrassment and then reported the message on PSN as a threat. Then I noticed that the IP he gave me wasn't even my IP.

How infantile do you have to be to get that upset that you go around making threats?

I wouldn't worry about that too much, just mute them and move on. Personally I'd be targeting them even more but muting should be enough.


Why does Aphro keep getting good skins?

Where are the dope Awilix skins?


why didn't anyone mention the skadi skin that shit is actually kind of amazing
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