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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

Additionally, Dragon Breath is receiving a damage increase to make it more intimidating and help Fafnir confirm kills.

Thank god. I understand the need for a regular, area-hitting attack on a guardian to hit for very little, but at the point it is right now you may as well wait for the enemies to die of old age.

Also I read Arachne's 3 change as if they had removed the web, but no, it still creates a web at max range if it doesn't hit a god. It did feel a bit unfair to drop the web right over someone fleeing (which is why they've done it); on the other hand this kind of cripples its defensive use (drop at feet while running away) and I'm not sure that's also intentional or simply an unavoidable side effect.
Lol at them nerfing Rat, AGAIN. Oh well, it's pretty much expected at this point. People are going to bitch until he's worthless and never sees play, just like before.


Well they removed Golden Bow so RIP Merc, Artemis, Cupid, and Jing Wei. They should just make it like it was before they decided to buff it and make a starter item for hunters with bad clear.

They need to stop nerfing Rat. He's fine now. He's just really strong now not broken.

New God seems a bit "meh" and his kit sounds like an assassins kit, not a warriors kit.

That new Belllona skin looks nice. Will need to pick that up if they don't put it in a chest (please don't put it in a chest)


Odin's new passive sounds straight up broken. So he can get 50% ms and 50% power just from people dying and he keeps his old passive? That's just dumb. Think about how hard the bird bomb hits at early levels and then think about it with 20% more power because two people died. And Odin doesn't even have to have anything to do with the kills, he just gets the bonus. Oh and he keeps his old passive so he could have 50 power plus 50% power and then bird bomb you. That is just ridiculous. They have to change this passive or remove the old passive from his ult or both.


Odin's new passive sounds straight up broken. So he can get 50% ms and 50% power just from people dying and he keeps his old passive? That's just dumb. Think about how hard the bird bomb hits at early levels and then think about it with 20% more power because two people died. And Odin doesn't even have to have anything to do with the kills, he just gets the bonus. Oh and he keeps his old passive so he could have 50 power plus 50% power and then bird bomb you. That is just ridiculous. They have to change this passive or remove the old passive from his ult or both.

These sound like non-Conquest problems.
Merc and Wukong are dead. Merc can't clear and why pick Wukong when Erlang Shen is there...

I thought they were going to alternate between releasing a Japanese god and a god from another pantheon, to flesh out the Japanese one more quickly, but if the next gods after Fafnir are Erlang Shen and then Terra, it clearly seems to not be the case. Kind of odd having a pantheon with three gods and getting two more gods (Jing Wei and Erlang Shan) for the rather large Chinese pantheon instead.

I don't believe they ever said they were going to alternate Japanese Gods however I do know that the Norse god Fafnir was released to co-inside with Dreamhack. There were also a lot of Norse and Norse related skins released in that patch because of Dreamhack. The Norse stuff will dry up for a while so it's possible they'll push out some Japanese gods over the next handful of patches.

Community designed/picked Chronos skin:



Standout changes for me from the 3.12 patch notes:

Thorns (Relic) - This could be great on quite a lot of roles, Hunters, Warriors and even on Guardians this will be something I'd look to pick up as a 2nd relic.

Runeforged Hammer - This sounds pretty amazing, it'll definitely replace Frostbound Hammer on my Warriors, might even consider it for Assassins now.

Throwing Dagger/Golden Bow - Will make going into the lower early clear but strong end-game hunters a bit more of a choice now... plus might make Guardians more important in dual lane again. Wait and see I guess.

Anubis (Mummify) - The cooldown on this being reduced is going to be a pain, Another case like Nox's Shadow Lock where every 12 sec or less you can just get stunned in place and destroyed without any opportunity to do anything. (Why is Ymir and Neith's similar abilities on 16/15 sec cooldown while these are on 12/10?)

Erlang Shen - His Spot Weakness along with his passive sounds like it's going to make this guy super powerful as a Warrior in a 1v1... And that's without even counting his Pin & Super which can keep you in the fight (via Root/Taunt) and heal him, sounds like if you are in the solo lane with this guy and anywhere near 50% health it's best to just get out while you can rather than continue to trade blows.
Thorns (Relic) - This could be great on quite a lot of roles, Hunters, Warriors and even on Guardians this will be something I'd look to pick up as a 2nd relic.

I'm not sure you'd pick it up on hunters, if you do you're going to have to drop either beads or aegis, both of which are really needed.
I suppose if the enemy team had a lategame comp and not a lot of cc you could but that comp is unlikely.
It could certainly be picked up by warriors though. Especially ones that excel at getting into the back line and being a nuisance: Wukong, Osiris, Vamana, Ravana.

Runeforged Hammer - This sounds pretty amazing, it'll definitely replace Frostbound Hammer on my Warriors, might even consider it for Assassins now.

It's still a niche pick, certain warriors like Chaac or Wukong (who have large aoe slows) might find use for it but by buying it you're putting off buying other more needed items or buying so late that it's affects will be diminished.
If you want to buy it on auto attack warriors (Bellona, Osiris, new guy) you're probably better off pairing it with frostbound instead of replacing frostbound.

Throwing Dagger/Golden Bow - Will make going into the lower early clear but strong end-game hunters a bit more of a choice now... plus might make Guardians more important in dual lane again. Wait and see I guess.

I've already mentioned how this change ruins Merc (did you guys know Merc is dead now? :p) but it also reduces the amount of viable hunters. You're going to be seeing a lot of Hou Yi, Neith and Chiron, maybe some Chronos or Freya. It's going to be really boring.
Golden bow was probably too strong but it brought almost every god back into the hunter meta even Artemis and Cupid, personally I will miss that variety.

Anubis (Mummify) - The cooldown on this being reduced is going to be a pain, Another case like Nox's Shadow Lock where every 12 sec or less you can just get stunned in place and destroyed without any opportunity to do anything. (Why is Ymir and Neith's similar abilities on 16/15 sec cooldown while these are on 12/10?)

He's not going to be competitively viable but in casuals, yeah, a good Anubis who can consistently hit the stun will be hard to play against.

Erlang Shen - His Spot Weakness along with his passive sounds like it's going to make this guy super powerful as a Warrior in a 1v1... And that's without even counting his Pin & Super which can keep you in the fight (via Root/Taunt) and heal him, sounds like if you are in the solo lane with this guy and anywhere near 50% health it's best to just get out while you can rather than continue to trade blows.

It's still super early but it's looking like he won't be a solo laner at all. His lane clear is weak so he will get pushed back under tower very often and will lose a lot of gold.
He is, however, looking strong in the jungle, really good ganking potential.


I'm not sure you'd pick it up on hunters, if you do you're going to have to drop either beads or aegis, both of which are really needed.

I mostly just pick up Sanctuary and hardly ever pick up Purification on any of my characters, only usually go for both Purification & Sanctuary if the other team has an Ares and high area damage mage.

It's still a niche pick, certain warriors like Chaac or Wukong (who have large aoe slows) might find use for it but by buying it you're putting off buying other more needed items or buying so late that it's affects will be diminished.

If you want to buy it on auto attack warriors (Bellona, Osiris, new guy) you're probably better off pairing it with frostbound instead of replacing frostbound.

Ha, I was wondering why people weren't as enthusiastic about this item before I re-read the passive... I thought it said: 'enemies within 20 units of you are Slowed and take 10% more damage from all sources' when I first read it. Oops!

He's not going to be competitively viable but in casuals, yeah, a good Anubis who can consistently hit the stun will be hard to play against.

I hardly ever look at these patch stuff and consider the competitive implications, I only care about how the changes are going to affect the games I play in really.
Also have to agree on the new Odin passive being pretty good, think Aphrodite will be super annoying as well with her changes (she is already a pain as is when paired up with someone reliable). Can see a two man team made up of Aphrodite and a damage dealing Warrior/Hunter running all over the whole of your team.
Probably start playing again with this next patch. My favorite is getting an amazing buff.

Is it a buff, I've heard some pro say it's a buff and others a nerf, I don't play Arachne enough to know just from the patch notes

Since there's not a single person in this thread who is good about posting news I guess I'll do it.

You didn't see this though did you!

New official Smite store: http://smite.hitpoint.tv/


Is it a buff, I've heard some pro say it's a buff and others a nerf, I don't play Arachne enough to know just from the patch notes

It is to me. I guess the only major drawback is it can stop on minions. So to avoid it, an enemy player could just position themselves behind minions.


Probably start playing again with this next patch. My favorite is getting an amazing buff.

Is that a buff though? From watching the vod, it felt like a nerf to her because its always going to be in a line and you can't just place it anywhere like before as it only seems to stick to walls.
It is to me. I guess the only major drawback is it can stop on minions. So to avoid it, an enemy player could just position themselves behind minions.

Won't it also reduce her clear because you can just bodyblock the 3 if she tried to put it on the wave?

Since golden bow is gone she's going to need all the help she can get to clear.


Is that a buff though? From watching the vod, it felt like a nerf to her because its always going to be in a line and you can't just place it anywhere like before as it only seems to stick to walls.

Anything hit in that line will trigger the spiders. The chances of you missing it are so much lower than how it was setup previously. Maybe to the best of the best this is a nerf, to someone like me it's great.

It travels max distance and then works just like her old webs

Won't it also reduce her clear because you can just bodyblock the 3 if she tried to put it on the wave?

Since golden bow is gone she's going to need all the help she can get to clear.

For solo? Never played her solo. I did play her mid on PTS yesterday and did great though but that's not how it would work out on live. For jungle I feel like her clear has always been 'ok' well before golden bow. If Nemesis is a viable jungle, then old and new Arachne is fine. Her babies do well against jungle packs, nothing has changed with the way arachne will clear the jungle. I don't think golden bow was a thing for her, atleast amongst pro's in the jungle. I never used it that's for sure. I'm sure it was great for solo or duel though.

On the PTS though, even with this silly tank build I was top damage on my team. I did start off going more assassin/normal Arachne build but sold my jotuhn's for BP once I realized our Ares was going to DC or feed and I had to step up and be the front line. Also took the most damage in the game. Our Erlang was poop. Their Erlang was squishy and I wrecked him every time 1v1.

I like a couple of the new items. I like how they affect my cooldowns, like popping an active and reducing my CD's. Purification beads felt like old beads. I didn't even know Genji's Garb or w/e it's called did what it did so that was new to me. So basically having a couple of passive items affecting my CD's was fun times with Arachne.

Of course I would prefer to build full CDR on arachne. The staple jotuhn's + BPoV that everyone does now. And Qin's Sai's. That's the typical Arachne items and I don't think that'll change. But it's also the risky way to build, even those items + 2 defense items to finish off the build is dangerous imo with the way the game is played. I feel like Arachne is basically a warrior this season. She's a great boxer and can be an ok frontline if built like one. She is just too squishy to build like an assassin, but luckily her ult is on a 40ish second CD with max cdr. I dunno I could talk more I'm just rambling. I'm over here wanting to talk about builds but everyone who has played smite knows there's plenty of ways to build based on certain situations.

I do think some of the new items will be used though. I think they have a place this time and I'm glad golden bow is gone. What a broken item. Also I'm hype for how all this is going to change joust, shield of the underworld, golden bow gone, etc.
I do think some of the new items will be used though. I think they have a place this time and I'm glad golden bow is gone. What a broken item. Also I'm hype for how all this is going to change joust, shield of the underworld, golden bow gone, etc.

You want to give ritual dagger a go, it could arguably be used by every role.

I was testing Merc yesterday and picked it up instead of golden bow, I'm liking it. I wouldn't pick it up too early though, it hurt Merc's already poor early game when I grabbed it after boots.

Personally I'd buy it as a 4th or 5th item on assassins.


10 gems for each FWTD for all modes, so 100 per day and 400 total.
Thanks for the heads up, unfortunately this event seems to have brought out a few terrible people today... 3 Joust games in a row now I've had people leaving as soon as they take damage/or apparently see that they are against a party of players:

http://smite.guru/match/ps/30456766 - Anubis dies once, leaves... poor Guan Yu tried his best to keep the other team at bay.
http://smite.guru/match/ps/30458593 - Cabrakan never shows up, Odin leaves after a bit...
http://smite.guru/match/ps/30460456 - He Bo leaves leaving me and Hou Yi to hold on until we can surrender.

...hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come over the weekend.

Thankfully had a good Joust and Conquest game after posting this where all the players stayed in the match... :D
The 2 Clash games I played were fine as well, so I probably just got unlucky with the Joust match-ups.


That sucks Navid.

You want to give ritual dagger a go, it could arguably be used by every role.

I was testing Merc yesterday and picked it up instead of golden bow, I'm liking it. I wouldn't pick it up too early though, it hurt Merc's already poor early game when I grabbed it after boots.

Personally I'd buy it as a 4th or 5th item on assassins.

I used it in my first couple games against bots on pts. I think it can have a place as well. AA assassins and warriors could benefit for sure, moreso assassins.


I'm getting kind of tired of things changing so much every month. I don't remember item/god changes being this frequent in Season 2. I want to play casually, but I also don't want to be left in the dust when it comes to builds. I wish they would settle down with some of the changes for a bit. It's kind of turning me off from the game.
I'm getting kind of tired of things changing so much every month. I don't remember item/god changes being this frequent in Season 2. I want to play casually, but I also don't want to be left in the dust when it comes to builds. I wish they would settle down with some of the changes for a bit. It's kind of turning me off from the game.

Golden bow was deemed too powerful and its removal, although only one item, will shake up a lot of things. Most hunters being weaker early makes other classes better even though they may have felt no personal change.
One item has/had a big affect on everything else, if Hi-rez are intent on its removal they must have accepted the waves that will cause.

Also relics are new this season and balancing them was always going to take a while (probably will never be perfect). That sort of thing was never felt in previous seasons.

Also if you're playing casual then don't worry about your build too much as long as you're not building all starter items, stone cutting sword on a ranged god or something silly like that.
Until recently I loved picking up fatalis on hunters even though that would be frowned upon by the top level players, it's not going to be a huge deal what you build.


So who is the new god on PTS? Good, Bad? He seems more like an assassin than anything from the kit.

Thanks for the heads up, unfortunately this event seems to have brought out a few terrible people today... 3 Joust games in a row now I've had people leaving as soon as they take damage/or apparently see that they are against a party of players:

http://smite.guru/match/ps/30456766 - Anubis dies once, leaves... poor Guan Yu tried his best to keep the other team at bay.
http://smite.guru/match/ps/30458593 - Cabrakan never shows up, Odin leaves after a bit...
http://smite.guru/match/ps/30460456 - He Bo leaves leaving me and Hou Yi to hold on until we can surrender.

...hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come over the weekend.

Thankfully had a good Joust and Conquest game after posting this where all the players stayed in the match... :D
The 2 Clash games I played were fine as well, so I probably just got unlucky with the Joust match-ups.

Looks like you got unlucky with the matchmatching. You should never have to play with a level 16 if your level 30.

I'm getting kind of tired of things changing so much every month. I don't remember item/god changes being this frequent in Season 2. I want to play casually, but I also don't want to be left in the dust when it comes to builds. I wish they would settle down with some of the changes for a bit. It's kind of turning me off from the game.

Just build whatever you want if your not playing ranked. The best way to figure out if something works is to use it in multiple scenarios. I've been trying to make bootless builds on hunters work without golden bow and it doesn't work as well without golden bow which is going to make me sad when console gets the patch. Still trying to find a way to make masumane work but haven't quite figured it out yet. But you generally know what's good and what sucks just by using it.


Are voice packs even worth it at 150? Doesn't seem like a particularly good discount.
Personally have not liked any of the voice packs I've heard over the standard announcer, think I would find them (especially the more flavoured ones) getting old and annoying very quickly if I had to listen to them... Give me a flat meaty Quake 3/Unreal Tournament style announcer any day!

Then again I also only stick to the default skins as I find most of the alternate skins to be quite garish, so I'm very likely an outlier when it comes to that stuff.

Looks like you got unlucky with the matchmatching. You should never have to play with a level 16 if your level 30.
I have no problem with being matched up with low level players, it was just the quitting that I took issue with.


So played a couple of matches with Art without using Golden bow and man it was rough. I know there's a way to make it work but man she feels really weak in the early game without it. I know that's the point since she's a hyper carry but none of the other hunters feel as weak in the early game to me. I'd argue that Cupid didn't really need Golden Bow but it obviously helped him and clear was never an issue for AMC. I feel like Art needs Golden Bow or she really can't clear until like level 14 or something really late. Didn't try trans but I hate building trans on Art. I might try anyway and see if it makes any difference.

Edit: ^ Yeah the try hards are coming out to get those gems. I got 3 and said "fuck it I don't need the gems that much".


100 gems so far between yesterday and today.

Fortunately the MOTD have been Arena-based, so I've completed those.

I even did Clash and Siege, which I don't particularly like, and I got lucky and placed with awesome teams.

Xbalanque and Ra, those are my favorite gods so far.
Personally have not liked any of the voice packs I've heard over the standard announcer, think I would find them (especially the more flavoured ones) getting old and annoying very quickly if I had to listen to them... Give me a flat meaty Quake 3/Unreal Tournament style announcer any day!

Then again I also only stick to the default skins as I find most of the alternate skins to be quite garish, so I'm very likely an outlier when it comes to that stuff.

I have no problem with being matched up with low level players, it was just the quitting that I took issue with.

I did those free gem offers when it was in beta for everything except the Ultimate God Pack(because that one had to be bought with money :( ). Not sure if they still have free gem things now though.

Some of the call outs I like with the voices, but I love the default curses! sound, it has a lot more emotion to it than most VPs.


100 gems so far between yesterday and today.

Fortunately the MOTD have been Arena-based, so I've completed those.

I even did Clash and Siege, which I don't particularly like, and I got lucky and placed with awesome teams.

Xbalanque and Ra, those are my favorite gods so far.

Don't give up on the other modes that aren't arena yet please. They're not as faceroll but every one of them are better. Almost everyone was an arena player at one time or another.
I feel like I'm missing something with this game. My teammate's initiate so I come in to help, then they immediately run away even though we're not in a losing position, I usually take a death for trying to support them and then right after I die they immediately initiate again. I feel so lost and this seems to happen constantly.
Don't give up on the other modes that aren't arena yet please. They're not as faceroll but every one of them are better. Almost everyone was an arena player at one time or another.

I've played quite a bit of all modes, and I like them, but at the end of the day, as I grow old, I just want a 20 minute match with nonstop action, much like with other genres. It's why I'd rather play Shovel Knight or Bayonetta than Starcraft or Skyrim.

Also the reason why I run the default builds even if I know that's suboptimal, I just take it as a challenge to play better.
I feel like I'm missing something with this game. My teammate's initiate so I come in to help, then they immediately run away even though we're not in a losing position, I usually take a death for trying to support them and then right after I die they immediately initiate again. I feel so lost and this seems to happen constantly.

Are you playing support? If so then if it happens make sure to tell them to wait for you to initiate.

If not they just be poking the enemy and have no intention of full on committing.

It's also possible they wanted to commit then realised it was a silly idea and backed off but felt like they had to back you up once you went in.

You have to read the situation. Also don't be afraid of not backing up your teammates, if they make a bad decision you don't want to go in there and possibly die with them.


Got my first win in 2 months or so on PC today hah. Really don't play much SMITE anymore, but I want to.

Susano still my favorite god in the game confirmed. Played quite a bit with him on PS4. At one point I hated on the guy but that was when he was on PTS and I didn't know no better, second he dropped on PS4, I hit him up and considered him the best god in the game. I still think he might be.

I've played quite a bit of all modes, and I like them, but at the end of the day, as I grow old, I just want a 20 minute match with nonstop action, much like with other genres. It's why I'd rather play Shovel Knight or Bayonetta than Starcraft or Skyrim.

Also the reason why I run the default builds even if I know that's suboptimal, I just take it as a challenge to play better.

I understand, but every mode outside of Conquest is 15-20 minutes on average. Look at the game I posted above. 14 minutes , more than 2 kills per minute on average. In Clash you WILL fight. I've been in horrible stalemate arenas that are some of the my least favorite memories in Smite.


My teammate's initiate so I come in to help, then they immediately run away even though we're not in a losing position, I usually take a death for trying to support them and then right after I die they immediately initiate again. I feel so lost and this seems to happen constantly.
What mode is this happening in?

Also don't be afraid of not backing up your teammates, if they make a bad decision you don't want to go in there and possibly die with them.
This is something I'm terrible at, I always want to help and as you say it can lead to me getting there to late to do anything and then dying moments later as well.

Susano still my favorite god in the game confirmed. Played quite a bit with him on PS4. At one point I hated on the guy but that was when he was on PTS and I didn't know no better, second he dropped on PS4, I hit him up and considered him the best god in the game. I still think he might be.
Susano's movement abilities are still too strong in my opinion as he can teleport in, pull people, hit two area damage attacks and dash right back out... (not even counting his passive movement boost during the escape). He is almost a Thor with two hammer throws.
Edit: Actually Bastet is probably the closest thing to him in terms of being a annoying hit and run character.
Are you playing support? If so then if it happens make sure to tell them to wait for you to initiate.

If not they just be poking the enemy and have no intention of full on committing.

It's also possible they wanted to commit then realised it was a silly idea and backed off but felt like they had to back you up once you went in.

You have to read the situation. Also don't be afraid of not backing up your teammates, if they make a bad decision you don't want to go in there and possibly die with them.

I guess I just need more experience. The oddest thing is it seems like we're in a good position then my teammate just disappears. I mean I'm not tower diving 4 people throwing my life away but there are times we've got someone dead to rights and my teammate just gives up and goes home. That's when I feel confused.

Mostly happens when I'm playing a Warrior (since nobody plays Guardian ever) but I'll try backing someone up as a Hunter or Mage and it happens too. Maybe I just need to look out for myself more.

What mode is this happening in?

Clash is what I've been playing the most recently. Not sure if it's better in Siege or Conquest but I'm still too wary of playing them, even more so that I'm account level 30.
I guess I just need more experience. The oddest thing is it seems like we're in a good position then my teammate just disappears. I mean I'm not tower diving 4 people throwing my life away but there are times we've got someone dead to rights and my teammate just gives up and goes home. That's when I feel confused.

Mostly happens when I'm playing a Warrior (since nobody plays Guardian ever) but I'll try backing someone up as a Hunter or Mage and it happens too. Maybe I just need to look out for myself more.

Clash is what I've been playing the most recently. Not sure if it's better in Siege or Conquest but I'm still too wary of playing them, even more so that I'm account level 30.

What account level are you? (I feel like I may have asked you this before, sorry if I have).

Before lv30 you're a lot more likely to be grouped with people who don't understand correct initiation so even if your timing was perfect they still might not follow up.
As someone who plays a lot of support it's always annoying when you get the great setup and everyone else on your team just backed off...

If you're playing clash (or other modes where farming can be key) try to keep in mind when your teammates come online. If they're playing a late game god they aren't going to want to fight much until they a few items online.
When I play Merc in clash I just constantly float around picking up every little bit of xp I can. It can cause me to miss some skirmishes and, occasionally, even some full on fights. But it is generally the right thing to do as I don't have a lot of presence early but once I'm 3-4 items in the good all I want to do is fight.
Alternatively if you have a Neith on the team you want to fighting as often as possible early with her as it can really help her snowball.
What account level are you? (I feel like I may have asked you this before, sorry if I have).

Before lv30 you're a lot more likely to be grouped with people who don't understand correct initiation so even if your timing was perfect they still might not follow up.
As someone who plays a lot of support it's always annoying when you get the great setup and everyone else on your team just backed off...

If you're playing clash (or other modes where farming can be key) try to keep in mind when your teammates come online. If they're playing a late game god they aren't going to want to fight much until they a few items online.
When I play Merc in clash I just constantly float around picking up every little bit of xp I can. It can cause me to miss some skirmishes and, occasionally, even some full on fights. But it is generally the right thing to do as I don't have a lot of presence early but once I'm 3-4 items in the good all I want to do is fight.
Alternatively if you have a Neith on the team you want to fighting as often as possible early with her as it can really help her snowball.

I am level 30 but I got there almost exclusively through Arena and I just recently picked up Clash (doing well for the most part). I'd like to learn Siege or Conquest but I don't want to screw over my team by wandering around clueless. I had that experience with Siege when the game was new on XB1 and people were very unhappy with me lol.

I suppose it's still just about transition for me. I feel like I have a good handle on the mechanics in Clash (which is what I play most now) but there are still quite a few things my teammates or the enemy does that befuddle me. Whether it's just bad players or my lack of understanding, I'm not sure. I guess it's just something that comes with time.

I do appreciate the help though. Even though I'm account level 30 and have been playing a decent amount at this point, being secluded away in Arena for so long had really set me back for other modes.


I guess I just need more experience. The oddest thing is it seems like we're in a good position then my teammate just disappears. I mean I'm not tower diving 4 people throwing my life away but there are times we've got someone dead to rights and my teammate just gives up and goes home. That's when I feel confused.

Mostly happens when I'm playing a Warrior (since nobody plays Guardian ever) but I'll try backing someone up as a Hunter or Mage and it happens too. Maybe I just need to look out for myself more.

Clash is what I've been playing the most recently. Not sure if it's better in Siege or Conquest but I'm still too wary of playing them, even more so that I'm account level 30.

Playing support can really help because of the cc they have. I know no one plays support but I honestly when more games when either I or someone else plays support. They have a lot of cc like I said and high base damage on their abilities. Try playing Bacchus or Kumba. They are both pretty strong right now.


The oddest thing is it seems like we're in a good position then my teammate just disappears ...we've got someone dead to rights and my teammate just gives up and goes home. That's when I feel confused.

Mostly happens when I'm playing a Warrior (since nobody plays Guardian ever) but I'll try backing someone up as a Hunter or Mage and it happens too. Maybe I just need to look out for myself more.

Clash is what I've been playing the most recently. Not sure if it's better in Siege or Conquest but I'm still too wary of playing them, even more so that I'm account level 30.
The only thing I can imagine is happening in a Clash match leading to that kind of behavior from your teammates is that they feel they have overstayed chasing said kill and are afraid of a rotation coming through from the other lane... So they back off (leaving the kill) and then return once the rotation from the enemy team has gone back to their lane.
I am level 30 but I got there almost exclusively through Arena and I just recently picked up Clash (doing well for the most part). I'd like to learn Siege or Conquest but I don't want to screw over my team by wandering around clueless. I had that experience with Siege when the game was new on XB1 and people were very unhappy with me lol.

I suppose it's still just about transition for me. I feel like I have a good handle on the mechanics in Clash (which is what I play most now) but there are still quite a few things my teammates or the enemy does that befuddle me. Whether it's just bad players or my lack of understanding, I'm not sure. I guess it's just something that comes with time.

I do appreciate the help though. Even though I'm account level 30 and have been playing a decent amount at this point, being secluded away in Arena for so long had really set me back for other modes.

Although Hi-Rez put siege and clash in the game as a transition mode for people to move from arena to conquest I don't feel like it does a very good job of it.

Conquest has a pretty strict meta at any point in time, it can change (as is quite possible this Tuesday) but they are hard leaps rather than fluid changes.
Clash and siege are a lot more open to what kind of team comp you bring and anything can win.

Arena is still useful for conquest as it teaches the god and team fighting arguably better than any other mode. Since conquest becomes about team fighting mid to late that arena experience can help.
The thing(s) you need to learn for conquest are the rotation and jungle camp timers. Knowing where to be at a particular time is what allows your team to get extra farm over the other team and so when team fighting happens you've got that edge.
Clash and siege have this but it is different. If you want to learn conquest there are only two ways to do it: watch pro streams (I'd suggest Incon) and actually play the mode.
Your best bet is probably to play adc or solo, that way you can (for the most part) sit in lane and farm until that team fight time. Jungle and support are very rotation heavy and mid has to be aware of everything going on, you're gonna want to read/watch up before trying those roles I'd say.


150 gems so far, from the event.

Finally gave Bacchus a try since everyone had picked a hunter, mage, or assassin.

It was pretty fun jumping in and stirring shit up. Dunno how to kill anything myself, but I guess it helped others get some kills.

Had a pretty bad losing streak this morning. I guess I was making up for the successful past two days I had.
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