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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

So how bad is it when you lead your team in kills as a Geb?

Kinda bad, Geb is the supportiest support in the game. The fact that your team couldn't finish off kills and you had to is never a good look.
I still remember my best game as Geb, a really low kill arena. I went 0-0-9. Didn't take any kills fom my carries, didn't die and set my team back, just throwing out shields and cc when needed.

Finally gave Bacchus a try since everyone had picked a hunter, mage, or assassin.

It was pretty fun jumping in and stirring shit up. Dunno how to kill anything myself, but I guess it helped others get some kills.

You should be able to get a decent amount of kills on Bacchus as he can do a lot of damage.
Make sure to keep your drunk meter topped off as it does give you extra magical damage (prots help too). An early heartward or mana item is good so you can spam your 1 a lot more.
Also keep in mind that Bacchus has a lot of cc (3 abilities) and diminishing returns (DR) is a big thing with him.

It's not always possible but hitting your ult before your 2 or 3 will setup your team very nicely. Those 8 possible seconds of drunkenness are very valuable, often more so than a full length stun.


So how bad is it when you lead your team in kills as a Geb?
Sometimes it's great fun to just go on a killing spree as a fully defencive Guardian, means you get ahead/stay equal in terms of level and can buy your items in order to outpace your opponents damage capabilities... Can make you pretty much unkillable mid game, which mean you can walk into enemy characters and bully them!


The above video is of a Clash match I had as Khepri where I got first blood and just decided to try and play much more aggressive as a result even though my build was still all defencive.

Yep, I suck with his Ultimate, I either can't decide when to use it or I try to adjust it too much in order to have the person right in the middle of the area to the point that I sometimes over-adjust and move it off them (happened once in the above match).


Final tally: 210 gems.

The Ra'merica MOTD was hilarious.

I think I need a Bacchus skin. Don't like the Valkerie one and The King is locked up in a chest.
So, my VGS is bugged I think. The text pops up but it's completely silent otherwise. Anyone know how to fix it? I've rebooted the game, rebooted my Xbox, still nothing. I can hear everyone else's, just not mine.

Edit: Servers seem to have crashed, maybe that's why.

Edit2: Nope, still not working.
So, update on my VGS issues. Got it working again but for whatever reason, selecting the Storm Jarl Chaac skin with the default Chaac voice pack just breaks it and makes it silent. Clearly a bug, so should I just submit a ticket on HiRez's website or is there some place to tweet them about something like this?
You are not wrong, that Sobek is boss. Also the pic at the end implies the mermaid is a Medusa skin (I assumed Nu Wa originally, before seeing she has that other one), which is pretty awesome.

The 8/8 bonus would surely be a new tier 5 skin, right?

I believe the Medusa mermaid skin is the reward for buying all the other stuff.

Edit: Here is the proof:


What the hell has happened to their face/hair work?

This is some Netherrealms levels of awful.

You talking about the Nu Wa skin? Its nowhere near as bad as that recent Hel skin, its fine.

So, update on my VGS issues. Got it working again but for whatever reason, selecting the Storm Jarl Chaac skin with the default Chaac voice pack just breaks it and makes it silent. Clearly a bug, so should I just submit a ticket on HiRez's website or is there some place to tweet them about something like this?

I'm not sure who you'd tweet for this so a support ticket is probably the best course of action. If you could get a video of it happening in say jungle practice or something it would probably help them (not super needed though).


Have literally played 4 games of Smite on PC in the last 2+ months.

My first game today with the new patch I grab Vulcan (mistake). Even though I hate mages in general he's one of my favorites to play if I do play one.

Other team has a party of 4 and another Vulcan who has almost 5000 kills alone. Needless to say, he outperformed me. Looked him up afterwards, had 4500 smite guru casual elo. That put him in top 5 players in the world for casual rankings on PC.

Of course someone on my team had to comment how the other vulcan was better hah.

pretty slick matchmaking as always.


Question for all you Conquest players; if you are playing in the solo lane as a Warrior (Amaterasu in both of my cases) and come up against a Mage on the other team (Ah Puch and Nu Wa), how do you deal with the situation if you are getting no help from the Jungler on your team?

Both times this has happened to me I have had a terrible time (especially with the Ah Puch) as they clear the lane quicker and I just can't really get into the match.


Question for all you Conquest players; if you are playing in the solo lane as a Warrior (Amaterasu in both of my cases) and come up against a Mage on the other team (Ah Puch and Nu Wa), how do you deal with the situation if you are getting no help from the Jungler on your team?

Both times this has happened to me I have had a terrible time (especially with the Ah Puch) as they clear the lane quicker and I just can't really get into the match.

Well Ama's early lane clear is pretty bad so you just have to play it safe until you get to level 7 or so and then her clear gets much better. Your probably going to want to build magical defensive item if your going against a mage. Since you probably want cds on Ama, I would suggest Genji's Guard since it has 10% cdr and has 80 magical defense and its passive also lowers your cds. If your getting bullied, you just have to play it safe. Hug your tower and try to get as much xp as you can. You'll have the benefit them needing to back to buy items or they are out of mana and then you should take the opportunity to try and get some farm. Ama is very late game focused so if you can survive the first 7-9 levels and not be too far behind, Ama is very strong because then you should be looking to group with your team and fight and this is where you can catch up. So buy wards and retreat back behind your tower if your taking too much poke and just try to play for the late game.

Like I said, Ama's early game clear isn't great so you may want to pick a warrior with better clear. I would suggest trying Bellona, Osirus, or Ravana. They all have great clear or are just lane bullies in general. Chaac is also decent because he is very safe and can basically insta clear the wave really early and has a heal tho late game he just becomes an ult bot though the silence on his ult is pretty damn good. I think its a 7 sec silence at level 20? Anyway, Osirus, Bellona, and Ravana are probably the three best solo laners right now so give them a shot.
Question for all you Conquest players; if you are playing in the solo lane as a Warrior (Amaterasu in both of my cases) and come up against a Mage on the other team (Ah Puch and Nu Wa), how do you deal with the situation if you are getting no help from the Jungler on your team?

Both times this has happened to me I have had a terrible time (especially with the Ah Puch) as they clear the lane quicker and I just can't really get into the match.

A lot of what gogo said above is good but there is some I disagree with.

Genji's is a fine item but personally I feel like it is outshined by bulwark. You won't have the early cd but 10% is so small that it's not going to make huge difference. You will be getting BoV afterwards anyway which will give you 20% cd so that's not a huge deal.
Also bulwark will give you health and a shield at low health both of which are always useful.

You shouldn't be taking too much poke, these are burst mages with long cds. You need to be aggressive and force them back, you have a huge upper hand until they get about 3 items online. You need to be a bully.
If they use their abilities to clear the wave then attack them, they wont be able to do any damage to you.
If they use their abilities to poke you then clear wave and push your wave under their tower, they lose gold and you can poke them back.

Make sure to get teleport as an active. If they don't get it then you have a huge advantage in terms of making sure you're there for more waves. If they get it then they're hurting themselves late game because they won't have either beads or aegis.
If they get, say, aegis first active and you get them to pop it, walk away, that's a win and will allow you to kill them next time if they don't play super safe. If they do play super safe then you can push minions under tower and they lose gold.

If it's a mage then then the blue buff is really important to them. Take it from them. You should know the first timer since they will kill it at the same time as you kill yours so when yours is up so is theirs. Invade.
Actually, if you can get the jungler to help, you want to invade first thing, dont take your buffs at the start take their blue. That way you'll have an xp/gold lead and they won't have a blue buff. Just make sure to get yours when you can so they don't take it.

The only other thing to think about is your starter item. Three choices, deaths toll, bluestone and mark of the vanguard.
Deaths toll for the auto attack wariors, bluestone for the ability based ones. Ama kind of falls inbetween but bluestone is best on her.
If you look at mark of the vanguard it has phys prots on it which aren't useful against a mage. However it does have extra health, always nice, and a little bit of hp5, also good. The main thing is that passive though. As a mage it won't be too long until they are out clearing you. The passive on this starter item basically means you won't take any damage from the back archers. That's a lot of early game damage that you will no longer take.
Also the phys prots will be useful if they have a phys jungler.


I pretty much agree with everything ThirtyFour said.

Aggressiveness is top priority imo. I can see that being an issue with early game Amaterasu though.


I was being aggressive with Amaterasu in lane as I don't like to sit under tower and will always go out to where the minions meet... At this point I just assume I'm not very good with her (find it hard to get the damage off with her Heavenly Reflection) as I got destroyed by a Sun Wukong yesterday as well. :D

Against the Ah Puch he would throw out his Undead Surge under my minions and then auto attack what was left standing, then he would use Corpse Explosion to keep me at bay/damage me... Even when I rushed him he would throw the undead corpes at his feet and out-damage and use his ultimate to get away whenever I used my ultimate.

Kinda the same deal with the Nu Wa, but nowhere as bad as the above... She would throw out her Mysterious Fog for the wave and keep her Clay Soldiers/Shining Metal if I ever got close (between those abilities and her remaining lane minions she would out damage me). Again the same ultimate for ultimate trade would happen.

Thanks for the tips though, much appreciated... I guess I just need to accept that I need to stay under tower rather than going out to lane and fighting the opponent in the middle of lane as her.
Thanks for the tips though, much appreciated... I guess I just need to accept that I need to stay under tower rather than going out to lane and fighting the opponent in the middle of lane as her.

You cannot accept that, you will never win solo lane if you play like that. You're going to be bad if you're not used to being aggressive, doesn't mean you should give up.


Navid, not sure if you're playing on a console but Amaterasu feels very clunky from what I've played with her on PS4. She's much easier to handle on PC. I would just stop playing her if I were you on console. This is coming from someone who loves assassins and warriors, she's too clunky on consoles.


I was being aggressive with Amaterasu in lane as I don't like to sit under tower and will always go out to where the minions meet... At this point I just assume I'm not very good with her (find it hard to get the damage off with her Heavenly Reflection) as I got destroyed by a Sun Wukong yesterday as well. :D

Against the Ah Puch he would throw out his Undead Surge under my minions and then auto attack what was left standing, then he would use Corpse Explosion to keep me at bay/damage me... Even when I rushed him he would throw the undead corpes at his feet and out-damage and use his ultimate to get away whenever I used my ultimate.

Kinda the same deal with the Nu Wa, but nowhere as bad as the above... She would throw out her Mysterious Fog for the wave and keep her Clay Soldiers/Shining Metal if I ever got close (between those abilities and her remaining lane minions she would out damage me). Again the same ultimate for ultimate trade would happen.

Thanks for the tips though, much appreciated... I guess I just need to accept that I need to stay under tower rather than going out to lane and fighting the opponent in the middle of lane as her.

Honestly, I wouldn't even play Ama in the solo lane. Her clear is really bad until level 7-9 and then it becomes decent, not good, but decent. Her late game is what makes her so strong. Play someone who is easier to play in solo until you get better at it. Like I said, Bellona, Osirus, and Ravana are the three best solo laners and are pretty straightforward. Try them out and see how it goes.


Looks like there will be a gem sale on the PSN to make up for the way it ended early a couple of weeks ago.

Now that I know how many gems I need for Summer of Smite, I can stock up appropriately.


We are apparently getting 3.12 on consoles this week: http://www.smitegame.com/smite-console-mid-season-update-3-12-patch-notes-2/

You cannot accept that, you will never win solo lane if you play like that. You're going to be bad if you're not used to being aggressive, doesn't mean you should give up.
Oh, I'll still play aggressive where I can, but I also will accept that sometimes I'm simply going to be out-pressured/performed and back off under tower. Previously I would stubbornly keep fighting for lane control with her and die a lot to the opposition.

Navid, not sure if you're playing on a console but Amaterasu feels very clunky from what I've played with her on PS4.
Honestly, I wouldn't even play Ama in the solo lane. Her clear is really bad until level 7-9 and then it becomes decent, not good, but decent.
Yeah I'm on console (PS4) and she is definitely trickier than the other warriors I've got but I enjoy playing as her when all is said and done and once you get further into the game she is fine in team-fights so I'm definitely not dissuaded from playing as her.
Oh, I'll still play aggressive where I can, but I also will accept that sometimes I'm simply going to be out-pressured/performed and back off under tower. Previously I would stubbornly keep fighting for lane control with her and die a lot to the opposition.

I feel like I came off harsh in that comment, sorry. Solo lane is just the lane for bullies basically. You want to be in the other guys face as much as possible but if you do die early then you're gonna have to step back for a bit.
A small difference in levels/gold isn't a big deal but if you keep going in and dying it will change the game when the team fight stage starts.


I feel like I came off harsh in that comment, sorry. Solo lane is just the lane for bullies basically. You want to be in the other guys face as much as possible but if you do die early then you're gonna have to step back for a bit.
A small difference in levels/gold isn't a big deal but if you keep going in and dying it will change the game when the team fight stage starts.
No worries, I knew what you were saying... :)

Yeah, I was previously just going to the middle of lane in order to fight for lane pressure and finding myself being out-cleared and then brought to low health or killed... rinse and repeat. As you say by stepping back I at least only fall behind a level or two and don't allow the other person to suddenly skyrocket in experience and gold.
If you play 3 games between 12-25th of July you will be given a coupon for 75% off the community Chronos Skin: https://twitter.com/SmiteGame/status/752593954307268608
Not sure if the skin is 400 or 600 gems normally but this 75% off will bring it down to either 100 or 150 gems.

Also playing 3 games during 12-18th will give the cutesy chef Kephri icon: http://www.smitegame.com/this-week-unlock-cutesy-chefs-special-icon/

Edit: Got the coupon, the skin is 100 gems with it.

Sweet! Was going to buy that one anyway.
I was wrong about that Khepri icon it requires 3 fwotd. Also you need to get all 3 in one day, but you have multiple days to try for it.

I think that community skin is the worst looking Chronos. Father Time imo is the best.

I'm not a fan of it either (Chronos 64 for me), there were better concepts imo and I also don't feel like they translated it very well in-game.
That said it's only 100 gems, I'm tempted...
I think that community skin is the worst looking Chronos. Father Time imo is the best.
I'm not a fan of it either (Chronos 64 for me), there were better concepts imo and I also don't feel like they translated it very well in-game.
That said it's only 100 gems, I'm tempted...
I don't like either of those and think this one is pretty cool so to each their own lol. I have no doubt there were better concepts though. Kind of weird how few skins Chronos has, but I guess that's why he's getting this one in the first place.
I don't like either of those and think this one is pretty cool so to each their own lol. I have no doubt there were better concepts though. Kind of weird how few skins Chronos has, but I guess that's why he's getting this one in the first place.

Yeah it's just an opinion. A problem with the 64 skin is the voicepack, really hard to understand him sometimes.

That skin is sick

That suggestion has been around for a while but that is one of the better drawings of it that I've seen.
Steel Scarab Khepri in a chest, that's tempting. Sadly I don't own any of the items in it though.

Edit: Wow, Erlang Shen is absolutely nuts. He's pretty much what I wish Osiris was lol. He's going to get nerfed hard though isn't he?


wow havent played Smite since Overwatch released. logged on to mess around with the 2 new champs (Shen & fafnir). pretty fun champs


Have accrued enough Favor in order to buy a bunch of characters again, the below is what I'm currently looking at:

Assassin: Susano / Nemesis
Guardian: Bacchus / Sobek
Hunter: Xabalanque / Hou Yi
Mage: Sol / Zeus
Warrior: Vamana / Tyr

How do the above look? I have enough to get a 3rd character in each class so if people have any further suggestions they think are good please let me know.
Assassin: Susano / Nemesis
Guardian: Bacchus / Sobek
Hunter: Xabalanque / Hou Yi
Mage: Sol / Zeus
Warrior: Vamana / Tyr

Assassin: Both of those are good. Susanoo is more early/mid game focused but he is quite strong and can easily snowball. Huge mobility.
Nem is more late game. Can get shut down and her clear is weak early. If you get to to late though everyone on the enemy team will hate you as you can 1v1 anyone. Also her ult is good anti-initiation tool. Say a Bacchus leaps in, you ult him, he loses a chunk of health and loads of protections. Your team can then collapse on him and he becomes an easy kill.

Alternative Assassin: Ao Kuang. Technically a mage but has the skills of an assassin. Like the two above is very good at picking one person off and making the fight a 4v5. If built correctly doesn't even need his ult to down squishes as he does so much damage.

Guardian: Both of these are great atm. You need to be aggressive with both of them. Bacchus can kill people on his own while Sobek is one of the best setup guardians. Pair Sobek with an Awilix and it will be an easy game.

Alternative Guardian: Khumbakarna. So much cc and setup. Can clear wave on his own very early on. Like Bacchus can kill a squishy 1v1. His 3 is a mez which is a nice cc but most people don't like 'wasting' beads on this so it ends up being a longer cc than the ones other guardians.

Hunter: Both of these are lategame and have some trouble clearing early. If you can get your passive stacked early on Xbal nothing can touch you late, but if you don't you can be targeted. Hou Yi's 2 is very strong. Makes him great in 1v1s and great against tanks.

Alternative Hunter: Since both of those are late game Chiron. Still pretty good late game but he has very nice clear and probably the best hunter escape in the game, it's so long. Unless you're up against a Neith or Medusa you should out clear.

Mage: Zeus is in a great spot right now. You can actually build him tanky with dynasty plate helm and still do a lot of damage. Can easily get caught out but his ult deters most people.
Sol is fine but eh. Her clear is good but she gets out classed as a mage imo. She can also be played as a hunter but there are better hunters.

Alternative Mage: Scylla. In a great place right now. She used to have a terrible early game but that got buffed (no idea why). Her is still as strong as ever. If you can hit that ult people are going to run from you.

Warrior: Both of these are good. Vamana has great and safe clear. His 1 to get out of ganks and his ult if things get really bad. Hard to kill. Can be stopped by weakening curse or Odin ult though. Wouldn't pick up against an Odin (Osiris either). Can be difficult to do dmg in the ult. Frostbound is a nice pick up on him.
Tyr is also pretty safe since he has a really good heal however you want to be maxing his 1 and 2 before you get the stance switch so its usually lv7-8 before you can heal but once you can you cant get soloed. You'll need to comfortable switching back and forth between his stances. A good tyr is scary.

Alternative Warrior: You were asking before about the solo lane and i said to be aggressive. Tyr and Vamana are more like clearing the wave in one shot then going and doing buffs or harassing mid lane. People mentioned it before but Ravana or Osiris. Ravana gets a nice shield as he auto attacks and Osiris gets tankier as he uses more abilities.
Dang, wasn't expecting them to drop a random 50% off VP sale. Regret picking up the handful I did during the Gabe sale. Oh well, probably going to pick up a bunch more now.


Yeah, that Art skin looks dope but the model is usually a letdown compared to the artwork.

Thor has the best T2 skin doe. Dat Beef.


3.13 Patch Notes (Cabrakan made weaker and Guan Yu/Mercury/Rama made stronger): http://www.smitegame.com/new-in-smite-valkyrie-reloaded-3-13-pts-patch-notes/

Character purchase suggestions...
Thanks for the suggestions, bought Scylla and just had a match with her, got off to a terrible start with lots of deaths (to a Amaterasu of all people) but came back strong halfway in and enjoyed what I tried. Edit: One question about her, if I get Gem of Isolation for her do people standing in her Crush area get slowed or does that not do anything for that ability until it has exploded.

Also got Chiron and Ravana from your suggestions (had Khumbakarna so got Cabrakan in time for his nerf). :D


Erlang Shin seems pretty damn strong. Thinking that his 1 needs to be toned down in some way. His one gives him crazy damage once he gets qins.

Have accrued enough Favor in order to buy a bunch of characters again, the below is what I'm currently looking at:

Assassin: Susano / Nemesis
Guardian: Bacchus / Sobek
Hunter: Xabalanque / Hou Yi
Mage: Sol / Zeus
Warrior: Vamana / Tyr

How do the above look? I have enough to get a 3rd character in each class so if people have any further suggestions they think are good please let me know.

Susano is very fun and very bursty early game. He falls off late but he has a ton of mobility and some cc. Very fun to play as. Nem is pretty good as well. You just have to be aggressive to take advantage of her passive. Please don't turn her into an ult bot. She is a great boxer and if you can get some as items on her, she can outbox almost anyone. I see so many people build her as an ult bot and its sad. You could try Arachne. She is pretty fun and recently got a new remodel and some buffs.

Definitely give Bacchus a shot. He is so fun to play as. He's pretty tanky and does tons of damage without even having to build any damage items. Sobek is good, you just have to hit your pulls. Do you have Athena yet? If you don't, I'd suggest getting her. She's probably the best guardian in the game.

Hou Yi is very strong but can be tricky to play as. Its all about hitting those bounces with him. If you hit a triple bounce when you've marked them, you'll basically one shot a squishy. Xbal is awesome. I would get him personally. He has mana issues early and his clear is terrible but man he hits so hard once he gets his passive stacked up and he has one of the best ults in the game. I would suggest Rama. He's like Artemis expect he can become a hyper carry late game whereas Art rarely ever gets there before the game ends.

Zeus is a really fun god. Does a crap ton of damage. He's like a better Anubis since he can move and isn't tied down for his damaging abilities. Sol is really awesome. I fell in love with her when she first came out and she was really op. You can build her for attack speed but you'll do way more damage just building her like a regular mage. I would suggest Scylla if you don't have her. She's probably the best mage in the game right now.

Vamana is easier to play but Tyr is more fun. Both are good. I would suggest Sun WuKong. He's fun to play.
Thanks for the suggestions, bought Scylla and just had a match with her, got off to a terrible start with lots of deaths (to a Amaterasu of all people) but came back strong halfway in and enjoyed what I tried. Edit: One question about her, if I get Gem of Isolation for her do people standing in her Crush area get slowed or does that not do anything for that ability until it has exploded.

Pretty sure the gem of iso only procs when you do damage so for Scylla it will only only proc when the 2 explodes. Keep in mind that the circle already slows people on it though so there is little need for gem of iso on her. If you want some more health (and can stack) warlocks is great to get, will require stacking but once you've completed it it's a great item.

Gem of Iso works best on gods with dots. Pos, Anubis, Zhong are 3 mages that can benefit greatly from it.
If you want to be a terrible person you can pick it up on Cabarakan. The slow from gem plus everything his tremors gives will make everyone on the enemy team hate you. I wouldn't even judge anyone who beads that mess.

Wow, Erlang Shen didn't get touched. That's surprising.

The heal on his ult really needs to be toned down. Apart from that I've not had a bad time facing him, he's not that tanky usually.
It's also possible that I've just not faced a good Erlang yet though.
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