Not a great pic but summer Geb skin:
Ok lol. That's pretty good. That Max Headroom face.
Not a great pic but summer Geb skin:
Not a great pic but summer Geb skin:
Exception: Ah Puch just got nerfed (I think), but he's still ridiculously strong. He has the damage of Anubis/He Bo but can do it from far away at absolutely no risk to himself.
I'm sure some of you here are playing HotS. How are you guys liking it compared to Smite? I didn't like it in beta, but I wanna try to get into it. The game comes off as very simple. I never did play multiplayer though.
DrMostlySane said:I think that currently Ah Puch's damage is far too easy confirm for how high it is, and that the Slow on his 1 needs to be turned into either a scaling Slow or have it's duration decreased at lower levels.
Osiris I think is a bit weak at everything currently - he is one of the squishiest and slowest Warriors, his damage isn't particularly notable, and his ultimate's cooldown feels a little too punishing compared to other Leaping ultimates, such as Eagle Rally.
Item-wise I think Qin's Sais needs a price reduction while the Executioner needs a price increase, as I feel it is currently a little too cheap for what it all gives you.
Also Combat Blink should have a minor cooldown decrease to make it a more appealing choice.
DocDino said:On paper, [Ah Puch] is balanced; no escape / peel in exchange for high damage and area control.
In practice, a 40% slow that takes up half the lane and a stacking slow that takes up the entire lane are pretty good self peel as well as amazing damage confirmation.
Ace4994 said:Agree with everything except Qin's. It's still a super good item in its current state. I like Krett's idea of turning it into a DOT that refreshes.
Daitenshi said:First off thank you. This is near exactly what I wanted. I mentioned this in a below post but perhaps work with the mods and establish some ground rules for these so you don't get any stupid one line insults. Additionally please make this a regular thing. Like. Once a week if not more than that. Edit: shame on me for not actually clicking the link. I thought this was a reddit post just for feedback.
As far as feedback goes I'll be editing this post as the week goes on but here it goes.
It seems that a fundamental change in how you patch the game needs to happen. The problem is less that the new gods are op it's that they stay op until the next patch which may be 2+ weeks away. That's simply unacceptable to leave your game in a "toxic" state that long.
Here's what I suggest: release the patches on Tuesday and then have an adjustment patch friday. Just tweak his numbers a little bit, see where he is over performing, get our opinions and just adjust a little. I suppose this can wait till the next week. But you Absolutly cannot leave your game in. Shitty state for so long again because we will adjust and react if you don't which is a bad thing. A very bad thing. op gods see lots of play, more than they should and people get sick of it.
Additionally please stop having quick fixes for the AI. It looks poorly done and and that reflects poorly on the game. The moved chat box in the god select screen is specifically what I'm referring to. It literally looks like some variables were changed for its position. It's not nearly as aesthetically pleasing. It could be moved back to its original position and made to collapse to a single colored bar sith no pictures by clicking at the top. It will be sleek, clean, and allow for the god visibility that we originally wanted.
Now the new ques are a upsetting to some people. What I reccomend (as I did in other posts) is to bring back the other queue for those who want to be more serious and/or have the new queue prioritize 5v5, then 5v4/1 then 5v3/2. Anything less would be silly and potentially too difficult for players to face and thus will make people upset.
Please make Awilix's ult steroid begin after the animation and durbg the animation we have cc immunity. Additionally if wards or allies have Los on an enemy let us ult them. Let us place wards and use actives on suku. Don't let any cc knock us off suku (it's inconsistent right now). Let us get on suku while crippled, just not leap. No god should be able to shut down half of a kit. Which is why mounting suku while crippled should be acceptable. Have her say "Suku save me!" "Suku Help!" "suku I need you" though the last one is already a line. Add a panicked shakiness to her voice since she's really fucked if she gets crippled.
Have Au Puch ' s slows start a little low and scale wth level.
Increase Bellona ' s ult timer slightly (5sec) and/or then make scourge trigger every 4th hit.
I haven't personally played rato potato skin so I can't provide feedback on him.
Make crits act differently for melee and ranged. And/or the escapes for hunters need a nerf.
Guardians need to hit less hard but be more tanky. They are there for meat shields, assists and cc.
I'll add more after a bit if research.
I've played around 30 conquest games on Xbox and so far only 2 games where everybody called their role. One of those two games nobody got the starting positions even close.
Its ends up not mattering because the other team is winging it too but its just more enjoyable with a coordinated effort. I just try to be helpful and let people know about the Meta guides out there but its a long road ahead for Xbox.
Pic of next Nox skin:
Also on stream it has been said that she will getting a rekit in the pacth after Ratataskor.
patch notes tomorrow should have the nox revamp hopefully
Not a great pic but summer Geb skin:
Longtime Smite players, please answer these question for me: Do PC players REALLY think it's a good idea to play double Squishy / ADC of the same classes in Joust?
Also, how big is the actual stigma VS Assassin classes in Joust? I think most of them work great, if your allies are good at holding the line. Not as braindead as hunters, but they also let the WAR and Guard get EXP from Lane-killing, unlike the double mage/hunter teams that kill all the minions before a WAR or GUARD can land a blow...
OOO, I love the skin for Nox! She seems to get such little love.
And that looks great! I really love G.E.B 1, but I don't think he does nearly as much to help a team in Joust or Arena as a good Sylvannus. Which is a bit sad, as I REALLY Want to use by G.E.B.1 skin all the time, one of my favorites in the game. (Roll Out is so good in that form.)
It's generally a problem in most modes. People don't want to play support. I run a lot of arena and I often have to run a guardian or tanky mage so we have a chance at winning. it makes it hard to master non-tanky Gods.
In conquest the meta is shifting to 2 or 3 hunters because of how well they can steamroll most other classes. I'm not aware of the meta of 3v3 but it could be a similar thing.
I know that Aphro is very good in 1v1 joust so I would imagine that she is also good in 3v3. If you really want I'd just play her, Aphro can be decently tanky if you play her right even without tanky items (I've never tried tanky items on her).
Again this applies to 1v1 but assasians are generally hyper late game carries. Someone like Merc or Kali can wreck the opposition if they can get online. This usually requires 3 if not 4 full items before this can happen so it can take a while. if you can get some early kills though you can snowball hard and it will be difficult for the opposition to come back.
Most people seem to be looking to win and win quickly, hunters are generally better at that but a fed assassin can end a game very quickly.
She is not thought of highly. A good Nox player can do very well but they are few and far between. That skin is coming with a rekit for her so hopefully she will be in a better place after that.
In arena I disagree. Geb is really good. His knock-up into ult keeps the enemy stunned long enough for your team to kill them. This requires a watchful team but I don't find this a huge problem.
His Geb shield is arguably the best support skill in the game. Saves many a lives. Plus it has a CC cleanse on it so things like Chronos stun, Athena taunt, Fenrir ult etc can be made useless (Fenrir especially).
Personally I find to make Sylvanus work you have to be able to hit his two and three, if you miss those you're basically a sitting duck and mostly useless to the team.
Wisp are just so good, though. I was REALLY sour on Syl when I first played him in Joust, but the amount of times he's turned the tide for my team, or the enemies, proved to me that he's a great, hard to kill aid. Even a sitting Duck is useful if it gives your team chances to aim, stun, and obliterate. Just not very glorious, haha.
What does it mean by mastery skins? Just for getting 1 mastery you get the new mastery skins? I'm confused.
They're just redoing the gold mastery skins that are already in the game. You can buy the Gold & Blue at Mastery 1 and you can buy the Gold & Black skin at Mastery 10.
Edit: Agni skin too
They're just redoing the gold mastery skins that are already in the game. You can buy the Gold & Blue at Mastery 1 and you can buy the Gold & Black skin at Mastery 10.
Do you have to buy them in order? For example: If I want the legendary skin, do I have to buy the gold skin first?
:\ None of my friends like playing Smite though....
Pins and Dolls Patch Notes | 16th June, 2015
Nox has had a significant redesign this patch.
Flame of the Night (Passive)
Nox’s candles gather energy from all abilities she uses. For every ability Nox casts a candle is lit. For every candle lit Nox gains +3% Magical Power. When Nox takes damage one of her candles is blown out.
Shadow Lock
Nox extends her shadow, Rooting a single enemy god in place for 2s and dealing damage equal to 30/40/50/60/70 +20% of her Magical Power every 0.5s. Nox must channel to maintain hold on the target, but may cancel this ability early. Cost: 50/55/60/65/70. Cooldown: 10s.
Siphon Darkness
Nox creates a void of darkness that silences all enemies within. After 2s it explodes, dealing 90/160/230/300/370 +100% of her Magical Power as damage. Cost: 70/75/80/85/90. Cooldown: 15s.
Shadow Step
Nox dashes forward, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 +40% of her Magical Power as damage to all enemies. If she hits an allied god, she leaps into their shadow, traveling with them. When Nox exits a shadow, she deals damage again in radius 20 around her. Nox may cancel this ability early to exit shadows. Cost: 90. Cooldown: 15s.
Night Terror (Ult)
Nox unleashes a vortex of dark energy that explodes on contact with an enemy god or surface, dealing 200/250/300/350/400 +60% of her Magical Power as damage to all enemies within range 20, and an additional 20/25/30/35/40 +5% of her Magical Power every 1s for 5s. Enemies hit are also weakened, and deal 30% less damage for the duration. Cost: 100. Cooldown: 90.
The Arena map has undergone a full visual upgrade and features new buff creatures.
Triumph & Agni
This skin is awarded for completing the new Spread the Love Achievement: Played 30 hours with a player you have referred in your party. You can only earn progress for this achievement after the release of the patch, no existing time played will be credited.
Bizzy B Cupid
Madame Darkness Nox
Crimson Death Kali
Heavenly Warlord Sun Wukong
Golden / Legendary / Diamond Bellona
Golden / Legendary / Diamond Anubis
- Triumph & Agni
- Bizzy B Cupid
- Madame Darkness Nox
- Firework Global Emote [Summer of Smite]
- Anhur Furious
- Anubis Furious
- Janus Furious
- Cupid Furious
- Aphrodite Furious
- Hercules Dance
- Janus Special
- Chronos’ Dance
- Artemis Dance
- Squiddle
- Beach Pedestal, Summer of Smite Reward
- Friend Referral Icon
- Adjusted party invitation popup to not obstruct the Accept and Decline buttons while in Borderless Windowed mode.
- Selecting a Loading Frame at match lobby will now immediately take effect.
- Fixed Loading Frames not always appearing for Custom matches.
- Fixed filter dropdown at match lobby getting cut off when minimized.
- Fixed bundles including a god you have rented showing the god as owned.
- Fixed issue where players could not purchase from treasure chests.
- Fixed issue where Jungle Buffs could get stuck in the air.
- Fixed issue where the Titan could get stuck on a wall when returning to base in Joust.
- Fixed issue in Assault where players would be unable to buy items for the rest of the match.
- Visual improvements have been made to Pedestals in the Match Lobby.
- Added new background to the End of Match Lobby.
- Fixed issue where several bots would spawn on the same point in Custom matches.
- New scrolling combat text.
- Updated player name requirements to allow 16 characters.
- Updated several tooltips for improved consistency.
- Drybear announcer pack has been updated with new lines.
Most of our itemization adjustments this patch are focused around Hunters, and the recent meta shift. We are primarily adjusting early game builds in this patch, and we will look to make more substantial adjustments to the late game as needed in subsequent patches.
Bluestone Pendant
“Bluestone Pendant’s effect reaches farther beyond the early game than we’d like for a starter item, and is seeing a reduction in its percentage based Passive. Its power is also being reduced.”
- Reduced Physical Power from 15 to 10.
- Reduced passive mana return from 3 to 1.5% of missing Mana.
“Witchblade’s purpose is to target enemy players who are built for in-hand damage, and is being scaled up to match the Attack Speeds these kinds of gods are able to achieve given Season 2 itemization.”
- Increased Attack Speed slow Aura from 15% to 20%.
- Increase Power reduction on enemies from 25 to 30.
“Ichaival is a bridge item that brings early strength by stealing power, but is over-statted for its cost. Bringing the Attack Speed value down better highlights its purpose.”
- Reduced Attack Speed from 30% to 20%.
The Executioner
“Executioner is getting a slight adjustment to bring down it’s Attack Speed contribution to an overall build.”
- Reduced Attack Speed from 25% to 20%.
- Cost increased from 2200 to 2250.
“Heartseeker’s cost is being increased, to make picking it up a bit slower.”
- Increased cost from 1790 to 1890.
Shield of Regrowth
“More Physical Protections are being added to better highlight Shield of Regrowth as a hybrid item.”
- Physical Protection increased from 20 to 30.
Runic Shield
“Runic Shield is Witchblade’s mystical cousin, but costed slightly too much to be picked up in some situations.”
- Reduced cost from 2400 to 2300.
“Ancile, as a stacking item, has some ramp up time and was difficult to pick up in time to get the Protections and Cooldown Reduction you wanted for a build at a comfortable timing. Reducing its cost means you can start stacking sooner.”
- Reduced cost from 2400 to 2250.
Celestial Legion Helm
“This item exists to fight crits. With some games having two or more players per team with crit and this item still not being purchased... ‘Probably needs a buff.”
- Reduced price from 2850 to 2350.
- Reduced passive proc frequency from every 15s to every 6s.
Ah Muzen Cab
- Basic Attacks from Ah Muzen Cab will now extend the duration of Bees! on the target by 1s.
- Targets that suffer from Bees! for 4s are Disarmed for 1s.
- Reduced duration from 3s to 2s.
- Fixed issue where Vulcan’s turrets would not take damage from Bees! if hit with Ah Muzen Cab’s Honey.
Ah Puch
“Ah Puch’s Ultimate will now end if he dies. This is a major change in how players fight him, and add additional vulnerability to the God of Decay.”
Undead Surge
- Updated targeter and FX radius to more closely match affected area.
Empty the Crypts
- Now disappears when Ah Puch dies.
Transgressor’s Fate
- Fixed an issue where enemies could be affected by the trap’s pull after they had teleported away from it.
Ao Kuang
- Fixed issue where casting an ability while out of Mana could consume two charges.
King of the Eastern Seas
- Fixed several cases where landing the ability would not properly knock up or Execute the target.
Storm Call
- Fixed an issue where incorrect FX were used when casted near a deployed axe.
- Fixed issue where Jade Rabbit would get stuck on a wall in Joust map.
Hou Yi
“Hou Yi’s dash has been reworked to better match his snappy playstyle, and give him more options when deciding to escape or commit to the fight. Once in the air, he’ll be given a Golden Crow’s eye view of the battlefield.. eh? eh?”
- This ability has been reworked. When activated, Hou Yi will jump straight up into the air and pause, choosing a landing location.
- Fixed the buff timer disappearing when using Basic Attack and not hitting anything.
Ne Zha
"Ne Zha’s getting a new passive! One of the most requested abilities for a rework, this new passive opens up a vast number of new tactical options for the Third Lotus Prince.”
Immortal Spirit - Passive
- Immortal Spirit has been reworked into Righteous Spirit.
- Ne Zha gains a stack when he hits an enemy with a Basic Attack, and an additional stack for Critical Strikes. He may activate Flaming Spear to consume these stacks and heal himself.
- Heals for 1.25% per stack, max. 20.
Wind Fire Wheels
- Fixed an issue where using the ability on Janus while going through a portal could cause both players to get stuck.
Through The Cosmos
- Ratatoskr will now land at the last valid targeted location if the ability times out while targeting a non-valid location.
- Reduced damage from 250/330/410/490/570 to 200/260/320/380/440.
- Reduced scaling from 100% to 70%
- Reduced maximum time on one branch from 4 to 3s.
- Opal Acorn: Reduced scaling from 70% to 55%.
- Now marks all targets hit instead of just one target per Dash. Hitting a marked target at any time will cause Dart to not reset its Cooldown.
Acorn Blast
- Emerald Acorn: Reduced maximum number of hits that trigger a heal from 5 to 4.
- Sapphire Acorn: Reduced damage from 30/35/40/45/50 to 10/15/20/25/30 & Reduced scaling from 60% to 40%.
Blue Acorn
- Reduced Physical Power from 30 to 25.
Yellow Acorn
- Reduced Physical Power from 30 to 25.
Sapphire Acorn
- Reduced Physical Penetration from +15 to +10.
Emerald Acorn
- Reduced Physical Penetration from +15 to +10.
Tail Whip
- Fixed issue where ability would not go on Cooldown if interrupted.
Sun Wukong
72 Transformations
- Fixed an issue where quick casting would not work for the Eagle transformation.
Poison Darts
- Addressed issue where Xbalanque would not be able to attack after casting ability.
- Rework clap emote not animating.
Ne Zha is one of my favourite characters and that change just seems bad.
This is the main reason they won't give any other gods a blind. Nox really should have some kind of blind mechanic more than any other god in the game, but Xba ruined it for everyone, lol.I really hate how Xbalanque's ult now blacks out the screen. Makes it way too powerful in team fights.
25% hp is pretty cool I think. Better than his old passive by far.
But you have to basic attack gods and get crits to get it which Ne Zha should only really be doing near full build. Old one at least gave him some sustain early on.