Smite page on steam:
It says it will be available on the 8th of September.
It says it will be available on the 8th of September.
My #1 peeve in this game is when people neglect actives. This is especially annoying in arena/assault.
I don't get why people in assault games think rank 1 boots is more important than beads. People just buy meditation, some item, and rank 1 boots. When you could instead get meditation, some item, defensive active.
Only time I really defer from this is when I'm playing a support. I usually ditch meditation altogether unless that support is mana heavy, but that's more a personal playstyle choice.
Maybe I'm wrong, rant over.
TLDR Unless I'm mistaken, an active is better than 6% movement speed.
My #1 peeve in this game is when people neglect actives. This is especially annoying in arena/assault.
I don't get why people in assault games think rank 1 boots is more important than beads. People just buy meditation, some item, and rank 1 boots. When you could instead get meditation, some item, defensive active.
Only time I really defer from this is when I'm playing a support. I usually ditch meditation altogether unless that support is mana heavy, but that's more a personal playstyle choice.
Maybe I'm wrong, rant over.
TLDR Unless I'm mistaken, an active is better than 6% movement speed.
I usually always start with rank 3 boots, rank 2 meditation, rank 1 of an item and some pots.
I don't get why people don't get beads if there's an Ares or something, it's usually just common sense.
Yeah good points. I don't mind if people do these things.As long as someone on the team has heartward I rarely get med any more in assault. Beads is always more important.
I actually can't stand it if the tank doesn't get heartward. It's probably my #1 peeve in assault.
Smite page on steam:
It says it will be available on the 8th of September.
Hopefully it gives the game a big push in player base, but I would guess they turned to this due to not liking the numbers they were seeing in activity, which doesn't bold well for Hi-Rez developed games.
This is kind of worrying.
Hopefully it gives the game a big push in player base, but I would guess they turned to this due to not liking the numbers they were seeing in activity, which doesn't bold well for Hi-Rez developed games.
Do we actually have numbers/statements to base these population claims on? Just wondering if I missed something.
Do we actually have numbers/statements to base these population claims on? Just wondering if I missed something.
I can see that.I'm not saying there is absolutely a population/monetary issue, it's just speculation because I feel like there has to be something wrong there if they're willing to take the hit with Valve's cut for being on Steam.
But maybe I'm being pessimistic and they're actually doing so well that they don't care about Valve's cut.
Ok I'm not sure if I'm stupid or what, but Smite has a Summer of Smite promo and it says if you do 7 Summer of Smite purchases you get that special Anhur skin. But which things specifically are Summer of Smite purchases?
Which patch added VVGF for Hun Batz space skin? That used to annoy me so much, lol.
So today I grabbed my 35 gem login and got 435 gems instead haha. Thanks hi rez!
Exactly what I need to finally get Diamond Xbalanque.Double favour/xp/worshippers this weekend:
What!? I had my 35gem reward yesterday and only got 35 gems...
When I started I think there were 10 gods and Smite could be run on a Commodore 64. The days before Athena released were dark indeed. lol
SMITE music performed by Mus'Art Wind Orchestra
Got a quadra kill with Ah Puch last night and my team got so pissed. My Xbal and Freya kept accusing me of kill stealing... dude I'm Ah Puch, I blow shit up. It's not kill stealing when I end up doing twice as much damage as you.
My most haunting memories from those days are the bongo sounds from OP Guan Yu.
And who could forget the ultimate combo with Old Wa and Fenrir: The Shake and Bake!
Any details on the next patch or anything? Seems like they'd have a little something this week.
Is the spider God any good? The new one?
Been using Hades on Xbone lately. So much fun!
Just bought the God pack to unlock everyone. On sale for $20 for Gold members. Is the spider God any good? The new one?
Just encountered some genuine losers. Calling people the N word, retards, etc. They start the game off saying they're going to afk and that we need to carry them 3v5 and that we're spicks.
Look at their recent matches. All 0's, they haven't done shit in any matches. This is bad for your game hirez, I hope you read some of gaf sometimes.
Gonna start posting all the negative BM shit I see everyday.
Btw, these guys are still queuing up every day. They sit in games AFK from the start and only buy an item or two.
Nearly 3 weeks of ruining low level and new players games. I'm sure they've been reported countless times.
Post that stuff in the Smite subreddit. Hi-Rez employees regularly post there.
xbal spaghetti build is fun
odysseus bow, ninja tabi, golden bow, titans bane, executioner, death bringer