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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

That's kind of a rare comment, at least going by the reddit. A lot of people seem to complain about the fact that there are lots of dcs and rage quits at low levels (this isn't the case at max level though).

There has been a lot of DCs but that hasn't bugged me all that much. Is it simply not punished? Seems odd this game has a fairly high amount of it happening.

But I guess I meant my comment more in terms of fairly quick to get into a match and it has a good balance between casual and allowing for some meta. The item builds really do matter but they don't have much thought needed into how to get an item. Just go up the progression and keep upgrading pieces to get the one you want. It's all clearly laid out. I'm comfortable enough with it already that I don't mind going into all items and picking the ones I really want that aren't recommended and I still consider myself quite fresh in the game.

I usually stick to Assault and Arena only after trying each one at least once but figured I'd give Joust a shot again today and I think I'll work that one more into my rotation. Was quite a bit of fun. My team lost but I tried Neith for the first time and she's great fun to use. But at one point my team had 14 kills and I was 12 of them. My team simply wasn't keeping it up and we were overwhelmed no matter how much I tried. We got some hits on their titan thinger but couldn't take it all the way. Oh well! But I'll definitely give Neith some more time.

I'd like to get at least one of each character type as a "main" of sorts to get more comfortable with. So far it seems Ra is an easy mage to spend more time on and I've really liked the two times I used Chaac as a warrior. Guardians I've played a fair bit but don't have a clear favorite there. And assassin I think I've played once or maybe twice so still no good idea there. There's the lady that can ride a panther (Awillax or some nonsense?) that I think was an assassin that I might try a little more time on. I was bad with her at first but then picked it up and nearly ended with an even K/D. Hel and Ullr would be good to try out another time or two as they seemed cool to play.

Feel free to add me if you want someone that generally does "okay" and is getting closer to breaking even in K/D most games now. I'm getting a better grasp of how to build characters for different modes but I'm still picking new gods to try out and having some sloppy games. Name in game is Wibblewozzer.

Edit: And found great joy in my Neith match I had where the enemy Thanatos would do that target on me and divebomb but I'd do my backflip to dodge it and get away. I believe I did it three times and that had to be truly frustrating for him, heh.
Valve should add a steamworks exclusive icon to that stat list since people looking at it compare apples to oranges.

Queues are a bit strange with smite. Sometimes you get a fast game but people who only play ranked conquest are always complaining about something or other. Not sure how many people actively play ranked Smite. It isn't much fun at all.
Every mode BUT ranked Conquest is fine. You're pretty spot on, the only people that complain about matchmaking are those who play ranked. Watch any streamer, there are usually 15-20 minute queues (though lately not so bad) but every game is very snowbally and ends with an early surrender. It's especially bad at pro level tiers who are often forced to play with low ELO players.

Basically no one plays ranked conquest. It's not a fun atmosphere, but those people that do are very vocal about it.

A lot of people complained about how the new game mode is going to hurt matchmaking and queues more, but the only people that are going to play it are Arena/Assault players. I doubt it's going to change anything, lol.

EDIT: Matchmaking was really bad at lower levels before the Steam release though. I do remember that. I have no clue if it's any better. Matchmaking isn't going to fix DCers/quitters, but I'm curious as to if the quality of the games are better.
Went on a last-minute vacation on Friday so I missed the whole weekend event. And Saturday was my 35 gem login bonus day so I missed that too. :( I spent the whole vacation crying over all those missed gems...
Just kidding, it was an awesome trip, but unfortunate timing Smite-wise.

Now I'm just gonna save up gems until Christmas because I'm sure there's gonna be a big skin sale.
Just a heads up, if you go to buy gems through the client you have the option to buy the starter pack.

It gives Anubis, his stargazer skin, his vp and 400 gems for half the price of 400 gems. So even if you have all the Anubis stuff it's still a good deal. One time purchase though so you can't abuse it.


Edit: And found great joy in my Neith match I had where the enemy Thanatos would do that target on me and divebomb but I'd do my backflip to dodge it and get away. I believe I did it three times and that had to be truly frustrating for him, heh.

Love baiting the Thana dunk with Neith. Its like they know you have a leap and will probably use it when they go up for a dunk but they just can't not go for the dunk and they usually die because of it.

Also, if you wanna try an assassin out, gave Bastet a shot whenever she's in the free rotation if you don't have the god pack. She's pretty easy to learn how to use and is really good at ganking squishy targets.
Love baiting the Thana dunk with Neith. Its like they know you have a leap and will probably use it when they go up for a dunk but they just can't not go for the dunk and they usually die because of it.

Also, if you wanna try an assassin out, gave Bastet a shot whenever she's in the free rotation if you don't have the god pack. She's pretty easy to learn how to use and is really good at ganking squishy targets.

I was suggested to try Bastet once and I gave a less than spectacular showing. She seemed decent but I just tend to favor ranged gods or guardians for my melee flavors typically so as to be a beefier target. I should give Bastet another shot since I got her covert ops skin in a chest.

How do you rejoin when your DC'ed out of the game? Or maybe it was a larger issue since another teammate left a little before that and I was noticing some weird lag (for the first time). But when I came back I went to Assault and it was back to join queue. It's a shame, too. We would have likely lost since we were behind but I got to try Bacchus and he seems good and annoying to others, which was always the case when I fought against him.

Oh, and yeah, I have the god pack so I'm up for trying anyone you want to suggest. I think at this point I've now tried around 25 gods so I'm still checking things out and finding favorites. That's largely why I still do Assault since I don't feel as responsible if I get a god I can't use well. If I pick a new god in a mode where I make the selection then I feel like I let my team down.

In assault if I get a god that has a team heal I feel like my duty at that point largely turns into a healer. Is that how it is for most folks? I know when I was on a team with a Ra that never healed the team one of the other guys wasn't too pleased. But maybe that's more just my personal preference since heals seem rather important in that mode without fountain healing.
How do you rejoin when your DC'ed out of the game? Or maybe it was a larger issue since another teammate left a little before that and I was noticing some weird lag (for the first time). But when I came back I went to Assault and it was back to join queue. It's a shame, too. We would have likely lost since we were behind but I got to try Bacchus and he seems good and annoying to others, which was always the case when I fought against him.

The game will automatically reconnect you. The fact that it didn't probably means that the game you were in ended while you were dced (they may have surrendered).

In assault if I get a god that has a team heal I feel like my duty at that point largely turns into a healer. Is that how it is for most folks? I know when I was on a team with a Ra that never healed the team one of the other guys wasn't too pleased. But maybe that's more just my personal preference since heals seem rather important in that mode without fountain healing.

As you said heals are super important in Assault so the fact that your Ra never used his is kind of bad. But it doesn't mean that's all you have to do, you still need to be able to contribute offensively (just never use your heals offensively like you see some Ra's do).
The game will automatically reconnect you. The fact that it didn't probably means that the game you were in ended while you were dced (they may have surrendered).

As you said heals are super important in Assault so the fact that your Ra never used his is kind of bad. But it doesn't mean that's all you have to do, you still need to be able to contribute offensively (just never use your heals offensively like you see some Ra's do).

Yeah, I should have said I meant that I build more towards making sure I'm a good healer in assault over a more fully offensive build. I'll usually go a little heavier on defense and less on glass cannon just to make sure I can survive more and be around to heal. I suppose the heal is probably boosted by magical power so perhaps glass cannon is the better approach? So far I've ignored checking build guides online since I wanted to learn it on my own but I should probably start looking into those a bit more now that I have a better grasp on everything and should look into being a little more efficient instead of buying things that appeal to me. What likely happens is I'm making too many gods into hybrids instead of focusing them as much as they should be.


I was suggested to try Bastet once and I gave a less than spectacular showing. She seemed decent but I just tend to favor ranged gods or guardians for my melee flavors typically so as to be a beefier target. I should give Bastet another shot since I got her covert ops skin in a chest.

How do you rejoin when your DC'ed out of the game? Or maybe it was a larger issue since another teammate left a little before that and I was noticing some weird lag (for the first time). But when I came back I went to Assault and it was back to join queue. It's a shame, too. We would have likely lost since we were behind but I got to try Bacchus and he seems good and annoying to others, which was always the case when I fought against him.

Oh, and yeah, I have the god pack so I'm up for trying anyone you want to suggest. I think at this point I've now tried around 25 gods so I'm still checking things out and finding favorites. That's largely why I still do Assault since I don't feel as responsible if I get a god I can't use well. If I pick a new god in a mode where I make the selection then I feel like I let my team down.

In assault if I get a god that has a team heal I feel like my duty at that point largely turns into a healer. Is that how it is for most folks? I know when I was on a team with a Ra that never healed the team one of the other guys wasn't too pleased. But maybe that's more just my personal preference since heals seem rather important in that mode without fountain healing.

Well all of the assassins are melee so maybe the class isn't for you if that's how you like to play but I do think Bastet is the easiest to learn. I would say give her another shot if your in the mood for an assassin. Just remember that you can have 4 seconds to leap back which is a lot longer than you think. You could also try Loki as he is pretty straightforward as well.

You automatically reconnect when you dc and yeah it happens a lot or at least to me it does.

Yeah that Ra should have been healing but he might have been new and just didn't know better. I just try not to let stuff like that bother me. I just tend to be optomistic and say the person is new or just having a bad team then think the person going out of his way to screw the team over. You could always ask for the heals VHS=Need healing in the vgs system. Generally when I'm a healer like Ra I usually tell the team to group up(VVVG) and heal everyone up.
Many assassins are very ability based with normal attacks mixed in here and there as part of an ability combo. Bastet for example has a very safe ranged combo where she can jump in, cat scratch, then jump back.
When I roll Zeus in assault I just feel bad for the other team. Just had a game where I did 23k damage in 10 minutes. The next highest person was the enemy Ne'zha with 8k....

What's even worse is we had a Hel too. Like I didn't even want to play it was so streamroll, lol.
Vulcan is still the secret best mage in assault. Anubis can get out of hand if people don't get beads and Zeus can get out of hand if he isn't ganked properly. Vulcan is more reliable.
Vulcan is still the secret best mage in assault. Anubis can get out of hand if people don't get beads and Zeus can get out of hand if he isn't ganked properly. Vulcan is more reliable.

Zeus is way easier to do well with, though. Vulcan's spells are kinda hard to land unless you're well practiced with him. With Zeus, all you have to do is wait for the minions to clear and then shield + chain lightning the shit out of the enemy team. His poke is crazy strong and relatively safe.
Zeus is way easier to do well with, though. Vulcan's spells are kinda hard to land unless you're well practiced with him. With Zeus, all you have to do is wait for the minions to clear and then shield + chain lightning the shit out of the enemy team. His poke is crazy strong and relatively safe.

The character himself is not safe though since he has no crowd control, mobility or defence. If the team are potatoes your only defence is to save your ult for yourself.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
think poseidon is my favorite for assault just has a bunch of lane control with whirlpool and constantly popping my haha now your dead ult is very fun
The character himself is not safe though since he has no crowd control, mobility or defence. If the team are potatoes your only defence is to save your ult for yourself.
That's one of Vulcan's problems too though. He is easily ganked and initiated on with little way to respond especially if his meatball is baited or beads. Backfire isn't really an escape, his ult isn't very good at that range either, and is also easily avoided.

Zeus defensive ulting/shielding can turn things around much more easily, and works better when being aggressed on by multiple targets.

Vulcan is by far my favorite god in the game, and my main, but I'd still prefer to have Zeus in assault.

I miss pre-nerf Vulcan so much, lol.
think poseidon is my favorite for assault just has a bunch of lane control with whirlpool and constantly popping my haha now your dead ult is very fun
He's up there for me too. Honestly any mage that isn't Chronos I'm happy with. I'm awful at landing autos with his movement speed buff, lol.
Chronos and Agni are my favourite mages. What is good about Vulcan are just the little outplays like dropping a turret in front of a Sobek that is trying to pluck you.
I'm reading the novel American Gods and there was just a really steamy sex scene between the main character and Bastet. She is a total nympho.... I'll never look at her the same way again.



Does Divine Ruin stop hunters from being able to life steal, or does it just stop pure healers like Change and Hel from being effective?


it shuts adc down i like to mix it with creeping curse as well just to give it that little extra fuck you stop healing

I'm going to start using Zhong Kui and I was going to use Banecroft or Sash on him, but this has convinced me to switch to Divine Ruin instead. Thanks for the info.
My guess: either Celtic or Japanese.

I'm hoping for Mesopotamian. Gilgamesh, Pazuzu, Enkidu, actually playable Manticore, those would be such badass additions.
But yeah, I imagine Celtic/Arthurian or Japanese are the most likely additions. Celtic in particular seems likely because it's a culture that isn't already somewhat covered.

It's gonna be Scientology and we'll get our lord and saviour Lord Xenu, finally.
Do you think they'll drop multiple gods with the new pantheon or roll them out one by one slowly like they're currently doing?

I kinda wish they'd do an expansionesque thing and give us 4-5 gods at once, but it's probably asking too much of the dev team.
Guess patch notes answered my question, it'll be a slow roll out of Japanese characters. Also I would've rather had Celtic, but oh well.

The new skins are looking amazing though. I feel bad for shitting on Hirez a few weeks ago for the lame Odyssey skins so far.
The problem with Celtic gods is that the source material just has them as reskins of roman/greek gods because that's how the Romans wrote history. Slavic or African pantheons would be more interesting in a way.
Omg that Thor skin is so awesome... but how are they not getting sued for that?

Based off the comments and threads in the reddit you're actually one of the few people who like the skin. A lot of people don't think it's on the same level as the Archon Thanatos skin plus are a little annoyed that Thor gets another skin when there are a number of gods who don't have one yet.
Based off the comments and threads in the reddit you're actually one of the few people who like the skin. A lot of people don't think it's on the same level as the Archon Thanatos skin plus are a little annoyed that Thor gets another skin when there are a number of gods who don't have one yet.

People get so negative/entitled about stuff like this; it must be super frustrating to be a video game developer. Like that recent WoW: Legion trailer, which was fucking awesome — yet the whole GAF thread was filled with people bitching about it and the future of WoW and all this negative crap. If you don't like it then don't buy it. Too many Redditors and Gaffers need to chill out.
People get so negative/entitled about stuff like this; it must be super frustrating to be a video game developer. Like that recent WoW: Legion trailer, which was fucking awesome — yet the whole GAF thread was filled with people bitching about it and the future of WoW and all this negative crap. If you don't like it then don't buy it. Too many Redditors and Gaffers need to chill out.

Welcome to gaming. I love the games, hate the communities.

Well, some of them ;)

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Guess patch notes answered my question, it'll be a slow roll out of Japanese characters. Also I would've rather had Celtic, but oh well.

The new skins are looking amazing though. I feel bad for shitting on Hirez a few weeks ago for the lame Odyssey skins so far.

we arnt getting any more gods til after the world championships so they have time hope when they do launch the japanese gods they release a few all at once to make up for the large no new god gap
Too many Redditors and Gaffers need to chill out.

To be fair they're not the only people. Some Hi-rez employees also recently had a twitter spat with one of the datamining people, blaming him for everyone disliking the Thor skin because it wasn't released right.

In actual fact though it was Hi-rez's fault as he had been released too early on the PTS and someone had noticed and spread the pics on reddit.
I prefer the standard appearances a lot of the time over the skins although some are cool. Doesn't really bother me unless they are really obnoxious. And some of the voice packs are really grating.
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