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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

Bacchus is great for modes other than conquest or 1v1. Other modes start at level 3 or 5 and you definitely can't afford to be weak in the first minute or two of conquest if you are against good players.

Rat seems really low tier. From my experience of mastering him recently the main strategy seems to be to dash around everywhere not doing much until late game and praying that nobody can use hard cc.

Also looking at the S tiers ranked gods in the "tank meta". Khepri, specialising in saving gods from getting blown up instantly but doesn't save gods who are tanky and die slowly. Merc, specialises in blowing up gods instantly. Sol, known for extremely high burst damage. Xbala, extremely hard hitting adc. "tank meta".


Some interesting statistics here, it's a tier list for each mode ranked by each gods win rate: https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/3wi082/tier_lists_for_all_game_modes_based_off_of_win_s/

Nice to see Bacchus that high.

That's pretty cool.

I got a good old 7 day ban today. I really was wondering if Hirez was doing anything to punish people as I BM and see other people BM all the time. I honestly assumed they just gave up. Guess I'll watch what I say from now on. I should anyway, I'm just childish sometimes.


Question: I've not played Smite, as I am not overly fond of MOBAs (nothing against them... Just not my cup o tea,) but the game looks great and I love the theme. Is getting into it mainly for Arena Mode worth a shot? That interests me, and generally looks well done from what I've seen/gathered. A bit shorter, no lanes, etc.
That's pretty cool.

I got a good old 7 day ban today. I really was wondering if Hirez was doing anything to punish people as I BM and see other people BM all the time. I honestly assumed they just gave up. Guess I'll watch what I say from now on. I should anyway, I'm just childish sometimes.

I don't remember you being that bad, did you kick it up a notch or something recently?

Question: I've not played Smite, as I am not overly fond of MOBAs (nothing against them... Just not my cup o tea,) but the game looks great and I love the theme. Is getting into it mainly for Arena Mode worth a shot? That interests me, and generally looks well done from what I've seen/gathered. A bit shorter, no lanes, etc.

It's definitely worth a shot. The moba main (conquest) isn't even the main played mode. That would be assault with arena coming second.

You could only play arena and no one would bat an eye.


I don't remember you being that bad, did you kick it up a notch or something recently?

It's definitely worth a shot. The moba main (conquest) isn't even the main played mode. That would be assault with arena coming second.

You could only play arena and no one would bat an eye.

Awesome, thanks!
And just like that, looks like I'll be breaking my long Smite hiatus. 40 gems per win and 50% off everything? Yes please. I can finally buy Stargazer Anubis!

Not 40 gems per win per se, you only get one set of gems per day for a total of 280 gems over the 7 days. Still it will be a decent way towards the stargazer skin especially if you're already sitting on some gems from the log-in rewards.


Dear Hi-Rez,

I like your game. Please stop making me not want to play it by giving me literally the worst RNG possible in Assault. No I do not want to play an Assault game where my team has no support and the other team has Hel. No I don't want to play that twice. I definitely do not want to play it three times in a row. Thanks.

Dear Hi-Rez,

I like your game. Please stop making me not want to play it by giving me literally the worst RNG possible in Assault. No I do not want to play an Assault game where my team has no support and the other team has Hel. No I don't want to play that twice. I definitely do not want to play it three times in a row. Thanks.

I'm honestly a bit surprised they don't enforce certain types in a match. Not that having a healer is a guaranteed win but I know I definitely played matches against two guardians when my team had none and knew it would go pretty poorly. But it also doesn't deter me from playing Assault almost exclusively.
I am pretty sure I"ve had less than 5 healer matches in Assault that didn't have Ah Puch on one team. He's already bad enough in that mode, but then he wrecks healers on top of it all. That RNG is a joke sometimes.

I also always get assassins and guardians. Never a mage and no one ever trades them away.
I'm honestly a bit surprised they don't enforce certain types in a match. Not that having a healer is a guaranteed win but I know I definitely played matches against two guardians when my team had none and knew it would go pretty poorly. But it also doesn't deter me from playing Assault almost exclusively.

They used to sort of. For a while, they changed Assault so that if there was a healer on one team, then the other team got a healer as well. So on so forth for Assassin, Guardian, etc. If I remember right, they changed it back to completely random because people thought the matchups weren't as fun.
I used to be salty when we had 3 or 4 hunters in a team in assault but now they are so OP they are pretty much a free win. But a team with multiple mages with big nukes is probably better.


They used to sort of. For a while, they changed Assault so that if there was a healer on one team, then the other team got a healer as well. So on so forth for Assassin, Guardian, etc. If I remember right, they changed it back to completely random because people thought the matchups weren't as fun.
I think they still do the healer thing. But I don't remember ever getting into a match where I don't have a guardian and the other team has a full team comp. Let alone having it happen three times in a row.


Sketchbook Picasso
Did anyone else on XB1 get a Divine Chest out of nowhere? I received one last night, and got Ares 2015 out of it. I didn't buy the SWC 1300 gem packet, anyone know the reason?

And... I'll never understand why Assault is popular, lol. The chance to get a dud team is SO high, and some classes are just SO much better at it than others. I'd get much more fun out of it if it'd have slots for entrants.

It's a shame how much people look down on Guardians too. I've been enjoying double Guardian games in Arena MUCH more now, that people on X1 learned to use beads and such better. Makes Ares much harder to kurb stamp with. But him AND a Xing Tian? Ain't no one got enough anti CC fer that. Also a shame how Rare Athena is amongst the Guardian use list, when her "FACE ME!" is probably one of the strongest "quick use" gathering moves in the game. She works so well with someone like Chiron.

Speaking of him... man, his cool downs are a pain. I love the idea of having such a quick Anti CC to help teammates (he makes Ymir almost worthless), but the fact it takes forever and a day for it to come back, means I never want to use the move for wave clear... reminds me of how I used to feel with the old Nox.
The gem rewards for first win seem to be bugged with clash. Some people are saying they are not getting gems if they play clash but if you get your first win on another mode then win on clash it seems you get gems twice.
Did anyone else on XB1 get a Divine Chest out of nowhere? I received one last night, and got Ares 2015 out of it. I didn't buy the SWC 1300 gem packet, anyone know the reason?

Have you bought 12 Odyssey items? If so it's from that. They were having problems with the comic as the 12th reward plus it's not that great, I think you can read the comic for free somewhere but I don't know where off the top of my head.

Also a shame how Rare Athena is amongst the Guardian use list, when her "FACE ME!" is probably one of the strongest "quick use" gathering moves in the game. She works so well with someone like Chiron.

Best hunter to combo with Athena is Medusa. The 5-man taunt into a Medusa ult, easy team wipe (if no one has beads/they're on cooldown ofc).


Have you bought 12 Odyssey items? If so it's from that. They were having problems with the comic as the 12th reward plus it's not that great, I think you can read the comic for free somewhere but I don't know where off the top of my head.

Best hunter to combo with Athena is Medusa. The 5-man taunt into a Medusa ult, easy team wipe (if no one has beads/they're on cooldown ofc).
One of the recent tournaments had an Athena/Neith combo in the duo lane, which I thought was cool because Athena would taunt and then drop shields, then Neith would root since she knew exactly where the enemy would be, then they'd be stuck in the shield finisher. I suppose any god with a root or stun could do the same, but I really liked the synergy there, since normally to get max damage with Athena you have to drop shields first and hope to taunt into them.
One of the recent tournaments had an Athena/Neith combo in the duo lane, which I thought was cool because Athena would taunt and then drop shields, then Neith would root since she knew exactly where the enemy would be, then they'd be stuck in the shield finisher. I suppose any god with a root or stun could do the same, but I really liked the synergy there, since normally to get max damage with Athena you have to drop shields first and hope to taunt into them.

Athena's taunt is basically one of the best support abilities in the game, second behind probably only Geb's shield.

The taunt is also great at allowing you to set up those hard to hit, high damage mage abilities like Ra's ult or Janus' 2 (if you want to hit the enemy with both orbs).
It's only when you play mainly Athena that you realize how most players are potatoes who pass up on free kills left and right. Like, Poseidon, all you have to do is follow me and target your kraken right in front of me. Free kills!


It's only when you play mainly Athena that you realize how most players are potatoes who pass up on free kills left and right. Like, Poseidon, all you have to do is follow me and target your kraken right in front of me. Free kills!
It's hard because I get greedy and use abilities when I think I can hit someone, and then 3 seconds later Athena taunts and my stuff is on CD. Since I play Athena quite a bit, I should know better, but I get impatient.
I haven't gotten the chance to play Chiron yet. How is he? I have enough Favor to buy him, but I won't if he sucks. His abilities look interesting, especially that cleanse.

Assault really is the worst. I have no idea why people play it.

On a more positive note: I finally got my Stargazer Anubis (for 200 gems)! That was the last skin I really wanted. I should probably buy another one before this promo is over, since 50% off is as good as it gets, but what shall I buy?! Decisions, decisions...

Current possibilities include:

Dark Lord Sun Wukong

Jandroid Janus

Madame Blade Serqet
I haven't gotten the chance to play Chiron yet. How is he? I have enough Favor to buy him, but I won't if he sucks. His abilities look interesting, especially that cleanse.

He's good, he shines mostly in the early to mid game but he's certainly not the worst late game hunter.

His ult is very good at all stages, combine it with his 2 and it's very hard to escape him if you're at low health.

On a more positive note: I finally got my Stargazer Anubis (for 200 gems)! That was the last skin I really wanted. I should probably buy another one before this promo is over, since 50% off is as good as it gets, but what shall I buy?! Decisions, decisions...

Current possibilities include:

Honestly I'd say that each of those Gods have better skins. However Janus' better on is hos Odyssey one which won't go on sale and will be hard to get after the Odyssey ends, while Serqet's is the alien one that is only available in chests (I got so lucky getting it in one roll of the old AFK chest).

Since I assume those two skins aren't an option I'd go with Serqet's. I could definitely see why if someone said they liked it more that dread queen.

I don't know if it matters to you but I've heard that the Wukong skin has a slight gameplay advantage as it can be hard to tell which form he is in during his 3 while that skin is active, so you can maybe confuse some people...I really doubt it's a huge thing.
^ Thanks for the info/opinions. I actually don't really like the dubstep Janus skin (the voice annoys me), so Jandroid is preferred between the two. Plus, as you said there's no sale for the dubstep skin. Alien Serqet is cool, but not my cup of tea. Dark Lord SWK is just badass, but quite expensive. Arrg! The other option is to just buy Medusa's half-off voice pack ("There will be no fun!") and save the rest of my gems for a future skin that I really want.

I can confirm the Dark Lord SWK thing. There are differences in the animations between the 3 transformations, but it's much more subtle than his default skin's versions. Unless you've got a very keen eye, it's quite difficult to tell which form he's in.
I might get Daimyodin even though as a character he is mostly useless. I thought I might get the new Bacchus skin but played in a game with someone who had it and it gets old very quickly.


Please god Hi-Rez announce this game for the PS4 so I can channel my rage against my piece of shit Xbox to lift Thor's Hammer and smash it into oblivion.


Sketchbook Picasso
If you get the 40 from 1 mode, play Clash after. It's been giving another 40 since the beginning, it seems. So possible to get 80 per day.

Should be PC and Xbox both, my experience is from X1.


Sketchbook Picasso
if i unlock all gods on pc, can i access them on xb1?

There was a time where you could do a 1 way account transfer from PC to Xb1. They stopped this at one point, however, and I don't believe it's still possible. I don't THINK the accounts count as the same one now, but having never played the game on PC myself, there might be more to it than I know.
I really like this "only win once per day" giveaway setup they're using. It's not only better for filthy casuals like me, but it also cuts down on the horrible stuff that happens when they force people to play every game mode to win all the gems. I hope they continue using this formula in the future.

Also, I rented Sol and mastered her yesterday. She's kinda fun, but not really my style. Her voice actor did an amazing job though.

Just played a game of Arena with my boy Mr Fahrenheit and we were down over 100 tickets and we clutched out the win 1-0 at the last second

We basically carried our team 2 vs 5 and ran it back

Closest game ever. I was Nox and he was Medusa

Also, I rented Sol and mastered her yesterday. She's kinda fun, but not really my style. Her voice actor did an amazing job though.

Someone traded me and gave me Sol in Assault the other day and in chat the team is like "Okay Sol, you'll do the damage!" And I explained to them that I am garbage with Sol. I ended up going 0/8/4 or something like that. I'm absolutely terrible with Sol.

But then I realized I'm actually mostly terrible with any of the main damage dealing types. I have had a handful of games with positive K:D ratios and generally can get at least 3-5 kills no matter who I play as but I routinely do best when I'm either a guardian or support/healer style of play. I imagine it largely comes down to A) Being bad at initial engagements, B) Landing attacks/abilities/ultimates, C) Simply not knowing enough about every god to know when to back away from some or when others are vulnerable.

I still have even when I'm doing terribly but I know my teammates are rarely thrilled.
Someone traded me and gave me Sol in Assault the other day and in chat the team is like "Okay Sol, you'll do the damage!" And I explained to them that I am garbage with Sol. I ended up going 0/8/4 or something like that. I'm absolutely terrible with Sol.

But then I realized I'm actually mostly terrible with any of the main damage dealing types. I have had a handful of games with positive K:D ratios and generally can get at least 3-5 kills no matter who I play as but I routinely do best when I'm either a guardian or support/healer style of play. I imagine it largely comes down to A) Being bad at initial engagements, B) Landing attacks/abilities/ultimates, C) Simply not knowing enough about every god to know when to back away from some or when others are vulnerable.

I still have even when I'm doing terribly but I know my teammates are rarely thrilled.

Don't feel like you have to trade Gods in assault. If you're good with the God you currently have or bad with the one they want to trade then stick with what you've got.

For Sol though you just basically need to hang back and through out your 2 as often as possible. Also keep her mind her heal regens health based on how much you've lost so leaving it late to heal is usually a better option as you'll get more health back.
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