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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

Someone traded me and gave me Sol in Assault the other day and in chat the team is like "Okay Sol, you'll do the damage!" And I explained to them that I am garbage with Sol. I ended up going 0/8/4 or something like that. I'm absolutely terrible with Sol.

But then I realized I'm actually mostly terrible with any of the main damage dealing types. I have had a handful of games with positive K:D ratios and generally can get at least 3-5 kills no matter who I play as but I routinely do best when I'm either a guardian or support/healer style of play. I imagine it largely comes down to A) Being bad at initial engagements, B) Landing attacks/abilities/ultimates, C) Simply not knowing enough about every god to know when to back away from some or when others are vulnerable.

I still have even when I'm doing terribly but I know my teammates are rarely thrilled.

If you are a playing a carry then just wait and go in when you see a chance to deal a lot of damage. You shouldn't be making any initial engagement unless it's just poking at max range then falling back. If you go in when the team is fighting and get killed then you just think it isn't your problem. At that point you have to take risks and do crazy stuff to do your job because you shouldn't be cautiously poking the enemy tank when your initiator is fully engaged.

For ranged carries like Sol or Xbla the game strat is fairly simple. Farm up and stay safe until you get to late game then late game you go aggressive and anyone who runs at you just melts.
Don't feel like you have to trade Gods in assault. If you're good with the God you currently have or bad with the one they want to trade then stick with what you've got.

For Sol though you just basically need to hang back and through out your 2 as often as possible. Also keep her mind her heal regens health based on how much you've lost so leaving it late to heal is usually a better option as you'll get more health back.
I mostly accept trades because I know I'm not great so I assume if the person wants to trade they're probably better experienced than me and can balance out my likely terrible game with their skill. But occasionally I'll trade and the person does worse than me. Oh well!

If you are a playing a carry then just wait and go in when you see a chance to deal a lot of damage. You shouldn't be making any initial engagement unless it's just poking at max range then falling back. If you go in when the team is fighting and get killed then you just think it isn't your problem. At that point you have to take risks and do crazy stuff to do your job because you shouldn't be cautiously poking the enemy tank when your initiator is fully engaged.

For ranged carries like Sol or Xbla the game strat is fairly simple. Farm up and stay safe until you get to late game then late game you go aggressive and anyone who runs at you just melts.

And yeah, my problem is that I always want to start fights and be towards the front with most characters I play. I'll keep that in mind with Sol and I didn't realize her heal was based on damage lost. I thought it was just a percentage of total health healed. It didn't help that I had thought it was tied to her 3 ability and kept using that trying to heal and didn't notice it was on the 1 until like the last minute of the game.

Xbla is also one of the worst matches I've had. I think I may have also had zero kills with him when I tried playing him.

Just got my first win of the day as Ullr and I do like that fellow. I think I've used him three times now. I had a "good" match where I went 6/9/22. Anytime I can get somewhat close to a 1:1 ratio I feel pretty decent. All those kills were in the last half of the match. Considering we were down a Thor (went 0/7 before DCing) I'm pretty happy with the outcome overall.
Playing assault and getting Ares, Xing and Hun Batz on your team, there aren't enough beads in the world!

I'm normally a cautious Ares but in that game I could just run in and ult knowing that my team would clear up even if I died.

Just got my first win of the day as Ullr and I do like that fellow. I think I've used him three times now. I had a "good" match where I went 6/9/22. Anytime I can get somewhat close to a 1:1 ratio I feel pretty decent. All those kills were in the last half of the match. Considering we were down a Thor (went 0/7 before DCing) I'm pretty happy with the outcome overall.

if you can play well with Ullr, even if you're terrible with every other god, then people will say "that guy can play".

The learning curve on Ullr is huge and good Ullrs are rare. Comparing him to Neith, once you've got her to mastery rank 2 you know every thing there is to know. A rank 10 Neith is as scary as a rank 2. You've got to watch out for rank 10 Ullr's though.


I'm starting to get comfortable with Thor, so I think my next project will be Tyr. I don't really play Warriors outside of Guan and Bellona. I'm really hit or miss with Guan. Either I wreck people or I get destroyed. Bellona basically plays herself. I played a bit of Osiris, but I can personally see more utility with Tyr. There aren't many good Tyrs out there, but the ones who are good are incredibly disruptive.
The secret to any warrior is that if you get ahead early they are almost impossible to deal with. Tyr depends almost entirely on hitting your fearless which is easily messed up by ping/server. If you miss the fearless then you are not nearly as useful.


The secret to any warrior is that if you get ahead early they are almost impossible to deal with. Tyr depends almost entirely on hitting your fearless which is easily messed up by ping/server. If you miss the fearless then you are not nearly as useful.
Good to know. I like that Osiris's sickle has a low cooldown because I miss it a lot, so the margin of error is pretty large.


I've never played Sol, but I refuse to believe she's tricky. Every Sol I've ever played against runs up, pokes, and the second you glance in her direction "BEEN HERE LONG ENOUGH" *WHOOSH*.
I've never played Sol, but I refuse to believe she's tricky. Every Sol I've ever played against runs up, pokes, and the second you glance in her direction "BEEN HERE LONG ENOUGH" *WHOOSH*.

Gotta agree with this. It's so easy to poke people down with her that most Gods that could kill you are already under half health before the fight so you have a huge advantage.

Her ult may be mostly useless but her other 3 abilities are so good that it more than makes up for it.
Are any of you guys good at playing Loki?

I can't for the life of me seem to do well with him in Arena. Yet I come across Loki players who are a complete menace and somehow manage to get in, kill me, and get out. When I play Loki it goes something like this: Ult, kill, get triple teamed and burst down seconds afterward. I usually end up with a score like 5-6.


Are any of you guys good at playing Loki?

I can't for the life of me seem to do well with him in Arena. Yet I come across Loki players who are a complete menace and somehow manage to get in, kill me, and get out. When I play Loki it goes something like this: Ult, kill, get triple teamed and burst down seconds afterward. I usually end up with a score like 5-6.

I am not the biggest Loki fan but I started playing him in Arena a while back and did very well. I also have a 100% win rate with him in Clash, maybe 6 or 7 wins or so.

Actives - Beads and Blink.
Builds - (items are in order from start to finish)
Squishy Killer - Transcedence, Warrior Tabi, Jotuhns, Hydras Lament, Titans Bane or Deathbringer (buy whichever comes first, if you're being fed, you will have the gold for DB)
Tank Killer/Tower Destroyer - Trans, Warrior Tabi, Jotuhns, Titans Bane, Brawlers Beat Stick, The Crusher (full pen build)

In arena and in most modes get a point in all abilities of course but prioritize leveling your Decoy. By the time your decoy is level 4 or 5 you should be stacking trans now. In arena you can stealth towards the enemy base, decoy the wave before it gets to mid and get out of harm and clear the wave instantly. This can annoy your team but who cares, you're stacking.

Beads is obviously great for getting out of tight spots and you'll most likely be using it for the 3 second CD reduction of your abilities. This works well if you are cdr cap with the squishy killer allowing you to stealth out soon after you initiated if you used your stealth to go in.

Don't Vanish into an ult unless absolutely necessary. Ult, then pop your 3 (aimed striked) (or pop 3 and then ult) , basic attack a time or two and your target should be dead or running for their life. Vanish to secure the kill, or gtfo.

Blink is for initiating without your ult and when you don't want to use Vanish. Pop your 3, blink in and basic people. Your 3 slows them so they can't get away from you. Remember that Vanish also increases your movement speed and you are immune to slows, along with causing a bleed if you attack someone after/during stealth.

For a stacking build like I've chosen, you'll max your Decoy first (along with putting points in ult as you level up, feel free to save a point at lvl 7 so that way at 8, you can max your decoy and put another point in your utl), then your aimed strike/ult when possible, then vanish.

For non stacking builds max aimed strike/ult, then vanish.

You probably know a lot of these things and I'm not some pro Loki but have played Loki for the past 3+ years and really have to terms with his playstyle now and enjoy playing him.

For reference I almost only play melee characters in smite.

Trans 2 is the the way I start all my loki builds in any game mode. In conquest I get 3 mana/hp pots a piece. In arena I get 1hp/1mana and save for trans 3.
I've never played Sol, but I refuse to believe she's tricky. Every Sol I've ever played against runs up, pokes, and the second you glance in her direction "BEEN HERE LONG ENOUGH" *WHOOSH*.

I find her to be pretty straightforward. She feels almost like a Hunter.

Use auto attacks all the time, and use 2 whenever you have it since it does a ton of damage and slows, and use 3 when you need to run since the sphere form at the end is invulnerable to everything. Her 1 is okay, but you really only need 2 and 3. Her ult is whatever.
If you don't realise that sol's 2 is really strong then you have probably never played against her. But honesty I master most adc without really reading most of their skills and passives. If it's just aim I don't have to think too much.
I didn't know that Chaac's ult had a knockup and Chang'e's 3 had healing reduction until very recently.

I'm awful about reading ability descriptions.
Don't feel like you have to trade Gods in assault. If you're good with the God you currently have or bad with the one they want to trade then stick with what you've got.

For Sol though you just basically need to hang back and through out your 2 as often as possible. Also keep her mind her heal regens health based on how much you've lost so leaving it late to heal is usually a better option as you'll get more health back.

So, hopped on to get my 40 gems tonight and of course Assault gave me Sol. But I figured I'd listen to the advice and spam 2 and just use 3 to get away. If I had spare mana I'd pop 1 to heal up if needed.

Well, it was successful! I actually liked playing Sol and ended up getting that achievement (just barely!) for getting five kills and two or less deaths with a 5/1/19. I only did 100 less damage than the highest so I was definitely getting some hits in but just not landing the killing blows.

I never look up builds so it was probably bad but I started with Heartward since I knew I'd be spamming 2 and would need the mana and got two steps into boots. When I died I had enough to get that purple horn thing with a bunch of magical power (and a bonus that it boosts magical power at low health since I was constantly staying quite low while poking at the enemies).

So perhaps a bad build from whatever might be preferred but that was actually one of the best matches I've had in terms of K:D (I've had a few with zero deaths but always with like 2-4 kills and generally more as support/tank e.g Sylvanus).

I'm also 10 gems away from the last Odyssey item so tomorrow I'll get me the silly Thor. I just wanted to support the developer so I'm glad I got all the Odyssey items but I prefer a lot of other skins over the Odyssey stuff. But they deserve some money so whatever!


Sketchbook Picasso
The thing that eluded me about Sol was the idea that her 3 isn't just an escape, but a free Hasten Fatalis + escape at the end. You use the 2 to slow and hurt, then the 3 to rush in, Gatling-gun them to death, and escape almost unharmed, all in one.

Since realizing this, I've begun to enjoy her a lot more, and even got her voice while it was on sale. She can be so definitive in CLASH matches, utterly wrecking towers and hidden-in-tower enemies very nicely.
I find Sol tricky mainly cos I am so crutched (ewww English fail) on Hastened Fatalis as a carry I struggle without it ;)

In other news, think Chang'e is going to join Athena, Scylla and Merc as a Diamond. Absolutely love her kit: Damage, heal, anti heal, rage-inducing twirl, sweet ass ult that requires good positioning but is very satisfying. Was at mastery II before I renewed my love, now it is full steam ahead!
I never look up builds so it was probably bad but I started with Heartward since I knew I'd be spamming 2 and would need the mana and got two steps into boots. When I died I had enough to get that purple horn thing with a bunch of magical power (and a bonus that it boosts magical power at low health since I was constantly staying quite low while poking at the enemies).

If you're having mana troubles with Sol then there are better ways to go than Heartward. Generally Heartward should be picked up by the tank so that the carry can go full dmg.

For mana Polynomicon is probably your best bet, it gives 300 mana so it will be hard to run out. The passive on this item is also a must on Sol, it makes her very dngerous and increases her tower push even more.

Also at some point you'll want rod on her so you can pick up the t1 version of it early and it will provide you with mp5, so a bit of nice mana regen there.

Also in assault everyone should be getting Salvation. The t1 version of it gives you back a huge chunk of mana so it's a good idea to get that before you leave base at the start of the game.


Thanks for the info. I followed your advice and... I think it went pretty well!

But seriously that was one of the best games of my life. I think that's the first time I've gotten a godlike killstreak since they started keeping track.

Nice :D I don't recommend the malice though. Titans bane after the DB would have been more damage especially since you were against 2 warriors and a guardian. I personally believe Malice is a very situational item and not that good. Otherwise, nice job though, glad things worked out.
Nice :D I don't recommend the malice though. Titans bane after the DB would have been more damage especially since you were against 2 warriors and a guardian. I personally believe Malice is a very situational item and not that good. Otherwise, nice job though, glad things worked out.

Yeah my last item is a choice between Titans Bane and Malice. I figured Malice would be good for Loki because it gives him a second DoT to help kill secure a running target. I probably didn't need it though, I dunno. I'll have to test it more.
Malice is a weird one. Good for dealing with escaping gods, but might as well get something else that nukes them now rather than a bit later. That said, does have good stats.
Malice is the crit item to build if you are basic attacking and not building any other crit item. It's passive is optimal when you crit rarely because it refreshes the dot instead of stacking damage. If you are building deathbringer for basic attacks and want another crit item it should always be rage. But malice is a good replacement for deathbringer. Malice actually makes sense if the build is heavy on power and pen. So try building malice instead of db then as a next item choose between brawlers and titans bane.
Got my fwotd in Assault and was given 150 gems. From the reddit it seems like some people are getting it while some aren't.

Can't complain!.


Sketchbook Picasso
Just got 150 FWOTD Gems on Xbox One here, after completing Arena.

That's a grand post-Christmas gesture, ha. "I'LL TAKE IT!" Thanks for the heads up! Thinking this is a glitch, orrr...?


Man the community for this game is really starting to ruin it for me. I somehow get queued with the absolute dumbest people and go up against coordinated teams who I have to believe queued together. It's so frustrating.
Man the community for this game is really starting to ruin it for me. I somehow get queued with the absolute dumbest people and go up against coordinated teams who I have to believe queued together. It's so frustrating.
I'm sorry for being one of the dumb ones. As a bad player I do think it's better for the experienced players to take a moment to offer some advice because I know it's usually really helpful for people like me that still are learning good tactics/gearing for gods. Take the Sol stuff for example where I played Sol twice and was like 3/16 in total
And then had a 5/1 match after taking the advice in this thread.

It's definitely better than just saying "learn to play" and "just surrender now, stop wasting my time" right at the start after I die stupidly once. Not saying you do that but it happens pretty often.
I'm sorry for being one of the dumb ones. As a bad player I do think it's better for the experienced players to take a moment to offer some advice because I know it's usually really helpful for people like me that still are learning good tactics/gearing for gods. Take the Sol stuff for example where I played Sol twice and was like 3/16 in total
And then had a 5/1 match after taking the advice in this thread.

It's definitely better than just saying "learn to play" and "just surrender now, stop wasting my time" right at the start after I die stupidly once. Not saying you do that but it happens pretty often.
Yeeeeah, I hate this mindset in multiplayer communities.

There are games in assault where I will get handed a god I simply don't know anything about. So I'll say at the start I don't know how to play that god and ask for tips on builds. Complete silence. Then I die once and get slammed with BM.

Tyr is really the main one. I can't play him at all. Can't land his fearless, don't know how to build him. Don't know when to use his abilities. Last time I had to play him I went 1/11 or something.


There's not really a lot of communication on Xbox. I'm willing to work with people if they're willing to take suggestions. It's just hard in a game that's so reliant on teamwork when you get people that are not interested in working together or playing their role.

Ymir and Chaac shouldn't be camping the tower, hiding behind mages and hunters in assault. Assassins shouldn't be trying to initiate fights and going 1v2-5. Damage dealers should pay attention to what their supports are doing and actually deal damage instead of watching their support die horribly. This is like basic stuff that doesn't take a lot of time with the game to figure out.

There are a lot of reasons this happens, I'm just tired of it happening to me so often lately.
I tend to play SMITE with friends, thus not in game chat. Should try to do so more.

We had an Agni on our team in Assault who died once and then spent the whole game spamming Retreat in VGS and standing in base. Gg.
I think that on PC giving people basic gameplay tips that they didn't ask for is dangerous because it's so easy for them to just take it as you being BM and sarcastic. Especially since the point where you think people need advice is when things are going badly and they are very frustrated. But it's good when people ask for advice doing things they are not used to or are willing to discuss strategy at the start.
Had some extra gems with nothing else to buy, so I rolled a winter chest. I like how Hi-Rez donates to charity for every winter chest purchase. Got the Nice and Naughty Nu Wa skin. Not bad, not bad at all.

I also went down the Smite imgur rabbithole... it's a mix of upskirt shots, dank memes, rule 34 (
including a pic of Aphrodite with Ratatoskr's acorn shoved up her asshole wtf
), and tons of random pics. There's some gems in there though:




get a free odyssey chest roll with code - holidaygift2015 - works on pc and xb1.

*got hel if I know avatar dangit. That's 2 odyssey chests in a row where I get something like that.


Dang, mailbox ward skin.

I did the daily mode today, it's all gods from 2015 with no other selection restrictions. The other team was 4 Ah Puchs and a Medusa. Our Bellona quit halfway through and I don't blame her. I am not trying his mode again.
Got the Serqet Voice Pack. I think I have a handful of voice packs but I've never really done anything with them. I never do any of the voice command things in match. Maybe I should?



Such a troll build. I went bluestone/breastplate for first items. Sold bluestone later to finish hammer. I didn't come up with the build, just a slight variation on some things due to what I was up against. Go transcendence if you're not in assault. and go it much earlier.
I got Thor's 250 gem skin. Wrath of Valhalla or something. Could be worse, but I never use Thor. Oh well it was free!

Got the Serqet Voice Pack. I think I have a handful of voice packs but I've never really done anything with them. I never do any of the voice command things in match. Maybe I should?

Serqet has one of my favorite voice packs. And yes you should definitely use the vg system. It's one of my favorite things about Smite.
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