Why did they make Xing Tians hook slam slow instead of root? Khepri's got a grab and a stun, Kumba's got a stun and a root, Athena's got her taunt, Ymir has a slow and a stun, Bacchus has a bounce and stun, and Ares, even without a hard CC, still has his chain which has huge range, silences escapes, lasts forever, and in combo with the full length of the flame thrower does huge damage for a guardian. Xing is fine, you got his damage down to a reasonable amount from release and that was really the only thing that needed work, now pls stop messing with him.
Did Arena look better before? I was watching some old smite vid and Arena seemed to look a lot better but it was just a few frames of footage
I could be confused tho I havent played all the modes yet. Think I'm only L15 now with 6 gods mastered
I liked it more before when it was nighttime.