Sorta Maximus
As someone else mentioned, I would also trade 1 of my 3 SNES Classics for a NES Classic. I'm afraid to buy one on eBay due to all the bootlegs.
I'm so upset. My order is going to be cancelled. My bank sent me an email saying that my credit card number "may have been compromised due to fraudulent activity at merchant locations" so they're sending me a card with a new number before Sept 18. Ugh.
hori fighting commander getting re-released for the s. famicom mini. kool
hori fighting commander getting re-released for the s. famicom mini. kool
I was going to order this now and then re-order it again later (if I can manage a Super Famicom Classic Mini pre-order) just in-case it sold out, but Amazon Japan wants over 4,000 yen for shipping this (to Canada)? Man, that's a drastic increase from what I'm used to through that website. It only cost me a little over 1,300 yen a year ago to get the Famicom Classic Mini + AC Adapter shipped to me, so something definitely doesn't seem right...hori fighting commander getting re-released for the s. famicom mini. kool
Is that a wireless controllers?
I was going to order this now and then re-order it again later (if I can manage a Super Famicom Classic Mini pre-order) just in-case it sold out, but Amazon Japan wants over 4,000 yen for shipping this (to Canada)? Man, that's a drastic increase from what I'm used to through that website. It only cost me a little over 1,300 yen a year ago to get the Famicom Classic Mini + AC Adapter shipped to me, so something definitely doesn't seem right...
hori fighting commander getting re-released for the s. famicom mini. kool
Even if they make twice what they did, hell triple the amount, it still will not satisfy demand. The installed base of the SNES was in the 40+ million. A significant amount of those people I'm sure will be willing to purchase a SNES classic. Not to mention there are other people who didn't play SNES, didn't grow up at the time, or were SEGA fans who are not interested in getting a SNES Classic as well.
So yeah this thing is going to be hard to find.
Apologies if this has been asked and answered already.
I'm in the UK and only recently found out I'd need an adapter to power it as it doesnt come with the usual plug.
Will it work via the USB cable for power or do I need to buy a plug seperately?
yeah, it can be powered by USB. You might even be able to power it from the USB on the television.
hori fighting commander getting re-released for the s. famicom mini. kool
NES Classic sold 2.3 millionHow many NES Classic units did Nintendo pump out?
I tend to believe 5M units would more than meet demand for the SNES.
Nintendo knows this. I'm sure they are thrilled that people are going crazy over it.
I'll never understand them.
I'm not sure if it's exactly the same one, but when I went into Gamestop to preorder, I also preordered any extra controllers they had in their system. Along with two wireless YoK controllers, I also got a "SNES Wireless Fighting Commander" for $24.99. I see it on my preorder list in the app, but it doesn't have a picture or a manufacturer in the description.Any chance this will get a U.S. release?
hori fighting commander getting re-released for the s. famicom mini. kool
Yes, this is the receiver:
Up on Amazon France again:
They seem to have raised the price though. Edit: I guess not, it's the same VAT included price, but still higher than other countries I think.
Up on Amazon France again:
They seem to have raised the price though. Edit: I guess not, it's the same VAT included price, but still higher than other countries I think.
Isn't this supposed to be 80 Euros in Europe tax included? is selling it for 80 plus tax, which comes up to 95 Euro if shipped domestically.
Up on Amazon France again:
They seem to have raised the price though. Edit: I guess not, it's the same VAT included price, but still higher than other countries I think.
Isn't this supposed to be 80 Euros in Europe tax included? is selling it for 80 plus tax, which comes up to 95 Euro if shipped domestically.
Thanks for this. I also ordered one. $122 is kind of steep but a 50% tax seems more reasonable than what the scalpers sell for.
This will run fine in the US right?
NES Classic sold 2.3 million
Could that work with a Wiimote? Because that appeals to me.
Thanks for posting this. I got in on it. We'll see if they ultimately ship it to me though (US)...
Thank you! I missed every damn US pre order but was able to get this at least. Hopefully it ships to me.
hori fighting commander getting re-released for the s. famicom mini. kool
That's mint. Would they be compatible with the NTSC minis? I would think of grabbing one if that were the case
Are the games in French?
The listing says "Will not ship to USA"
Are you hoping they will? Confused..
It's a common bug in Amazon's system, I've had pages say a product can't be shipped to my country but as long as you can checkout and place the order, it should ship to you without a problem from my experience. If it says Sold by Amazon on your order you're good.
I first placed an order having it shipped to my country, but quickly realized Amazon France is charging pretty high shipping charges (and import deposit fee) than normal, so I changed the shipping address to a forwarding address I have in France, I think that would come out cheaper for me. Usually it's the other way around (AmazonGlobal shipping is usually significantly cheaper for me, but this case was different)
Are the games in French?
The listing says "Will not ship to USA"
Are you hoping they will? Confused..
Something weird is going on.
Yesterday when I first placed the order on shipped to my country, they charged me 46 Eur shipping + 61 Eur import deposit. I know these charges can change from time to time with Amazon so to test today I placed another order with my sister's Amazon account, shipped to my country and this time they only charged 35 shipping and no import fees! A total saving of 72 Euros. So I figured I would change the shipping address on my previous order to have it reflect the new lower fees (and cancel the one on my sister's account), but it went back up to the higher fees from yesterday (on my account) :\