Thanks a ton for the info! Will probably use 8 for Starfox, and a lower number for SF2 as I'm not so familiar with it for obvious reasons. Do you know what's the highest number you can set it to that doesn't noticeably increase speed?
Other people have said things that contradict this, but in my experience Star Fox 2 will completely ignore your -boost-fx command line argument unless you modify the preset ID. Also, it seems the SNES CPU is a much bigger bottleneck in Star Fox 2, so no matter what you set it to, the game isn't going to run super fast.
If I'm right and it doesn't work for you, the modification that I made to make it work was changing the value in the Star Fox 2 .sfrom file at 0x0010003d from 46 to 47. I don't know if this has any other side effects, but I have played through the game a few times after doing this and it works fine.