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So how many of you that didn't want Nintendo online are hyped about DS online play?


It's kind of funny, I think. Not wanting Nintendo to go online with their home console, not to spend the money on 'servers' (when peer to peer gameplay would easily suffice) for the Gamecube to enable games that should have naturally gone online (Mario Kart, SSB, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, et al.) to go online. But hey now we have a system that'll be an afterthought so it's a-ok?

Just seems a bit hypocritical to me, is all.

Anyway, I gotta go practice for both my Madden and ESPN NFL and NBA league games, that we're playing - y'know- online.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Congratulations! This is the 31st DS topic posted today!

Why wasn't there an official topic, by God?!


I don't think Nintendo fanboys said they didn't want Nintendo online.

More like we understand the decision to not want to throw too much money away just yet. Unless setting up DS servers is going to be equal to what it would be on GCN, then I don't see the reasoning...

That said, if Nintendo does go online, as a Nintendo fanboy, I want it to be cheap, fast, and with NO SLOWDOWN on fast games like Mario Kart and Smash Brothers...

I'd rather have no online than shoddy online...

If a DS game does go online though, it doesn't really look too taxing... I fail to see the point in comparing them.

It would be like comparing 2-d online games (Chess, Poker, etc...) with Halo 2 online. Totally different situations...


Seriously... I remember some folks worshipping at the altar of Nintendo and saying "yes, yes, this is the correct decision to help Nintendo's plan of world dominance! Yippee!" But did anyone really say that they were GLAD that MKDD, F-Zero, etc. didn't have online play?

edit: haha, nm



Online support for console games is soooooooooo NOT REVOLUTIONARY. With its 2 marvelous screens, Nintendo has assured an amazingly original approach to online gaming and gaming in general. No more wasted time pressing select for maps or items. No more wasted time using a second stick/pad to control the camera. Hell, now we don't even have to bother talking to someone through that voice chat support that some arcaic consoles use, we just write down in the incredible touch pad with a stylus pen.

Online only works for handheld systems at least until the REAL REVOLUTION in which the magnificent nintendo will come back and implement a ground breaking online system.


BTW, I'm not hyped at all about online play on DS, I knew there could be communication, but I thought Reggie said gameplay wasn't possible...

Either way, I just want to be able to plug in a play my games. If I do ever venture into the online stuff, I'll probably only bother with it if it's easy and hassle-free...

If anything, I'm excited about being able to play wireless with pals (especially Advance Wars DS, since we've been playing AW2 weekly for years now) and the new gameplay.


Not really. Mario 64 is 3D, correct?

Seriously... I remember some folks worshipping at the altar of Nintendo and saying "yes, yes, this is the correct decision to help Nintendo's plan of world dominance! Yippee!" But did anyone really say that they were GLAD that MKDD, F-Zero, etc. didn't have online play?

So... how is that different from my point? Being happy Nintendo isn't going online for (non-sensical) financial reasons = not wanting them to go online, right? In fact I remember many of the same people that scoffed at the XBL numbers and features, saying online play was just a fad clamoring about when those photoshopped pictures of the guy using some sort of online matchmaking service with the GC were released.

I used to think Nbots were more republican like, but now I see they are flip floppers like Kerry.


I don't think Nintendo fanboys said they didn't want Nintendo online.
BTW, I'm not hyped at all about online play on DS



Nintendo online free = :thumbsup
Nintendo online not free = :thumbsdown (I don't care if I can play Mario Kart online, I'm not paying extra for it!)

Just want to make my position crystal clear.


I see great potential in this thread for exciting ideas, well thought out talking points and stimulating dialogue!


Well, I'm not saying I don't want Nintendo to release that F-Zero GP on GBA, I'm just not hyped about it.

Just because I'm not hyped about something doesn't mean I'm complaining if Nintendo is doing it...


works for Gamestop (lol)
Man, I wished someone archived that "Who cares about online play" thread before we got the new forums. Argh.

N-Fans are teh flip-floppers.


Soul4ger said:
Man, I would still kill from an online version of F-Zero GX. :( Why'd someone bring that up?

Fuck, even LAN play would've been nice (which I thought was rumored to be available early in development, IIRC *sigh*).


fennec fox said:
Why wasn't there an official topic, by God?!
I think the thread that's closest to being the official DS thread is reaching 800 replies, and I suspect it helped bring down the board earlier today.


How could I be hyped?

I have no idea which games use it, how it works, how complicated set-up is, where I need to be with what wireless networks, what I need to own.

How is not being hyped about all that equivalent to saying I don't want Nintendo doing online...


Wellington said:
So... how is that different from my point? Being happy Nintendo isn't going online for (non-sensical) financial reasons = not wanting them to go online, right? In fact I remember many of the same people that scoffed at the XBL numbers and features, saying online play was just a fad clamoring about when those photoshopped pictures of the guy using some sort of online matchmaking service with the GC were released.
Okay, I see what you're saying. That seemed (to me, at least) to be a "defend the hive" kind of thing... trying to justify Nintendo's refusal to get with the program. I thought you meant that ,say, given the choice between F-Zero with online play and F-Zero without, they'd choose the one without.

I used to think Nbots were more republican like, but now I see they are flip floppers like Kerry.
"We actually voted for online after we voted against it"


impirius said:
Okay, I see what you're saying. That seemed (to me, at least) to be a "defend the hive" kind of thing... trying to justify Nintendo's refusal to get with the program. I thought you meant that ,say, given the choice between F-Zero with online play and F-Zero without, they'd choose the one without.

"We actually voted for online after we voted against it"

So we're in agreement that online gaming was the future back in 2001? (The present now, I guess)


The way NBots talked about their understanding of Nintendo not spending some of their $5 billion in cash reserves on servers for Cube games a couple years back, you would've thought they would've wound up in a Sega-like or even Acclaim-like state if they actually dipped into that cash pool. Don't know how they can boast about all the money Nintendo has saved up in their jeans, then turn around and actually get excited that they're not spending any of it for their entertainment, which as far as I know is all the gamer should be concerned with. But hey, I guess online gaming is no longer a fad now...whatever.


Nobody didn't want Nintendo games online. N-fans didn't care that Nintendo chose not to go online yet.
:lol I don't follow the justification tha tonline gaming is bad myself, but the way it's implemented in terms of cost and what not may be understandable. I know of a lot of people who just find it odd paying money to unlock a part of game they've already paid for. They just don't "get" the concept of servers and whatnot costing money and that's essesntially what you're paying for.

Personally I've never been bothered with online game on or off consoles. The lack of it on GC was really disappointing, I can't say I didn't have fun without it, but there was just something more I yearned for in multiplayer games. Thing is though, I'm sticking with PC online for the moment. I don't have my PS2 online at all, mainly because I have no interest in their online lineup, other than FFXI, but that was released on PC long before the PS2 version.


rollin' in the gutter
I've always wanted nintendo online. I'm just broke so i stick with the games i like most. Although i will be getting a PSTwo for my birthday/christmas. I want nintendo to do well, but i'm not going to make excuses for them not going online. They would have killed with a pokemon, smash bros., etc online.


If online is free I'm stoked, if it is a one time fee, that's fine too, but monthly charges suck. My Xbox is plenty fun without Live, I'm sure DS would be too.
ohamsie said:
If online is free I'm stoked, if it is a one time fee, that's fine too, but monthly charges suck. My Xbox is plenty fun without Live, I'm sure DS would be too.

Exactly. Paying for a service i can get for free on PC is ludicrous.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
fennec fox said:
Congratulations! This is the 31st DS topic posted today!

Why wasn't there an official topic, by God?!
He's just testing the server's load tolerance, I'm sure.


Wellington said:
So we're in agreement that online gaming was the future back in 2001? (The present now, I guess)
Of course. It's something that gamers want and expect.

I'll say this, though; it's got a long way to go, especially on consoles. The only really great online experiences I've had are the Unreal Tournament games. I used my last Live account a total of 15 times maybe. I'm hoping that Halo 2 and R&C:UYA come through.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm totally indifferent to online gaming at home. Too much of a hassle, and I won't even consider it if I have to pay. But if it's literally as simple as popping in a cart and hitting a switch, and I don't have to pay any fees, then I won't complain either. Probably still wouldn't play it much, however.


But if it's literally as simple as popping in a cart and hitting a switch, and I don't have to pay any fees, then I won't complain either.

Exactly. That's what I loved about the DC so much. I could just go online for free if I already had the system hooked up via modem. If it's online capable for free out of the box, then sign me up. I'm not going to pay money a month on top of a system and a game I've already paid for so I can have the "privelege" of playing multiplayer with more people.

Up Your Arsenal is pushing it, but I might just sell my PS2 for the newer model instead.
=W= said:
Nobody didn't want Nintendo games online. N-fans didn't care that Nintendo chose not to go online yet.

And really, I'm more interested in DS online than GCN online. I for one have a satellite connection, so the lag makes online games with any action not really feasible. Turn-based strategy games are more of a force on portables, though, so something like online play for Advance Wars DS would work much better. Or a Pokémon battle wouldn't be hurt by an extra second of latency.


Will start substantiating his hate
There's a difference between understanding and respecting Nintendo's arguments for not going online and actually not wanting them to go online. I would personally like them to go online but I can't understand why they haven't so far.


For a Finer World
To be fair, DS wireless online play is different than GameCube online would've been.

I am hyped about trading stuff online in Animal Crossing and trading Pokémon in a future DS version, or perhaps even playing a round of golf in Mario Golf and having a battle in Advance Wars DS.

But that isn't what online has been for console manufacturers thus far: copying the PC online fps culture onto their own platform and maybe even charging for it.


Ristamar said:
Fuck, even LAN play would've been nice (which I thought was rumored to be available early in development, IIRC *sigh*).
Believe it or not, LAN play was actually in F-Zero, but Nintendo had it cut because they thought it detracted from the single player focus... meanwhile their own teams threw LAN options into Kirby and Mario Kart. :/
efralope said:
BTW, I'm not hyped at all about online play on DS

Time to keep this one for future reference.

I agree with CK, very hypocritical of the hive (not all, but most of its members) to poo-poo online gameplay on GC and then praise DS' wireless LAN (or is it true wireless Ethernet across the nation/world?) gaming capabilities as the second coming of Christ.


efralope said:
I don't think Nintendo fanboys said they didn't want Nintendo online.

More like we understand the decision to not want to throw too much money away just yet. Unless setting up DS servers is going to be equal to what it would be on GCN, then I don't see the reasoning...

That said, if Nintendo does go online, as a Nintendo fanboy, I want it to be cheap, fast, and with NO SLOWDOWN on fast games like Mario Kart and Smash Brothers...

I'd rather have no online than shoddy online...

If a DS game does go online though, it doesn't really look too taxing... I fail to see the point in comparing them.

It would be like comparing 2-d online games (Chess, Poker, etc...) with Halo 2 online. Totally different situations...

Wow, you speak for all nintendo fanboys?

No slowdowns? Is nintendo going to go to everyones house and upgrade their connection speed? You can have the fastest servers ever, clustered and loadbalanced and you will still have latency if someone has a slow connection. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Nintendo fans just don't understand that the expense for nintendo to have a few matching servers is very minimal.


Let's say, hypothetically (including figures), you're a company with products and services around the world. Now, a new service is being implemented by your competitors.

The new service has a 4% adoption rate and is only being used by the core audience, not to mention being implemented by less than a third of the developers.

However, even providing the inherent service in your platform introduces a new monthly fixed cost of 3000% compared to normal titles. Plus, you aren't certain you'll be able to make that 3000% back unless developers help you out by producing high quality titles.

So now you're providing an expensive, totally non-cost-effective service which is dependent on 4% of your audience, whose purchases depend on good titles produced by less than 33% of developers creating content for your platform.

Ignoring logistics, administrative costs, technology requirements and limitations, etc., is this a profitable avenue to walk down for a business when considering the big picture (the other 96% of the audience)?


No online - Ninty games don't need any gimmicks! I don't even like to play with random folks!!! Online gaming is a fad, I tell you!!!

Online - OMG, it's gonna rawk! I can't wait to try wireless multiplayer! Ninty is teh innovative!



sohka88 said:
Wow, you speak for all nintendo fanboys?

No slowdowns? Is nintendo going to go to everyones house and upgrade their connection speed? You can have the fastest servers ever, clustered and loadbalanced and you will still have latency if someone has a slow connection. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Nintendo fans just don't understand that the expense for nintendo to have a few matching servers is very minimal.

kis kis


ohamsie said:
If online is free I'm stoked, if it is a one time fee, that's fine too, but monthly charges suck. My Xbox is plenty fun without Live, I'm sure DS would be too.

Online gaming on any platform isn't free. Never has been, never will be. With the DS, you'll still need broadband and a wireless access point. That means ISP fees and equipment fees.

So maybe you'll just play from free hot spots... the money you spend for gas or bus fare getting to the hotspots will add up to more than the $4.17 it costs per month for XBL.

Exactly. Paying for a service i can get for free on PC is ludicrous.

Please name a service on a PC that does what XBL does.


jedimike said:
Online gaming on any platform isn't free. Never has been, never will be. With the DS, you'll still need broadband and a wireless access point. That means ISP fees and equipment fees.

So maybe you'll just play from free hot spots... the money you spend for gas or bus fare getting to the hotspots will add up to more than the $4.17 it costs per month for XBL.
I like how you add ISP/equipment costs on one side but not the other. :p

Deku Tree

You know, when MS and Sony were online and Nintendo wasn't I thought it was a gimmick and I didn't want any of it.

But now that Nintendo is going online I think it's the greatest thing ever in the history of video games and Nintendo has far and away the best online plan.

BTW, what is Nintendo's online plan?
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