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So Sony did not give Jahtzee (Zero Punctuation) a review copy of Ratchet & Clank because they don't like his style.


Gold Member
Page 13!
Head Explode GIF by memecandy
Sony does not give a shitty third rate reviewer a review copy as it is within their rights, so OP is happy he didn't buy a PS5 as a result....

That's right kids, the logic totally makes sense :) /s


And the funny thing the more "this a non story" or the "who?" people post to show how amazing they are, the longer it gets.
huh? I genuinely don't understand what the big deal is. I'm not showing how "amazing" I am.

Yahtzee apparently even got a copy and reviewed the game anyway.
I don't see why if he got a free copy from Sony or not should even matter to his audience since the review/critique is all they should be concerned with.
Hell if anything I figure most people would appreciate him purchasing his own copy as it would instill more confidence in his opinion since his money would be on the line much like the average consumer.


I worked in the industry from 1999 to 2009 and we never ever did not get a review copy or anything like that. Maybe it was different in the US.
So 3 people on this site 2 of whom worked longer in the industry or used to work longer contradicts what you say. We know who they are or worked for. Who is you?


Reseterror Resettler
huh? I genuinely don't understand what the big deal is. I'm not showing how "amazing" I am.

Yahtzee apparently even got a copy and reviewed the game anyway.
I don't see why if he got a free copy from Sony or not should even matter to his audience since the review/critique is all they should be concerned with.
Hell if anything I figure most people would appreciate him purchasing his own copy as it would instill more confidence in his opinion since his money would be on the line much like the average consumer.

It's because everything has to be meta since Schreier and Sterling proved that critiquing the industry is more lucrative than critiquing the games. Despite the fact that most of the armchair analysts who reward this kind of behavior with sloppy backseat how-do-you-do's are really just ignorant gamers like us, and not the Che Guevara of the entertainment industry like they wrote on their Octacon 2017 laminated badge.
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How far up their own ass are Sony nowadays. Holy shit.

Censoring Japanese games, not giving reviewers copies, because they don't like their style?

I am very happy, that I did not buy a PS5.

Reviewers = Paid Marketing. If you make bad marketing you wont get another job. lol

Better get the game yourself and review it.
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