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So what do you think Retro will do next?


Metroid Prime 2 will be done in about 2-3 months.(yes pal is also 2004). I am wondering if Retro will move to the Revolution platform, or manage one last game on the GC before the change.

I wouldn't mind if they started to plan a Revolution title since it could become AAA launch material which would be a very good start for the next Nintendo console.

Another question of interest would be if they'll make another Metroid title, or doing something original.

I wouldn't mind something original, but at the same time I love the Metroid games so I am fine with either. Also it would be interesting to see how Retro would handle a brand "new" game since they couldn't rely on the Metroid franchise anymore.
I'd like to see anything but Metroid from them. Not that Metroid is a bad thing, but Retro obviously has a lot of talent, and I'd like to see what they could do with another genre.

aoi tsuki

Take a vacation? Considering the amount of polish put into Metroid Prime, and the expectations of both Nintendo and fans for both games, i think they're about due for one.


We might see Retro expands in the next year or two. One team whoring Metroid Prime 3 and another something else.:rolleyes:


Queen of Denmark
It'll probably be something Revolution, unless they've somehow been setting up another GC game while working on MP2, which I doubt. If they started from scratch now, they could probably get something quality out for the GC a few months before the Revolution's launch... a time when the GC will almost certainly be winding down.

As far as what the game will be, I have no idea. Metroid would be a nice Western title for Revolution's launch (it's not a GTA blockbuster, but the first certainly sold more than decently), but the team has to be getting burned out on the franchise by now. Maybe some other more adult-oriented game?


They should revive Raven Blade. I don't know if it should be this gen, or next, but they shouldn't just let it die. The code must still be around right?





















This game was being made, and was scrapped before the GC was released in Japan, but alot has changed since then. Retro isn't on the brink of death, and Metroid Prime rocks.

I hope Nintendo gives it a chance again someday :).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Metroid. If it was a third game on the same system, I'm sure a lot of them really wouldn't want to do it, but the chance to work with new technology (and perhaps new controls) which will perhaps allow them to do things this gen that they just can't ought to solve that problem.


I believe that Nintendo, after MP2, will expand the studio so one team can work on Metroid for the Revolution, and another team work on something new.


Retro no doubt has a ton of ideas for games. But as someone said, now that they are 100% owned by Nintendo, the only games they'll be able to make will be ones that are given the green light by N.


I think Retro will move to another platform. I mean, at one point, we were discussing the remote possibility -- however unlikely -- that Metroid Prime 2 would end up on another platform. So, I think it goes without saying that it won't be making another GameCube game.

I think Metroid Prime 2 will be the real test of Retro's talent, though. If that game is good, then I think it's safe to say that the studio has some real, long-term talent. I say that because 1.) any studio can produce one hit (as Retro has already done with Metroid Prime), and 2.) Retro doesn't have as much help from Shigeru Miyamoto this time. So if Metroid Prime 2 is still astounding without his help, then Retro must know what it's doing. I do know that a few people have said that Metroid Prime 2 seems a bit dull compared to the original, but I guess we'll see once it's released.

Whatever their next game is, I hope it's not Metroid or any other Nintendo-related property. I want something new, not yet another sequel. The last thing Nintendo's systems need are Nintendo sequels.


Sucks at viral marketing
We're still 2 years away from Revolution's launch. There's no reason why retro couldn't have something else out before then. I hope they either finish up one the canceled games (I'd prefer Thunder Rally) or create a new game using the MP/MP2 engine.

I'd imagine that Revolution R&D has already begun at Retro. Once MP2 is finished off, that'll kick up a notch. I think they should send their top programmer/artists onto a next-gen project (MP3), while the rest have a year to year-and-a-half to complete one more GCN game using exsisting technologies.
I think it goes without saying that their next game will be on the Revolution. I also agree with the others that have said Retro will probably expand to include one team to work on Metroid and at least one other team to work on something else. I expect their first Revolution title to be something non-Metroid (though possibly still drawing on a Nintendo franchise), with Metroid following later in the Revolution's lifecycle.

One thing that would really surprise me is if they resurrected any of those old canceled titles, as opposed to starting fresh. I just don't think there's going to be much of a lure for people at Retro now to go back and re-start those old games.


Will start substantiating his hate
Raven Blade was canned because the game was going nowhere. Thunder Rally/Car Combat OTOH could be revived but at this point there's no market for it on GC and I'm sure the graphics would need an overhaul as well.

Kon Tiki

Code_Link said:
And yet it looks better than Galleon. A recently released title. :(

Worse than sudeki.
Would you like to continue?

Raven Blade was canned because the game was going nowhere. Thunder Rally/Car Combat OTOH could be revived but at this point there's no market for it on GC and I'm sure the graphics would need an overhaul as well.

i thought that was the most promising one.

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar
(Today, 05:07 PM)
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Sorry, but LOL!


Will start substantiating his hate

> There's no reason why retro couldn't have something else out before then.

Retro is a small team. If they want to release something at or close to launch there's no time for more GC projects.


Society said:
Worse than sudeki.
Would you like to continue?

Oh I'm sorry, did I give you the impression of trying to make a fanboy war? because I didn't. I'm just stating the truth, Galleon looks like crap.

And no shit sherlock, of course Sudeki looks better, it's a newer product and the graphics are brilliant.

The funny thing is that Raven Blade is an old product and Galleon isn't, and still looks like crap in comparison.

Kon Tiki

Code_Link said:
Oh I'm sorry, did I give you the impression of trying to make a fanboy war? because I didn't. I'm just stating the truth, Galleon looks like crap.

And no shit sherlock, of course Sudeki looks better, it's a newer product and the graphics are brilliant.

The funny thing is that Raven Blade is an old product and Galleon isn't, and still looks like crap in comparison.

Sudeki matched the style and studio size/talent moreso than Galleon.


I believe nintendo canned alot of people of retro, so maybe those who was wokring on raven blade dont even work there anymore.

Kon Tiki

MaddenNFL64 said:
Retro stopped working on Raven Blade over 3 years ago. Not quite fair to put it up against Sudeki :\.

Which brings me back to my point.... IT IS SHOWING ITS AGE.

This gen has advanced so quickly. :(


I'd love to see anything but Metroid at this point. While I love the Metroid series, I'm getting a little burned out on it. Sure, we had a whole generation of a break between titles in the series, but having Prime, Prime 2, Fusion, and Zero mission all in the course of a few years is just a little much. Not only that, but I'd love to see what they could do with an entirely different genre and/or an original property.


SantaCruZer said:
I believe nintendo canned alot of people of retro, so maybe those who was wokring on raven blade dont even work there anymore.

That really doesn't matter. MP2 has alot of new blood working on it, and look what they're doing. Raven Blade is still Retro/Nintendo's IP, so who's working on it is irrelevant.


I hope it's not another Metroid; they will burn out like Factor 5. I also don't want a racer (enough already) so I would like to see a platform game.


SantaCruZer said:
I believe nintendo canned alot of people of retro, so maybe those who was wokring on raven blade dont even work there anymore.

Thats what I think. I remember the old articles at Retro's "height" of employment stated that there were about 100 people working there.

At E3, a Retro guy told me that only 50 people are employed now, and five of those are non-development (company infrastructure) releated.
MaddenNFL64 said:
That really doesn't matter. MP2 has alot of new blood working on it, and look what they're doing. Raven Blade is still Retro/Nintendo's IP, so who's working on it is irrelevant.

Well I think it matters in the sense that there's not much compelling them to go back to it. I mean reportedly the only reason Raven Blade lasted as long as it did is that it was Jeff Spangenberg's favorites and one of the first games he had in mind when Retro was started in 1998.

So without a personal connection, I don't see why the people at Retro would prefer to work on Jeff Spangenberg's pet project that will be 6 or 7 years old by the time the Revolution launches, as opposed to their own ideas.

I mean they need more than the fact that Nintendo owns it. It's an absolutely worthless "brand" (if you can even call it that).

And I think Nintendo would rather greenlight something else, rather than having yet another set of people trying to fix the same old broken game.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I don't understand why people want Raven Blade to come back. So the game had some kinda cool graphics, who cares? All reports said the gameplay was an absolute mess and that no one at Retro could decide either the major mechanics or smaller aspects. There's a reason it was canned, and it wasn't just to focus on Metroid.


It doesn't have to be released as it was. There is alot there already, just collecting dust. Get some new ideas & make it something new if you have to.

But if Raven Blade can't be revived, I wouldn't mind a FPS from them. They obviously know how, and it would probably be really good.
MaddenNFL64 said:
It doesn't have to be released as it was. There is alot there already, just collecting dust. Get some new ideas & make it something new if you have to.

But if Raven Blade can't be revived, I wouldn't mind a FPS from them. They obviously know how, and it would probably be really good.

Well for one thing, I'm not sure there's actually "a lot" (I mean that was supposed to be part of the problem, there really wasn't much going on with the game at all), especially if you're talking about a next gen release.

The thing is, Retro making an action RPG and Retro reviving Raven Blade are not mutually exclusive. I mean if that's the type of game they want to do next, I think they'd be better off just starting ocmpletely from scratch.
I think Nintendo should look into increasing the size of the team... perhaps so they don't have to concentrate on only a single game at a time. Maybe that would be detrimental though, I don't know.

In the meantime, they obviously are most used to FPS games (even before MP), so I think that's what they should stick with. I'd honestly like to see something more traditional from them, with some sort of twist... but not in the same vein as MP.


When we had a thread several months ago talking about Turok, I remember saying that I'd hope that Nintendo would get the IP and let Retro have at it considering that there are some Iguana alumni working there. Next generation hardware would be perfect for a truly inspired realization of the Turok universe (the N64 wasn't enough for what they were trying to do IMO). It's unfortunate that the last Turok was atrocious. No one, let alone Nintendo and Retro, are likely to touch it now.


A Halo killer.

Matter of fact, just call it Halo Killer. Insta multimillion seller.

Ok, seriously... I'd like to see them make a FPS.


after MP 2 bombs both critically and sales wise retro will get sold off to EA where they'll become dedicated sims 2 expansion team.
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