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So what do you think Retro will do next?


insert blank space here
Buck said:
Nintendo does too need saving, look at their anemic software sales for both gamecube and GBA. Just look at how poorly the last zelda game sold, it's down to what 10k a month now? While halo has 100k a month and it's 3 years old.

Sometimes i wonder how big their install base really is, once you count out all the people that bought cubes in the beginning and after the initial disappointment either ebayed them to mexicans or just let their cube sit in a closet and gather dust like every single person i know who owns one has.

Really now think about it. we've all heard the countless stories of people who bought a cube for some overhyped game like zelda or REmake or something and just got rid of it because there's nothing else to play.

Buck said:
REmake is super awesome!


Buck said:
it's too late for nintendo, nothing will save gamecube, revolution, or nds. Gamers dont want another mario, another zelda, another zelda spinoff, another mario party, or another game with mario playing some sport. they have got to make new franchises and get 3rd party support where it counts if they want to compete. No more shoddy 5 month late multiplatform releases either.

im afraid the only thing that will save nintendo is them going 3rd party, sorry kids.

Buck said:
it's all over now. gamecube is doomed, no hope for revolution, NDS psp0wned. UBI will now use poor sales as ammunition to dump GAMECUBE. d00000m3d!!!

Buck said:
o boy o boy o boy more mario and more zelda, everybody loves mario and zelda right? How can they possibly lose?

Mario is playing tennis!
Mario is having a party!
Mario is playing golf!
Mario is riding a go kart!

Creatively bankrupt.

Buck said:
after MP 2 bombs both critically and sales wise retro will get sold off to EA where they'll become dedicated sims 2 expansion team.

I hope you're joking or banned.
Welcome to GA.


i'd like to see them work on Revolution after this with an original title, and perhaps get back into Metroid after Revolution's launch.
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