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So why didn't you like The Dark Knight Rises? Nolan trilogy spoilers of course.

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It feels too bloated. Should have been a 2- part film. There are genuinely some of the best scenes in the trilogy like Banes plane heist, Banes revolution and The Pit escape but they are surrounded by some crap stuff.
Its a fun flick with a fair amount of dumb plot holes for a nolan flick. Bale was never a great batman, ben affleck is the best live action batman.
I liked it but Bane wasn't that great of a villain compared to the Joker. I would have rather seen Penguin with Robin Williams or Phillip Seymour Hoffman (both RIP).


As a MOVIE, they're all varying degrees of good. TDK being a spectacular film.

As BATMAN STORIES, they're spotty at best. Begins is still my favorite by a mile.


In the 3rd move the batman voice really grated me. Especially when he was talking to people who arleady knew he was Bruce Wayne


Because the trigger was a deterrent, but they didn't plan on surviving, it was a kamikaze mission to complete Ra's al Ghul plan.

This movie was great, and most people agree. Bane was the shit, scary man.

That still didn't answer the question. I knew it was a kamikaze mission but why are they waiting around letting Batman stop them when they have a trigger? Push the trigger when you see Batman you idiots. My problem is why does the trigger exist in this scenario when the entire plot revolves around them having to wait for it to meltdown before it can explode?


I wish I could put into words why I don't like movies I don't like, but I didn't like TDKR. I liked Begins and TDK.

I feel like Nolan has just gone downhill since Inception, I didn't like it either. Interstellar was really bad at times as well.


Un Rama
In the 3rd move the batman voice really grated me. Especially when he was talking to people who arleady knew he was Bruce Wayne

One of the biggest missteps of The Dark Knight Rises for me was when he uses his Bat-voice to reveal to Gordon that he is Bruce Wayne. It's supposed to be this big emotional punch but the voice tanks the entire scene.


Plot holes, god awful action scenes, idiotic scenes like the bad logo of fire and many mentioned so far etc. It was just stupid and I honestly think Nolan barely cared. I don't think TDK is that far off it to be honest, it's elevated so much by the Joker and isn't so obviously stupid but still very similar to Rises.


It's the worst of the Nolan trilogy, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I still think it's better than any of the Marvel movies I've seen.

Objectively, you think it's better than Winter Soldier? I like Rises but only Nolans first two touch Winter Soldier IMO.
Joseph Gordon Levitt's stupid character. How the hell is he supposed to be the new Batman anyway? No ninja training. No money, unless Bruce left a secret stash for him with a ton of money or he diverts money from the orphanage or something.


Plot holes, god awful action scenes, idiotic scenes like the bad logo of fire and many mentioned so far etc. It was just stupid and I honestly think Nolan barely cared. I don't think TDK is that far off it to be honest, it's elevated so much by the Joker and isn't so obviously stupid but still very similar to Rises.

TDK has more going for it than just the Joker, but yes he is the a in highlight that elevates the film and the film does have its flaws.


That one of the plot points is that basically the entire police force gets trapped in the sewers just stretches my suspension of disbelief too much


Unconfirmed Member
Since TDKR is the sequel to TDK, I merely enjoy it.

If TDKR was a prequel to TDK, I'd love it.

Despite the film's inherent issues, that's a testament to how good the TDK was and how much TDKR had to live up to, which it couldn't, really.
I loved the whole montage scene in the prison with Bruce. He had to start all over again, like in BB. The simlariies between young Bruce falling into the hole to Bruce in prison hole: both having to face their fears, and climbing to the light.


Because they came from having one of the best movie villains of the last decade to having Bane. A guy who isn't that interesting to begin with and they kept making him more boring as the movies goes on.

Then you add the fact that the movie was a bit too long and slow, has some pretty obvious plot holes and that the actual batman action was still as bad or worse than in the other nolan movies and the result isn't as great as I had hoped for.

To be fair I still enjoyed it and the Nolan trilogy is still my favorite superhero saga put to film
Bane was kinda shitty. The performance wasn't, I just think Bane is shitty in general. The story was a bit too slow with not enough action.




The film was just way too goofy and corny. I mean a lot of the stuff the Joker pulls off in TDK is ridiculous and over-the-top but they just cranked up the silliness to 11/10 in TDKR.

Begins is still my favorite in the trilogy.

I really still believe that these awkward lines were due to the fact that the cowl had no nose holes in the mask, resulting in him sounding like hes got a fucking cold the entire time.

Unless these lines were recorded after the fact but it doesnt sound like they were.


It was the most sloppy in script, editing, acting and there were parts of it that were downright laughable in how it made no sense.


That still didn't answer the question. I knew it was a kamikaze mission but why are they waiting around letting Batman stop them when they have a trigger? Push the trigger when you see Batman you idiots. My problem is why does the trigger exist in this scenario when the entire plot revolves around them having to wait for it to meltdown before it can explode?
False hope. That was the whole point. Also, they DID push the trigger.. but it was already deactivated by Gordon. It's literally a line.


One of the biggest missteps of The Dark Knight Rises for me was when he uses his Bat-voice to reveal to Gordon that he is Bruce Wayne. It's supposed to be this big emotional punch but the voice tanks the entire scene.

I'd forgotten about this. The Bat-voice is easily one of my least favorite things about the trilogy. The voice altering software Battfleck uses is a much better solution.
It's a good movie, but there are some problems with it that make it the worst of the bunch:
  • In a 2h 45m movie, there is less than an hour of Batman
  • Story lacked focus, leading to a story that was all over the place
  • Didn't like Talia, Bane was fine but not as good as Joker
  • The ending of TDK and the beginning of TDKR don't mesh well
  • Introducing new characters in a conclusion story felt awkward


Objectively, you think it's better than Winter Soldier? I like Rises but only Nolans first two touch Winter Soldier IMO.

I haven't seen that one yet. I'm working my way through the Marvel movies and so far they're pretty ok but nothing to scream about.

Iron Man and Incredible Hulk were both good movies, definitely worse than Dark Knight Rises, but still good. Iron Man 2 was serviceable. Thor was fucking trash. Guardians of the Galaxy was pretty great. Thinking about it now and I might put that above DKR. It's been a little while since I've seen it (GotG was the only Marvel movie I saw in theaters when it released).

I haven't seen any of the others yet, but if they're similar quality I'm not sure I see many of them beating even DKR.


Objectively, you think it's better than Winter Soldier? I like Rises but only Nolans first two touch Winter Soldier IMO.

Eh. I know you're not asking me, but objectively, it's hard to argue that Rises tops Winter Soldier. It's a messy film that aims high but hits low - Winter Soldier is simpler (in a good way), more precise, and better crafted overall.

That said, Winter Soldier pretty clearly draws inspiration from the first two Nolan flicks (particularly TDK), so I think you've got that bolded bit backwards. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to insult it or anything. If you're going to be inspired by something, TDK and a handful of 70's political thrillers ain't a bad place to start.
TDKR is maybe the most picked apart and scrutinized film, at least online. The amount of gifs alone is weird, like those would proof that movie is terrible.


Really bad writing at times, sloppy, poorly edited, Batman finally figuring out that bane needs that mask he always wears, any action scenes, etc
I thought it was quite entertaining. In fact, I find it to be more watchable than TDK though I consider TDK to be a better movie with its strong acting.

Not that Rises is a popcorn flick (I hate that term), though I found Bane to be extremely fun despite his disappointing resolution. I also found the whole bomb part corny. And of course, Bruce returning to Gotham was hilarious in how much of a plot hole that was (a part of me already knows some GAF person is gonna explain this to me.)

For the hell of it, I'm just going to mention the movie has an 87% on RT.

I liked the movie but thought it would've actually been better if it were in two parts with the first part playing more like Knightfall. Bane slowly weakening Batman by making him go out night after night stopping crime with the back breaking scene at the end of the first movie. The second movie could've involved Batman's recovery and ending with him taking down Bane.

I just thought it tried to do too much in one movie, but overall it was good.


I liked it quite a bit and don't hate it but it is the weakest of the three.

Issue was they were never going to top TDK and Ledger was gone so they simply made a competent "comes out of retirement for one last time" action film and took ultimately dull path of "this times he's met his physical match" with Bane.

Opening action scene was terrific though and everything was competent just a little "flat" and "uninspired".


I found this laughable for some reason



Two things that took me out of the movie.

Bane: An antagonist you can barely understand, has no facial expression, and is revealed to be a lackey was really dumb. He didn't compare at all to Raz or the Joker. It felt like a step down in a series where the villian was always the shining point of the film.

Bomb Ending: For the third movie in a row the ending is "Bomb Strapped to a Vehicle." We had a Subway Train, a Boat... and now it was a Semi-Truck. It had the laziest implementation, and the laziest solution.
I didn't hate it, but it's rather weak compared to other Batman films not named Batman & Robin or Batman Forever.

I didn't like Catwoman at all. Maybe it's because I was spoiled by Michelle Pfeiffer and the Animated Series, but she didn't feel like Catwoman to me. Maybe it was Anne Hathaway.

Not being able to understand Bane without some kind of subtitles took me out of the film.

The Talia reveal was kinda lame to me.

The tone was just all over the place, and had a really forgettable 2nd act when Batman is recovering in the prison.
A damn good movie with flaws. Specially in the 3rd Act. Ending was great though.
I feel like the original plans for this movie went down the toilet after Ledger's death and performance, of course I'm just speculating.
I'm still shocked to this day that Nolan didn't choose to have the Riddler or Hush given that most of his films and the previous 2 Batman films had psychological themes to it. Bane without the venom felt different.


It is a film about a guy in a bat costume that takes itself too seriously.

Also, Nolan can't seem to be able to direct action sequences that make sense. And that stupid horn signalizing it is meant to be an epic moment playing every 5 minutes. The first two films, although flawed, are enjoyable, the last one is unbearable though. Not being able to understand a word Batman or Bane say it just the cherry on the top.


The plot was shit.
Bane's voice was awful.
There were many examples of really, really bad acting.
Not enough Jim Gordon. Not enough Alfred.
I don't really like the style of any of the movies personally, too grounded and they want to be too "believable". Burton had it right.

Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Keaton is the best.

Funny thing is: Everyone says that Nolans movies are too grounded and "realistic". Imo it's the opposite. Burtons Batman was way more realistic (aside from the fantasy villains like Penguin). The costume was perfect (and he doesn't look like a robot), the batmobile wasn't a high-tech tank and Bruce was a believable person.

+ Keaton kills. Fuck yeah. Best kill in the whole franchise, lol.



I disagree, and lol. Do what you need to do but I would say the same thing to anyone saying DKR is a 9.5 - now that is hilarious

Lol touché. FWIW, a 9.5 in my book is different to what you may consider a 9.5. I mean when it comes to scores, I'm quite lenient. For reference, BvS is a 7.5/10, Batman Begins is a 9/10 and TDK is a 10/10. Even if a movie has many flaws like TDKR, one cool thing can make me ignore them or mitigate the flaws.


Bane was fucking stupid in this. The Talia angle ruined him.

he should have been played by Bautista

Penguin or Riddler would have been better in Nolanverse
I skimmed the thread and didn't see an explanation...

Did people ever come up with a reason why or how Bruce took the time to prepare his enormous flaming bat symbol contraption when they were literally racing against a ticking nuclear time bomb?

I've seen various explanations for the film's other issues, but never this. I'm genuinely curious.


One of my biggest problems with the film has always been the look they settled on for Anne Hathaway's Catwoman. It's just so ugly.


I mean seriously, what the hell is this? Why did they put her in an absolutely hideous, less stylish version of Julie Newman's outfit from the 1960s? What's with the ugly, clunky headpiece?

And why is her hair so long? And brown? As a cat burglar, wouldn't her hair constantly be getting caught on stuff? Why not just cut it short and black like the comics?

The worst part is, Anne ended up cutting it a few months later for her next film, Le Mis in such a way that was identical with the Catwoman in the comic books.




Funny thing is when what would be the final Catwoman costume was first revealed and people complained, Hathaway said something about how that's only 1 of a few costumes or something.
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