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Persona7 said:
hah, I gave up on elite after dying 14 times in a row on the second mission

maybe someday
I died at least 50 times against the frigate on mission 4. Unless I'm completely overlooking something, there's absolutely no indication whether or not the strike will damage you despite being behind cover. Couple that with the constant caretaking of your teammates who are required to distract, but completely fail the mission for you should they die out of reach... not fun. I'm sure there's a specific route they want you to take, but it's not clear to me.

The lack of shoulder swap never bothered me in MP considering the pace, but it's a glaring issue in SP when the enemy approaches your left side and can knock you out in 3-4 shots before you even get a chance to see them.


First Confrontation and now S4. Why can't we ever get a smooth online experience with SOCOM at launch? lol. PSN going down like this couldn't come at a better time.


plainr_ said:
First Confrontation and now S4. Why can't we ever get a smooth online experience with SOCOM at launch? lol. PSN going down like this couldn't come at a better time.

better? I'd say couldn't come at a worse time.
Mikasangelos said:
Im playing on Normal.......
That is all, carry on.

Dude, I can't make it pass level 1 -- I figure with all this downtime I'd take advantage of it. SP Campaign just isn't me. Glad to hear you guys are enjoying it though.


The campaign is so much better than people have let on.

But there is a trick to enjoying it.

Skip the cut scenes. The actual game sans cut scenes is soooo good. set it to hard and just skip the talking. Does actually feel like a socom single player experience of old sans the voice commands, that is still the hardest thing to come to terms with.

I welcome zippers next single player experience if they promise to get outside help for their story and character design. outside of that just stick to the excellent gameplay and leave the stories to david cage and kojima.
Cutscenes aren't that bad, but they kind of show the lack of graphical polish the game has. The main character has some freaky eyes too.

I can see lot of players being frustrated with the SP because at times it feels very trial and error.

It's reminding me greatly of the GRAW games though, has similar feel to me, though the AI in this doesn't constantly stand and shoot at walls or blow itself up with it's own rocket launchers.
Wasn't going to get Socom 4 until they fixed certain things, but yesterday I realised there would be a 4-day weekend ahead of me and the temptation got to me, so I bought the damn game. Then when I got home and put S4 in my Ps3 ready for MP, I can't connect to PSN. Socom is all about multiplayer for me, Confrontation is my most played game this gen, surpassing CoD4 and Warhawk by hundreds of hours, so it's kind of bummer I can't play the part which I want to play the most. Oh well, started the SP campaign on hard yesterday and the camera doesn't seem to be fixed/there's still no shoulder swap button?

Also, do weapon unlocks & mods carry over to the multiplayer and coop part of S4 or do I habe to start at 0 again?

bob page

I started the campaign last night and don't really like it so far (which is what I was expecting anyways). I'm playing on hard and it seems like taking enemy groups with your squad is much harder than it should be. Also, is it just me or do the graphics look better in multiplayer than single player? The first level had a ton of jaggies- the second looked better but still not as polished as multiplayer.

Moral of the story: I still love multiplayer but single player isn't really doing it for me.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Greg said:
I died at least 50 times against the frigate on mission 4. Unless I'm completely overlooking something, there's absolutely no indication whether or not the strike will damage you despite being behind cover. Couple that with the constant caretaking of your teammates who are required to distract, but completely fail the mission for you should they die out of reach... not fun. I'm sure there's a specific route they want you to take, but it's not clear to me.

The lack of shoulder swap never bothered me in MP considering the pace, but it's a glaring issue in SP when the enemy approaches your left side and can knock you out in 3-4 shots before you even get a chance to see them.
I haven't done it on Elite yet, but I died like 20 times on Hard trying to figure it out so I think I got it. Right after you come out of the warehouse make a right and kill the two guys. Head towards the marker on the right, the frigate will hit the containers blocking your path, head left but make sure you use the concrete walls directly in front of the frigate as cover (don't have to go into cover near them just crouch near them). Once you make it to the other side the frigate will hit another red container. Go around the red container so it stands between you and the frigate. Guards will be released at around this time, get into cover ASAP and push Blue team into the cover closest to the enemy spawn points so they don't rush you. As soon as the guards are dead move forward near the blue container behind the red container, the frigate will stop shooting once you reach this point.

Other than the part where you have to push blue team forward, you don't really have to use them as a distraction.


Greg said:
I died at least 50 times against the frigate on mission 4. Unless I'm completely overlooking something, there's absolutely no indication whether or not the strike will damage you despite being behind cover. Couple that with the constant caretaking of your teammates who are required to distract, but completely fail the mission for you should they die out of reach... not fun. I'm sure there's a specific route they want you to take, but it's not clear to me.

The lack of shoulder swap never bothered me in MP considering the pace, but it's a glaring issue in SP when the enemy approaches your left side and can knock you out in 3-4 shots before you even get a chance to see them.

You can take two paths. left or right. Left requires a lot of squad management, good positition, plenty of fire fights.

take the right side instead. kill those 2 initial guys, and take your squad around back closer to the building away from that first freight car as it will blow up. go around and around and around you'll eventually get on the frigate and away from the guns range.

I died a lot too in that one at first. it gets better if you can remember to command your squad to go weapons free on targets while you move around to get better vantage points.

Your basically playing Port Authority only offline and with a huge canon blasting at you..


Thanks, Killthee and Raoh - I finally got it last night. I had no issues with Normal, but Elite was definitely kicking my ass there for a while.

Ended up keeping both squads in the start building at first. Kill the two guys on the right, make the crates fall, run to the left to trigger the enemy spawns. Told blue squad to move up and take the ship's fire off me as I sprinted back to start building. Then I just issued kills and took people out with yellow team from the comfort of that building and kept sending blue team up to draw fire and then back to cover so the enemies ran out in the open.

Up to mission 6 now. Elite is definitely more patience than anything.

FoxhoundNL said:
Also, do weapon unlocks & mods carry over to the multiplayer and coop part of S4 or do I habe to start at 0 again?
SP/co-op are linked.

MP is separate.

bob page said:
I started the campaign last night and don't really like it so far (which is what I was expecting anyways). I'm playing on hard and it seems like taking enemy groups with your squad is much harder than it should be. Also, is it just me or do the graphics look better in multiplayer than single player? The first level had a ton of jaggies- the second looked better but still not as polished as multiplayer.

Moral of the story: I still love multiplayer but single player isn't really doing it for me.
The graphics in that first level gave me a bad feeling, but it actually does turn around quite well.
im playing on hard and just got to level 11. The game sure picks up difficulty later on. I am really enjoying the single player campaign and if it wasn't for the PSN outage I might not have even given it a shot!


i'm finding the single player kind of hard. its good but playing it on hard i died a bunch of times in the very first part
panda21 said:
i'm finding the single player kind of hard. its good but playing it on hard i died a bunch of times in the very first part

on hard you need to really utilize your squads and position them well for each battle. i tried rambo style on hard and it only got me killed over and over. I almost feel like I am hanging around in the background while my squads are fighting and I pick off stragglers and revive when needed. Seems to work pretty well.


so my saved data seems to have been hosed somehow :S

it seemed to remember that i was playing it on hard, since it gave me the option to redeploy on hard, but that just put me back right at the start of the game. is that supposed to happen?its also completely forgotten about my inversion preferences so i guess this is not normal? how does saving work in this??

i checked and i am definitely using the right profile

bob page

I'm on mission 5 and it's definitely getting better. Still some issues but I'm liking the campaign pretty much the same as Killzone 3 so far.

SOCOM 4 online is still far better though.


so does the campaign only save once you complete a mission or something? i started again and completed the first mission and it seems to have saved it

incidentally is there a snow level? (spoiler the reply if you want incase others don't want to know)


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
panda21 said:
so does the campaign only save once you complete a mission or something? i started again and completed the first mission and it seems to have saved it

incidentally is there a snow level? (spoiler the reply if you want incase others don't want to know)
Yup, it only saves at the end of the mission. Checkpoints are just checkpoints, not savepoints. As long as you remain in the mission you'll revert to the last checkpoint, but once you quit you'll have to restart it from the beginning.

Don't think there's any snow levels. I'm near the end of the game and all the missions have been
near/in the jungle or in the city/slums
Wow the campaign was a breeze on normal. I skipped all cutscenes and debriefings and completed it in about three and a half hours, and I spent nearly one of those on the stealth mission where you have to blow up three vehicles at the end.

I used the IRS-N56 and played it wild style, going prone behind low cover and vehicles and getting to cover close to the enemy, even getting behind them sometimes.

I only ever used my squads in the first few levels, and after that I left them to do whatever they wanted, including reviving themselves when they died.
Giriath_89 said:
Wow the campaign was a breeze on normal. I skipped all cutscenes and debriefings and completed it in about three and a half hours, and I spent nearly one of those on the stealth mission where you have to blow up three vehicles at the end.

I used the IRS-N56 and played it wild style, going prone behind low cover and vehicles and getting to cover close to the enemy, even getting behind them sometimes.

I only ever used my squads in the first few levels, and after that I left them to do whatever they wanted, including reviving themselves when they died.

play on a more difficult setting. the way you described it, sounds like a pretty dull playthough. you wouldn't get away with any of that on hard :)

*by the way, i found the
blood orange. What does that do? Gave me a trophy for it as well. Is that from something from a previous Socom? It was near a computer playing the 8-bit version of the SOCOM song and he says that he hates fruit after you grab it.
Anybody care to explain?


KingOfKong said:
play on a more difficult setting. the way you described it, sounds like a pretty dull playthough. you wouldn't get away with any of that on hard :)

*by the way, i found the
blood orange. What does that do? Gave me a trophy for it as well. Is that from something from a previous Socom? It was near a computer playing the 8-bit version of the SOCOM song and he says that he hates fruit after you grab it.
Anybody care to explain?
collectibles, combined assault has collectible sausages
I really have no interest in playing this game with this stealth mission. It's only Mission 3 into the campaign and I've lost interest. I really really hate when nonstealth based games try to do stealth.
Square Triangle said:
I really have no interest in playing this game with this stealth mission. It's only Mission 3 into the campaign and I've lost interest. I really really hate when nonstealth based games try to do stealth.

the stealth missions in this game are actually pretty fun. maybe you just don't like stealth play?


My checkpoint is messed up on the last section of the last mission. I spawn in next to 3 enemies right off the bat, and I'm able to move away from them maybe 1 out of 10 times.
Square Triangle said:
I really have no interest in playing this game with this stealth mission. It's only Mission 3 into the campaign and I've lost interest. I really really hate when nonstealth based games try to do stealth.

My favourite part of the game so far. Love that it seems like an impossible mission, but being a stealth beast makes it possible.

Overall it's decent. I'm definitely preferring it to recent CODs. It just feels different which is good, and a lot of missions can be approached differently, and selecting your gear and stuff is cool.

The squad thing is cool too, but really broken. The 4 characters can't be controlled. They get stuck in scenery all the time, don't take cover, run around & get raped by missiles (meaning you all get missiled trying to revive them), and just don't do what you tell them.
If the left it at 2 in your squad, it'd have been much better.

Can't wait for mp really.

bob page

The SP really started to pick up after the first couple missions. The stealth ones were prolly my favorite- they're much better than the ones in COD. I think I liked the campaign more than Killzones. Nothing amazing, but definitely not 3/10. Probably 6.5/10 for me for the single player.

Sony- please fix PSN so I can play this awesome online game again.


Finally beat Elite. Definitely frustrating at times, but doable. Most of the encounters had less to do with your performance and more on how you managed your team.

Oh, and it also took me until mission 13 to realize how much faster your teammates take out targets when you mark them. The way it was presented in the tutorial section, I thought it was more for taking out initial groups, but I realized I had to do pretty much no work as long as I kept new targets marked constantly as the waves came in.


plainr_ said:
If anybody wants SOCOM avatars for PSN you can play a mini game to win some here:


If you don't see the game, temporarily turn off your ad blocker.

Go for the stealth kills. Easy win.
Thanks a bunch for the link. The leaderboard must be screwed up if it gave me first place. I'm not even sure how a score is calculated... :p

I'm worried about some of my clanmates leaving once PSN is back up. They used to a be in their friends' clans so the more they talk with them and get hyped to play it again without seeing me in a few days, the more likely it is that they start their clan back up. My friend and I are anxious to get back on so I know what hype can do...lol


plainr_ said:
If anybody wants SOCOM avatars for PSN you can play a mini game to win some here:


If you don't see the game, temporarily turn off your ad blocker.

Go for the stealth kills. Easy win.
Very original marketing campaign! An expandable ad that's actually... fun?

Got the avatar pack, thanks :D


gotdam single player is awful. Just finished the first sneaking mission... Wow.. Prone + crawl under well-lit area = 1 bar. Ok... And smh @ throwing shit to make noise. That's PS1 level stealth when the console CPUs were too weak to calculate real A.I., not 8-threaded $400 million CELL Chips of the Future™ A.I. - really lazy stuff there :s

Zipper just make MP only games from now on kthx? And charge $10 less for them too.


I finished the single player game the other day and at the end I found I was depending on my team to do most of the work. It feels good when you put the other guys in good places to take down the enemy and protect you. I finished on hard and at some point will attempt elite but really do not want to right after beating it.

Also just finished the newest zipline and cannot wait for the Pro and DLC to start rolling out. At the end they asked the guest what could be expected as DLC or Pro stuff coming out and he hinted at smaller maps, classic maps, and some different game types. I think that the game could definitely use more game types.
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