Lucasfilm fucked up.
Thanks for the reply.
IMO this kind of dialogue references that only the most hardcore fans will get is a bit too "fanficky".
It's not like Rogue One was the most inclusive title, either to casuals or hardcore fans.
It was a meta reference.
The first Star Wars film that's not part of a trilogy. It wasn't like anything they had done before, it was the rogue one.
I'm reaching.
WellThe first Star Wars film that's not part of a trilogy.
Upside: the gay porn parody will be a steamy jerk off flick
It should have been called "The Kessel Run" and it should have been a Fast & Furious in space.
I fill you up.
Since I'm rather let down with the Last Jedi - I'm keeping a really really really really really low expectation of this one. Will watch with my kid though on opening weekend...
Also the name of the main character . IMO. Don't know, it just can't work. Harrison Ford was pretty young back in 77, I think he was 33 and Alden is 28. So.. do the maths.
What's bother me the most, it's not the fact that they trying to milk the franchise, it's because they are doing badly... you can't go back after TLJ.
You made 3 movies. One of them was excellent (imo ROGUE ONE), TFA was a safe move. TLJ is a no returning point. And now... you make it worse.
I have zero faith in this movie. I feel this movie has zero chance to be good because no one can capture the charisma of Han Solo.
That said... As soon as that star destroyer hit the screen I was like yeahhh... I am gonna see that. Lol
So you're going to reward Disney for their shitness by giving them more money before the public reviews are out? That sounds like a dysfunctional relationship. How about wait a week and see what the general fan reaction is instead before putting money down (as demonstrated by TLJ reviews, pro critics will 10/10 anything with Disney's stench on it).
True enough. But I'm pretty sure my 10yr old child, who loves everything Star Wars, will be very happy to see the film (since I work for a Disney owned company, I might actually get early screening) - and that's what counts for me... even though this Solo movie, seems to have "Rogue One Copy Cat" all over it. I've seen worse movies with my kid (I literally fell asleep watching Minions), so....
RLM getting their digs in early