i thought the actor did a phenomenal job. you could tell he really studied Ford in the OT and tried to evaluate the way he talked, his bod language, cadence of speech and even tone of voice. and he really looked like a young Ford! well, close enough.
im weird tho. Solo quite honestly might be my fav SW movie. with TLJ close by. of course ESB is my favorite im not a monster... but i do love all te SW movies and i felt Solo was fantastic and i love how they opened things up for new stories with that girl and darth maul, but apparently everyone else hates fun so i doubt we'll see a continuation of that
as ara as a deep fake. yeah, of course it'd be cool, but i dont know if the technology is there to convince me. and at any rate, youd be totally ripping off the talent and work that that actor put into the film, and bc Ford's face is on there, everyone would forget about the actor and just be giving harrison ford all the credit. totally not fair!
i think itd be pretty cool at best, with some graphical issues thrown in bc deep fake tech isnt perfect yet, and it would be borderline disrespectful at worst.
i dunno, i just dont understand the hate. the story, characters, writing, music, graphics... everything was great! its one of the things that finally convinced me that there are enough people in the world who realized that hating SW generates clicks and $$$, and as a result every new SW that comes out will be hated and railed against by those people, and then everyone just globs onto that and... well, essentially, we will never have a nother SW movie that people view as good. there will always be that insanely loud vocal minority with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of youtube subs (millions???) that will hate it for ad revenue...
my biggest issues w SW were in rise of skywalker. i thought they made some weird choices, but nothing that breaks the series.
whatever, i guess im easy to entertain, but i really think people hate level of SW is way over exaggerated.