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some guy: "Rare working with Bungie on Halo 3 for the past 2 years" impossible?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
olimario said:
I'd prefer RARE handle gameplay.
I think they are much better than Bungie when it comes to balance and control in FPSs.

No... just... uh... good god no.
To be fair, Bungie does have a history of letting other people work with their series. The Marathon Infinity scenario was developed outside of Bungie, even though they still published the package. Myth III was developed totally outside of Bungie as well. So it wouldn't surprise me if Halo 3 is being handled by a different developer in some capacity.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
cookie cutter? You have to be shitting me

Have you seen the size of some of the levels? The scope and detail of the level's eclipses any FPS that has come before it.

As for the controls? how the fuck can they be cookie cutter? WTF does that mean? The basically perfected the console FPS controls with Halo, and then refined them with Halo 2.

The combat? Let's see, melee thast balanced, crazy vehicular combat, ai that's useful and fun ...


Mr. Lemming said:
To be fair, Bungie does have a history of letting other people work with their series. The Marathon Infinity scenario was developed outside of Bungie, even though they still published the package. Myth III was developed totally outside of Bungie as well. So it wouldn't surprise me if Halo 3 is being handled by a different developer in some capacity.

bungie had nothing to do with myth3.


GashPrex said:
cookie cutter? You have to be shitting me

Have you seen the size of some of the levels? The scope and detail of the level's eclipses any FPS that has come before it.

As for the controls? how the fuck can they be cookie cutter? WTF does that mean? The basically perfected the console FPS controls with Halo, and then refined them with Halo 2.

The combat? Let's see, melee thast balanced, crazy vehicular combat, ai that's useful and fun ...

I guarantee he hasn't put more than 30 minutes into Halo 2 I wouldn't worry about what he says about the game. :lol

Or maybe he hasn't put the prerequisite 60 hours into Halo 2 yet! :lol


Timesplitters 2 controlling better oh Oli, Oli, Oli you are really digging yourself a big hole! :lol

You must have forgot to check the menu options where you can adjust your analog sensitivity from 1-10! :lol

Oh no I won't let you get away that easily. Edited out above:

Olimario said:
Scope doesn't dictate control or combat.
The game didn't feel like anything special.

And the control is too loose and too fast for my liking.
TS2 was by no means perfect, but I had an easier time controllin that title.

:lol :lol :lol
Hahaha, the second page of this thread is hilarious.

Olimario: edit, nevermind


Olimario: edit, forget it



Mike Works said:
Hahaha, the second page of this thread is hilarious.

Olimario: edit, nevermind


Olimario: edit, forget it


Dude I got his quotes quoted!!! But thanks for the abbreviated play by play! :lol


this thread is funny :lol

Myth III was developed totally outside of Bungie as well.
yeah, Bungie had NOTHING to do with Myth III. It was one of the IPs in the comp package for Take 2 got for their 20% of Bungie when MS bought them.


I thought the smart thing to do would be to share the Halo engine with Rare for PD0 so they could get a game out within 5 years, rather than the other way round.
I hope for this:

Rare has been quietly working on a solid graphics engine for Xbox 2 to run Halo 3 on. Bungie has been quietly working on the content for Halo 3. Both of them will collab to pull everything together within the next year to bring Halo 3 to Xbox 2's launch.

I would be happy as a pig in shit if XBox 2 launched with an online ready (co-op online too please) Halo 3.


I'm actually more reluctant about Rare having PDO ready for the Xbox 2 launch considering the Kameo cancellation/delay. I figure it's one of two things:

1. PDO needs the manpower to be ready for Xbox 2 and so they need the people working in Kameo.

2. PDO is far away and they decided to use Kameo as an Xbox 2 launch title, which means a complete overhaul of the graphics engine.

I really really doubt Bungie would be working with Rare on Halo 3. Sure, they might share technology, but nothing outside of that.
Great! We'll finally get to see Master Chief unmasked where he'll have the obligitory beard just so Rare can show off their "fur shading".


olimario said:

I'm sorry, i know this has to be old as hell. But i'm scrolling down the front page and i'm hearing all this Bungie/Rare collaboration, and i'm kinda interested and stuff and then i see this picture and just about die laughing.

That shit was hilarious. Good job.


Will start substantiating his hate
mCACGj said:
What can Rare possibly do to make it better?
Well, one could argue that the game stands a greater chance of being ready by launch if another company is handling it. Then again, Rare and deadlines don't mix.


Chili Con Carnage!
I could see maybe some kind of Halo spin-off from rare, but theres no way Bungie would let them make Halo 3.

If bungie have been working with Rare, its probably just to make PDO the best game possible. After all whats the point of MS having rare if they are just gonna let their franchises rot.

Alwell, set those timers for 11/22 its megaton all over again :lol

I do wonder what that febuary thing refers to though, its not CES, thats january, i wonder if bungie have some kind of xbox 2 tech demo/trailer for halo 3 planned.


I think it would be awesome for Rare/Bungie to do a collaboration FPS.

At the very least, I think they should share their technology like Naughty Dog and Insomniac do. It would help them both to make games faster.


The Inside Track
The Teamxbox thread is hilarious, the guy went as far as saying that this Rare dev team had moved to Redmond to work directly with Bungie. He's been banned btw.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tenguman said:
Make sense to me. Only 6-8 hours of singleplayer

Its like this game magically keeps getting shorter and shorter.. pretty soon people will claim they beat this game in 2 hours on legendary the first time through.
StoOgE said:
Its like this game magically keeps getting shorter and shorter.. pretty soon people will claim they beat this game in 2 hours on legendary the first time through.

Seriously. It took me couple of days of playing good portions of the days to beat it on Heroic.


being watched
Sysgen said:
I think this is very plausible.

I don't think MS is going to make it's fanbase wait another 3 years for Halo 3, you can have a GTA practically once a year now and make mega dollars. I can't see Xenon launching without Halo 3.

I agree. The North American Halo 2 sale-mania proves what an asset it would be.


The Inside Track
Laurent said:
Come on... Think about it... Isn't RAREWARE the biggest joke of this generation? Let alone next generation...
This generation ? Conker could be very good, but I'd agree so far especially in light of the Kameo delay (and certainly becoming a Xbox 2 launch title). Next generation ? We'll see.


Shogmaster said:
Seriously. It took me couple of days of playing good portions of the days to beat it on Heroic.

I'm still playing the son of a bitch on Heroic. Length is fine to me, plus I have been playing multiplayer.

On another note, I need to change my "Flaming Ninja" avatar soon. I swear I had mine first!


Why would Bungie need Rare to make Halo 3? Makes no sense, Bungie excell in all area's, including online.

Rare excel in alot of areas too, but they're different type of developers, Rare are about variety and off the wall characters. Bungie? Well they just spit out 2 of the best games this gen, they dont need any help...

i dont believe this news.

I want Perfect Dark Zero and Halo 3 on the same console, but PDZ should take a page out of riddicks book so it can be more adventure/stealth based, switching to 3rd person when climbing, shimmying and sneaking


Chili Con Carnage!
shantyman said:
I'm still playing the son of a bitch on Heroic. Length is fine to me, plus I have been playing multiplayer.

On another note, I need to change my "Flaming Ninja" avatar soon. I swear I had mine first!

LIES! (i think)


Hil says:

Bungie Rumors -- STFU said:
....there is no secret announcement from IGN about anything on Nov. 22. Sorry, but whoever made that one up is totally full of crap. Had a good laugh about it though.

I'd love to see Rare work with Bungie to make Master Chief Kart Racing, but I really don't think that is going to happen. Rare has a lot on its plate already and, frankly, it makes no sense logistically (one in Seattle, one in England) to put the two together. How they would ever get along and make a cohesive project is beyond me. I hope it's not true (and am 99.9% certain it is not). Bungie can make their own games, Rare doesn't need distractions from PD0 and Conker and whatever else they are working on


Or maybe Bungie said they weren't going to work on another Halo so people wouldn't see the cliffhanger coming, that makes more sense to me. At this point anything is possible....


Ryck said:
Or maybe Bungie said they weren't going to work on another Halo so people wouldn't see the cliffhanger coming, that makes more sense to me. At this point anything is possible....

If so, that's a bad move, and part of the huge backlash against it. I personally heard their 'There will be no Halo 3' comments and so expected everything to be wrapped up nicely, which is why I was initially disappointed.
What I think people are forgetting is that we're all entitled to a little knee-jerk reaction - I got what I expected gameplay wise, but was initially furious at the ending since (like many people have said) it looked like just another inter-mission cutscene, and I was gearing up to return to Earth (or at least have one last playthrough as the MC).
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