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Sonic Adventure 2 HD |OT| googoo g'joob googoo g'joob


So far this year I guess it's been kinda empty for me. Let's see, as for new games, I bought these.

Tera Online
Kid Icarus Uprising
Mario Kart 7 (although that came out in late 2011)

I feel like I'm missing something, but yeah. Mario Kart was fun, but it was still more of the same. I've mainly just been playing older games on Dolphin and FFXI. I probably should pickup Borderlands 2, I know Sonic Kart Transformed is my most anticipated game this year.

Repost for new page.
Alright, so stepping into this game I had a part of me that felt I might not enjoy like I once did due to all this negative response from those who originally disliked the game and stated what they saw as flaws. When I first started playing, (I picked Team Dark first) I noticed something was a bit off about the controls and it was bugging me a bit, so I went and turned on my Gamecube to test it out and the controls felt a lot better for some reason. I'm not sure if it's due to the Gamecube controller itself, or if they changed anything, but something about the original feels better. Although, when I say something felt "off", these controls are still great to this day.

So anyways, I played through the first two Eggman stages, and when I got to the second one I realized why I like the mech stuff in this game so much. They are like the Gamma stages yes, but they have a lot more platforming in comparison, and it's really fun to me. As for Rouge, for those who aren't use the treasure hunting, I'd suggest running into Omochao or the TV Monitors if you're getting confused, but for me I breezed right through the first two levels. I played Sonic Adventure DX last year again, and even now I still appreciate the difficulty these treasure hunter stages have in comparison. I feel more inclined to try than to just fly and have everything on a silver platter.

Now, when I first got to the main course, (dem hedgehogs) I felt this overwhelming surge of satisfaction. Really, Radical Highway is just so awesome, and the music, level themes, level design just seems like it was catered just for my tastes. It was when I just played that level that I realized how much I really do like this game. I haven't messed with the Chao yet as I don't want to do too much progress in the gardens before the PC release.

As for complaints or downsides, believe it or not, my only issues are the same issues I had when I first played the game for the very first time except for one.

Previous issues:

Unlike Sonic Adventure, you are forced to play things in the game's order and not your order. I liked how the first game let me just stick to one type of a gameplay at a time.

This game never was known for it's cutscenes, even at the time it came out because they just aren't done too well. Some are good, but most of em are awkward due to the graphics and animation used, and they hold up less than they did then.

New issue:

One that didn't bother me before that I noticed now is the camera during the treasure hunting stages. It's not terrible, but it could be zoomed out more, and it'd be nice to have more control of it. It's more of a slight annoyance, but nothing major.


Game controls great, music is AMAZING, gameplay is great, and overall is a great game and still to this day is in my top 10 favorites of all time.

I'm not sure, but it seems like they added some new textures to some of the things in the game like the turtle in Rouge's stage. I heard Xbox 360 is dark, but Sonic Adventure 2 HD is quite darker for some reason so it may be that. Oh, and so far no issues with the homing attack.


Koko you are the absolute last person I would think would buy Tera Online. I couldn't get past the outfits the female characters wear and I know how you feel about that sort of thing.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Ugh, for some reason it's not letting me add Microsoft points to my account. I only need 160 to buy SA2, but it's outright refusing me. :\

I contacted Microsoft support and they don't know what's wrong either
Aw, are you going to stream a little bit of it when/if you get it?

so I went and turned on my Gamecube to test it out and the controls felt a lot better for some reason. I'm not sure if it's due to the Gamecube controller itself, or if they changed anything, but something about the original feels better. Although, when I say something felt "off", these controls are still great to this day.
The GCN controller is one of the best controllers I've ever used. No fibbing.

Also, I keep SA2 on the title screen because I love Live and Learn. >.>

I also need to pick up NiGHTS. GAF doesn't appear to like NiGHTS, so I should like it a lot.
I like NiGHTS. That should set off some warning bells since we seem to not like the same things sometimes. :p

OMG Aero

So will the make a Sonic Adventure 3?

Won't it be weird with the different voice cast / style of gameplay not the same as the first two? I just don't understand how you can make a seuqel years later to a game. It would be nice if they used Adventure 2's engine and voice talent to make it connected.

I will never be able to get all the emblems in this game, getting an A in some of these levels is stupid hard.
They already made Sonic Adventure 3:


Koko you are the absolute last person I would think would buy Tera Online. I couldn't get past the outfits the female characters wear and I know how you feel about that sort of thing.

I don't discuss it much, but I try just about every MMORPG until this year. I mainly play them by myself, but I tend to like the aspect of roaming around a world where people are also there at the same time. For Tera, I looked passed all that other stuff because it mentioned "action" gameplay, and for an MMORPG that's open world, it's a big deal compared to all the other ones. I guess I kinda like the combat of Tera, but it still plays like a lot of generic mmorpgs out there so I couldn't latch on it too long. That, and different types of character creation will always get me to try an MMORPG.

It certainly is a bit much, though.

The GCN controller is one of the best controllers I've ever used. No fibbing.

Also, I keep SA2 on the title screen because I love Live and Learn. >.>

I like NiGHTS. That should set off some warning bells since we seem to not like the same things sometimes. :p

GCN/Wavebird is my favorite controller, and it's a great song so I don't blame you!

Well, I guess when you put it like that haha. Although, I do recall liking it when I played it on the Saturn, but I don't remember anything about the game and I barely made progress in it so, guess it's a wait and see kind of thing.

They already made Sonic Adventure 3:

It's not Sonic Adventure 3 if there is no Chao Garden.
Aw, are you going to stream a little bit of it when/if you get it?

My boss sent me some points through Amazon so both SA2 and NiGHTS are currently downloading. It had crossed my mind to stream them, yes.

Actually, SA2 just finished downloading and NiGHTS is a little over 10%.

I could probably start streaming SA2 right now, but I'm not sure how my upstream/downstream would handle things. It probably won't be until later this evening until NiGHTS is done, and I've been going to bed pretty early these days. :p

Maybe tomorrow? But I'm really itching to get started on SA2 right now.


I defended this game in the past, and I still think it can be saved...it BADLY needs to be patched however. BADLY.

Here's how to fix Sonic 2006.

1. Remove all cutscenes
2. Fix all the scripted issues
3. Modify the homing attack and air dash to where it's not like you're falling down in quicksand
4. Either turn the run sequences into normal levels, or fix all the wonky collision and the fact that you have to consistently move
5. Many more things

Can we just get a Chao Garden game on 3DS or something? Please?!

I'd accept that if that title existed as a companion to a Chao Garden in one of the newest Sonic games that will come out whenever. No longer being limited to Sonic Advance 1, or keeping your Gameboy Advance on would be great. (or wires because 3DS uses wireless technology)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I defended this game in the past, and I still think it can be saved...it BADLY needs to be patched however. BADLY.
Can they patch out the shitty story, the poor character models, some of the boring level design, some of the characters' levels, and some of the bad CG along with the bugs and glitches too?

Because maybe then it could be salvageable. Again, the story's in rough shape.

Well, I guess when you put it like that haha. Although, I do recall liking it when I played it on the Saturn, but I don't remember anything about the game and I barely made progress in it so, guess it's a wait and see kind of thing.
Well, maybe you'll like it. It's like that thing I said in the other thread about the player being the only one who could judge whether or not it's acceptable.

And the soundtrack is still great.

It's either going to be Generations 2 without classic Sonic and with original levels or Adventure 3.
Isn't Iizuka finally in charge (ie: in the director's seat) of a Sonic game again? The game's design would probably be dictated by him. He was special thanks in Unleashed, and was the producer on Colours and Generations... He wasn't directing those. The last main games he directed were the first Mario & Sonic, Rivals 2, NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams...

Maybe tomorrow? But I'm really itching to get started on SA2 right now.
You could start it now yourself and stream the mid-game tomorrow, it doesn't matter!
If Sega throw that classic Sonic design (both gameplay and actual character design) from both versions of Generations down the proverbial toilet then i'll be a sad sad man, it could easily become the NSMB equivalent for Sonic, a deliberate throwback series that can be used in place of Sonic 4 which failed to deliver.
Hell it could just become the next line of 3DS style entries like the rush trio were while 3D modern Sonic sticks to the consoles.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Hell it could just become the next line of 3DS style entries like the rush trio were while 3D modern Sonic sticks to the consoles.
But they said that they don't plan on using the model again after this.

Plus Classic Sonic got both Boost and HA in Sonic Generations 3DS anyway. I imagine that your hypothetical situation would work out like that. Though to be fair, the Classic Sonic mechanics (in terms of weight and physics) felt better in the 3DS version than they did in the console version (spindash being overpowered, weighting, etc).

Meccanical said:
All this nostalgia almost makes me want to get this.

But I don't wanna.
Yeah ya do.


I like Generations Classic myself, but I really doubt they'll bring it back at this point. I think I recall RubyEclipse saying it was a one time thing.

Isn't Iizuka finally in charge (ie: in the director's seat) of a Sonic game again? The game's design would probably be dictated by him. He was special thanks in Unleashed, and was the producer on Colours and Generations... He wasn't directing those. The last main games he directed were the first Mario & Sonic, Rivals 2, NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams...

I dunno, even with that being the case, with all of SEGA's losses right now, I don't think they are going to make big mistakes like they did before. They can't afford to. So, I think it's going to be something they know will make them cash, and I think either of these two things will.


Still don't understand trashing Classic Sonic.

"It took us a decade but we finally gave you what you wanted. Okay throwing it out now. Maybe you'll get Classic Sonic again in another 10 years... if we're still in business!"

It would be like Nintendo stopping the New Super Mario Bros series after the DS one. It just doesn't make sense.
But they said that they don't plan on using the model again after this.

Plus Classic Sonic got both Boost and HA in Sonic Generations 3DS anyway. I imagine that your hypothetical situation would work out like that. Though to be fair, the Classic Sonic mechanics (in terms of weight and physics) felt better in the 3DS version than they did in the console version (spindash being overpowered, weighting, etc).
I'm a sad sad man.
I always forget about that homing attack insertion into the classic stages in the dreamcast era, this makes no new stages without the homing attack in that games since Genesis classic stages are just that, the Genesis stages.
Overpowered spindash in the big brother version was fun though.


Maybe a little...

But this would be the third time I buy this game, is it really worth it?

It feels like it is, but I don't believe me.
If you can still easily play an older version join me in the land of penny pinching.
I guess, but I kind of want to play it on my PS3, now that I have Jet Set Radio there I guess I just have the urge to acquire more HD Dreamcast classics.
So what you're saying is deep down you DO want it, then go, go and relive your youth though it will not always be as peachy as you may remember.

Seriously though, while the game is pretty mediocre it has an oddly enjoyable charm to it which is more than what I can say for Sonic Heroes and the plot is like enjoying a bad movie.


So what you're saying is deep down you DO want it, then go, go and relive your youth though it will not always be as peachy as you may remember.

Seriously though, while the game is pretty mediocre it has an oddly enjoyable charm to it which is more than what I can say for Sonic Heroes and the plot is like enjoying a bad movie.

Oh yes. I'm gonna smack talk SA2 but I'd rather replay this 10 times than play a single story in SH again. I never beat any of the storylines other than Team Rose.
That is true, as bad as the game is it is fun in a weird way, I mean there's a reason I bought it twice before.

Yeah...I'll get it I guess.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
How did we vote Beef into the presidency again? Outside of him being in charge of making the SonicGAF thread and gathering all necessary materials for it, I mean. :p

Some of his decisions have been rather questionable. Our anthem, for instance...
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