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Sonic Colors |OT| of AWESOME! OUTSTANDING! AMAZING! CUBE! And Very High Reviews


It's weird because I've almost never been able to get good at drifting in Sonic Unleashed. There was a level in the Africa stage that was purely drift based that I couldn't beat by drifting :lol
The finer points of drifting in the HD version of Unleashed are totally lost in me. Sometimes I'll drift and keep it nice and tight around the corner and other times I'm hugging the outside wall and as far as I can tell I don't do anything different. Just sometimes he drifts wide and sometimes he doesn't.

What little I played of Colors on the Wii at a friend's house, drifting is even more awkward and doesn't really seem to serve a good purpose.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah, the problem I have with Color's drifting is that you can't just hold down the button into the turn because you'll take it too sharply and hit the near wall. Drifting was awesome in Unleashed Wii because it was tuned so that it was easy to adjust around any size turn you took.
Well I've beaten about 4 worlds so far and am pretty disappointed. The levels haven't been near up to par with the "day" levels in Sonic Unleashed. Overall it's a better game simply because there is no werehog levels but the levels just seem "off" in this game. maybe it's the controls. Sonic Team seems to change the way sonic handles in every game for some odd reason. I thought he handled best in the Sonic Adventure series but I may not be in the majority on that one. One way or another though Sonic Team needs to be more consistant on that.


perfectchaos007 said:
Well I've beaten about 4 worlds so far and am pretty disappointed. The levels haven't been near up to par with the "day" levels in Sonic Unleashed. Overall it's a better game simply because there is no werehog levels but the levels just seem "off" in this game. maybe it's the controls. Sonic Team seems to change the way sonic handles in every game for some odd reason. I thought he handled best in the Sonic Adventure series but I may not be in the majority on that one. One way or another though Sonic Team needs to be more consistant on that.

Sonic handles pretty different in sonic adventure 2 from 1 as well, imo, that was sonics best 3d moment, haven't tried colors yet (waiting on price bomb)
perfectchaos007 said:
Well I've beaten about 4 worlds so far and am pretty disappointed. The levels haven't been near up to par with the "day" levels in Sonic Unleashed. Overall it's a better game simply because there is no werehog levels but the levels just seem "off" in this game. maybe it's the controls. Sonic Team seems to change the way sonic handles in every game for some odd reason. I thought he handled best in the Sonic Adventure series but I may not be in the majority on that one. One way or another though Sonic Team needs to be more consistant on that.

Sonic was way too twitchy at high speeds in the Dreamcast games. Even slight movements of the analog stick would often send you careening in to walls. Sonic Team's answer to that was Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog, where characters steered like 200mph tanks.

They can't seem to find that happy medium between controls that work well at both low and high speeds. Even Sonic Unleashed, Sonic was pretty slippery at high speeds - nothing that couldn't be gotten used to, but you shouldn't have to "get used to" stuff like that.

Azure J

Just wanted to quickly say that if GAF has a Pleasant Surprise of 2010 vote, this game would be at the top of my list. After playing it through to completion with my brother, I'm just so surprised at how much fun I had with the game, how cohesive it all felt, and how much content was in the game. There's too much for me to say and while it isn't all one sided love for the game (some little quirks here and there that have gotten the better of me), there's enough done right here that makes me feel as though Sega really delivered with the game.

Also, Terminal Velocity fucking rules. Why did it have to be such a short set of levels? :lol


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I now have the DS version too and it's awesome as well. Plays totally like Sonic Rush, but that's a good thing! So for me it's a year with two awesome Sonic games (Colours and Colours Rush) and one huge huge disappointment due to horrible controls (Sonic 4). Nevertheless, everything Sonic this year (including Sonic Kart) was way better than the abomination that was Sonic & the Black Knight last year.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
dock said:
I'm too scared to buy this unless it's heavily discounted. Such a mixed reaction.
Well there have only been a few people who didn't enjoy it, and they had specific reasons for it. A lot of the thread has been "why is this game so much fun?"

What do you like and dislike in Sonic games? Maybe we can help you figure out weather you'd like it or hate it.

And yeah, the biggest problem I had with the Dreamcast games was control. Platforming from a standstill was alright, if not great, but any kind of movement at high speed was horrible.


Ah screw it, I've taken the risk and bought it.
I have a gift coupon to spend on something, and something risky is fun. The fact that it's short is also of appeal to me.

I didn't enjoy Sonic & The secret rings because of the stupid items and item config.
Sonic Adventure 2 was slippy at high speeds.
Sonic Heroes was awful autorunny and friends up the wazoo.
Sonic 2006 was dreadful, barely played it.
Sonic 4 had horrible level design.

Sonic Rush 1 was the only Sonic I've enjoyed in a decade, and I didn't even complete that. Nevertheless, this is worth a stab. :)


Kinda regretting buying this. ^^;

Just spent about ten minutes repeating the same 'running around the circle' on Asteroid Coaster Act 4, where you're racing against the red and black bugs. I destroy them as best I can, knocking out the black ones to kill the group. I try jumping, I try boosting, but nothing seems to progress the level. :/

Checking the internet now, seems I missed a switch on the outer lane.

This reminds me of yesterday when I got stuck on the Sweet Carnival Boss, because I didn't realise that jumping inexplicably accelerated your position on the lead up to the boss. If you don't jump (you don't need to) it takes a long long time to get to the boss combat sections.

Difficulty with this sort of complaint is that the response is 'I did it first time, you're an idiot, etc' so the fact that I have had an entirely miserable time with several sections of this game are often dismissed.

Ah well, it's okay.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
It's not as if the game is to be blamed if you don't try to boost when you clearly have the option to do so. It's bad if your expirience is tarnished by this, but this could be happening to you in any game that's not a QTE-fest.


Yoshi said:
It's not as if the game is to be blamed if you don't try to boost when you clearly have the option to do so. It's bad if your expirience is tarnished by this, but this could be happening to you in any game that's not a QTE-fest.

When you say "that's not a QTE-fest" are you trying to insult me or my taste in games? This sounds pretty snide.

Also, with boost, it's true that I wasn't using boost hold until after that boss. I didn't even use it for that boss. I don't recall being taught boost holding, or needing it for anything. Yes, clearly, my experience was tarnished only because I wasn't using the controls properly. Yes I realise I was making a big mistake and I'm undoubtedly wrong for failing in this area.

Also, Sonic Colours is way more QTE-esque than I would prefer. Many of the sections are based on button presses when the lock on activates, which is no less QTE than any other titles.

In general I'm finding this game to be a messy, unfocused mash up of mechanics and gameplay style. The Wisps are not that fun to use, they seem like a poor implementation of some of the temporary power-ups from Mario Galaxy.

How do you charge the boost gauge? Is it only from collecting wisps?

Azure J

If only drifting in this game were tight like in (odd comparison time) Mario Kart. I really love the new applications for Sonic speeding around in behind the back mode that have been in play since Unleashed, but it still isn't completely there yet with how slippery Sonic can be powering through a drift.

On a random tangent, Spikes is the best wisp. So awesome every time I use it.


AzureJericho said:
On a random tangent, Spikes is the best wisp. So awesome every time I use it.
I originally used it wrong.
I mean, i completely abused of the spin dash, but you are supposed to do it only once and then let the power do the rest... instead of spamming "B".

Drifting feels less tight than Sonic Unleashed unfortunately.


This is my first exposure to drifting. It seems like an unnecessary extra mechanic in this game, and there's not a huge number of sections where you get to use it.
Thought I'd post the differences between the Wii and DS versions, for anyone who wants to know.

Wii Version:
- Plays like the Day levels of Unleashed, with much better design, tighter controls and awesome power-ups. Lots of on-rails 3D sections, but some solid level design as well, especially in the 2D parts.
- Cutscenes are fully voiced CG, skippable. Quite a sharp script, funny, and good voice acting.
- Much, much more levels per World, with seven acts each. Some of these acts are smaller, puzzly challenge-type of levels, and some are the more fully-fledged action stages. Collectable Red Coins in all of them, which unlocks more levels in the Sonic Simulator.
- More classic badniks, like Moto Bugs and Spinies, that aren't in the DS version.
- Wisps! Boost (adds to Boost gauge), Laser (turns Sonic into ricocheting electricity), Hover (floats Sonic manually, enables Light Dash), Drill (tunnels underground, and works underwater), Rocket (shoots Sonic skyward, and then floats down), Cube (alternates all blue level cubes between collectables or platforms, also stomp attacks), Spikes (sticks Sonic to walls and ceilings, allowing you to dash along), and Frenzy (devours enemies and parts of the scenery, growing in size).
- No Special Stages or Chaos Emeralds.
- Lovely orchestrated score, catchy and with wonderful use of piano. Each act has a different remix, plus there's a map theme for each world. Wii version has more remixes. Overall a better, more diverse soundtrack.
- Unbelievably epic Final Boss Music.
- Very easy bosses, usually mixing 2D and 3D elements.
- The Sonic Simulator, a collection of unlockable, VR mission-type extra levels. Allows for co-op multiplayer.
- Controllable Sonic on the scoreboard/grading screens, and extra lives for him to retrieve.
- Super Sonic
is playable in all acts, once you've collected all the Red Coins.

DS Version:
- Plays like Sonic Rush! But with the trick system removed, and the awesome power-ups added, plus stomp, slide, wall jump and homing attack. IMO Colours DS is better than both Rush and it's sequel, so if you liked them, you'll enjoy the 2D gameplay with branching paths and lots of choice and fun. Overall, an awesome third DS Sonic game, but not as expansive as the Wii version and with much, much less content.
- Story is simple and told with static images and character soundbites. Story is the same, but not as lavish or as well written as the Wii version. Pretty standard stuff, and totally skippable.
- 'Shitty' friends appear in the mission cut-scenes (Big, Vector etc.), but they're only in there as mission-givers.
- All zones present and accounted for, but only two acts and a boss per zone! However, you also get three missions per zone. Missions involve stuff like 'Get 200 rings', but there's exclusive red coins hidden in these missions as well.
- Special Stages and Chaos Emeralds! They play like Sonic 2/Rush's Special Stages, with the classic half-pipe, and touch-screen control.
- Classic badniks, but not as many as the Wii version.
- Wisps! Boost (adds to your boost gauge), Laser (again, turns Sonic into ricocheting electricity), Burst (fireball, allows you to keep jumping up through the level, also charge for a big explosion), Drill (drills underground and can be used underwater), Rocket (shoots Sonic skyward and then lets him glide down slowly), Void (similar to Frenzy in the Wii version, but IMO better in this game. It turns Sonic into a creepy Pac-Man ghost/Ghastly Pokemon that absorbs all enemies and bits of scenery into it, growing in size as it goes. Totally awesome). So Float, Cube and Spikes are not in the DS version, but the DS version gets Burst, and Frenzy becomes the similar Void.
- Music is the same, but it all sounds delightfully old-school on the DS. The map themes are identical, and you get a main level theme and a remix. Special Stage music is awesome. Final Boss epic music is there, but obviously lacks a bit of the punch (and length), of the Wii version.
- A little bit tougher bosses, similar to the Rush/Adventure ones.
- Sonic Simulator looks like it's in there, but closer inspection reveals it to not be new levels, but a standard time attack/competitive mode on the existing ones.
- Collecting all emeralds nets you
the final level, with Super Sonic, but you can't go Super on regular levels. Collecting all red coins wins you infinite boost though!

In all, both games are really good, but it depends on if you prefer the Unleashed Daytime, or Rush way of things. Personally I prefer Rush, so I absolutely adore the DS version of Colours - but the Wii version has way more content, so it evens out. Whichever way you go, it's a damn good little couple of Sonic games. :)


I agree, but i have to say that the DS version, thanks to the sub-missions and unlockable music/artworks, also has a good amount of content.

The Wii version is better anyway imo.

I played, um, 3 Sonic games in 2010, and they go like

1) Sonic Colors Wii
2) Sonic 4 (XBLA)
3) Sonic Colors DS

But that's not saying Colors is bad on the DS; it's awesome... it's just that the Rush formula is getting a little repetitive, and Rush Adventure was probably better.

I still have to play the new Sonic Riders; i would, if it didn't require Kinect.
Itchy//Tasty said:
Thought I'd post the differences between the Wii and DS versions, for anyone who wants to know.

Wii Version:
- Plays like the Day levels of Unleashed, with much better design, tighter controls and awesome power-ups. Lots of on-rails 3D sections, but some solid level design as well, especially in the 2D parts.
- Cutscenes are fully voiced CG, skippable. Quite a sharp script, funny, and good voice acting.
- Much, much more levels per World, with seven acts each. Some of these acts are smaller, puzzly challenge-type of levels, and some are the more fully-fledged action stages. Collectable Red Coins in all of them, which unlocks more levels in the Sonic Simulator.
- More classic badniks, like Moto Bugs and Spinies, that aren't in the DS version.
- Wisps! Boost (adds to Boost gauge), Laser (turns Sonic into ricocheting electricity), Hover (floats Sonic manually, enables Light Dash), Drill (tunnels underground, and works underwater), Rocket (shoots Sonic skyward, and then floats down), Cube (alternates all blue level cubes between collectables or platforms, also stomp attacks), Spikes (sticks Sonic to walls and ceilings, allowing you to dash along), and Frenzy (devours enemies and parts of the scenery, growing in size).
- No Special Stages or Chaos Emeralds.
- Lovely orchestrated score, catchy and with wonderful use of piano. Each act has a different remix, plus there's a map theme for each world. Wii version has more remixes. Overall a better, more diverse soundtrack.
- Unbelievably epic Final Boss Music.
- Very easy bosses, usually mixing 2D and 3D elements.
- The Sonic Simulator, a collection of unlockable, VR mission-type extra levels. Allows for co-op multiplayer.
- Controllable Sonic on the scoreboard/grading screens, and extra lives for him to retrieve.
- Super Sonic
is playable in all acts, once you've collected all the Red Coins.

The emeralds are collectible in the simulator. ;)


Junior Member
Wizpig said:
I agree, but i have to say that the DS version, thanks to the sub-missions and unlockable music/artworks, also has a good amount of content.

The Wii version is better anyway imo.

I played, um, 3 Sonic games in 2010, and they go like

1) Sonic Colors Wii
2) Sonic 4 (XBLA)
3) Sonic Colors DS

But that's not saying Colors is bad on the DS; it's awesome... it's just that the Rush formula is getting a little repetitive, and Rush Adventure was probably better.

I still have to play the new Sonic Riders; i would, if it didn't require Kinect.

What about Sonic and Sega all-stars racing? Best Mario Kart Clone around.


Well, it's more of a Sega game than a Sonic one, but yeah, i have both the 360 and the DS versions of all-stars racing and they are both awesome.


Just completed this. Didn't really click with me, but at least I enjoyed it enough to persist. I can definitely see the appeal of this game, but never found myself getting along with the wisps or the mix of control methods.

This will probably be my last Sonic game, unfortunately.
Maybe I'm just stupid but how do you get the seventh chaos emerald in the DS version? Game Land has the spot for the 7th emerald on the map it looks like but all I see is multiplayer time attack and stuff so I'm confused on what to do.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Maybe I'm just stupid but how do you get the seventh chaos emerald in the DS version? Game Land has the spot for the 7th emerald on the map it looks like but all I see is multiplayer time attack and stuff so I'm confused on what to do.
Im pretty sure its beat any level there with at least 50 rings.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Beat any of the time attacks for levels you already beat with 50 rings?
Yeah. I remember racing against a bot while doing it, i dont remember what that mode was called though.


Oh ho. $10 a disc feels a little steep, but then it's also one of the best soundtracks of this generation, and any sort of international release is downright astonishing given how long people have been badgering Sega for this sort of thing without success.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
RobbieNick said:
Sonic Colors is Sega's best selling title in 2010 with nearly 2 million copies sold in under 2 months! Vanquish was the second best selling with over 800,000 sold.

This is very impressive considering the last Sonic title, Sonic and The Black Knight bombed in sales. Shows how important quality can be when it comes to sales.


Woah, nice. I didn't know it was doing that well. I'm surprised at Vanquish's numbers too.
RobbieNick said:
Sonic Colors is Sega's best selling title in 2010 with nearly 2 million copies sold in under 2 months! Vanquish was the second best selling with over 800,000 sold.
Glad to hear, with it not even placing in the UK top 10 on launch I was concerned that Colours had bombed - which would have sent a very bad message to Sega.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Wow, very surprised, since it didn't chart on any chart I know of. I was lamenting it not making the NPD. Good to know that Vanquish wasn't a total bomba either.


This is probably a dumb question

I've beat the 6 worlds on the maps, and well that's it.
But I know there has to be more since haven't taken on Robotnik yet so does a final world open up? Do I need a set number of red coins to open it or am I just missing something?


Sega of America
Penguin said:
This is probably a dumb question

I've beat the 6 worlds on the maps, and well that's it.
But I know there has to be more since haven't taken on Robotnik yet so does a final world open up? Do I need a set number of red coins to open it or am I just missing something?
Look for 'Terminal Velocity' just under the opening area.


Sega of America
Penguin said:
Oh thanks for some odd reason didn't notice that since it would always go to the ship underneath it! >.<
No prob! Have fun with the last few parts and the ending. If you're on the Wii version, please destroy my name in the credits. :)


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Who are you? I'll gladly kill the boss another time just to destroy you ;)


RobbieNick said:
Sonic Colors is Sega's best selling title in 2010 with nearly 2 million copies sold in under 2 months! Vanquish was the second best selling with over 800,000 sold.

This is very impressive considering the last Sonic title, Sonic and The Black Knight bombed in sales. Shows how important quality can be when it comes to sales.


Aren't they just showing Sega's shipment/sold to retailers numbers from their financial reports?

Davey Cakes

I've been playing this game recently. Only made it through four worlds thus far, but I have to say that I'm liking it.

My issues so far basically stem from how "busy" things are. There's A LOT going on in these backgrounds and level designs, and keeping track of the action isn't always easy.

But basically, that's it. The rest of the game is pretty draw-dropping. The detail level of each world is incredible. The stage designs can be a bit complex at times considering the speed level of the game, but something tells me that this can be much more appreciated when doing a second run-through and searching for all the red rings.

It was pretty much by the time I was making my way through Planet Wisp that I realized how accurate a description the thread title is for Sonic Colors. From what I can tell so far, this was a project that required a lot of effort and good ideas, and I'm almost flabbergasted at what Sega's done here. Like Mario Galaxy, Sonic Colors seems to be a Wii title that makes you wish that the whole "good....for a Wii game" bit never came about, because of just how impressive it is by game standards, regardless of platform. I haven't agreed with every little thing I've experienced so far (I'm still overcoming some control hurdles, and there are some parts of stages (i.e. the auto-run pathways in Starlight Carnival) that irk me), but the majority of what's here is above-average for Wii games and especially Sonic games. Good ideas and proper execution shine through.

I loved Sonic & the Secret Rings, and believed it to be a huge show of potential for the Sonic series and mascot-based Wii games in general, but Sonic Colors goes beyond. It's a bit unfortunate that the game came late in the Wii's lifespan, but I'm happy that Sega put the time into it and that their work has apparently paid off (considering the sales).

I'm looking forward to continuing my playthrough.


Should comment and say beat the game and truly a fantastic experience, think would have easily been in my top 10 games of 2010.

I would say the game is short (without collecting all the red coins), but honestly after seeing what Sega would pad out Sonic games with, I'm completely happy with their decision.

My only major gripe I guess is the recycled boss battles, you really only get the 3 boss battles recycled throughout the game, but other than that, I really want to dig in and start exploring the world and can't wait for a sequel, which is something haven't said about a sonic game in years.
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