I might get hanged for this, but I enjoyed this game more than Mario Galxy 1 & 2. Not to say it was a better quality game, but for me it was far more enjoyable.
Well, you won't by me. I get what you're saying because I agree with you too.
SMG 1 and 2 were two of the best 3D platformers I have ever played. The controls are tight, the mechanics are solid, the level design and aesthetics are superb, and the score is just... outta this world. They were two utterly fantastic platformers, nearly perfect (I say "nearly" because... uh, sometimes they made me dizzy and I had to play them in short spurts). In that respect, I can't wait to get my hands on Super Mario 3D Land this Christmas.
But I enjoyed... Colours, for example, more than Super Mario Galaxy 2 the year both of those were released. I feel the same way about Generations--I enjoyed it more than the two Galaxy games even though the mechanics or control aren't as solid or refined as the Galaxy games at all. Sometimes both series can be like apples and oranges depending on what both want to get across to the player.
...and yeah, Galaxy 2
did have an "epic" factor... it can be utterly breathtaking, or some of the stuff you do gameplay-wise is pretty cool.