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Sonic Mania |OT| Dreams Come True

Oh man.

I thought the
Metallic Madness Act II
was gibberish, but apparently not.

These appear to be the lyrics, for the most part (parts of it are likely inaccurate). And here's a link to the track itself, because it's the greatest piece of music ever conceived by man.

"Evil doctor with a mad genius and rad minions;
Who'll help you save the planet?;
I see you acting like you've never seen;
I'm the greatest fighter that's ever been on your screen;
I'm iconic, with my bionics & animatronics;
I'll crush that hedgehog they call Sonic;
Fabled and iconic, my mustache of fire;
Welcome to this tiny world of nightmares and wire"

I love this game.

EDIT - I must clarify that the lyrics come from a comment on YT. There's no way I could have figured this out myself! The person who did has very good ears.
Isn't that how Sonic was kinda redesigned for the west in general?


As you can see, 'murrica Sonic had a generally more rougher, "edgier" look to him, to make him look cool to the western audience. Sharper ears and a mohawk on the back of his head.

Always thought that look was utter garbage.
Oh man.

I thought the
Metallic Madness Act II
was gibberish, but apparently not.

These appear to be the lyrics, for the most part (parts of it are likely inaccurate). And here's a link to the track itself, because it's the greatest piece of music ever conceived by man.

"Evil doctor with a mad genius and rad minions;
Who'll help you save the planet?;
I see you acting like you've never seen;
I'm the greatest fighter that's ever been on your screen;
I'm iconic, with my bionics & animatronics;
I'll crush that hedgehog they call Sonic;
Fabled and iconic, my mustache of fire;
Welcome to this tiny world of nightmares and wire"

I love this game.
Those are incredible. Thanks for searching that out.


Here's a tip to make the boss of 4-2 easy to take down
Just stay under him and jump. He can't hurt you if you touch him and if u stay under him and jump at the giant bumper you'll be bounced back down and you can keep him low enough for the poles to let you spin at him
Zone ranking time leggoooo

1. Stardust Speedway - The presentation here is off the charts. Both music tracks make me absolutely giddy, and the transition to Act 2 was like HYPE. AS. FUCK. Unlike most act transitions, Stardust Speedway uses a fade out, which works to suddenly blindside the player with the overwhelming visuals of Act 2. Act 1 is full of fun interactions lifted from Marble Garden, and I like them a lot more here. Also really like the speed tube mechanic where you have to direct Sonic around. Act 2 feels a bit short - perhaps to give the player more time to deal with the boss - and I would appreciated another minute or so. In any case, Metal Sonic is Metal Sonic - likely the most elaborate and well-presented fight in the game. Just all-around amazing.

2. Studiopolis - Holy visual overload. This level bombards the player with interactions, callbacks, and two incredible songs. Love the Heavy Gunner fight for its spectacle, and the Egg Weather Report has some fun details with the chicken weather reporter on the screen. Being the first original stage shown, I have to believe Studiopolis received the most dev time just due to how much is packed into it. It's nonstop fun. And dat act transition. Go big or go home.

3. Metallic Madness - I played Sonic CD when it released on 360/PS3, and really have no notable memories of this zone aside from the shrinking mechanic. That said, Mania's version blew me away. The music's energy is cranked up to 11, and the stage packs in some great gimmicks (shrinking, moving to the background, rotating behind walls). Really enjoy both bosses here, with the gatcha machine being one of the game's highlights. So much better than the original it's not even funny.

4. Titanic Monarch - For the first time when playing a Sonic game I actually felt an oppressive atmosphere with this zone. Tee/Falk did an outstanding job making the music sound foreboding and epic, but still keeping a distinct style. This zone features some of the most elaborate Rube Goldberg-esque setups in the game. S3&K's gravity orb gimmick from the bonus stages make an unexpected comeback here, and flinging Sonic around feels amazing. I also enjoy the setup for Act 2 with the nonlinear sections. Just a great level for me. Also, the one-two punch of Metallic Madness into Titanic Monarch utterly obliterates the endgame of any other classic Sonic game in terms of level design. They're so good.

5. Press Garden - I absolutely didn't know what to think of this zone when I got to it. The name isn't especially descriptive, and it took me a bit to realize the zone was a giant printing press for propaganda posters. That said, the bouncy conveyors are loads of fun, and Act 2's ice mechanic is very original and entertaining. Speaking of Act 2, I think it was obvious to most that Ice Cap didn't have a chance of returning, so seeing that snow start to fall after beating the mini boss was great. Act 2 has bar none one of my favorite environments in the game, with cherry blossoms in the foreground, and an icy river and huge trees and lanterns in the back. Music is also pretty groovy here. A great original effort by the team.

6. Lava Reef - Act 1 here feels much improved over the already-solid original, with some notable additions like the Metallic Madness giant walker things. And Act 2...hoo boy. That guitar feeds my soul. Just spectacular atmosphere with this one. The highs here aren't insanely high, but both acts together make for one of the most consistently enjoyable in the game. Just a really smooth and fun ride.

7. Chemical Plant - A bit torn here concerning Act 1, which condenses both acts of the original into its own remix. While I enjoy classic Chemical Plant, Act 1 here lifts a ton of stuff wholesale without adding much new. Still enjoyable, but not too exciting. As far as I'm concerned, Act 2 is where Sonic Mania as a whole really gets going. Wacky Workbench's bouncing mechanic is redeemed by actual intuitive level design, and the song remix is awesome. This is the first huge taste of Mania's subversions, and it works flawlessly. Act 2 is easily one of the best in the game...oh, and Mean Bean Machine. I fucking suck at these kinds of games, so the low difficulty is appreciated. It's still fun for me even on the fourth or fifth run, so that's cool. Too cheeky.

8. Hydrocity - This zone subverts the traditional structure for classic zones. Instead of Act 1 remixing the original, with Act 2 adding new ideas, Hydrocity does the opposite. Act 1 sees new gimmicks in the form of ridable boats and Aqua Lake's bubbles, and I think it should be noted that both of these gimmicks are pretty slow-paced. You might think they belong in Act 2 to better follow the formula, but it would be jarring to go from a faster Act 1 into a slower Act 2. Instead, Hydrocity gives you the newer-but-slower stuff up front, then let's you cut loose with the classic stage's patented Jesus-inspired ludicrous speed in Act 2. I also really appreciate how the Act 2 song remix stays close to the original, but comes off as higher impact with some added layers. A really good level overall that might be sold short occasionally. Just want to also mention that Act 1's boss is a fantastic moment that ties gameplay and comedy together super well. It's genius.

9. Flying Battery - I like this stage a lot, but didn't feel it added a ton of new stuff. Act 1 stays close to the original, and Act 2 is Wing Fortress redux. It's an enjoyable stage, though. The stormy atmosphere in Act 2 was effective for me, and you reach hypersonic speeds near the end. The spider boss is probably my least favorite in the game due to some wonky collision with his bumper, but it at least has an interesting concept. A solid zone that executes well, even if new ideas aren't as prominent as in stages like Chemical Plant and Hydrocity.

10. Oil Ocean - I had a weird experience with this one. Had no clue the zone was in the game, so when ”Oil Ocean" popped up on the screen I was like ”eh". Didn't hate the Sonic 2 original, but it wasn't my favorite, either. Then I found a fire shield, paused for a second, and thought ”...huh.". After grabbing the fire shield I was plunged into the titular Oil Ocean and lit the place up. I don't think the level design is amazing here, but hauling ass while igniting everything in sight with some pretty satisfying flame sprites is super fun. Act 2 goes for a Sandopolis Act 2 gimmick which works pretty well. I will say that both bosses together likely make for my least favorite paring in the game; the mini boss can crush you without warning, and the main boss demands a good bit of patience since rings can't be recovered if they fall into the oil. Still, an enjoyable stage once you figure out the tricks.

11. Mirage Saloon - I'm insanely torn on this one and it sucks. I'm just not that big on Sky Chase, so Act 1, while still enjoyable, was a bit flat for me. Act 2 though...wew lad. So many fun gimmicks like the guns and water containers that make navigation a blast. Act 2 felt very short to me, though, so that compounded with my issues with Act 1 to knock the zone down overall. Love the main boss, but the mini boss is a bit tedious (I couldn't figure out how to hit him when he's moving between foreground and background). With a longer Act 2 and a different, more traditional Act 1 (for Sonic/Tails) this would have been top 5 for me, easy.

12. Green Hill - Just really basic. I mean, it's Green Hill. The music isn't my favorite in the game, and while Act 2 spruces things up a bit, it's all a bit restrained to keep up with the heavier hitters. A good first level, but not much more for me.

edit - just for reference, Mania is the first classic Sonic game where I enjoy every single zone and don't dread playing any of them.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Did Knuckles always have this lag when landing from a glide? It sort of bothers me...

But, I remember now that playing as Knuckles and Tails is always more fun in the Sonic games for me because I like the element of exploration they provide. Whenever I play a Sonic game now I tend to go for Sonic for the "purer" experience, and I don't enjoy them as much as when I was a kid where I always went with Tails---and in Mania it feels like the levels are so dense and complex running through them as Sonic just doesn't give them justice.

I'd love to see some official Zone maps published so we can see the exact layout, to be honest some of these levels really confuse me when I try and put them together in my head. I definitely think the argument could be made that the team got a bit TOO ambitious in places with the level design and could use a bit more streamlining.


As far as stage ratings go,

I can't hate on Green Hill. Its iconic and looks beautiful here. Its basic yes, but gets the job done as introduction.

I agree with Stardust Speedway, its brilliant. But I think Flying Battery could be higher,
Act 2 is so fucking flawless that it might be the single best level layout in the game Though Hydrocity shows me that Sonic 3 still holds up, as that Act 2 is absolutely masterful still and I'm almost certain its unchanged save for the boss fight.

As for the worst zone, for me its Mirage Saloon. I don't like Sky Chase, though its mandatory in a sonic game, but the other stage felt ridiculously short as well. I was done with the whole zone within 5 minutes. Flying Battery 2 alone took me around 8 the first time.

My ranking is probably:

1.Stardust - Masterful
2.Studiopolis - Great showcase, completely new.
3;Flying battery - music, and Act 2
4.Hydrocity - Act 2. Music ofcourse.
5.Press garden - Another great showcase thats new. Visual style is cheating; this is 32-bit.
6.Chemical Plant - Better than the original
7.Metallic Madness - Better than the original, some neat platforming.
8.Green Hill - Best edition of GH yet.
9.Oil Ocean - Made a meh stage kind of good
10.Titanic Monarch - Good first act, second act overstays its welcome. Boring boss.
11.Lava Reef - Didn't click with me yet.
12.Mirage Saloon - There was almost nothing to see here. final boss is kinda fun.

Overall this game has the best quality accross the board. Sonic 3K had 13? stages, and I thought Marble and Carnival were shit. Sandopolis was kind of meh also, though I didn't hate it as much as others do.


Still can't believe a Sonic game might currently be the 2nd best game on the Switch right now.

Really hope SEGA clamps onto the idea of quality control. No one does it like Nintendo, but a revamping of how they distribute their software, and who they allow to make their games would work wonders.

They reallllllly struck gold allowing a bunch of dedicated fans to make this game. This is a straight up love letter to 90s era platformers and fans of the classic games as a whole.

This game is also proof that Sonic stories work best with a mute cast and over expressive characters. Feels like those cartoons from the 30's and 40's with mute characters.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Alright SonicGAF.

Here I was, ready to be a good boy. Ready to patiently wait for the PC release.

But nooooo, y'all gotta carry filling up gaming side with threads on 'bout how this is the best Sonic game in years. How it's better than the original 16-bit games. How the soundtrack is beyond God-tier. How it's such an amaaaaaaazing experience.

Y'all made me do this.


be back in a few hours lolol

Wait, are Switches now readily available?


Mirage Saloon was such a piece of shit stage.

Shitty plane section in Act 1. Followed by a weirdly short train section that seemed pretty pointless. Followed by the snake boss with weird ass depth issues with hit detection.

Act 2 was decent I guess. I don't actually remember the boss though... must've not been that great. EDIT: Oh it's that robot who morphs into the wanted animals... so random and boring.
For those disappointed in
Mirage Saloon
, make sure you do a
playthrough at some point.

This game is also proof that Sonic stories work best with a mute cast and over expressive characters. Feels like those cartoons from the 30's and 40's with mute characters.

Totally agree. I hope the next classic Sonic game has a lot more of this stuff in-between zones.


Mirage Saloon was such a piece of shit stage.

Shitty plane section in Act 1. Followed by a weirdly short train section that seemed pretty pointless. Followed by the snake boss with weird ass depth issues with hit detection.

Act 2 was decent I guess. I don't actually remember the boss though... must've not been that great. EDIT: Oh it's that robot who morphs into the wanted animals... so random and boring.

The train was there to give you a checkpoint. Imagine having to redo the entire stage if you died to the boss.

I take it you've never played Sonic Triple Trouble or Sonic the Fighters? The Act 2 boss was huge fanservice for fans of those games.


Mirage Saloon was such a piece of shit stage.

Shitty plane section in Act 1. Followed by a weirdly short train section that seemed pretty pointless. Followed by the snake boss with weird ass depth issues with hit detection.

Act 2 was decent I guess. I don't actually remember the boss though... must've not been that great. EDIT: Oh it's that robot who morphs into the wanted animals... so random and boring.

Those wanted animals are side Sonic characters that haven't appeared for almost two decades, it's a nice call back.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Mirage Saloon was such a piece of shit stage.

Shitty plane section in Act 1. Followed by a weirdly short train section that seemed pretty pointless. Followed by the snake boss with weird ass depth issues with hit detection.

Act 2 was decent I guess. I don't actually remember the boss though... must've not been that great. EDIT: Oh it's that robot who morphs into the wanted animals... so random and boring.

Yea my least favorite stage so far. Left off before finishing Act 1, so hopefully Act 2 improves, but not a fan.


I honestly feel like some of the hype for some bosses and stages is purely fueled by nostalgia.

I totally get that, hell I was grinning like an idiot for CPZ, and that A2 boss was great.

But lets be honest... most of the bosses (and stages) are simply not good at all.


I really liked the aesthetics/music/theming of Mirage Saloon Zone, but I'm not sure how much I liked it from a gameplay standpoint. I'll need to replay it. Both acts seemed very short.


I honestly feel like some of the hype for some bosses and stages is purely fueled by nostalgia.

I totally get that, hell I was grinning like an idiot for CPZ, and that A2 boss was great.

But lets be honest... most of the bosses (and stages) are simply not good at all.

Ya crazy, most of the bosses are amazing.


What's the length of this game? Like not just beating but getting everything as well.

I was midway in the first GHZ act but I stopped and decided I'll crack into this tomorrow when I clock outta work instead. I always like to save amazing games for the weekend since I don't work then.
Ya crazy, most of the bosses are amazing.

Mania's bosses are the biggest improvement over the classics imo. Going from Eggman mostly driving a machine across a single screen with a basic pattern to some of the stuff in Mania is a gigantic leap.

What's the length of this game? Like not just beating but getting everything as well.

Likely 3-4 hours to get all the chaos emeralds on a single file and see the true ending.

edit - As LordKano said, adding in the blue sphere minigames will definitely give you a few more hours.


What's the length of this game? Like not just beating but getting everything as well.

I was midway in the first GHZ act but I stopped and decided I'll crack into this tomorrow when I clock outta work instead. I always like to save amazing games for the weekend since I don't work then.

If getting everything means beating every blue sphere zone to get all the medals, then it's damn long.
Otherwise, probably 4 hours for your first run with all the chaos emeralds, then an additional 2-3h for Knuckle's run which is significantly different from Sonic's.


I'll be honest I never really liked the Genesis games that much. My fav that I played was Sonic CD and I don't think I even finished it. Only 2D one I know I beat was one of the GBA games which was pretty good. I'm much more partial to the Adventure series which I grew up with.

But holy shit is this a well made and fun game. The music is damn good, level design mostly fantastic, and the bosses surprising and fun. I'm having tons of fun with a 2D sonic game. You can tell all the love that went into this project. I just made it to Hydrocity Zone and currently amazed on how good this is.

Mr Swine

I don't get it why people like
stardust speedway and metallic madness
? They are by far the worst levels in the game and I really hate that the developers had to
shoe horn Sonic cd's shitty little planet
to the game. It ended in
Sonic CD and now it's back again? Please let it stay dead

Otherwise this game is fantastic, I just need to collect all the 7 chaos emeralds with Sonic
I really liked the aesthetics/music/theming of Mirage Saloon Zone, but I'm not sure how much I liked it from a gameplay standpoint. I'll need to replay it. Both acts seemed very short.

Act 1 is a redux of Sky Chase Zone from Sonic 2, which most players will either love or hate. Act 2 is jam-packed with gimmicks such as pinball flippers, piano keys to bounce on, water containers that create paths, snd barstools to spin on. The volume of stuff here is similar to Studiopolis, but unlike that zone Mirage Saloon doesn't give it quite as much time to breathe.
I don't get it why people like
stardust speedway and metallic madness
? They are by far the worst levels in the game and I really hate that the developers had to
shoe horn Sonic cd's shitty little planet
to the game. It ended in
Sonic CD and now it's back again? Please let it stay dead

Otherwise this game is fantastic, I just need to collect all the 7 chaos emeralds with Sonic

Words cannot accurately describe how much I disagree with you right now.
I honestly feel like some of the hype for some bosses and stages is purely fueled by nostalgia.

I totally get that, hell I was grinning like an idiot for CPZ, and that A2 boss was great.

But lets be honest... most of the bosses (and stages) are simply not good at all.

Don't try to pull that nonsense. It's just your
totally factually objectively incorrect


Bosses in this game are generally great save for some missteps.

Especially if you catch the references, they're very well done.

For example one particular stage

Basically lets you be the boss. And Eggman is below you in the water. I fucking loved that. Though I liked the added final boss chase with the bombs less, and that final part I could do flawless in 3 but not here. Could you telegraph him in the original or something?
I always dash into him now.

Other neat things are the Triple Trouble tributes, the improved Metal Sonic fight that takes cues from both the original and Generations, the terrible original Chemical plant boss is gone, etc.

There is a reason why people often have high praise for the original trilogy and not the other game

They're heavily altered from the other game. Boss fights are better, mechanics are better. Those particular stages flow far better than they ever did.
I don't get it why people like
stardust speedway and metallic madness
? They are by far the worst levels in the game and I really hate that the developers had to
shoe horn Sonic cd's shitty little planet
to the game. It ended in
Sonic CD and now it's back again? Please let it stay dead

Stardust Speedway Act 1 barely resembles anything from that stage in CD - it's more influenced by Marble Garden and Mushroom Hill, albeit with the original's speed tubes to tie things together. Act 2 is a bit closer to the original, but is less convoluted to navigate, and dat party atmosphere is unmatched.

Metallic Madness is also very different from CD. Again, it's less convoluted, and gimmicks like hopping to the background are new. The actual level design doesn't resemble much of CD's at all.


I think what impresses me most about Sonic Mania is just the relentless parade of new ideas. Each stage seems to introduce one-off gimmicks, sometimes multiple one-off gimmicks, and most of them feel thoroughly explored in their level. Each level also has its own unique boss at the end and its own unique music, and most levels have their own unique backgrounds as well.

For example, Flying Battery Zone explores the interior and exteriors of an airship between its two acts, but the stormy skies of Act 2 are a big change from the sunny skies of Act 1. Even more dramatic is the change between the magma mines of Lava Reef's Act 1 and the crystal caves of Act 2.

There are definitely aspects to criticize, however, including a number of cheap deaths where something appears at the last second from offscreen and crushes you in that instant (i-frames be damned). Some things are poorly telegraphed or a bit trial-and-error by nature.

Still, the game must be doing something right since I always dive right back in without hesitation... I'm definitely having a lot of fun. Been pretty much thinking about this game nonstop. There's a LOT to love here.

About Mirage Saloon, the way I see it (having only played Sonic's take on it) is the plane ride is a neat change of pace that adds some variety. Makes the game feel like even more of an adventure. I'd prefer a normal stage, though, which is apparently what you get if you go through it as Knuckles.

The Act 2 just kind of went by in a flash. I feel like I skipped 60% of it. Lots of deep cavernous areas that I just sailed over by taking those totem pole flippers and the gun cannons. I'll have to go back and explore it more thoroughly.


I honestly feel like some of the hype for some bosses and stages is purely fueled by nostalgia.

I totally get that, hell I was grinning like an idiot for CPZ, and that A2 boss was great.

But lets be honest... most of the bosses (and stages) are simply not good at all.

Why aren't they good? I mean I love the CPZ first time round
but it's pretty boring afterwards sure, even Draco put's up a harder fight.
But the rest of the bosses? I can't really agree with you, especially when I'm not blinded so much that I prefer some of their original versions
like the Metal Sonic race.

What's the length of this game? Like not just beating but getting everything as well.

I was midway in the first GHZ act but I stopped and decided I'll crack into this tomorrow when I clock outta work instead. I always like to save amazing games for the weekend since I don't work then.

4 hours on first playthrough with Sonic + Tails to get all the Chaos Emeralds and another... 5 hours with Knuckles to get all the blue spheres.
Words cannot accurately describe how much I disagree with you right now.

The only thing I didn't like in either
Stardust Speedway or Metallic Madness
Metal Sonic
. The
Game Gear Silver Sonic cameo
was really cute but I otherwise find that fight to be more obnoxious than fun.

I'm really surprised with how much I love
Metallic Madness
in this game. Act 1's music is one of the best tracks in the game. I wish
the US region's soundtrack got some love as well, though. One of my game design professors in college worked on CD's US soundtrack.


Why aren't they good? I mean I love the CPZ first time round
but it's pretty boring afterwards sure, even Draco put's up a harder fight.
But the rest of the bosses? I can't really agree with you, especially when I'm not blinded so much that I prefer some of their original versions
like the Metal Sonic race.
Maybe I'm just thinking mostly about the A1 bosses. Most of them are over in the blink of an eye. The OOZ A1 boss can be killed before he even starts doing anything if you time it right.

A2 are mostly pretty good. I wasn't a fan of the
Metal Sonic Race
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