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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 or AGAINST |OT| of Huelen in Green-Eyed Heaven

I didn't like any special stages in any game. They never seem to feel like the regular playstyle in any way. I literally frown when I'm exploring in sonic 3 and run into a damn giant ring :(. In case you're wondering, finding new routes in sonic 3 is like my borderline autistic tick.


ismaboof said:
Oh the rest of the zone is a treat

no it isn't

my favorite part was when I got into the minecart. I let go of the joystick because, well it was automated anyway right? so then the minecart jumps off a ramp and because I'm not holding the joystick to the right, I immediately lose all momentum and fall into a bottomless pit


JSnake said:
no it isn't

my favorite part was when I got into the minecart. I let go of the joystick because, well it was automated anyway right? so then the minecart jumps off a ramp and because I'm not holding the joystick to the right, I immediately lose all momentum and fall into a bottomless pit

Haha if there is a zone titled "underwater maze escape" Sega should have clued in.


The_Technomancer said:
Really? Hell, my first exposure to S3&K and indeed video games as a whole was the 10$ "Sonic and Kunckles collection" for PC that I bought at Office Max when I was like 10.

EDIT: Wait...are you all nuts? Sonic 3 had the best special stages. Especially some of the designs in &K

Watch the 3d blast saturn version bonus stage video. Sonic 3's were too stressful :lol

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Teknoman said:
Watch the 3d blast saturn version bonus stage video. Sonic 3's were too stressful :lol
Eh, I guess. I liked the bitter difficulty in 3&K though, especially on the Super Emeralds. Really made you feel like you accomplished something.
Wow, just played the demo.

This game is just terrible. The controls are absolutely abysmal, and the animation is just awkward as hell.


0 HP

ismaboof said:
The final stage has an amazing title: FINAL SHOWDOWN IN SPACE
Holy shit, you guys actually prefer the Sonic 2 special stages? Tedious and frustrating. Once I got all seven chaos emeralds for the first time, I never did it again.

Sonic 1 and 3/K had it right. Sonic 1 did it the best.


JSnake said:
Holy shit. Just holy shit. There is a part near the end (presumably? I haven't gotten past this shit yet) of Labyrinth Zone Act 2 that is just so bad. So, so bad. Soososososoososososoosososo baaaaaaaad. It's just this stupid, stupid puzzle. I can't figure it out.

You have to light these torches to make pillars come out of the wall but the only torches that make the pillars you can use to get to the ledge also make a pillar blocking the way you're supposed to go! So wtf. What the hell am I missing?

Even so, what is this shit doing in this game in the first place? I've gotten three TIME UPs from this fucking puzzle already and it's driving me auaguijdeswhkdnsl

this is going to be the new barrel.

edit: I literally had to go to GameFAQs in order to pass a puzzle in a 2D Sonic game. FUCK that was bad


Seriously, I rage quit. I was breezing through the game until this bullshit came up. I tried for 20 fucking minutes and I SWEAR there's no way to get passed the pillar blocking your way.

Impressions so far-

-Level design isn't horrible, but level gimmicks suck, simply put. The cannons in the Casino level, and the torch in the Labyrinth zone are just unnecessary.

-Homing attack isn't bad. But number one: Megamix does it way better (homing attack just feels right in that game) and number two: fucking lines of enemies that you have to homing attack across is horrible, and SLOW. It's probably the slowest part of the game. Why would they do that?

-The music is AWESOME. I'm digging these tracks right now. I didn't expect the soundtrack to surpass it's predecessors, but I approve.

-Visuals are beautiful as well. Sonic looks fantastic on my HDTV.

-What I don't approve of, as expected, is the physics in general. Sonic moves to slow in the air, spindash is WAY too slow, and as mentioned, unless you're holding RIGHT, momentum is nowhere to be found. Having just played Sonic 2 and 3, I'm used to holding down when I gather some serious speed. Maaaaaan does that not work in this game :lol

-Sonic's looking up animation is just :lol It should be a taunt in the new Super Smash Bros.

Gonna try and beat that stupid torch bullshit and hopefully finish the game by the end of the day.


You know, what annoys me most about this game isn't the shitty physics or the awkward animation. It's the "gotcha!" moments. Anyone who's played a Mario World ROM hack knows what I mean. This game has so many moments that catch you off-guard and just kill you without a moment's notice. It's absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't help that you can only see a few inches ahead of you.

But I can't tell you how many times I've just been running along only to run right into a bottomless pit. I also enjoyed it when the game put me on a boulder and I had to balance myself on it (think log rolling.)

Except the game is like "haha, I hope you can figure out exactly how you're supposed to control a new game mechanic within literally a single second of having it introduced to you! YOU'RE TOO SLOW, haha ya dumb cocksucker!"


Finally played the PSN demo:

  • Graphics are great. Really nice and vibrant. Sonic's running animation (the jog and full speed anyway) are actually alot better looking when playing. The jump ball animation is just fine too.
  • Music in Splash Hill act 1 is ok, but the menu music after pressing start is pretty cool.
  • Physics take a little getting used to, but it does take some skill to actually use the homing attack in time, and rolling does help you get higher at certain points. Spindash then jumping as well.

Sonic does take a little longer to get moving than he should, but it has nothing to do with the controls of the game. Everything works fine, just his acceleration speed needs to be upped abit.
Combichristoffersen said:
I'm sure its level design is enjoyable if you regularly drop acid, but for those of us who don't do hallucinogenic drugs, it's a ridiculously overrated
and quite shitty
I kind of feel bad about constantly derailing this thread (well, not really), so I'll say this about Sonic CD:

By no means is Sonic CD the best Sonic game. As far as level design goes, it's a hodge-podge of insane, poorly explained elements that either don't serve much purpose except to confuse the player or be solved only through trial-and-error and rote memorization of elements of a level with a little bit of random chance thrown in (that chance more often than not being "how do I not screw this up and lose my ability to time-travel?"); in short, it's a completely unrefined game whose defining elements are, for the most part, all idea and minimal execution. That said, I still have the upmost respect and appreciation for the game for all the crazy risks they tried to take. Simply put, Sonic CD is the creative high point of the series. Everything has been downhill since that game - including Sonic 3 and Knuckles, which, need I remind you, is one of the best games ever created. I love the game's take on synesthesia, with its abstract, ridiculous levels that feel like changing interactive art displays as much as they do video game levels and a completely wild soundtrack (both versions) that adds to the overload. I love the game's take on exploration and having to go to parts of the level in another time to affect other areas or just see how things change when you jump between past, present, and the two futures. Most of all, I love the game's take on Sonic's physics, and the fact that he's slower and weightier for both regular running and the spin-dash; it both makes earning momentum that much more rewarding and gives you a reason to actually want to use the Peel Out even with the risk of it leaving you vulnerable (that is, unfortunately, too easy to break). It's a creative force of a game that wasn't afraid to take tons of risks, and while it didn't necessarily pay off all the time, I have nothing but love for them for trying it, since even when those risks don't work, they don't stop the game from being a really, really great Sonic game.

The point is, it really annoys me that Sonic Team has almost completely disavowed the game's existence up to this point and left all of the fantastic things it brought to the table by the wayside. I would've loved to have seen the Sonic CD 2 that would come along, refine everything that game tried to do and turned it into a more structured, palpable experience, because I have no doubt that it would be something completely brilliant. And unfortunately,
whatever they do with Episode 2 and its riffing on Sonic CD is bound to not be what I want, because it's still going to be Sonic 4 and its awful, broken, missing-the-point physics engine, music, level and art design, etc.

jambo said:
People have this wonderful thing called MEMORY!
Wow, really? It's almost like I was being ridiculously tongue-in-cheek by turning the entire thing into a Phoenix Wright play or something because making goofy jokes is funnier than posting something along the lines of "I don't even know what that means and I consider your estimation of Sonic 1's physics both wrong and baseless" or something!
As suspected, my only real problems is that Sonic starts moving way too slowly, and the homing attacks. Just not a fan.

Other than that it was okay, but definitely not worth the price especially considering it's just one episode.


I really dont see how people are complaining about Sonic's animations though. Physics, sure. but the animations themselves are actually nice.


Not as deep as he thinks
Got it, played for about two hours now and I'm loving every minute of it. You have to get adjusted to the new physics, but once you're adjusted, it just clicks. It looks gorgeous too and the music..I wasn't really a fan of it when the game leaked, but it just seems to go well when I'm playing it that any signs I had of disliking a particular track just goes away.

I like doing speed runs and trying to find the quickest path available. I had fun trying to get that trophy of clearing the first act in under a minute. Make one mistake = Restart! :lol Surprisingly, I managed to clear the first act at precisely ONE minute! :D


Final thoughts for the evening

+I enjoy the homing attack

-final boss
-Lost Labyrinth zone
-Special stages

Not worth $15, $5-$10, would have been more appropriate. Not a great game, but a step in the right direction for Sonic?


Lost Labyrinth act 2 theme = :D

Also hold right to win really doesnt hold true at all in the stages so far. The vine swinging was actually kinda cool, and you dont really need the homing attack to use them...but I will admit it's saved me more than a few times already.


Yup, plays just like a mediocre cross between Rush and Advance. Music is meh, but I already knew that. And as someone mentioned before, what's with switching the spin/spindash sounds. It reminds me of when they switched the collect rings sound with lose rings sound in an Unleashed trailer.

Still in for $5-7, just to try out the later zones.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I AM JOHN! said:
I kind of feel bad about constantly derailing this thread (well, not really), so I'll say this about Sonic CD:

By no means is Sonic CD the best Sonic game. As far as level design goes, it's a hodge-podge of insane, poorly explained elements that either don't serve much purpose except to confuse the player or be solved only through trial-and-error and rote memorization of elements of a level with a little bit of random chance thrown in (that chance more often than not being "how do I not screw this up and lose my ability to time-travel?"); in short, it's a completely unrefined game whose defining elements are, for the most part, all idea and minimal execution. That said, I still have the upmost respect and appreciation for the game for all the crazy risks they tried to take. Simply put, Sonic CD is the creative high point of the series. Everything has been downhill since that game - including Sonic 3 and Knuckles, which, need I remind you, is one of the best games ever created. I love the game's take on synesthesia, with its abstract, ridiculous levels that feel like changing interactive art displays as much as they do video game levels and a completely wild soundtrack (both versions) that adds to the overload. I love the game's take on exploration and having to go to parts of the level in another time to affect other areas or just see how things change when you jump between past, present, and the two futures. Most of all, I love the game's take on Sonic's physics, and the fact that he's slower and weightier for both regular running and the spin-dash; it both makes earning momentum that much more rewarding and gives you a reason to actually want to use the Peel Out even with the risk of it leaving you vulnerable (that is, unfortunately, too easy to break). It's a creative force of a game that wasn't afraid to take tons of risks, and while it didn't necessarily pay off all the time, I have nothing but love for them for trying it, since even when those risks don't work, they don't stop the game from being a really, really great Sonic game.

The point is, it really annoys me that Sonic Team has almost completely disavowed the game's existence up to this point and left all of the fantastic things it brought to the table by the wayside. I would've loved to have seen the Sonic CD 2 that would come along, refine everything that game tried to do and turned it into a more structured, palpable experience, because I have no doubt that it would be something completely brilliant. And unfortunately,
whatever they do with Episode 2 and its riffing on Sonic CD is bound to not be what I want, because it's still going to be Sonic 4 and its awful, broken, missing-the-point physics engine, music, level and art design, etc.

To be fair, Sonic CD isn't the worst thing to come out of the Sonic franchise (games like Sonic Spinball, Tails Sky Patrol and Sonic Heroes are all much, much worse than Sonic CD). But as you say, the level design just isn't very good. It just feels like a jumbled mess of ideas from the mind of people who regularly do LSD or other hallucinogenic drugs. Add to that the awful bosses (I think the first boss took a whopping three hits to defeat) and the poorly implemented time travel mechanic, and the game just ends up as a brave, but ultimately failed, attempt at doing something new. I still like some of its ideas though, the Super Peel-Out was pretty cool, although more or less useless as it left you vulnerable, while the Spin Dash did not, and the special stages are arguably the best of the classic 16-bit special stages, and the music's great too. Still, Sonic CD is overall, as far as I'm concerned, not very enjoyable compared to Sonic 1-3&K and the Master System/Game Gear games.

As for Sonic Team disavowing the game, I guess the fact that it's still a very polarizing game plays into that. Doesn't help much either that it was originally released for a Mega Drive add-on that few ever cared about.
Combichristoffersen said:
As for Sonic Team disavowing the game, I guess the fact that it's still a very polarizing game plays into that. Doesn't help much either that it was originally released for a Mega Drive add-on that few ever cared about.
Well let's be fair - it's probably more of a problem that Yuji Naka had nothing to do with the game (it was pretty much all Oshima's baby), and so he most likely mandated that Sonic Team was to completely ignore that game's existence and continue ahead in the direction he wanted like the egotistical prick that he is.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
The 1st level (the demo) is so far, the worst level of the game. Sega really should have made a different level the demo, because they do get better.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I AM JOHN! said:
Well let's be fair - it's probably more of a problem that Yuji Naka had nothing to do with the game (it was pretty much all Oshima's baby), and so he most likely mandated that Sonic Team was to completely ignore that game's existence and continue ahead in the direction he wanted like the egotistical prick that he is.

Well, considering how much better Sonic 1, 2 and 3&K were compared to CD, I have no problem with Naka being an egotistical prick :p


Loves Robotech S1
Say what you will about Sonic CD's level design, but they were awesome to look at and just...marvel at the insanity before you. So many shapes...so many colors.. :lol


So far, I like Sunset Hill act 2,3, and Lost Labyrinth Act 2. Finally glad the spin dash is useful again. Its actually the best way to gain speed.


luka said:
Say what you will about Sonic CD's level design, but they were awesome to look at and just...marvel at the insanity before you. So many shapes...so many colors.. :lol
You know that problem everyone has with every fan game or fan remake? The one where everything is always too busy and cluttered? None of them are ever as busy or cluttered as Sonic CD.


Not as deep as he thinks
Teknoman said:
ts actually the best way to gain speed.
The only problem I have with it is that it slows you down when you're going upwards, which is really inconvenient.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I had fun with the demo, but the first time through I ended with 173 rings. :lol Pushing the analog stick right to win is still somewhat true. Homing attack was unnecessary.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Combichristoffersen said:
The level design is awful, the bosses are terrible (except for the Metal Sonic race) and the time travel mechanic is more of a chore than a good gameplay mechanic. But yeah, the special stages are great.
Yeah, as much as I wanted to love Sonic CD, it was definitely the worst of that era. I think Sonic 4 is a better game than Sonic CD, to be honest (though it lacks the charm of Sonic CD, unfortunately).


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Roto13 said:
You know that problem everyone has with every fan game or fan remake? The one where everything is always too busy and cluttered? None of them are ever as busy or cluttered as Sonic CD.

At least the fan games can be excused because they're made by.. well, fans. But Sonic CD was made by professional developers at Sega. Insane.


Loves Robotech S1
Roto13 said:
You know that problem everyone has with every fan game or fan remake? The one where everything is always too busy and cluttered? None of them are ever as busy or cluttered as Sonic CD.

That's why it's so awesome! No measly fan game can top CD in cramming as much nonsense on screen as possible! There is beauty in chaos.


0 HP said:
the physics work fine for the level design. you're not supposed to play sonic like he's a marble like in sonic 1.

This is completely true.

Playing Sonic in the intended fashion is completely unfun however. Which undermines the entire game.


Finished. Actually really liked it. Need to go back and get the rest of the emeralds now, but it was a pretty fun game in the end.

Funny how I ended up with about 25 lives in the first two levels... then squandered them all in the last ones so by the end I had about 2 left. I dunno how the hell I'm going to get the gold for beating EGG Station without damage, I'm terrible at the Lost Labyrinth boss, and possibly even worse at the Mad Gear one. Final boss isn't bad once you know its patterns, but I usually screw up at least once anyway.

I guess I can look forward to Episode 2 in peace now.
Just played the demo and yeaaaaaah....this is kinda bland.

I know it's just the first level but it's just meh. Sonic takes too long to get going for my tastes. The homing attack doesn't bother me but it doesn't really add anything to the game either.

Will wait for the complete pack....then I'll wait for a sale.


Also, Sonic CD is Exhibit A on how integral Yuji Naka was to the original Sonic Team. The programming in Sonic CD is an absolute mess, and I can only sympathize with the poor dude that had to take Naka's engine and build a new game out of it without any of his skill.


Anth0ny said:

Seriously, I rage quit. I was breezing through the game until this bullshit came up. I tried for 20 fucking minutes and I SWEAR there's no way to get passed the pillar blocking your way.
I guess I just got lucky. :lol

Light the fourth torch, then wait two-three seconds and light the third one, then run left (lighting the first in the process).

I'm counting the torches from left to right.


brandonh83 said:
Other than that it was okay, but definitely not worth the price especially considering it's just one episode.
Doesn't this one episode contains as much chapters/zones as other games?
I remember Segata posting a list of some of the Sonic games and it was quite close as far as numbers of zones goes; which wasn't bad considering that it was just the first episode.

And I'm not talking about the quality of each zone, just the quantity. :p


TL4E said:
I guess I just got lucky. :lol

Light the fourth torch, then wait two-three seconds and light the third one, then run left (lighting the first in the process).

I'm counting the torches from left to right.

Yeah, I got it.

Best thing was I solved it for the first time with my timer at 9:40 and blinking red at me. So I beat it, and the timer killed me. I fucking knew that was going to happen :lol

Is the Labyrinth zone 3 and boss a carbon copy of Sonic 1 or what? :lol

except that boss fucking kicked my ass, holy shit. took me like 10 tries


I just played the demo.. it's not bad, it does feel like old school Sonic... but flawed:

3D backdrops with 2D "front plane" feels a bit weird but I guess it's ok after a while.
The walking animation is horrible and awkward.
The general "acceleration" of Sonic is also horrible and awkward.
The music sounds like rejected tracks from a Genesis Sonic game..

Other than that, I'm surprised, I like the homing attack... a lot.


Teknoman said:
The only thing I dont like is that you cant break certain objects with a roll, you have to use the homing attack.
Well, they've really marginalized the roll. Sonic can run straight through breakable walls now.


Diablohead said:
Nope, only way for that is the older last gen collections or xbla versions. the megadrive collection has both games but no way to lock-on.
Sonic and Knuckles was released for PC in the late 90s and included S3+K lock-on features.
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