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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 or AGAINST |OT| of Huelen in Green-Eyed Heaven

Mama Robotnik said:
Its objectionable. But its nothing compared to the madness going on in the 1up review:

Thank god they removed the all that horrible 16-bit awkward platforming and added that homing attack, eh?

This review is the shittiest shit that was ever shat. Not that I value any "professional" game critic's opinion over any other random blog or forum post, but this is especially bad. Might as well hand over your gamer's jacket if you think Sonic 4 is an improvement over the "awkward platforming" of the genesis classics.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Nah, we don't know the sales on this one yet. I was more referring to the embarrassing popularity of Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Heroes, etc. in EU/NA.
hey now. sonic heroes is slightly less crap than any of the other 3d sonics.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Not up yet. The PS3 demo/game is up, the Wii game is up, the 360 demo/game will go up at the regular scheduled XBLA update time.
Teknoman said:
Its for PS3. 360 comes out later Wednesday. Just a heads up, Splash Hill act 1 really isnt all that complex.
Thanks :)
So, I've been playing this game on PS3 pretty much since it's been out, and I think it's pretty great. The physics are different from the Genesis games, but once you get used to it and realize what you can and can't do with them, the game is really fun. And the homing attack that everyone keeps bitching about isn't game breaking in the slightest, as it still requires timing to hit enemies with it. And the final boss is a really fun fight.

It's not quite S&K quality, but it's definitely the absolute best Sonic game that's been on the market since then. And after getting all the emeralds, the little teaser at the end
Metal Sonic!
has me super pumped for Episode 2! Whenever that is...


Not as deep as he thinks
OK, I'm stuck on the final boss.

I always die when the cursor goes all crazy and the floor breaks...WTF am I supposed to do!? This is pissing me off because it takes foreeeeever to get to that state.:lol
Rewrite said:
OK, I'm stuck on the final boss.

I always die when the cursor goes all crazy and the floor breaks...WTF am I supposed to do!? This is pissing me off because it takes foreeeeever to get to that state.:lol
jump before robotnik hits the ground, and then hit him before the ground falls apart


Not as deep as he thinks
HeresSomeWeapons said:
jump before robotnik hits the ground, and then hit him before the ground falls apart
Thank you. I had figured it out and was going to come back to edit my post. Ugh, I must have done it like 10 times! :lol

Credit music remix. :eek:


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Played the PS3 demo, game is definitely fun but Sonic just seems a bit slower.
ULTROS! said:
Played the PS3 demo, game is definitely fun but Sonic just seems a bit slower.
He is.

In Sonic 2 there are parts where the screen can barley keep up with him once he bounces off a spring and into a rolling loopty-loop.


after being burned by the iphone/ipad version, i decided to try the PSN demo.

while i don't know if i can call the one stage good, it's markedly better than the iphone/ipad one! physics are different, lock-on feels like it works a bit better and it obviously controls better.


Sonic 4 definitely is the Sonic Rush engine in HD.

Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCGiEIncR7w#t=0m52s

Then watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqxvYkutHNM#t=1m2s

Also in the iPhone version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTBR6XL7eL0

Looks like DIMPS just took the Sonic Rush engine, removed the speed button boost gimmick, and programmed Sonic's acceleration poorly.

I doubt Episode 2 will fix the physics at all. This was a lazy effort by SEGA in terms of making an engine to resemble the Genesis classics.

As long as sales are good, SEGA will not change this. The reviews are already good, so they'll say we don't need to change anything.


Yeah the pan version is infinitely better than iOS. It really is the best sonic since sonic and knuckles easily. Really wish they had gone for full retail and went all out but they are definetly back in the right direction. That's saying ALOT.
claviertekky said:
Sonic 4 definitely is the Sonic Rush engine in HD.

Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCGiEIncR7w#t=0m52s

Then watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqxvYkutHNM#t=1m2s

Also in the iPhone version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTBR6XL7eL0

Looks like DIMPS just took the Sonic Rush engine, removed the speed button boost gimmick, and programmed Sonic's acceleration poorly.

I doubt Episode 2 will fix the physics at all. Be happy for this for the rest of Sonic 4.

As long as sales are good, SEGA will not change this. The reviews are already good, so they'll say we don't need to change anything.
Man, Sonic Rush is so awesome. I think I'll replay that while I wait for a sale on this. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Clavier Tekky.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Man, Sonic Rush is so awesome. I think I'll replay that while I wait for a sale on this. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Clavier Tekky.
You miss the point completely.

Do you acknowledge what I said about the physics?

claviertekky said:
Sonic 4 definitely is the Sonic Rush engine in HD.

Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCGiEIncR7w#t=0m52s

Then watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqxvYkutHNM#t=1m2s

Also in the iPhone version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTBR6XL7eL0

Looks like DIMPS just took the Sonic Rush engine, removed the speed button boost gimmick, and programmed Sonic's acceleration poorly.

I doubt Episode 2 will fix the physics at all. This was a lazy effort by SEGA in terms of making an engine to resemble the Genesis classics.

As long as sales are good, SEGA will not change this. The reviews are already good, so they'll say we don't need to change anything.


claviertekky said:
You miss the point completely.

Do you acknowledge what I said about the physics?

you've seen how Segata's brutalized kids in order to get them to play Saturn. Just imagine what he'll do to you.
As noted, the acceleration is off and you have too much control of Sonic in the air - you can pretty much stop him dead in mid-air if you make a wrong jump, and that's even without using the homing move to jog you across. Also, the music is downright offensive. It's like an awful pastiche of what Sonic music should sound like, but with none of the charm. Other than that though, I've enjoyed what I played, I like the vibrant and detailed graphics and the level design is pretty good so far. I hate the new Sonic-1-alike special stage though, and don't like having to remember to press triangle for the next stage, or be thrown back to a map screen.


Not as deep as he thinks
I give up trying to collect all the rings from the first Special Stage. I always fuck up near the end because of those stupid rings that are placed near the elimination circles.


Marrshu said:
I bet him missing the point was intentional. :lol
Yeah that was really bm.

sprsk said:
Reply Etiquette

- Use proper grammar. It always helps!

- Quote tons of images. (Not ban worthy, but it's just annoying)
- Insult other posters. (Sometimes banworthy, it's best to just ignore or counter the argument with your own)
- Don't be a dick.
- FIRST POST (Hardcore bannable) Posting in a legendary thread!! (sometimes bannable!) and other obnoxious forum memes
- Shoop da woop photoshops are racist and are bannable.



Just finished the demo and it's not bad, though Sonic takes a while to get up to speed and the character animations look a bit stiff. Almost looks like the game was done in Flash or something.
I still think Sonic 2 had the best animations for Sonic himself


Marrshu said:
Also, claviertekky, you do realize that under normal gameplay, this...

... does not happen, right? I mean, honestly, the vast majority of people are not going to give a flying fuck that Sonic manipulated in a unique scenario on a loop causes odd physics like this.
The point is the problem that people have with his movement aren't going to be fixed because it was already like that a long time ago.

What? Normal gameplay it does happen.


I know this is from the beta Act 2. I had a few times this happened in Act 1 today.


claviertekky said:
What? Normal gameplay it does happen.

No, it doesn't. You have to be intentionally manipulating the game to get results like that. This is why you don't see the big site reviews complain over Rush's physics. They don't see it.

And perhaps more importantly, they probably don't care.


Marrshu said:
No, it doesn't. You have to be intentionally manipulating the game to get results like that. This is why you don't see the big site reviews complain over Rush's physics. They don't see it.
You seem to miss my point. I'll explain it clearer.

The videos were to confirm that the game uses Rush physics. Now, people are complaining about broken physics controls. My theory is that it was already like that since Sonic Rush. Because of good reviews and possibly positive sales (as even crappy Sonic games are sold well), SEGA is not going to change their engine based on complaints how Sonic accelerates slow or how he can't roll up into a ball and gain momentum.


Some of you really need a refresher course on the type of weird shit that was possible in the original games if you tried hard enough :lol

Also, am I the only one puzzled at the fact that some people all but admit that the controls are borked to a discernable degree but just kind of toss that criticism aside as only a minor issue? Maybe I'm just weird, but I would think that the controls in a run-and-jump platformer are a pretty damn big deal. Maybe if this was an RPG or adventure game control issues could be offset by the other core elements being exceptional, but in a platformer?

Eh, whatever, I don't even know why I complain so much, I'm fairly certain time will vindicate my position regardless of whatever arguments occur right now.


Not as deep as he thinks
Teknoman said:
Does the time attack mode auto-upload your scores?
I tried it, but I don't think it uploaded my time into the leaderboards. In fact, I don't know how you can get your time attack into the leaderboards. Tried time attack and score attack and every time I'd access the leaderboards to check if my time/score were there...they weren't.


claviertekky said:
You seem to miss my point. I'll explain it clearer.

The videos were to confirm that the game uses Rush physics. Now, people are complaining about broken physics controls. My theory is that it was already like that since Sonic Rush. Because of good reviews and possibly positive sales (as even crappy Sonic games are sold well), SEGA is not going to change this.

And you're missing my point; It's all irrelevant if SEGA changes it or not. Anyone actually enjoying the game doesn't give two flying duck fucks if Sonic has some slightly irrational movement in a situation they'd never, ever, experience. Likewise, they don't care if the game uses Sonic Rush physics.

Just for shits and giggles, I'm gonna load up Sonic 4 and personally test out the loop example. I'm fairly certain I would have to intentionally trigger it.

EDIT: Case in point, I can't trigger such irrational behavior in normal gameplay.


Wouldnt controls just mean stuff like...lag time between button presses, or responsiveness of the analog/d-pad in the game?

Also I dont think it's Rush physics for the simple fact that you can go flying off a ramp when rolling. Sonic 4 seems to have a limit as to how high/how fast you can actually go.

Rewrite said:
I tried it, but I don't think it uploaded my time into the leaderboards. In fact, I don't know you can get your time attack into the leaderboards. Tried time attack and score attack and every time I'd access the leaderboards to check if my time/score were there...they weren't.

Yeah, I only saw the same 6 JP scores...not sure whats up with that.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
jman2050 said:
Some of you really need a refresher course on the type of weird shit that was possible in the original games if you tried hard enough :lol
It was just Robotnik's traps. Said so in the manual.

It says nothing about Robotnik's traps in any info on Sonic 4, therefore it's just a glitch.
Andrex said:
I always wondered what happened with that.
Basically, the story is this. A long time ago, Dragona used her hex powers to bring two children into existence. After a while, the illusion was revealed, and although Dragona seemed okay, she actually had deep trauma. Some time later, the trauma resurfaced and she started using her hex powers to destroy mods. Vennt, Mr Angry Face, and others died during this period before she was finally contained.

Unfortunately, Dragona's brother, bishoptl, decided to take advantage of her weakened state and abilities to wish a reality into existence where mods ruled completely. After having this exposed to her, Dragona uttered the words "no more mods". Reality was restored, but several mods woke up to find themselves not mods anymore.

Pretty interesting stuff.


Marrshu said:
And you're missing my point; It's all irrelevant if SEGA changes it or not. Anyone actually enjoying the game doesn't give two flying duck fucks if Sonic has some slightly irrational movement in a situation they'd never, ever, experience. Likewise, they don't care if the game uses Sonic Rush physics.

Just for shits and giggles, I'm gonna load up Sonic 4 and personally test out the loop example. I'm fairly certain I would have to intentionally trigger it.

EDIT: Case in point, I can't trigger such irrational behavior in normal gameplay.
You still don't understand it.

My theory is that because it uses the Sonic Rush physics, Sonic's movement is off because they programmed that poorly. The rest is just to show how broken that stuff is which is not the point I'm making. It's just to confirm it's Sonic Rush. That's all. I'm not here hyping on what weird stuff happens when you press buttons.

Sonic's slow movement has been that way for a long time since Sonic Rush. They programmed the acceleration poorly. That's my theory. SEGA won't change it for Episode 2 since no one wants to make a big deal about it.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Segata Sanshiro said:
Basically, the story is this. A long time ago, Dragona used her hex powers to bring two children into existence. After a while, the illusion was revealed, and although Dragona seemed okay, she actually had deep trauma. Some time later, the trauma resurfaced and she started using her hex powers to destroy mods. Vennt, Mr Angry Face, and others died during this period before she was finally contained.

Unfortunately, Dragona's brother, bishoptl, decided to take advantage of her weakened state and abilities to wish a reality into existence where mods ruled completely. After having this exposed to her, Dragona uttered the words "no more mods". Reality was restored, but several mods woke up to find themselves not mods anymore.

Pretty interesting stuff.

You should write the GAF Bible. Very poetic stuff here.


claviertekky said:
Mm... you still don't understand it.

My theory is that because it uses the Sonic Rush physics, Sonic's movement is off because they programmed that poorly. The rest is just to show how broken that stuff is. It's just to confirm it's Sonic Rush. That's all.

After messing around in Rush, it does seem to have physics similar to Rush, aside from Sonic 4 having that speed limit on ramps...unless I just dont know how to build up enough speed.


claviertekky said:
You still don't understand it.

My theory is that because it uses the Sonic Rush physics, Sonic's movement is off because they programmed that poorly. The rest is just to show how broken that stuff is which is not the point I'm making. It's just to confirm it's Sonic Rush. That's all. I'm not here hyping on what weird stuff happens when you press buttons.

Sonic's slow movement has been that way for a long time since Sonic Rush. They programmed the acceleration poorly. That's my theory. SEGA won't change it for Episode 2 since no one wants to make a big deal about it.

Fair enough. I don't mean to nag on your case personally, just that both the Sonic 4 and Sonic Rush videos in question are extremely misleading and fraudulent.

On that note, I did finally manage to pull off the physics on one of the loop. It pretty much requires you to go backwards on the ramp in motion, something you'd never do in actual gameplay.

Suzuki Yu

claviertekky said:

I know this is from the beta Act 2. I had a few times this happened in Act 1 today.

yeah it happened with me in Casino street act 1
but i found out that you need to point sonic to the wall to make him keep going .
as example, in this gif you need to keep pressing right .


Segata Sanshiro said:
Basically, the story is this. A long time ago, Dragona used her hex powers to bring two children into existence. After a while, the illusion was revealed, and although Dragona seemed okay, she actually had deep trauma. Some time later, the trauma resurfaced and she started using her hex powers to destroy mods. Vennt, Mr Angry Face, and others died during this period before she was finally contained.

Unfortunately, Dragona's brother, bishoptl, decided to take advantage of her weakened state and abilities to wish a reality into existence where mods ruled completely. After having this exposed to her, Dragona uttered the words "no more mods". Reality was restored, but several mods woke up to find themselves not mods anymore.

Pretty interesting stuff.

So that's what the M stands for in House of M.
Rewrite said:
I tried it, but I don't think it uploaded my time into the leaderboards. In fact, I don't know how you can get your time attack into the leaderboards. Tried time attack and score attack and every time I'd access the leaderboards to check if my time/score were there...they weren't.
They don't show up immediately, but they're there. It should register all your times everytime the go to the leaderboards, but it takes a while before you can see it.
Andrex said:
So it's like the Genesis games?
:lol I actually love sonic 4 but there's no way it's like the Genesis games, and the Genesis games sure as hell didn't have those faults.

People who suck at sonic just take the "hold right to win" meme seriously and run into a badnik like a dumbass. It really isn't that hard.
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