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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 or AGAINST |OT| of Huelen in Green-Eyed Heaven

Diablohead said:
Speed shoes = glue shoes, you can WALK up huge walls and keep on accelerating.

Normal sonic can walk around a loop with only about 1.5 sonic lenghs run up before the slope starts.

There is a trick to stick to every vertical wall as long as it has grass on it, must be a collision thing as walls will always drop you off at 0 speed.

sonic's air momentum and rolling is beyond fucked, it's fucking atrocious!

Game looks smooth in 1080p but the visuals still have a amateur 3dsmax feel to it all, shitty lighting on everything.

Game is just bad, the trial just shows me exactly what I know already, a dimps engine not suitable for classic gameplay and which did not need homing attacks at all if they actually thought about level design and classic gameplay. fuck you dimps and sega you blew your last chance with me, don't call this cess pool sonic game a direct sequel to sonic & knuckles if you can't fucking deliver.

I had to log into my US gamertag because the UK marketplace has been shit this year for updating on time.

This. I was shocked that holding down seemed to take away from my momentum instead of adding to it like it does in every other 2D Sonic game. I haven't bought the game yet, I'm trying to use the current "spend 2400 points, get 800 back" offer to rationalise paying 1200 points for this, just so I can experience the full game and judge it properly.

But the trial has put me off somewhat. I'll make my decision later tonight.
Lost Labyrinth Act 2 is probably the best level in this entire game. The torch mechanic is implemented surprisingly well. Better than anything else has been implemented in this entire game.

It's almost like they spent 90% of the delay polishing up that one level.


Sega1991 said:
Lost Labyrinth Act 2 is probably the best level in this entire game. The torch mechanic is implemented surprisingly well. Better than anything else has been implemented in this entire game.

It's almost like they spent 90% of the delay polishing up that one level.

Well it didn't exist until they alpha came out, so hopefully it means Episode 2 will be good :p
Dead Man Typing said:
This. I was shocked that holding down seemed to take away from my momentum instead of adding to it like it does in every other 2D Sonic game. I haven't bought the game yet, I'm trying to use the current "spend 2400 points, get 800 back" offer to rationalise paying 1200 points for this, just so I can experience the full game and judge it properly.

But the trial has put me off somewhat. I'll make my decision later tonight.
You can counter the sluggish rolling by keeping forward held down but another problem appears, the levels are not designed for rolling at all so you either hit another boost which lay everywhere or you hit a spring.


Diablohead said:
I had to log into my US gamertag because the UK marketplace has been shit this year for updating on time.

Thanks, got it working!

...why the fuck is he so shiny. Also, it seems having the XBOX set to widescreen makes it look squashed. Eh, I'll live.

Controls are far too stiff, from what I'm played. Not overly pleased so far.

OMG Aero

Sega1991 said:
His Xbox Live profile bio proclaims that he is a male model and has a message akin to "Yeah, I'm a Sonic fan. So what? Fuck the haters!"

He's also had 1000/1000 points in Sonic 4 for months now. Combined with shit like this:


It's shocking he hasn't been completely banned from XBL by now. I don't think Sega cares enough about any of their leaderboards to do anything about the guy.
This just makes no sense to me. If I was a hacker who wanted to get on top of a leaderboard, I would knock a few seconds off the top time so it at least looks believable instead of making it clearly obvious I'm a cheater.
I sure do love it when bosses use completely 100% undodgable attacks on me in an environment where I cannot pick up lost rings



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Basically, the story is this. A long time ago, Dragona used her hex powers to bring two children into existence. After a while, the illusion was revealed, and although Dragona seemed okay, she actually had deep trauma. Some time later, the trauma resurfaced and she started using her hex powers to destroy mods. Vennt, Mr Angry Face, and others died during this period before she was finally contained.

Unfortunately, Dragona's brother, bishoptl, decided to take advantage of her weakened state and abilities to wish a reality into existence where mods ruled completely. After having this exposed to her, Dragona uttered the words "no more mods". Reality was restored, but several mods woke up to find themselves not mods anymore.

Pretty interesting stuff.

...that is a beautiful story.


hide your water-based mammals
I still can't get over why they would mess up the momentum in the game. All they had to do is watch and play Sonic 1/2/3 daily to see how to handle the speed properly. I feel like I only go top speed when I hit those speed boosters. When I spin dash (holding down and mashing buttons) it still doesn't feel fast. I am liking about everything else but this momentum system totally messes up the timing in my jumps. It really is that jarring. Like if I jump and go forward, it feels like Sonic is being held down by ball and chain.

This is enough for me to quit but the game is actually fun, not withstanding the controls/momentum/physics. It should not be that hard to get the basic movements of the damn game right though :/


The physics and controls feel just as awkward as they look. There is hardly any momentum based game play. In many situations, you're forced to use the homing attack/ "boost" jump maneuver. It seems that even inclines have a fixed speed too. Also, Sonic has almost zero directional influence, when he does a regular vertical jump. There's much much more, but I can safely assume other people in this thread have gone over it ad nauseum. In short, Sonic 4 just feels waaaaaaaaaay off.
Well, I beat it, though I still need to get the emeralds.

Lost Labyrinth was the best zone in the game, to me. And I really didn't expect that, but it was.

Mad Gear Act 3 was just damn evil. I don't know if I'll ever touch that level again by choice.


hide your water-based mammals
-PXG- said:
The physics and controls feel just as awkward as they look. There is hardly any momentum based game play. In many situations, you're forced to use the homing attack/ "boost" jump maneuver. It seems that even inclines have a fixed speed too. Also, Sonic has almost zero directional influence, when he does a regular vertical jump. It just feels waaaaaaaaaay off.
This is what I mean. There is a canyon like part where you could jump down and roll up in a "U" patter. I think it's right at the beginning of Casino Act 1. I jump down and spin the momentum doesn't add up to make me go higher. I keep going up and down each way, never actually reaching a higher point. I've tried that level about 7 times and can't get past that part. The homing works for what it is intended to do but they should have just given you a jump+dash ability like in Sonic3K super sonic mode.


Blueblur1 said:
A lot of the little things are off in this game. It feels so weird.
Feels like Dimps is out of their comfort zone here. Wish they just made a proper Sonic Rush HD instead, this feels like a weird hybrid. I'd probably be more forgiving here if the soundtrack was any good.


I just got through playing and its not THAAAAAT BAD but it is horrible. It's frustrating. The controls suck...the controls/physics actually make my hands cramp (seriously). All the insta-stop and direction changes make my hands hurt. It didn't seem like I could do whatever I wanted to do at any point in the demo. The Homing Attack was the best thing about the demo because everything else felt horrible. I wouldn't have sonic transition from walk to run EVER in this game. I'd jump+homing attack to start off any kind of running animation.

I didnt think the "unraveling" of sonic mid air would be as horrible as it is. I cant tell how fast I'm falling and how long I have until I reach the ground so it's really hard to tell if there's an enemy below me.....and if there is then I'll probably hit it and lose all my rings because IDK when the hell I'm supposed to use the homing attack. WTF with all the springs and speed ramps? This game actually just pissed me off because if the physics werent so bad then it would actually be enjoyable somewhat.

It actually brought a smile to my face when I 1st heard the music and saw the 1st level on MY screen for the 1st time. That smile lasted for 3 mins. I was one of those "wait and see" guys but this is just bad. I'm a Sonic fan but I'm not a Sonic fanatic but playing this game made me realize just how right the Sonic fanatics were. You have to get EVERY SINGLE LITTLE detail down when you're creating a 2D Sonic game. I play 2D Sonic games a certain way and I'm accustomed to that. I cant just change the way I play a Sonic game after playing 3 (4 if you count S&Ks) of the main games in the series.

I didnt even expect to write this much but this game just pissed me off to no end and I would have never guessed in a million years that I would become "one of those Sonic haters".
Played the demo, and I think I'll wait for a sale or even I won't bother at all, I could buy better stuff for the 800MP offer.

Actually I think, they should have go full Sonic Rush route for this instead of trying to badly mix classic Sonic elements in it.

I loved Rush, but Sonic 4 was underwhelming at best...and as a classic Sonic is..well...you know already.


LiquidMetal14 said:
This is what I mean. There is a canyon like part where you could jump down and roll up in a "U" patter. I think it's right at the beginning of Casino Act 1. I jump down and spin the momentum doesn't add up to make me go higher. I keep going up and down each way, never actually reaching a higher point. I've tried that level about 7 times and can't get past that part. The homing works for what it is intended to do but they should have just given you a jump+dash ability like in Sonic3K super sonic mode.

I got stuck at that same exact spot last night :lol . I get annoyed, turned the game off and went to bed.

Also, in the old games, during the "auto pilot" boost/ spring sequences, Sonic still had some directional influence. Holding down the d-pad in the same direction Sonic was going, would maintain his momentum. Holding in any other direction would stop or change it. Sonic 4 doesn't have anything semblance of that. This doesn't even feel like Sonic Rush or Sonic Advance. It's a completely new, wonky ass feeling.

Physics is fucked son.

Ranger X

mikespit1200 said:
Wow, 1200 points? And $10 on iPhone? How long is this game, does it justify the price?

That price would have been justified if the game was fun, the controls were good and if the physics were feeling great...
mikespit1200 said:
Wow, 1200 points? And $10 on iPhone? How long is this game, does it justify the price?

The game in general is about two hours and generally pretty easy, though the final boss is a colossal asshole that takes like 18-20 hits to defeat and is ten times harder than anything else in the rest of the game.


formerly cjelly
There are a lot of very basic design choices that flat out suck and should have been picked up:

- The physics suck.

- Power ups are placed completely randomly. (Oh, look, speed shoes! *hits dead end*) In previous games power ups were placed strategically to advise of what's coming up ahead (speed shoes = hit right, invincibility = be more cautious etc).

- The camera is too zoomed in. It's like someone made it in 4:3 then chopped the top and bottom off. When the camera zooms out for the Casino Night boss, it's perfect.

- The whole 'hold right to win!' Dimps stuff is here, only with terrible level design. You'll often find yourself boosted in to a complete dead end or hit straight in to a ramp.

- Running is faster than rolling. In fact, if you roll, you flat out will not make it over some hills. Bizarre.

All in all, I think Dimps would have been better off just making a new Sonic Rush for the download services.


Why does Sonic come to a complete stop after jumping and hitting the ground? It's like he has superglue on the bottom of his feet. The level design is also awful. Hard to see enemies and they are cheap. Geckos that can turn invisible that you can't reach and hits you with a fireball as you're jumping on a spring. Good idea... Or how about flying hornets who aren't flying. They're just floating in the same spot in the air, waiting for a spring to launch you into them... And Sega is going to charge 15 dollars for a third of this game?
Oh my... I feel robed. Sega just stole 1200 points from me.
A bit of background: The last Sonic game I played, was on the Game Gear. This game feels nothing like that at all. Everything looks unfinished, unpolished, and I dont remember Sonic beeing able to run up a wall like that...


You just have to keep holding right when rolling to go faster/maintain speed. Physics being different/off I can understand, but how the controls themselves bad?


Maybe it's been a long time since I played a 2D Sonic game, but after the first two zones I'm having some fun.

Something definitely feels off, but this game isn't exactly terrible either.


I'm half way through and I'm enjoying the game. I like it a lot more than any of the rush/advance games.

The only things I don't like:
Zoomed in camera
Hold direction to jump
The bonus stages (don't like the Sonic 1 bonuses either)

Everything else is pretty cool, if they adjust those problems for the next episode it will be great.


kevm3 said:
Why does Sonic come to a complete stop after jumping and hitting the ground? It's like he has superglue on the bottom of his feet. The level design is also awful. Hard to see enemies and they are cheap. Geckos that can turn invisible that you can't reach and hits you with a fireball as you're jumping on a spring. Good idea... Or how about flying hornets who aren't flying. They're just floating in the same spot in the air, waiting for a spring to launch you into them... And Sega is going to charge 15 dollars for a third of this game?
That was in the old games too though
MessieurCouchon said:
Oh my... I feel robed. Sega just stole 1200 points from me.
A bit of background: The last Sonic game I played, was on the Game Gear. This game feels nothing like that at all. Everything looks unfinished, unpolished, and I dont remember Sonic beeing able to run up a wall like that...
Demo before you buy games, people! please stop supporting sega's bad efforts like this.


Checked the demo on my lunch today.

It's shit, they have broken Sonic. It feels clunky, the look is so sterile, flat and bare minimum and the charm has been wiped away.

The worst for me in the visuals and lack of charm, they have basically remade the old games art in 3D and then turned them to sprites without adding any extra effects, layers anything to bring it to a nice looking game in modern standards. Yuk! Really disappointing.
Camera needs to be zoomed out.

Other than the obvious momentum issues I find just walking along sonic seems to float- his feet bare no correlation to the speed he is moving ant it looks awkward.

otherwise very promising!


:lol :lol :lol

This thread is my favourite thread ever. You guys are making this game out as if it's the worst thing to ever grace XBLA/PSN/WiiWare. Absolutely hilarious. Games like this do not deserve the hate generated in this thread.


cjelly said:
There are a lot of very basic design choices that flat out suck and should have been picked up:

- The physics suck.

- Power ups are placed completely randomly. (Oh, look, speed shoes! *hits dead end*) In previous games power ups were placed strategically to advise of what's coming up ahead (speed shoes = hit right, invincibility = be more cautious etc).

- The camera is too zoomed in. It's like someone made it in 4:3 then chopped the top and bottom off. When the camera zooms out for the Casino Night boss, it's perfect.

- The whole 'hold right to win!' Dimps stuff is here, only with terrible level design. You'll often find yourself boosted in to a complete dead end or hit straight in to a ramp.

- Running is faster than rolling. In fact, if you roll, you flat out will not make it over some hills. Bizarre.

All in all, I think Dimps would have been better off just making a new Sonic Rush for the download services.

Yeah, this is what really irks me. After years of playing the Genesis games, I have a habit of pushing down, to initiate a roll.

The homing attack breaks the game. There are instances where you HAVE to use it. Honestly, it shouldn't even be in this game at all. Sometimes you have to use it to hit a spring or when there is a "bridge" of enemies. The design is simply broken/ non existent.

In regards to the art. I have mixed feelings. It looks "good", as in it's clean. And yet, it's too clean. It's almost too plain and sterile. Almost everything is flattened/ a raster of a 3D model. Splash Hill and Casino Street are fugly, while Mad Gear looks alright. Lost Labyrinth is the only one that actually looks really good.


bluebird said:
:lol :lol :lol

This thread is my favourite thread ever. You guys are making this game out as if it's the worst thing to ever grace XBLA/PSN/WiiWare. Absolutely hilarious. Games like this do not deserve the hate generated in this thread.
A lot of the complaints are warranted. The game truly is a subpar Sonic game. That doesn't mean it's wretched but it's not a good follow-up either. If you like and accept below average games that's fine but a lot of us provide feedback because we don't.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
mr_nothin said:
That was in the old games too though
Yeah, some of these complaints could be registered with the old games as well. I think many people have simply become so used to playing them that they hardly notice.

That's not to say there aren't some bad enemy placements here, but I don't think it's far removed from the Genesis games.

There were even bottomless pits in the Genesis games often near the end of an act just like this game.

Suzuki Yu

as usual in every sonic thread, bashing every aspect of the game to death :lol

dark10x said:
Yeah, some of these complaints could be registered with the old games as well. I think many people have simply become so used to playing them that they hardly notice.

That's not to say there aren't some bad enemy placements here, but I don't think it's far removed from the Genesis games.

There were even bottomless pits in the Genesis games often near the end of an act just like this game.
Blueblur1 said:
A lot of the complaints are warranted. The game truly is a subpar Sonic game. That doesn't mean it's wretched but it's not a good follow-up either. If you like and accept below average games that's fine but a lot of us provide feedback because we don't.
Oh, come now. It's hardly a below average game. Your beloved Phantasy Star Portable is closer to being below average than this is.

I understand it isn't the game you wanted and that SEGA led you to think it was, but it's still a good game.


I'm shocked people bought this garbage at the price. I downloaded the demo and was debating on wasting 10 minutes of my life. I watched It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia instead.

Sonic hasn't been good in ages. Last time Sonic did any good was getting nailed in the face with a bat by Ness in the Wii Super Smash Bros.


i also wish they designed sonic to be more like the cartoony style of the genesis games. i've always despised how the recent sonics make him all lanky and weird looking.

still lovin the game though.
btkadams said:
i also wish they designed sonic to be more like the cartoony style of the genesis games. i've always despised how the recent sonics make him all lanky and weird looking.

still lovin the game though.
Yes classic belly sonic forever, earlier today I stuck the demo on my little brothers 360 since it's offline and the first thing my mum said about the game was "sonic looks really thin now".
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