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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 or AGAINST |OT| of Huelen in Green-Eyed Heaven


Alphahawk said:
Day one purchase for me (one of the few games I don't need a trial for.)

Also the hate this game gets annoys me. People essentially decided after watching the debut trailer that even though it looked great it had to suck so they started acting really weird about it.

Except it didn't look great, it looked like just another boring platformer.

I dunno, I just feel like if this were a Mario game people would be more forgiving of things like beta test videos that obviously weren't going to be in the final game but because it's Sonic they'll just pretend it is anyway...

Because Nintendo has yet to make a bad Mario platformer.

Anticitizen One said:
All I see in this thread is a bunch of insane sonic fans who don't even know what they want. Aside from mandatory homing attacks and the physics shit sonic 4 will be Awsome.

So basically, if you ignore the fact that Sonic 4 will play like shit, then Sonic 4 will be awesome!


Jazzy Network said:
I wanna say Mario Sunshine, but people will jump on me for that.

Even as one of their weaker Mario games it was still the best platformer of that generation.

Granted the competition basically consisted of Jak and Daxter, Prince of Persia, and a bunch of forgettable nonsense, but the fact remains.


The_Technomancer said:
I downloaded the soundtracks for 1 through &K last night out of nostalgia's sake, and I still think that 3 has the best soundtrack. Nothing else comes close to Ice Cap, Hydrocity, or Launch Base. (Although Chemical Plant comes close)


Sonic 3 soundtrack>all


Jazzy Network said:
I wanna say Mario Sunshine, but people will jump on me for that.

it's alright, it's still the only mainline mario game I have never finished or had the desire to.
_Alkaline_ said:
The shift to a hip-hop new jack swing sound for 3 was a great shift for the series and totally fitted it. It's also no surprise that the MJ stuff is the best in the game, though Hydrocity Zone (particularly Act 2) is beyond brilliant. And Kuckles has flying Battery which is godly. I also liked the addition of having different tracks for each act as it provided some extra variety.

I wouldn't say 3 is a clear winner. Given 2 has stuff like Metropolis, Chemical Plant, Aquatic Ruin, Emerald Hill, Mystic Cave, etc. But I rate them both very highly as game soundtracks.

Sonic 1 is all class too, but it doesn't quite match the compositions of its younger brothers. It does have Starlight Zone though.

As for 4, from what I've heard I'd say the compositions themselves are pretty good, but god some of those synths are too retro for their own good. They actually manage to sound more dated than the Genesis games. Melodically though they're pretty solid.
sonic & knuckles wins for having lava reef 1
jman2050 said:
Except it didn't look great,

Except it does look great.

it looked like just another boring platformer.

You mean like every Mario game out there?

Because Nintendo has yet to make a bad Mario platformer.

I don't know about you but every Mario game tend to be generic platformers that does nothing new. Although I did like NSMB Wii.

So basically, if you ignore the fact that Sonic 4 will play like shit, then Sonic 4 will be awesome!

Your post scream "Hey let me jump on the Sonic hate bandwagon.

This is the first Sonic game since Sonic Adventures 2 that has gotten me interested in Sonic again. I'm not here to defend Sonic but the amount of hate in these Sonic 4 topic is quite hilarious.
Phoenix Fang said:
I don't know about you but every Mario game tend to be generic platformers that does nothing new.
What is this I don't even.

Have I fallen into some parallel universe where SMB3, SMW, Yoshi's Island, Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy don't exist?


Phoenix Fang said:
Except it does look great.


You mean like every Mario game out there?

yawn, try harder

I don't know about you but every Mario game tend to be generic platformers that does nothing new. Although I did like NSMB Wii.

This is boring, much like Sonic 4.

Your post scream "Hey let me jump on the Sonic hate bandwagon.

How do I just now jump on something I've been on for months now?

This is the first Sonic game since Sonic Adventures 2 that has gotten me interested in Sonic again.

Well that explains a lot.

I'm not here to defend Sonic but the amount of hate in these Sonic 4 topic is quite hilarious.

Maybe hilarious, but also justified!
Peff said:
Launch trailer for the iPhone version.

Who the heck thought rotating the entire screen every time there's a loop was a good idea :lol ?
Funny that in all the things in the trailer, the mine cart wasn't one of them. :lol

Come to think of it, nothing from Lost Labyrinth appeared in the trailer.
jman2050 said:

yawn, try harder

This is boring, much like Sonic 4.

How do I just now jump on something I've been on for months now?

Well that explains a lot.

:lol :lol

Typical answer from someone who can't argue properly.

Maybe hilarious, but also justified!

Explain to me how it's justified. This will be entertaining .


Phoenix Fang said:
:lol :lol

Typical answer from someone who can't argue properly.

I don't feel like regurgitating six months worth of arguments again merely for your sake, but if you insist, I guess I'll have no choice.
MNC said:
The music sounds awfully forgettable :( Only the chemical plant one sounded neat.

I agree. The music is horrible.

jman2050 said:
I don't feel like regurgitating six months worth of arguments again merely for your sake, but if you insist, I guess I'll have no choice.

Of course you don't.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
I AM JOHN! said:
I'm still waiting for you to explain how Mario games are generic and do nothing new.
"This will be entertaining."
ismaboof said:
What was the reasoning with the loops? jesus

One of the primary control methods is tilt controls. You don't actually rotate the phone along with the loop, you just keep it tilted, and you stay with Sonic's viewpoint while he runs around it, so tilting left and right still sort of make sense.
That iphone trailer's loop rotating is very annoying. Hopefully there's some way to turn it off.

In terms of sales, I think that the iphone/ipad version will sell a whole lot. And the console versions will sell decently enough for them to continue episode 2. But Episode 2 will not sell well at all on consoles if they just include 4 more worlds if they do the same $15 price. Then there will be no more 2d sonics.
Phoenix Fang said:
You mean like every Mario game out there?

I don't know about you but every Mario game tend to be generic platformers that does nothing new. Although I did like NSMB Wii.

LOL this is fantastic just about any way you look at it :lol :lol :lol.


Phoenix Fang said:
Your post scream "Hey let me jump on the Sonic hate bandwagon.

And your posts scream "Hey I just slammed my head into a brick wall a dozen times, let me contribute to the Sonic 4 thread now".
i will give the sonic series credit for providing the best known litmus test for determining if a coworker is an aspertard: i say something like "man, i heard you like video games? only game i ever played was sonic the porcupine 2 or whatever and it was mad gay" and if they coat me with a fine patina of apoplectic spittle, MANCHILD CONFIRMED
That video of RubyEclipse playing is just sad. They kept cheering and going "WOAH" every time he pressed a button to do fucking homing attacks.


Phoenix Fang said:
I don't know about you but every Mario game tend to be generic platformers that does nothing new. Although I did like NSMB Wii.

1/10 but just in case...

OK I know you have to respect people's opinion and stuff. But this... this is just factually incorrect. There's no two ways about it. This isn't the kind of statement that comes down to difference of opinion. You are objectively, factually, just plain-out wrong.
Anticitizen One said:

Every single game mentioned in this thread is shit compared to this
A bit off topic, but I've always wondered why Sonic CD has yet to be released on any of the digital download services for consoles/computers. Does anyone know?
The Awkward Wizard said:
A bit off topic, but I've always wondered why Sonic CD has yet to be released on any of the digital download services for consoles/computers. Does anyone know?

I know that Sega claimed it didn't get into Sonic Mega Collection because of emulation issues. Is it possible that that's the reason?

Of course, it was on Sonic Gems Collection, so maybe not.
The Awkward Wizard said:
A bit off topic, but I've always wondered why Sonic CD has yet to be released on any of the digital download services for consoles/computers. Does anyone know?

because its so awsome the internet would crash
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