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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
The difficulty curve is kind of whack, the line between everyone dropping like dominoes or stomping all over the opposition with ease can seem very thin indeed in some cases whether it's to do with levels or how you approach the enemy, I should add that the frequent checkpoints and save spots get all of my love.

So are you saying that I enjoyed it because it's like the Casual JRPG? because you'd likely be right. Meanwhile my handheld task falls on the other side of the fence on the duration, I think i'm getting into the swing of things regarding Persona 3 but I don't think i'll be able to outright power through it with its supposed length or else i'll probably get apathy syndrome myself, still progress is being made.
Time for another console game, I either tear through the rest of Hitman Absolution or I prepare myself for more Tales of Tropes.

Oh and while my knowledge of it is limited I don't think Fortune Street is a game that can be strictly beat, but it has this theme which to me is like the classic completion theme, if you've heard it then you must've beaten it, flawless logic.
I see. So you like the streamlining a lot, then? I say, yes, I think you enjoyed it because it's more on a streamlined end with relative ease or giving the player more opportunities on their end with respect to balancing in the player's favour. What do you think of the P3 characters/story so far? I will be a long game. I have no idea how Hitman Absolution is, but if some of these guys are on the money, I'd say either push quickly through it, or leave it to last. You know how I feel about Graces as well.

The music in Fortune Street is fantastic. I like DQ a lot, so stuff like Ghost Ship and Alefgard stick out for me. I do feel it's unfortunate that they used the Majestic Castle theme for Castle Trodain despite the fact that in DQ8, the Trodain Castle theme is this.

...though I understand why they went that route. I just loooove that theme I posted a ton.

Yeah, don't mind me, just doing my usual "don't get excited too soon" thing
I'm feeling the same way, don't worry. I feel like I have to take everything with a grain of salt these days. And to be honest, I don't really feel like sticking around gaming side too much at present. It's always like that before, during, and after an E3. People kinda go a little wild.

Yeah, it's coming to Android. We just gotta wait that usual wait-time :(
Bah, that sucks. I don't see it up on the store yet. Tsk. I am just in love with these menu screens that TimmiT posted.

Here are some sexy menu screens:



So sexy.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm interested in how the music sounds, myself.

Since it's available on Android it should be on the Google Play store right? I can't find it..
We have to wait a bit. I'm keeping my eyes peeled.

Also, I'll update the Worlds Collide thread later as I haven't gotten my issue yet (plan to get it today while I'm out). Bean showed me the preview pages a few hours ago where the art--at least for the MM characters--is somewhat less-than-stellar (worse than Time Keeps Slipping, which is astonishing to me). He'll post his pages video soon enough; he just needs rest.
Monkey Watch ain't shit

But seriously, why the fuck does my Perfect get ruined after the song's over? Fuck that shit
I always wondered if that last bit still counted towards the ranking, what a cheap trick, no wonder i've never got above "OK" for the ranking, dastardly!

I see. So you like the streamlining a lot, then? I say, yes, I think you enjoyed it because it's more on a streamlined end with relative ease or giving the player more opportunities on their end with respect to balancing in the player's favour. What do you think of the P3 characters/story so far? I will be a long game. I have no idea how Hitman Absolution is, but if some of these guys are on the money, I'd say either push quickly through it, or leave it to last. You know how I feel about Graces as well.

The music in Fortune Street is fantastic. I like DQ a lot, so stuff like Ghost Ship and Alefgard stick out for me. I do feel it's unfortunate that they used the Majestic Castle theme for Castle Trodain despite the fact that in DQ8, the Trodain Castle theme is this.
...though I understand why they went that route. I just loooove that theme I posted a ton.
The streamlining is nice in moderation, it's not something i'd wish on the genre to often mind you.
As for P3, i'm chummier with random side characters than anyone in the main cast as is stands right now but i'm sure that those central ones with have their character arcs spring into action a bit later on, it's odd how a videogame can make me feel guilty about declining some in game characters request to hang out, the unexplainable guilt! The main plot itself hasn't really taken off yet so there's not much for me to comment on, i'll need to dig in a little further.
My DQ experience is limited to 8 and 9, i'd play backseat gamer (the good kind, not the annoying one I swear) for 8 when my friend used to play it, unfortunately oue journey was halted by Dhoulmagus and that was that, it was neat to find out that for our version we were given the symphonic soundtrack over the original version, it fit like a glove.

qq more

il kil u ded >:Q@@:A::ASDGSDG

oh and I think there's going to be a Sonic pack for 9.99 that includes Generations and CD... hmmm
Right? Had more fun with it than Sonic Colors!

BTW, if you don't already own Sonic Generations for PC, today is the day. Some crazy deals on Amazon right now.

I agree, though I dislike Colours for different reasons than you do.

Also ended up getting Sonic CD, too. So yea... what am I supposed to do in this game? I know there are generators I need to look for, but what do they do? I've never played CD before.
I agree, though I dislike Colours for different reasons than you do.

Also ended up getting Sonic CD, too. So yea... what am I supposed to do in this game? I know there are generators I need to look for, but what do they do? I've never played CD before.

You just listen to the music for it, both soundtracks, maybe play Stardust because it's the best level in the game...and that's about it.

qq more

Jump was okay, it's actually kind of decent for what it is. Dash was TERRIBLE however
after playing it on a weaker device that can't run the game right so don't take anything I said about DASH with a grain of salt.


Also ended up getting Sonic CD, too. So yea... what am I supposed to do in this game? I know there are generators I need to look for, but what do they do? I've never played CD before.

You can just play the game like a normal Sonic. It will net you the bad ending, unless you go for the 7 emeralds, of course. But if you dont like the special stages or whatever, you can achieve the good ending killing the machine generators located in the Past areas on every act, that makes the future of each act a good one.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Hmmm... I think I'm gonna have to buy more than one copy of Sonic Universe #52. I got a variant cover (for the first time since Mega Man #9 :O), but I really wanted the main cover this time. I was in love with that one.

Taxman's menus are so sooo good. Absolutely nails the look that the sonic 1-2 manuals had at the time. The help section of the Sonic CD remake had the same look.

E: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0VYJiz3Dt_4

Wow! I really like the font they chose, too. Dead serious. It works well for this. It's not like the cruddy font that Square Enix likes to choose for their tablet/smartphone games.

Yeah, the percussion in this version stands out more. It's interesting. It used to blend in more. I don't think that's a bad thing, to be honest with you! Oh, you can hear more pieces to the music in the Special Stage theme, too. More things stand out. :3

That new Bioforge video is amaaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Grumble, Grumble, Hitman Absolution annoys me in various exciting ways, how about warning me which completely non suspicious looking areas are in actuality hostile areas before Agent 47 extends his big toe over the invisible line of hostility and gets instantly rumbled before he can even reel that toe back across said line?

Anyone else miss console menu ambience music? The Gamecube and PS2's were so amazing.
I hear the Wii U's isn't half bad.

It's a shame how little the Cube one was heard, only if I had to tinker with Memory Cards, the PS2's would be pleasant if it didn't just remind me of disc read errors, you knew if the the ambiance was heard for a certain amount of time that your disc had forsaken you.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Anyone else miss console menu ambience music? The Gamecube and PS2's were so amazing.
I hear the Wii U's isn't half bad.
Wii. Shop. Channel. The best.

...also, Weather Channel (day); Weather Channel (night)

Danke. More backflips for all.

EA doesn't have a single wii u game in development

reminds me of another console...
Ah, yeah, I heard about that a few weeks ago. It really doesn't surprise me, tbh.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Snowstorms are beautiful (ღ˘‿˘ღ)
Not when you had to drive into school for two hours in terrible snow / no plowing / having to dig yourself out sometimes (yes I took a shovel with me! >:|) / ice, get told you have no school, and then you have to go back through that stupid snowstorm for two hours again.

It was awful. Drove white-knuckled.



Yeah the Wii Shop Channel needs to be in elevators and supermarkets across the globe.
Nocturnowl said:
Grumble, Grumble, Hitman Absolution annoys me in various exciting ways, how about warning me which completely non suspicious looking areas are in actuality hostile areas before Agent 47 extends his big toe over the invisible line of hostility and gets instantly rumbled before he can even reel that toe back across said line?

THANK you. Number 1 complaint other than the disguise system being complete shit.
Weather Channel has nice music, even when they tell me a snowstorm is headed my way. The jazz just makes me accept my fate.

I was thinking about the music they play on the Weather Channel earlier this morning, too. Weird.

Kind of hard to be mad at the weather channel when stuff like this plays in the background.

Edit: Oh, the Wii Weather Channel. Ignore this post, then. >_>
Snowstorms are beautiful (ღ˘‿˘ღ)

When you have to drive 30 minutes to get to your job in the snow, and then leave your job early to come over and help shovel it in the early early morning hours (4 AM), you'll hate it.

Then when it rains, causing you to have to redo some work you did the night before, you'll hate that too.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
...This isn't what I wanted to wake up to. Wow. Um. Because I'm morbidly curious and/or I feel giving myself mental anguish, do... do you have any more of those?

MAPS! INSTRUCTION MANUALS. FIGURING THINGS OUT YOURSELF. Paying attention to the level design which facilitates learning how to use the mechanic which you've just obtained in order to get through similar situations because Super Metroid is designed that way. Oh my gawd, did they even pay attention?

When I was young I used to keep notes. Notebooks of math, maps, dialogue, move lists, spell lists, passwords, cooooodes, mechanic summaries, stats, miniguides for optimal paths, max/min stats, writin' out potential strategies and seeing whether they worked or not, speed run times, etc. Arrrrgh.

And this was before GameFAQs, and learning how to use Internet. Shit, I had a modem and I couldn't go on the Internet all the time cuz I would've kicked someone off of the land line. And when I was young, we used to have dial-up sounds which sounded awesome. Then you got these dang AOL disks in the mail and you didn't know what to do with 'em half the time because they always came in the mail. And floppy disks! Remember those?! I still have a bunch of 'em with Corel WordPerfect documents of typed-up strategies and graphs. I still have a folder on my external hard drive with a bunch of walkthroughs and stuff I've transferred from those old notebooks if I didn't have the stuff already memorized.

*continues to ramble on and on*

Essentially, what happened to experimenting with the game mechanics and learning things for yourself? What happened to paying attention to the level design and discerning for yourself how to do something in-game? What happened to writing things down?

Noob bridge is going to absolutely destroy those poor souls.

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