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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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IIRC Planet Wisp is a lot easier the second time around, if only because you're more aware of just how long it's gonna be, and when things will end.


I was like 10 so that's why I could.

The same, but..

When a game good or bad , makes me think of ways to improve, or ways it has improved on something, or why its good or bad. That game effected me, it was successful.

A game is really bad when the only improvement I can think of, is making it another game that already exists because I rather be playing that.

That is how I felt about DmC, that game was at best average. But my thoughts on how to improve it amounted to

" you know what would make this game better, devil may cry 4"

and for heroes

" you know what would make this game better sonic adventure 2"


There's no salvaging Heroes. Like '06, it is shit at the genetic level, and fixing everything that's wrong with it entails making a completely different game.


After Mega Man comes....Pirates! Looks like a sequel to both "Sonic Rush Adventure" and the "Team Treasure Tango" story arc. I bet Captain Whiskers and Johnny show up.

Bean and Marine as written by Yardley? He's got big shoes to fill.

Good times, though, I've wanted them to get back to that world for a proper story for a while now.
I think I got over 100 emblems in Heroes, that was my limit though, I could never do such things again, I doubt i'd ever get as far as the final story again these days, Heroes ain't got much going for it and i'm no longer willing to tolerate it outside of playing Ocean Palace over and over, best music, best stage before the game slides downhill at an alarming rate.
But if we're talking 100% completion of 3D Sonic games excluding S ranks I did Colours and Generations, and I did the whole works in the GC port of Adventure, yep I even did those crummy missions which they now expect you to pay for if you buy it off a current download service, hilarious.

*Non Sonic Stuff*
So I had an unusual turn of events to combat my recently waning willpower to actually play anything at all, I was given an inspired kick up the arse by virtue of some clumsy gardeners on Monday who decided that taking out stumps wasn't enough, they had to take out the phone line as well. So with the absence of internet for a brief period I was actually able to focus on getting through some of these games and as of a few hours ago I knocked off The Last Story from the backlog, I am reborn and rejuvenated.

So The Last Story in itself is a pretty decent game for the most part, like the bizarre cross between JRPG stylings and a third person action game yet not feeling truly like one of the other. The game feels like it was being a bit too ambitious for its console of choice, the Wii judders along trying to pull off a vision that seems more fit for one of the HD twins, usually when someone says a game would've been better elsewhere for the wii it tends to involve waggle or online, funnily enough this is one of the few titles I did play on the console that I do think would've benefited further from being on the HD twins and it wasn't the usual suspects that caused me to think this. The framerate can jump all over the place at times and the visuals walk this line between looking pretty nice and the land of grim textures, usually that stuff doesn't bother me but this was a rare occasion of such things kind of irking me, effectively the game runs like arse sometimes which drags down the whole experience.

Issues with how it runs aside Last Story did some streamlining of the JRPG formula, particularly beneficial to me was the lack of true grinding (and if you did need it you could summon chump monsters at certain spots and drown in exp within a very short space of time) and a run time clocking in around 20 hours, I wish others in the genre would take these notes sometimes (but not all the time of course).
The battle system i'm not so sure on how to rate, the word clusterfuck seems appropriate, at times it feels smart, at times random and occasionally a mess. Gears of Swords is like an alt name you could give this game, chest high walls everywhere that are part and parcel of your success, except here we've swapped out whack a mole shoot outs with suddenly lunging out from walls with elongated sword swipes. Then you've got these tactical plans in certain fights which aren't so much tactics as "you will do this or you will probably die", knock over the pillar or use specifically this move at this time, it's certainly one way of doing things but sometimes it feels like you're waiting for your chatty comrades to tell you how to actually beat certain bosses and what not. Well I could be here all day banging on about this battle system, it's unique and kind of cool yet unpolished, but i'm always rooting for real time battles unless they go completely wrong.

The plot makes no real efforts to remove itself from JRPG land, the main characters however while sticking to some standard tropes feel a damn sight more refreshing than most, I could contribute that to glorious British voice acting or the fact that your party isn't made up of kids for a change, either way I enjoyed them, except Zael who suffers from boring main character syndrome, greatly outshone by all those around him. Though the game often throws certain party members out of the equation for long periods of time, the first half of the game Lowell seemed to draw the short straw and then Yurick in the second half.
Heading back to the plot, one of the games main twists seems like a swerve for the sake of a swerve...
*super duper spoilers*
Dagran was a villain all along! sort of, maybe, i'm not sure, the twist isn't fully realised at all and comes off incredibly half baked, especially when the ending itself is all like lets respect the hell out of Dead Dagran, looks like Ganondorf finally got the main boss role hijacked from him!...wait that wasn't Ganondorf? Gurackandorf then?
Well the plot isn't really much to write home about in general, i'm fine with it being the last story from this lot, ho,ho! Chapter progressions can have wonky pacing where you'll go through a lot of walking and talking with only a few punch ups in between, things could've been better on that front.

I'd like to say something about the music but outside of a few late game boss themes there's not much to talk about here, they went for the fade into the background approach for this outing. Even though it has a short duration by JRPG standards it still managed to fall into that old trap of filling up the back end of the game in that "you mean it's still not over yet?!" kind of way, just how many times can one party get broken up and then return to heroically save each other in one game? as it turns out, a lot.
But i'm glad I went back to finish it as I enjoyed it most of the time, it's not exactly a must play but its a different take on the genre that favoured streamlining things over depth so enjoyment per person will definitely vary, now begone from my backlog, that's one story down but it sure as hell ain't my last...ha,ha...yeah I went to that well once too often.
*End of Non Sonic Stuff*

No Sonic news since I took my roughly 2 and a half days forced internet sabbatical? I was hoping to return to a world of crazy rumours and all that.
That Sonic pirate cover looks dope, I'm a sucker for pirates...some of my favorite games had mainly pirate enemies or a pirate overall theme.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Y'know, I should really get started on Pandora's Tower or continue on with Fortune Street.

What would qualify as officially "beating" Fortune Street, anyway?

IIRC Planet Wisp is a lot easier the second time around, if only because you're more aware of just how long it's gonna be, and when things will end.
Yup. And you're more accustomed to trying to get to the better routes, so it isn't as bad on subsequent times.

Ahhhh, The Last Story! Noi's been playing it as well. He's... not enjoying it much. Haha. I liked it, though. I feel like it has more character than some of the other RPGs I'd played that year. I do like many of the mechanics and skills you get in the game, but you don't really need to use them because the balancing in the game is just off. The plot was eh, but I liked the characters enough. The voice acting was better than Xenoblade's.

I don't like the look of it either. Framerate, bloom, lack of colour, etc. And the soundtrack is one of Uematsu's lower-end albums outside of Toberu Mono, which stands out from the rest of the music on the soundtrack.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's because it doesn't completely feel like a lengthy and hard RPG, right?




The Sonic 1 iOS update is now available for the "International" Version!







The US version should update soon, I guess? Sonic's such an old game that it was released on iOS as "international version" and "US version".

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
TimmiT has some neat screens if you check his twitter feed out.

My question is whether or not this is coming to Android because I'd like to play it.
I can't wait to fly around Marble Zone as Tails, what a thrill it will be to take off in those tight tunnels and achieve nothing /Marble Zone Hate.

I agree, Nocturnowl.
I hope we see a sequel on Wii U or something, maybe then it can use better use of better-ish hardware.
A wouldn't be opposed to a spiritual successor one day, it'd be nice to have an improved version of that battle system where characters have more than like 3 moves, they're worse than Beef's beloved Cena!

Ahhhh, The Last Story! Noi's been playing it as well. He's... not enjoying it much. Haha. I liked it, though. I feel like it has more character than some of the other RPGs I'd played that year. I do like many of the mechanics and skills you get in the game, but you don't really need to use them because the balancing in the game is just off. The plot was eh, but I liked the characters enough. The voice acting was better than Xenoblade's.

I don't like the look of it either. Framerate, bloom, lack of colour, etc. And the soundtrack is one of Uematsu's lower-end albums outside of Toberu Mono, which stands out from the rest of the music on the soundtrack.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's because it doesn't completely feel like a lengthy and hard RPG, right?
The difficulty curve is kind of whack, the line between everyone dropping like dominoes or stomping all over the opposition with ease can seem very thin indeed in some cases whether it's to do with levels or how you approach the enemy, I should add that the frequent checkpoints and save spots get all of my love.

So are you saying that I enjoyed it because it's like the Casual JRPG? because you'd likely be right. Meanwhile my handheld task falls on the other side of the fence on the duration, I think i'm getting into the swing of things regarding Persona 3 but I don't think i'll be able to outright power through it with its supposed length or else i'll probably get apathy syndrome myself, still progress is being made.
Time for another console game, I either tear through the rest of Hitman Absolution or I prepare myself for more Tales of Tropes.

Oh and while my knowledge of it is limited I don't think Fortune Street is a game that can be strictly beat, but it has this theme which to me is like the classic completion theme, if you've heard it then you must've beaten it, flawless logic.
I can't wait to fly around Marble Zone as Tails, what a thrill it will be to take off in those tight tunnels and achieve nothing /Marble Zone Hate.

Or relive the experience of slowly waiting for blocks to move in Spring Yard Zone, but this time as Knuckles! Whoa /SpringYardZoneHate



i wish i knew what sonic1sonic/mariotehplumbers current youtube account was, i'd love to see what he thinks about Tails and Knuckles being in the magestic Sonic 1 Sonic the Hedgehog game.
Or relive the experience of slowly waiting for blocks to move in Spring Yard Zone, but this time as Knuckles! Whoa /SpringYardZoneHate


We're on the same page here my man, what a boon it was to Sonic 4 when they brought those blocks back, only Sonic 4 could think to bring back such a platforming piece presumably believing that it was a good thing to revisit.

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Sonic 4 did that? I honestly forgot about that. Was it in Casino Street?

Oh and that reminds me, I love that SEGA thought it was a good idea to bring back those stupid Metropolis enemies. Thanks SEGA
Sonic 4 did that? I honestly forgot about that. Was it in Casino Street?

Oh and that reminds me, I love that SEGA thought it was a good idea to bring back those stupid Metropolis enemies. Thanks SEGA
Yeah, Casino Street was the ticket to tedium.

The starfish?

And the mantis, and the crabs, but the starfish will always be the one true terror.
Though I have to say, i've never been as against Metropolis as others seem to be, i'd sooner go through those three acts than the stuff afterwards.

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I think the Starfish are just the worst...like top five bad enemies of all time.

Interesting enough the starfish actually gives me less trouble than the other 2. It used to be the other way around when I was younger.

Gah, Metropolis would've been a fun zone if it were not for them. I actually like the level design and the music... but the enemies :<


Monkey Watch ain't shit

But seriously, why the fuck does my Perfect get ruined after the song's over? Fuck that shit




The Sonic 1 iOS update is now available for the "International" Version!







The US version should update soon, I guess? Sonic's such an old game that it was released on iOS as "international version" and "US version".

Gonna see if iTunes has updated when I get back home, and I like how Knuckles and Tails are playable...just like that fanmade GBA fan-fix of Sonic 1 GBA.


Yeah, don't mind me, just doing my usual "don't get excited too soon" thing

At the same time, we don't really have much of anything to go on, so it very well could be :p


Sonic Lost Worlds sounds like a story heavy iizuka-san game

i guess my glass breaking really was a bad omen(depending on how you see story heavy sonic games), i forgot who said that, lol but someone said that.

hunnid p, lost worlds, knuckles, echidna's

awwww yeaaaah

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Apparently the rings also have an increased frame count, like the Sonic CD port. Such smooth rotation ahhhhh <3

Yep, I've just noticed that. I guess there is some minor sprite updates after all! :D

EDIT: I'm not very used to touch controls. It's very playable but my thumb is kind of hurting a bit. This is a great port, by the way. Seriously, sooo good.
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