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My question is, though, whether or not Infinite gave this indication that it could have been more open for the player to explore at his/her own leisure. Considering many people wanted it to be a more open affair because the world itself is seems to be more intriguing than the combat or how the overall game structure led it to be, I have to wonder if there were inklings for the player to explore at his/her own pace. My assumption is that there are enough NPC characters for the player to want to interact with and learn more about the social structure of the world yet he/she cannot. My sense is that it's a world that's rather familiar to the player, but at the same time, it's fictional and discrepant with respect to the player's initial thoughts about the world. Hence why the player would want to explore the world in-depth... because it's an alternate version of his/her own world.

With respect to the combat, ah. I heard that it gets much easier with respect to the fact that you know which skills to use more and which ones not to use.

As for your last bit, my my that sounds a lot like another game I played where the pacing was a little jarring for one chapter of it. It was something I didn't appreciate at all. The area that I was in became more like a setpiece as opposed to an actual thing that I could genuinely interact with. It completely destroyed my sense of immersion, or at least, what little chances I'd wanted to interact with the area. It's such a shame that it seems to be a bit of a 'thing' for some games this generation.
Well I think overall it's harder for me to deduce this one, I already had knowledge going in on just how this game was structured, in general the setting really does lend itself to some potential open world related exploits, those sky rails alone could have been a way to travel between locations. Areas like Battlsehip Bay and the numerous shops you can enter and proceed to do nothing in while silent NPCs stare right through you do kind of make you think that yes much more could have been done with all this. But as I said my mind had already settled on a take it for what it is approach when I started it up so you'd probably get a stronger answer from someone who went in from Day 1.
I'll tell you that my immersion was completely ruined at one point when I saw a sandcastle on the beach, gleefully approached with the intention of having it crumble in my wake only for me to end up standing on top of it like it were a small stone sculpture. As well as that I tried blasting windows to bits, walloping statues with skyhooks hoping for the heads to topple off but got nothing, it's a shame, it all looks lovely but at the same time it's all so stiff and fixed in place, it misses that final important mark on the attention to detail checklist.

This is kind of why I pay little mind to review threads now, just because of the way reviews are generally treated (sometimes it feels like how some people feel about them lacks overall consistency). It's part of the reason why I dislike giving scores to games in the first place. Depending on the score scale you use (and we've all seen that picture of regular review scores vs the modern game score scale), everyone will feel differently about that number in general without paying attention to the review text. You know, the thing that people took a few hours to type up with respect to why the knocked the game's score down a few points. Sometimes the reasons can be a little silly, but many of the times, it's easily understood.

I'd heard that the OP was considering not linking a certain site's review at all based on its score or based on the fact that it was that particular site or something and people lauding it, which is downright silly and ridiculous.

At the end of the day, though, what I do is that I wait for my friends or people whose opinions I put a lot of stock into on GAF to deliver impressions, especially since generally whatever they like, I will like. There are certain people whose platformer impressions I will take more note of, some people whose RPG impressions I will pay more attention to than others, etc.
Trusted Gaffer opinions are the new reviews for me, though the same goes for certain reviewers, there are those out there that i'll take the time to read even if I disagree with the scores they bolt on the end because I either tend to agree with them or at least appreciate how they explain things.

Regarding the numbers point, yes it's all too true that some will skip the content and focus only on the ending blurb and numerical value for either positive of negative reviews, often for more negative reviews the content of it goes quite a way into explaining how they reached the score conclusion but well you know, video game review scores are serious business, that high metecritic bonus wont earn itself!

And I finished up my Tales of Graces write up and it's kinda big, to the point that i'll feel odd dropping it into a big old sonic discussion.


I find that DK handles in a slightly off manner and the small screen area doesn't mesh that well with DK's huge sprite, then you've got the save system and a bunch of other small niggles, this is one of the DK games i'm not much of a fan of.

I think Donkey Kong Land is one of those games where I feel, you know, that I should like DKC2 more and that it's easier to control, but for some reason I just find more enjoyment out of Land.
I think Donkey Kong Land is one of those games where I feel, you know, that I should like DKC2 more and that it's easier to control, but for some reason I just find more enjoyment out of Land.

I know that feeling in regard to some game series, I sort of understand.
Now I just need to remember which game inspires such thoughts.
Don't buy Remember Me. Holy fuck is it boring.

It looked bad from the very beginning, I don't know who told you different!

Some Gaffers were talking about buying it "just to support femal main characters" or some stupid shit.

Muh fuckas don't realize all they are doing is supporting bad games.
Oh my goodness I laugh my ass off every time I revisit that Sonic fragrance thread. Those images. Those reactions.

I brought up bad memories didn't I?
Drinking potion based beverages? not in this post, it's all about gels here in Tales land, I assume it's like jelly or something.

Tales of Graces F (The F stands for friendship, not future)

It’s been a long journey to reach this point, what started as a wii game that I kept an eye on but was left in Japan in its original form, it then got an enhanced PS3 port and the odds of it actually making it over possibly increased, then after a long load of nothing Namco suddenly decided that the idea of localizing more Tales games was one that could work and all of a sudden we’re now at a point where localizations for the bigger entries don’t feel so doubtful these days even for PAL regions, unfortunately in the time it took to reach this point any interest I once had in Graces had waned.
So I wasn’t there day 1 for Graces, it took a small price drop before I turned up to this party, at this point a general reception for the game had accumulated which seemed to boil down to “cool battle system and accompanying mechanics, shitty everything else!”.

Now I’ll get more onto that point in a minute but first this reception raises an interesting point regarding the JRPG genre, while gameplay first is something many of us like to hold as the gold standard when it comes to video games the JRPG genre itself is a bit of a rogue, it plays by its own rules. When you’ve got a genre with the overall play time shooting off into the far flung distance often using its narrative as both the reason for its length and also one of the central hooks to keep the player engaged I have to wonder just how important it is to the enjoyment of the game itself. A great battle system can keep attention of course but taking say 40 hours into account here is asking an awful lot from the battle system alone to not fall into mass repetition. Graces feels like a shining example of this little role playing game dilemma, glancing at some Gaf threads on the topic it’s both been viewed as one of the best of its series and one of the worst (of course you know there’s that vintage GAF hyperbole to take into account here) yet I’d say that from what I’ve seen at least the negative folk tend to outweigh the rest (once again that’s like a thing on the internet in general but I figure you get the picture here, reception is skewed). So like many things that have such divergent opinions the answer I have lies somewhere in between.

Plot stuff
So to kick things off Graces uses a setup for its core plot that involves playing as the kid versions of most of the main party members, I actually found that this was a pretty nice way to set things up, instead of just being told about a characters past that no doubt greatly effects their future decisions I get to experience it first hand, now it’s actually been a while since I played this part so I can’t remember too much, as it’s still early days the games various systems are of course limited, there’s a lot of setup in place so there’s a lot of talking to accommodate that, so this is to say it’s not an opening that’s going to blast you into the game at any rate but I was pretty cool with it, playing as a bunch of brats could easily have been ten times more insufferable than it actually was so yippee, even so it takes a while to get going.
The core focal point of Graces characters, its plot from the opening to its ending is pretty much fuck yeah FRIENDSHIP! Friendship is the ultimate superpower that overcomes all odds, so how you feel about this angle determines just how well you’ll likely take the plot progression in this game, your Tales of Tropes has never been more tropey. If I were to touch upon the plot as a whole I’d say it was pretty inoffensive, it lacks much intrigue to keep you wondering how it all plays out, however I don’t find it as insufferable as others seem to, it’s a Tales game so I figure that I know what I’m getting myself into, these games practically run on a formula that you can trace through various entries no matter which Tales team is in charge, for example
you get the idea, it’s Tales doing Tales stuff, some just do it better than others.

So really the main crime Graces commits in its world building, characters and overall plot are simply being the same old stuff that you’ll have seen before in other Tales games and in my case having played Vesperia I’ve seen it all done a hell of a lot better in these departments. What one could also consider here is the market the tales plots are aimed at to begin with, I’m 22 so yeah maybe this stuff isn’t quite my cup of tea at this point, yet I totally lapped up Symphonia back in the day so there we go. Regardless it’s time to poke at the main set of characters just because…

Asbell the disco knight

Yo check out those duds, groovy man, ah Asbell wears an interesting getup compared to the other knights, it’s mainly those flares but I can dig it, sort of. Anyway Asbell is our typically typical protagonist who doesn’t stand out as much as the rest, he’s all about the power of friendship and being naively optimistic in the face of uncertainty and all that. I never really found him outright bad outside of two moments,
raging at Sophie for considering self sacrifice as it was the only option they actually had, DO YOU DOUBT MY POWER OF FRIENDSHIP WOMAN?! And then there was the whole ending itself with Lambda which was just too much cheese for me
, otherwise he’s just bland really.

Sophie of the many tropes
With Sophie it’s not so much a case of “you’ll want to protect her” and more of she wants to protect you, ho, ho! but no that is one of her defining traits. Memory loss, a lack of understanding human emotions and all that jazz, for what it’s worth this can make for some entertaining bits of silly dialogue. Her attire does well to set up that she’s different from everyone else but why the hell
would you make a robo assassin to take down such a monstrous threat look like a little pig tailed girl? Is it just funnier that way when they accomplish their task? Insult to injury, you got owned by a widdle gurl?
Anyway she’s okay, I could have seen this character going a lot worse than she did.

Cheria the obligatory mage and not much else

Talk about playing it safe, Cheria is just kind of boring in every way from where I’m standing, whether in battle or in cutscenes she does what you’d probably expect her to do, well she has a nicely designed dress at least? Yeah that’s all I’ve got. Oh she totally crushes on Asbel and stuff, so yeah, expected.

Hubert of the name that works better when he's a kid

Hubert takes advantage of the whole time skip process rather well, both visually and how his actual character changes, from a short and meek red cheeked kid to GROUCH, a tall grouch coming to think of it, he seems to draw a bit of a short straw regarding any further progress though arriving back later than other characters. I rarely used him in battle so he also got the short straw within my own team as well.

Peculiar Prince Richard
“hey guys I think something’s wrong with Richard, his eyes just like changed shape completely and he’s now glowering at us, laughing maniacally and generally being kind of a dick, he was fine just a few moments ago before he collapsed in scream filled agony, I wonder what’s wrong? oh well”
The power of friendship may be strong but fuck me is Asbel stupid, with helpful friendship like this no wonder Richard begins to take a bit of a turn.

Pascal the player of shot cube

Far and away my favourite character of the bunch, Pascal runs off the eccentric genius character type and she completely owns it, her voice actress nails it in a way that I have to applaud, she deals with science speak by babbling about bananas both figuratively and sometimes literally as well as making silly sound effects, it’s like she exists in her own vacuum away from the rest of the characters and her complete quirkiness just works, the best thing about this games dialogue and also a handy solution to any plot related issue that involves having to work out a problem, Pascal just knows so we can quickly move on with our lives and she'll solve the problem with a little ker-plunk and a doo dad or something equally as vague.

OLD MAN Malick
For once being the old man sounds about right at the age of 40, knocking on deaths door in Tales land, he’s typical of this type, has a regretful past that he can only overcome mentally because the power of youth have yet to have their spirits crushed by harsh reality. Also he’s voiced by Jamieson Price so he automatically gets a pass. He seems to have a lot of fun making the odd innuendo like statement at the expense of other characters, I shouldn’t find it as funny as I do “heh”.

So this mob carry the story, while they can be overly plain during central story scenes (except Pascal who is just plain crazy) it’s the skits and little side stuff that makes them shine, the cast seem to exist on two different levels, blandly basic for the main plot and barmy bonkers for the rest, it almost creates a disconnect at times, Asbel hamming it up post battle, Sophie turning her lack of simple understanding into refreshing comic relief, everyone has like a split personality emerging in the aftermath of a victory or when discussing the finer points of a nearby fruit tree, I can’t call these guys outright bad characters because I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy them when moved aside from the ho-hum story. This all culminates in the sidequest that has them participate in a fairy tale play, there are times when I feel the need to skip cutscenes yet this event was not one of them.
To use tales series comparisons they’re above the dreck of Abyss but still a ways below that of Vesperia, Pascal is the exception, she gets a seat at the top table.

Gameplay stuff
Right that’s enough talk about plot and characters, moving onto the actual gameplay side of things. First of all the CC stuff in place of the TP system is a thing of beauty, no more gel gobbling if you dare to make use of your more potent attacks, more variety in combat, more strategy full stop I’d say. Graces has a few tricks to avoid having the battles system fall into being a straight up mash fest, guarding to increase aura, gaining CC from well timed dodges, exploiting enemy weaknesses with the right choice of moves, I just find that it’s pretty fun to play for the most part. Factoring into your battles are the numerous sub systems in place, the eleth mixer of which you can assign various items that can activate upon conditions being met in battle like a health boost when getting creamed so you can try and turn the tide back, the various stuff in said mixer comes at a price so you have to pay and keep the mixer topped up so it can continue aiding your battles in the way that you choose to, it’s a nice bit of customization that you can tailor to your playstyle or needs.
Then you’ve got the titles, in the other Tales games I’ve played this was mostly useless yet here they form the core of your characters progression, you earn titles with each one having 5 ranks and a “mastery” status, each title offers a few stat related changes when used and these I think increase if you go as far as mastery, each star rank is worth a more notable upgrade from increasing attack power, learning a new arte or beefing up your older ones in various ways. This gives you some freedom as to how you progress your characters stats and moves, leaping across titles filling in the ranks to power up in the order you choose, I like it though sometimes it feels like I’m taking too many trips to the menu in order to switch titles and ponder what one to fling on next which is a bit of a flow breaker.

Of course the battle system is still flawed in ways, it can fall into confusing chaos as everyone screams out special moves while assaulted from all sides by numerous enemies, special effects everywhere, camera zooming right out, where the hell am I? why am I dying?! You know, clusterfuck stuff. Then there’s bosses which can be a cycle of stun locking them to bits in order to deal damage and then running for your life in terror when they suddenly super armour it up and start comboing your arse across the screen (hiya Kurt!), occasionally you have annoying respawning enemies to create a false sense of difficulty since the boss on its own may be considered too easy to stun lock up. And in a tales tradition that I’ve never really liked, mystic artes, the boss goes into super mode and then you leg it while your comrades brainlessly dive into the super move that outright kills everyone as you start rummaging through the bag for life bottles to begin the arduous process of getting your shit back together, bosses in general could do with feeling a bit more unique on the whole. Of course you get these super moves as well but I still don’t like it that much outside of the rule of cool that comes with characters announcing super moves complete with deliciously cheesy combat quotes and obliterating enemies in a brief flashy cutscene. Even with a solid battle system that has numerous well integrated sub mechanics it does have trouble lasting the long haul, Graces starts up the enemy pallet swapping pretty early and could really use more enemy variety, whether I’m in the early valleys or a distant land you bet there’s going to be some variety of familiar walking plant waging war upon me.

Outside of the battle system is the world itself, Graces drops the standard overworld of a giant man striding across an open map, instead you head down mostly linear like pathways and often use ships to travel around, I don’t mind this so much until you get to the whole backtracking business which is when it starts getting a bit annoying, you can shell out for transport which works like a warp but even then certain transports can only go so far, if you’re hoping to actually take the time out to explore the world and step away from the main storyline then you’ll be waiting a long time to get that freedom, though when you do get said freedom it’s actually quite spiffy to just leap from place to place with a hassle free menu system.

Dungeon design tends to lean towards being AWFUL, I mean damn there are some real stinkers here in Graces, somehow they manage to run across both ends of the awful spectrum, confusing complexes and also long linear stretches, both of which lend themselves to unclear path finding, copy/paste rooms and corridors to create more headaches and puzzles that are either not actually that bad or just plain annoying busywork. Bathus Citadel is a haven of all the worst things, rooms that look the same, a messy layout, a puzzle like mechanic that just doesn’t make much sense to me still. For an earlier example Wallbridge is just plain unclear in how it wants you to progress, doors that are left unopened because there’s voices on the other side, a search for a switch but the first switches you’ll likely find aren’t the actual switches, then after meeting certain criteria you can pull certain switches and head through those damn doors. Lastly I’ll give mention to a place that has you keep backtracking for batteries, and yes every corridor looks the same here as well. Basically Graces sometimes has me longing for the days of that damn fruit and fish puzzle in Symphonia.

Graces does do a lot to assist the player in a positive way, playing through Abyss could be a headache when it became unclear on where to head next and the synopsis proved useless, Graces just lets me press a shoulder button and bam I’ve got my next task right there in the corner and any paths, shops or buildings of note visible highlighted. Post battle tutorial tips arrive to explain each mechanic at a steady pace so that you can learn as you play and all these tips are put in the menus library which I revisited upon picking this game back up after my long hiatus to great benefit. They also detail how other characters playstyles work and with the ability to jump between characters mid battle with the d pad encourages experimentation, I rather enjoyed using Mailk every now and then and I didn’t have to keep switching stuff in the menus to do so. Sidequests get logged into their own area, enemy health bars and weaknesses don’t require me to pull out an item on each foe to discover. Failed a boss battle? Retry! Bored to tears by this cutscene talking about friendship, a skit or even standard speech bubble dialogue? Skip it! I want to shake Graces hand for actually going the extra mile to try and help the player out, some JRPGS can feel like a task to wrap ones head around (or maybe it’s just me) but Graces does a lot to help you through.

Now where is Motoi Sakuraba? I need to scold him for the miserable piss poor soundtrack, damn it Sakuraba I really digged Symphonia’s soundtrack yet ever since each tales game gets worse and worse, this here is an all time low, I’d struggle to name 5 tracks I thought were actually good and my special edition had the audacity to include a soundtrack sampler for this shit. I know you can still go, hell your main theme for Kid Icarus Uprising might have very well been my favourite track from last year, my mind was actually kind of blown when I discovered that you handled the moody Dark Souls soundtrack. Maybe you just got tired of scoring a million JRPG games, maybe they actually told you to make this music as bland as possible but I’ve really got to say, Graces has a pretty shocking soundtrack for the most part that’s offensive in its sheer blandness. Okay here’s two good points, the plinky plonky kid version of the battle theme is kind of neat contrasted to the typical butt rock style version later on, the end credits actually sounded like someone gave a damn even though it was a remix of the sort of ear worming opening of engrishy J pop. Otherwise this is complete cack.

So throwing this all into my eleth mixer leaves me with an interesting result, it’s a pretty solid JRPG on the whole that trades off overall quality in most supplementary areas but has a strong battle system to counteract this. The nature of the genre, or at least how I tend to view it makes it hard for me to say that the game is great based purely on the strength of its various systems when that which surrounds it could be improved. The thing is this makes me now feel like I’m one of those guys in the NSMB threads who apparently gives zero fucks about level design and actual platforming and is more concerned with how pretty the backgrounds look, I don’t want it to be this way! Yet here I am.
Vesperia is still my man when it comes to this series, Symphonia has a nostalgic clutch over me but Graces even with its faults is a game that can at least sit alongside them and I wont complain, it avoids the doghouse of shame that Abyss resides in, not sure where I put Symphonia 2, well Graces is certainly better than that one as well.
So since these tales teams used to be one big team can’t we just get these guys to handle the games battle and sub systems while team Symphonia tackle world building, plot and characters?
Or maybe they can throw in more shot cube because I found that minigame oddly enthralling.

Side note: I've yet to start the extra post game content, oh and there's probably many missed typos in here.
Okay, that was long, even for me, to the point i'm knackered, need sleep...


Wow, the final boss of Sonic 4 Ep1 is even more underwhelming than the rest of the game. You'd think with so many recycled enemies, bosses, and obstacles they'd at least try something different once for the final boss, but no. This whole game is just Sonic 2 developed by a B-tier developer at best. It's completely pointless.

And with that, my new games just came in the mail. I really shouldn't do this.


Threw Sonic '06 in there so it would feel at home.
Your formatting skills could use some work, Nocturnowl. I enjoy your posts a lot, but long-form writing can be a bit tricky to read when paragraphing is inconsistent, and it can be pretty exhausting to read.

It all reads a bit too much like stream-of-consciousness, when it really shouldn't. I've managed to not say anything until now, but dropping a massive post like that compels me to say something. Hope you don't take that the wrong way.


Wow, the final boss of Sonic 4 Ep1 is even more underwhelming than the rest of the game. You'd think with so many recycled enemies, bosses, and obstacles they'd at least try something different once for the final boss, but no. This whole game is just Sonic 2 developed by a B-tier developer at best. It's completely pointless.

And with that, my new games just came in the mail. I really shouldn't do this.

Threw Sonic '06 in there so it would feel at home.

It's time for you to do what I did. UNTOUCHABLE.

I love Nocutrnowl's stream of consciousness posts. Maybe a bit too much for me to read about a Tales game, but everytime I see a post of his in my subscriptions, I get happy.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Holy guacamole, Nocturnowl! Hahaha, even I never wrote that much about Graces (I don't think; I should check). Regardless, I'm gonna have to sit down, think, and construct something in Word to post in response to that. With that said, I'm surprised that in the gameplay section you didn't pay much mind to the fluidity all of the systems have with each other in that all of them affect each other in some respect. I'll get into that when I post my response much later. I appreciate that you took the effort to put all of your thoughts to a post.

Wow. I'd just hate to follow that up with something that I haven't thought about, hence my delay in a response. With respect to your last bit, Nocturnowl, both Tales teams are now merged into one team now. You got Xillia and Xillia 2 out of that. Er. I'll get back to Xillia 2 when I feel damn well ready. I'll just tell myself to not chase the trophies this time around because they are boring as hell.

Oh, uh. I bought these at HMV today. Also, I saw Good Charlotte classified as punk rock and I died a little inside. I'm surprised having been an Oscar Peterson fan since high school, I have never ever owned one of his albums to play in the car before. And I bought a Jamiroquai album that I didn't have for the car, too.

I think it's about time I made a mix CD again. Fuck, I miss making mixtapes.


Wow, the final boss of Sonic 4 Ep1 is even more underwhelming than the rest of the game. You'd think with so many recycled enemies, bosses, and obstacles they'd at least try something different once for the final boss, but no. This whole game is just Sonic 2 developed by a B-tier developer at best. It's completely pointless.

And with that, my new games just came in the mail. I really shouldn't do this.

Threw Sonic '06 in there so it would feel at home.
ONE (two, imo) OF THOSE THINGS IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER. Hahahahahahaha!

And Sonic 4: Episode 1's final boss is gosh darn awful. I'm surprised you didn't bring up the bit when the boss explodes and unsuspecting players are caught unawares if they don't jump.

Don't buy Remember Me. Holy fuck is it boring.
Oooh, elaborate. Noi told me he thought it was boring as hell when he played it at PAX.


Don't buy Remember Me. Holy fuck is it boring.

I waited 2 hours in line to play that turd at PAX. It's 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back, the hired booth babe dressed up at the MC was the only thing worth looking at for those 2 hours.

And to think I was almost willing to write a lot of it off as "early build woes" but every piece of media afterward shows 0 improvement. Buying it on principle my ass.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
My local HMV shut down.

Wah wah.

Also, great job guys, now I feel like a dick :(
Don't. It was constructive criticism, and that's merited and acceptable. I don't say it, but I love how you all have grown over the past 2-3 years with respect to your writing skills. The practice certainly helps.

Also, did you grab the album yet, or not yet?
I don't even think the States has HMV :D

I thought that was a British thing. Their website only shows British locations. You're telling me they're in Canada, too?
My local HMV shut down.

Wah wah.

Also, great job guys, now I feel like a dick :(

HMV hasn't been a thing here for nine or so years.

It was constructive criticism, though! I'm sure everyone here would appreciate getting it every now and then.

Man, I miss record stores. Used to be a ton in NYC. HMV, Virgin, Tower Records...


It's time for you to do what I did. UNTOUCHABLE.


No, it's shameful enough that half the trophies on my PSN account are going to be Sonic trophies.

ONE (two, imo) OF THOSE THINGS IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER. Hahahahahahaha!

And Sonic 4: Episode 1's final boss is gosh darn awful. I'm surprised you didn't bring up the bit when the boss explodes and unsuspecting players are caught unawares if they don't jump.

That caught me too. I jumped, but didn't react to the homing attack indicator telling me I was supposed to attack him fast enough. I didn't care that much except the boss is so slow, easy, boring, and blatantly copied and pasted from Sonic 2.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
It's on Spotify, so I'll give it a listen tomorrow. Didn't realise it was out until yesterday, and I've been away from home.

I heard good things, though!
Yeah, the guy at HMV said it was one of the better albums of the year so far, so I'm excited to give it a full listen. Ah, I just went in just to see if they had anything neat and decided to pick it up then and there. I was going over whether or not to buy the recent JT album until I said to myself, "Man, nothing I heard from it is FS/LS material, so eh."

I don't even think the States has HMV :D

I thought that was a British thing. Their website only shows British locations. You're telling me they're in Canada, too?
Canada is a Commonwealth nation! I've also ordered a thing or two from HMV Japan before.

It... looks like it's mostly Commonwealth countries?

No, it's shameful enough that half the trophies on my PSN account are going to be Sonic trophies.

That caught me too. I jumped, but didn't react to the homing attack indicator telling me I was supposed to attack him fast enough. I didn't care that much except the boss is so slow, easy, boring, and blatantly copied and pasted from Sonic 2.
Oh yeah, the boss is completely boring. It takes a while to beat, too, which is incredibly unfortunate. But yeah, that jump at the end definitely caught me.

It shouldn't be embarrassing. It's not like you have Hannah Montana or something on your trophy list. Haha. Though this isn't half and more like... way less than half. And it doesn't include the racers or SA2 before I had to clear the fridge.


(I am not playing Sonic 4: Ep 1 again to get some of the easier trophies in it because oh lord no it's like pulling teeth for me)
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