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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
When will we poor PS3 peasants get a version of Sonic 3&K?

torphies are gr8
Of course you'd say that.

Bleh, still haven't platinumed a single game.
I'm honestly trying to get some of the ones where I have "loose ends" to finish off done. As it stands:


Not counting the platinums for Trinity Universe, Tales of Graces f JP, Cross Edge, and Tales of Xillia on my old JP account. Regardless, my list here is of no consequence, as they're all easy games to plat. Next ones should be Zero no Kiseki Evolution and Time Travelers if I actually get off my butt and do it.

I'm sure if we looked at Noi's, though... Bahahahahaha.


^ Oh man, just the time spent waiting on loading screens when you retry missions would add up to decades.

Oh yeah, the boss is completely boring. It takes a while to beat, too, which is incredibly unfortunate. But yeah, that jump at the end definitely caught me.

It shouldn't be embarrassing. It's not like you have Hannah Montana or something on your trophy list. Haha. Though this isn't half and more like... way less than half. And it doesn't include the racers or SA2 before I had to clear the fridge.


(I am not playing Sonic 4: Ep 1 again to get some of the easier trophies in it because oh lord no it's like pulling teeth for me)

Yeah, come to think of it most of the PS3 Sonic games I have aren't bad, it's the Wii/GC ones that are going to be painful.

I still feel like a dirty hooker for paying Sega for Sonic 4. Episode 2 is a bit better so far, at least there's not so much blatant recycling and the Tails moves help the game stand out a little bit more. The controls/physics still suck unfortunately.
Oooh, elaborate. Noi told me he thought it was boring as hell when he played it at PAX.

Let me tell you about this Remember Me game, right?

In the future of Neo-Paris, memories are now commodities; you can buy cool memories from retailers, take away painful ones, transfer memories to dying relatives, all sorts of shit. Sounds cool, but of course the big company that sells it, MEMORIZE, is of course a big evil conglomerate that kidnaps poor people and rebels, takes their memories with the BRAIN DRAIN and locks them up, and flushes out the ones they don't need to the streets outside the walls of the rich and privileged. Sounds pretty interesting for a premise, and the art is fantastic, but trust me; you will not care about a single character in this game. Not only is every made-up word/terminology annoying("My sensen is my choice!" "Use your S-Pressen!" "Remember you soon!"), but all the voice acting ranges from good(Nillian the main character), to just ok(half the cast), to ohgodjustshutup(most of your supporting cast, unfortunately). So much clunky dialog and weird expositional spiels, and these dreadful between chapter interludes with a lot of flowery dialog of Nillian's talking about her inner struggles with the morality of her choices(because when you can't show, just keep telling us about it). It's never funny(although it tries, especially black barkeep guy's painfully strained attempts at one-liners, "how can a man compete with a sewer full of stinking lizard brains, huh love?"), or subtle, or as interesting as it should be. I'm in chapter 5, and I couldn't tell you where I am, and I don't really care.

It's a third-person action game made in 2013 by a new company following a lotta trends. So that means you got a LOT of this handholding, no skill required platforming stuff that's just boring as hell. God of War has this, but they usually have enemies you can fight, and when Uncharted does it you usually get some snappy banter or something to go along with it, but here it's just mindless climbing everywhere. And there's so MUCH OF IT. More than any one period in Uncharted 2, let me tell ya. Worse yet, there's a yellow arrow you can't turn off that pinpoints EXACTLY where you need to jump to, every single time. I mean, sometimes in Uncharted 2 I have to figure out which ledge to jump to or how far to swing on this rope or whatever, but there's not even that. They migh as well just let me push a button and let the game start jumping around for me, that's how useless my player input seems to be.

Then there's the combat, which somehow manages the task of being too shallow AND overly complex for it's own good. There's been comparisons to the Batman Arkham games in how you fight, and well...sorta, I guess? In the Arkham games, it has a very simple system of attack, counter, gadgets, and assorted specials you can use after certain hits in a row/enough hits on the combo counter. You just point towards somebody, Batman hits 'em. And it's VERY accurate, at least with a 360 analog; I could pinpoint an armored guy in a bunched up group for a special-armor-breaking special, it'll hit 'em. You get in a rhythm between hits, counters, dodges, and what have you, and your hits feel powerful, because of the animation and the great sounds of leather rustling when you counter a blow, or the POW when a guy gets knocked out with a jump kick. It's not a system with the depth of DMC3 or Bayonetta or even Metal Gear Rising or anything, but it's very satisfying.

Remember Me is not that.

So far(chapter 5, several hours in, maybe something opens up, IDK yet but it's not a long game I hear I gotta be 3/5ths of the way there), you have these 3 immutable strings of combos: XXX, XYYXYY, and YXYXY. You can change up what each one does in the combo lab when the game gives them to you(the game is big on dictating at you when and where EXACTLY you can use abilities). Say you want XXX to do a lot of damage, you put the power Pressens(uggggh) on both the first two Xs, and then perhaps a chain Pressen at the end(which doubles the effect of the last Pressen). There are Pressens that give you health, ones that speed up the cooling abilities on your Sensens(uggggh), and again, the chaining one.

These combo strings are immutable. You can not switch them up. Once you start one, you have to complete it or it'll just reset to some other combo string. You can also only do one combo on one person. So if you do the YXY, dodge, and you try the XY finisher on another guy, it'll just reset. It's not like God of War where you can finish a combo with Triangle at any time in the standard Square button weak attacks, depending on the context of the situation and your timing; no you get three strings, and there's no deviating from them. Also, did I mention the camera gets really close in small spaces and kinda sucks at keeping an eye on everybody without you babysitting it all the time? Also, did I mention there isn't a lock-on? Also, did I mention the auto-lock on thing kinda sucks ass? So what you get is a lot of half-started combos when it's a group of three guys because you're always dodging attacks and your strings reset when you hit another guy or dodge the wrong thing. Not to mention the combo strings have to be hit like a rhythm game, so you spent most of the longer strings looking at the button input bar at the bottom instead of on the screen, praying to God you input this shit right and nobody interrupts you. And the sound effects and animations are REALLY fuckin' weak for combat. In Batman, you feel like fricken' BATMAN when you flying around the room, smacking armored guards and ninjas with your backflip kicks and gadgets and shit; in Remember Me you feel like a 12-year old girl in a slap fight. It's one-dimensional, repetitive, frustrating, stiff, and just plain bad.

The non-platforming/boring immutable strings of combat is occasionally broken up by the world's most rudimentary stealth sections or "puzzles" where you just follow the only path, hit a switch, and go about your way("GREAT JOB, NILIAN" constant voice in your head guy compliments). There's also these the memory remixes, which may be the single interesting element in the game, and it's mostly trial-and-error for the pre-determined elements the game allows you to mess with, and there's only 4 of 'em I hear, I've already played 2. "Neat" would be the word for those.

And it's got some great art, but it's REALLY linear. And you know I'm the last dude to complain about games being linear, but this shit gives FFXIII a run for it's money. Just lots and lots of pretty artwork. Your play space is so closed off and restricted and tiny, you never believe for a minute this is an actual world, despite all the nice set dressings.

This game does NOTHING well. Absolutely nothing. An interesting concept/cool female protagonist design and voice acting are not enough to save complete mediocrity.


Oh man. Sky Fortress Zone Act 1. Same crap over and over. So many long pauses where you don't have to do anything. I actually thought it was looping. Six and a half minute autoscrolling stages shouldn't be a thing in Sonic games. It honestly felt like 10 minutes to me.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Sonic 2006 achievements are some of the hardest, most time consuming achievements in existence.

Can't imagine getting S rank on the billiards. lol
Ah, there are definitely GAF members who've gotten the 100% for it. Bean's regretted doing it, haha.

Yeah, come to think of it most of the PS3 Sonic games I have aren't bad, it's the Wii/GC ones that are going to be painful.

I still feel like a dirty hooker for paying Sega for Sonic 4. Episode 2 is a bit better so far, at least there's not so much blatant recycling and the Tails moves help the game stand out a little bit more. The controls/physics still suck unfortunately.
Yeah, most of the poorer stuff is in the generation before this one, culminating in 2006. Thankfully, it's gotten better with some missteps here and there. Episode 2 isn't as bad as Episode 1, once I revisited it earlier this year. At least it "feels" better, some of the levels are... ah, whatever, you just covered it in Sky Fortress Act 1's needless stretches.

Wait until you get to qq's favourite part, though. You passed it and you're not complaining like qq. :D

And don't play Episode Metal because it's an affront to regular Sonic game design.

Let me tell you about this Remember Me game, right?
I was about to compare this to FF13 (the linearity and all of the hotshot pretentious jargon) or Ni no Kuni (the excessive handholding) in my response, actually. With that said, I don't really need to. I find stuff like this incredibly limiting, cuts off player immersion, reduces player agency, and the end result is a rather boring game somewhat limited in scope.

Noi tells me that the combo system is worse than Neptunia's, which I find hard to believe. So you don't necessarily create the combos but rather augment the end portion of it to fit your needs? That's silly. I was just saying that it's strange that Capcom developed it, considering they should know how to do combo-based gameplay right. Though, was that game outsourced? That'd explain things. It's a damned shame to hear that the combat isn't substantial and needlessly complex and incredibly limiting. I'm genuinely surprised to hear that the combos reset because it just sounds backwards, considering how different games have taken that similar system and just did it so much better.

And there isn't a damn lock-on? What. No, really. From what you're writing, it sounds like a complete visual and gameplay mess in that nothing is managed very well, and no one really took account for the player being in certain conditions where he or she cannot commit to certain aspects of battle.

(Are the animations really that bad?)

It's a shame because the premise of it sounds good, but instead, what you express sounds like absolutely wasted potential.
It's not by Capcom, it's some other company, it's their first game, some French studio. The kind of first game they probably THOUGHT was big, but is really of very small ambition and little entertainment value to be had.

I'm usually pretty easy about these things. I love UC2, so I'm not against these cinematic action game thing-a-majigs, and I even enjoyed Enslaved because of it's engaging characters and cutscenes. This one...I ask myself why I was still playing it by Ch.5, and the best thing I could muster was sheer curiosity. And even that seems to have eroded away.


Yeah, most of the poorer stuff is in the generation before this one, culminating in 2006. Thankfully, it's gotten better with some missteps here and there. Episode 2 isn't as bad as Episode 1, once I revisited it earlier this year. At least it "feels" better, some of the levels are... ah, whatever, you just covered it in Sky Fortress Act 1's needless stretches.

Wait until you get to qq's favourite part, though. You passed it and you're not complaining like qq. :D

And don't play Episode Metal because it's an affront to regular Sonic game design.

Now I'm curious, what is qq's favorite part?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Now I'm curious, what is qq's favorite part?
His favourite animal is the walrus. ;)

It's not by Capcom, it's some other company, it's their first game, some French studio. The kind of first game they probably THOUGHT was big, but is really of very small ambition and little entertainment value to be had.

I'm usually pretty easy about these things. I love UC2, so I'm not against these cinematic action game thing-a-majigs, and I even enjoyed Enslaved because of it's engaging characters and cutscenes. This one...I ask myself why I was still playing it by Ch.5, and the best thing I could muster was sheer curiosity. And even that seems to have eroded away.
Ohh, I see. I didn't realize it was outsourced. Shit, you know what? That's a major problem. I didn't even know Remember Me was coming out this week. I didn't even know anything about Remember Me outside of when it was announced. I barely know anything about the darn thing outside of what I read here. Either way, even if the game is rather unremarkable, Capcpom did a poor job of promoting it or making consumers... remember it.

Man, that emotion of feeling bored of a game that you feel is how I've felt about a lot of games since last year to the beginning of this year. All I keep asking myself is, "why bother?"

Oh yeah, I should... play UC2 sometime. >.>


It involved walruses freezing themselves.

That part wasn't that bad, IMO. I just constantly used the team up swimming move whenever I was underwater. The walruses are a bit hard to avoid, but nothing unreasonable.

I propose all future water areas control like Colors though.


I like Episode I, I don't adore it, but I find it enjoyable to pick up and play it sometimes.

With that said....Episode Metal is absolutely, positively, gosh flippin' awful. The entire thing is just deathtraps, the annoying star enemies, and spikes. It's funny because the first level is harder than the rest, but there was never a moment in Episode Metal where I had any fun at all.

Ah, there are definitely GAF members who've gotten the 100% for it. Bean's regretted doing it, haha.

I already told Bean he was insane for doing that. As stated above, the load times combined with having to repeat missions hundreds and hundreds of times, I am surprised he's still a sane individual after that.

qq more

Sonic 3 & Knuckles can't be purchased as one game?

Potential SMH if true

It never has been the case. They were always a separate game. Plus S&K alone enables you to play as Knuckles in Sonic 2 and that Blue Sphere standalone game.

I finally finished setting up Metal for Colors, I might tweak the materials a little bit before release though.

That looks great! Almost thought this was a Generations mod for a second, lol.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Passed the controller to my sister to let her have a shot at the first Metal Sonic stage. She hated it.
What kind of brother are you?! D:

I already told Bean he was insane for doing that. As stated above, the load times combined with having to repeat missions hundreds and hundreds of times, I am surprised he's still a sane individual after that.
Him? Sane? Oh, you. Hahaha.

I'm more surprised he 100%'d Gears of War 2 considering he hated it.

I finally finished setting up Metal for Colors, I might tweak the materials a little bit before release though.
Oh, hi! I didn't realize you were posting here now! I'm looking forward to seeing the final product when you release it. It looks really darn neat so far.

OMG Aero

What's the toughest achievement in Unleashed?
The hotdog missions which require you to complete each level as Sonic 9 times with increasingly lower time limits and higher number of robots to kill and rings you have to get before finishing and then complete each night level as the werehog six times with increasingly lower time limits and maximum health.
The hardest achievement is the Eggmanland one where you have to complete that level 3 times within time limits.

What makes Eggmanland the hardest one is that you cannot die on any hotdog mission, if you do you have to start the entire thing from the beginning.

qq more

The hotdog missions which require you to complete each level as Sonic 9 times with increasingly lower time limits and higher number of robots to kill and rings you have to get before finishing and then complete each night level as the werehog six times with increasingly lower time limits and maximum health.
The hardest achievement is the Eggmanland one where you have to complete that level 3 times within time limits.

What makes Eggmanland the hardest one is that you cannot die on any hotdog mission, if you do you have to start the entire thing from the beginning.
That....that sounds incredibly painful. Good job on completing that! Wow.
Your formatting skills could use some work, Nocturnowl. I enjoy your posts a lot, but long-form writing can be a bit tricky to read when paragraphing is inconsistent, and it can be pretty exhausting to read.

It all reads a bit too much like stream-of-consciousness, when it really shouldn't. I've managed to not say anything until now, but dropping a massive post like that compels me to say something. Hope you don't take that the wrong way.
I don't because it totally is like a stream of consciousness in this case especially, it's partly why I ended up with so much because it basically just dropped out of my head with little effort on my part, a deluge of thoughts flooding onto the page.
I actually almost didn't want to post it because even I was finding it a bit too messy to read through myself, but after much umming and ahhing (like a good hour of fiddling with this shit) I just figured screw it, dropped the mess and fled to the comfort of my bed aware that on this occasion the line had definitely been crossed.

Anyway i'm still working on how I present this sort of thing, really i'd like to tone them down as i've noticed that the waffling process has started getting stronger in some of these write ups as has the length, I actually prefer more succinct analysis myself but that in itself is also a tricky task to master, well for me at least.

I love Nocutrnowl's stream of consciousness posts. Maybe a bit too much for me to read about a Tales game, but everytime I see a post of his in my subscriptions, I get happy.
My mind leaks rainbows and sunshine, of course you get happy.

Hey remember that thread the other month where everyone merely listed their favourite games and then you just rolled in shaming them all with your actual explanations? it was a sight to see.
And Remember Me sounds a shitty as expected, planned to steer clear anyway but now i'm sure to keep away, such is my trust in you JC.

Holy guacamole, Nocturnowl! Hahaha, even I never wrote that much about Graces (I don't think; I should check). Regardless, I'm gonna have to sit down, think, and construct something in Word to post in response to that. With that said, I'm surprised that in the gameplay section you didn't pay much mind to the fluidity all of the systems have with each other in that all of them affect each other in some respect. I'll get into that when I post my response much later. I appreciate that you took the effort to put all of your thoughts to a post.

Wow. I'd just hate to follow that up with something that I haven't thought about, hence my delay in a response. With respect to your last bit, Nocturnowl, both Tales teams are now merged into one team now. You got Xillia and Xillia 2 out of that. Er. I'll get back to Xillia 2 when I feel damn well ready. I'll just tell myself to not chase the trophies this time around because they are boring as hell.
Well you don't tend to factor in the astounding plotlines that are ripe for picking at, I feel like when the time comes i'm going to get knowledge based bombs dropped on me as I discover that I was doing the bare minimum with the systems in place.

The Tales Teams are back together? well that's interesting though as of right now Xillia just doesn't do much to grab my attention for whatever reason, ever since it was revealed I've just not really given much of a damn about and I can't pinpoint why outside of franchise fatigue maybe.
Of course what I actually mean is your dangerous opinions on such matters have deterred me and others from even touching it, good job killing the localisations Schala!

My local HMV shut down.

Wah wah.

Also, great job guys, now I feel like a dick :(
That makes two of us, the HMV thing, not the feeling like a dick thing, but you don't need to feel that way either.

Oh man. Sky Fortress Zone Act 1. Same crap over and over. So many long pauses where you don't have to do anything. I actually thought it was looping. Six and a half minute autoscrolling stages shouldn't be a thing in Sonic games. It honestly felt like 10 minutes to me.
I actually blanked this stage from my mind because it was so freaking bad, i've only ever played it once and I have no plans to ever touch it again.
As i've said before with Episode 2 consider the following, you'll probably have spent more time fighting bosses and playing Sky Chase Act 1 than you have playing the rest of the game.
HEY i'm actually talking about Sonic for once, it's not positively but it's something.

qq more

ugh Sky Fortress Act 1... that was a horrible stage. Fortunately Acts 2 and 3 were decent enough. (The boss fight was awful though)


I actually blanked this stage from my mind because it was so freaking bad, i've only ever played it once and I have no plans to ever touch it again.
As i've said before with Episode 2 consider the following, you'll probably have spent more time fighting bosses and playing Sky Chase Act 1 than you have playing the rest of the game.
HEY i'm actually talking about Sonic for once, it's not positively but it's something.

I'm honestly not sure which game has worse boss fights. Episode 1 just has offensively lazy copy/pastes from Sonic 1 and 2, to the point where, with so many stage elements and ideas being rehashed, I feel it's misleading to call it a new game instead of some kind of remix/remake. On the other hand, some of Episode 2's boss fights are so boring and slow they're a huge drag on the game.

The less said about Episode 2 and the more said about good Sonic games, the better.

Welp, Sonic Heroes is next, so I'll see myself out. lol
I don't because it totally is like a stream of consciousness in this case especially, it's partly why I ended up with so much because it basically just dropped out of my head with little effort on my part, a deluge of thoughts flooding onto the page.
I actually almost didn't want to post it because even I was finding it a bit too messy to read through myself, but after much umming and ahhing (like a good hour of fiddling with this shit) I just figured screw it, dropped the mess and fled to the comfort of my bed aware that on this occasion the line had definitely been crossed.

Anyway i'm still working on how I present this sort of thing, really i'd like to tone them down as i've noticed that the waffling process has started getting stronger in some of these write ups as has the length, I actually prefer more succinct analysis myself but that in itself is also a tricky task to master, well for me at least.

Ah right, fair enough then. I'd feel bad if I made you start spending even more than an hour on this sorta stuff. So long as I'm not just being picky.

And yeah, it was pretty late. Should have waited until morning!
Technically the hardest achievement in Sonic Unleashed is the "eat everything" one because it counts hotdog missions

So in addition to going to every shop and eating one of everything, you have to beat all hotdog missions and eat all of that stuff, too

And I think there might be one or two things Wentos sells that you can't get anywhere else, so you have to make sure to visit him every single time you see him and buy up all of his food just to make sure
I'm honestly not sure which game has worse boss fights. Episode 1 just has offensively lazy copy/pastes from Sonic 1 and 2, to the point where, with so many stage elements and ideas being rehashed, I feel it's misleading to call it a new game instead of some kind of remix/remake. On the other hand, some of Episode 2's boss fights are so boring and slow they're a huge drag on the game.
It's actually quite a task to figure out what one is truly worse, ideally I like bosses to be over with as fast as possible so I can get back to the actual game, with this in mind Episode 2 is that much more annoying for me, when I died at the very last part of the oil desert boss there was only the strongest feeling of loathing remaining in my being, to add to this how awful must your boss design be for the game to require a flippin' giant screen in the background showing you what you actually need to do for the last hit because it'd be too cryptic otherwise, and I still died because it was silly.

Episode 1 does have that stupid Eggman bouncing ball boss where the solution seemed to be spam the failed homing attack motion to close the gap and hope that the balls don't crush you, the one new boss they made if i'm not mistaken and it was worse than all the rest, well except maybe the final boss and its troll finish.

Welp, Sonic Heroes is next, so I'll see myself out. lol
No, you must stay and regale us with your tales from Heroes so I can witness you likely go from "this ain't so bad" to "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!"

Ah right, fair enough then. I'd feel bad if I made you start spending even more than an hour on this sorta stuff. So long as I'm not just being picky.

And yeah, it was pretty late. Should have waited until morning!
I'm noticing a correlation between typing up a lot of stuff and actually getting sleepy, since I have trouble falling asleep you can all prepare yourself for a nightly round of WORDS so I can start getting some beauty sleep.
Tonight: Sonic fanfiction made up as I go along, sure the rest of you will get nightmares but i'm willing to take this chance.
it's a joke Sonic GAF, please don't banish me
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